Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

[BAZINGA] edition

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First for Tau suits
Forge World article mentions an index full of suits, nothing about aux aliens

This thread is now to be consumed by the Hive Fleets!

No, damn it combined arms looked to be coming back.
I liked some suits as the deep strikers to support combined arms, but fuck this all giant suit shit.

Just getting started, love the fluff of the fallen and they should be easy enough to not fuck up painting. Anything wrong with this list or should I be set for casual games? open to any suggestions

shitsters of basshole

Would like a legit rate for my list, please.

Fun? Underpowered? Lacking in an area or multiple?

Blood Angels or Grey Knights in 8th? Which would you play and why?

Picture related triggers autistic people.

The day has come, friendos! In a few hours stores will open here and the new edition will be avsilable.

Are you excited for your new Death Guard?
Pumped to prime your pristine primaris?
Or just gonna let it go past because we've had the new rules, point costs etc for long enough that the whole big wait for release feels like a bland joke?


first for just ruining the shit out of every single horde spammer I see on opening day

but then not seeing any because nobody would bring a retarded Veeky Forums meme to a real store

Seems alright if a little light on ML support. Only real issue is 4 detachments, 3 is limit m8

Excited about the most boring aspect of 40k? Marines and Chaos marines.
Maybe if I was 9 and haven't been playing 40k for more than two decades.

Is this what old feels like?

80s as fuck!

I'd post that one white dwarf cover with the guy that looks like jontron but I don't have it.

I'll tell ya what I want. I want the rules for all my forge world Guard units.

Seems a bit low in MLs and anti-heavy shit. Expect some heavy stuff at 2k
Are Krootox even any good?

I just want to know if my sweet Repressor will have rules.

What do you do when you need to purge and entire city and only have Civilian riot control vehicle?
Well you replace the water cannon with a Heavy Flamer and the rubber bullet gun with a Storm Bolter.

Wait seriously, 3 detachments max? Where is that written?
Well, MLs ain't that big of a deal in 8th. Got one on each Strike team, 2 per stealthteam with a drone controller and 7 pathfinders using them.. push comes to shove the fireblade can do it too. That really too low?

I'll give you the anti-heavy shit though, that's been my greatest concern for ages. hard to get heavy stuff that I both like aesthetically AND fits my fluff.

I'm not sure they are, but this is a test list, my first Tau game in 8th. Giving all kroot units a whirl. I'm expecting disappointment.

in the rulebook you fucking retard

read the fucking rules, idiot

God damn CLOWNS

if you really want to play fallen exclusively, variations of this is pretty much your only list

>water cannon
>rubber bullets

The riot control spec was probably heavy flamer and heavy stubber.

I know indexes are leaked, but are the official epubs leaked yet?

It's in the Organized Play box in the BRB. It's a suggestion for tournaments, not a requirement.

Compared to Intercessors, Sterns have one more AP but one less wound and attack. Are they even worth the Elite slot?

I dunno that they're available anywhere yet.
It's 7am Aust Eastern, just gone 9am Kiwi. I imagine they'd have release lined up with stores opening, which would have given 5 mins in Kiwiland, if they're super on the ball.

I'd fight it.

I mean, they use automatic grenade launchers when people get too riled up about church.

That was a weird book.

breaking out this old chestnut



Bonza, fuck that 3 detachments shit. If that'd be the case why not just make a single detahcment with 0-20 of everything and call it a day?

New TTS emps just came out

Well, Forge World don't really do anything that isn't battlesuits or heavy hardware. Gnarlocs is all else I can think of now.

Could someone do me a solid and post the picture of the Death Guard vectorium colour schemes?

How's this look for my first 40k list? Not sure about the Stormsurge, I might cut it for more commanders.

if you can't fit whatever the fuck army you're building into 3 detachments you've done lost yo damn mind

Commander with 3*MP+ATS is cheaper and does better damage than Commander with 4*MP.

Because it's extremely simple to take lots of minimum sized detachments to spam command points. Doesn't sound like much but for an assault army being able to ensure hitting first even if you didn't charge is a game changer.

Oh nice, thanks. I'll have another go at it.

Np. Check the damage-calculations link in the OP. There's some useful stuff for T'au.

I'd like to continue discussion on how to deal with horde based armies as Dark Eldar. Actually, make that eldar in general. Are there any units that are particularly effective at chopping through da boyz?

FW is too busy with 30k to add new stuff

They can all take combi weapons, so yeah.


Im gonna start 40k deathguard, should i get a leviathan dread with a flux and claw OR a khabrydis assault claw drop pod?

observing responses with keen interest

This thread is a tad premature, so there's still some active discussion going on over here:

As I i have a wyvern. Secondhand. I gave it some love and it doesn't look so bad. Unfortunately the 'wyvern' parts are glued in but good and I'd like to, on occasion, run it as a hydra. Does anyone know where I can get that forge world hydra turret?

Someone post the meme where the orc does that black guy thinking meme and says "new ap rules won't effect you if you don't wear armour"

> black guy thinking meme


Charge seems silly

why isn't it 6+d6''

cry about it bitch

You have to be 18 or over to post on this board

It's already 2d6+1 what more do you want?

You ever started running and fell flat on your face instead?

I liked depressed Corax.

Looks like it says Cornmeal Warhammer 40,000


Because that would be imbalanced as fuck?

You joke, but the remainder is important. You need a 9 inch charge to charge out of deep strike because of it.

Is the same as 1

No you don't. You need a 9 inch charge to charge out of deep strike because of the deep strike rules which force you to deploy >9" away.

it is infinitely less than 1

Reminder that to get D6 mortal wounds with a smite you need to roll MORE THAN 10 on the psychic test, not 10 or more.

Only an 11 or 12 is a super-smite. I've seen literally everyone in every battle report get this wrong including the FLG playtesters and GW.

I was writing 0.999... as a symbol for a number less than 1.

How is giving a 50/50 change not to fail after a deep strike imbalanced?

No it is exactly 1, learn math.

Yes, and the charge rules force you to get

Because you cannot into simple math and it's not 50/50, try again.

Exactly 1" away is within an inch. Within an inch doesn't mean within less than an inch, it means within an inch.

You can't succeed on an 8-inch charge because you were over 9 inches away.

So what's the deal with Primaris marines? I keep hearing that they're underperforming

No, it is infinitely less than 1, learn to maths.

But user, how can you claim to know maths, if you cant even spell it correctly?


Hey I am new to 40K, what sort of equipment would an Inquisitor in the Ordo Xenos have?

Its not, its simply taken as 1 for convenience.

0.333... = (1/3)
[(1/3)x3=1] = [0.333...x3=0.999...]

Happy reacts only.
I haven't played a game of 40k in years.

Rules looks neat.

Also the box is INCREDIBLE. Loved the inquisition seal.

How is the testing of 8th so far? Its "balanced"? I play "not even a single flyer" 'nids, and "I just play my fav looking Nurgle models" CSM.
Unbreakable Faith.

>arguing over a flaw in base 10

Mathematicians disagree. It's been inarguably proven that 0.99repeating = 1. Not "oh it's close to one but not TECHNICALLY" no it is literally 1 in every possible way.

This is a simple retard filter for college level math courses.

>pretend this is gift wrap
is that toilet paper?

Has nothing to do with this discussion.

That's an abstraction based on nobody owning an infinitely complex calculator that can display an endless string of nines.

It depends on your number system faggot.

Basic calculus was derived from the assumption of infinitesimal quantities, like the difference between .999~ and 1.

>look mom I did some maths incorrectly

>Happy reacts only.
get that facebook shit outta here.

No, 0.333... is a symbol for (1/3)


And warhammer 40,000 is not a calculus based system.

Kicthen paper, i guess.
It was my GF birthday so there was a lot of stuff lyin around.
It basically felt like my party because new 40k arrived and also ARMS for the switch

now i'm waiting for my 500 bucks of 'nids I ordered and im done for a while.
chill mate

The equality of 0.999… and 1 is closely related to the absence of nonzero infinitesimals in the real number system, the most commonly used system in mathematical analysis. Some alternative number systems, such as the hyperreals, do contain nonzero infinitesimals. In most such number systems, the standard interpretation of the expression 0.999… makes it equal to 1, but in some of these number systems, the symbol "0.999…" admits other interpretations that contain infinitely many 9s while falling infinitesimally short of 1.

1/3 of 1 displays as .3 repeating because we don't have the ability to show in finite digits the distinction between .3 repeating an an actual third of 1.

fuck off britfag. next you'll be telling me all about sport... absurd island people

Maybe if you're terrible at the game.

You sound butt flustered, are you per chance a European? Or maybe an amerifat with THAT educational system? Either way you seem to be a tad angry...jealous dare I say?

everything is a calculus based system. It all depends on how aware of it you are.

Okay nobody in Australia or New Zealand leaked FW books, so I guess in an hour I'm buying the marine ebook.

Any other Brits here willing to nut up and buy the Chaos one? I ain't doing both and I'm more immediately invested in finding out how my drradnoughts run now.

So I keep hearing that Riptides are bad this edition. I don't play Tau, nor do I play against them commonly, but I'm curious how badly they got nerfed.

Do they have a xenos book?

Sum1, plz buy the guard book

Imagine I give you two options.

You can take 10 Marines with 1 Wound each, 1 Attack each, and 1 Bolter each, for a total of 10 Wounds, 10 Attacks, and 10 Bolter shots outside rapid fire range.

Or, for about the same points, you can take 5 Marines with 2 Wounds each, 2 Attacks each, and 1 Bolter each, for 10 Wounds, 10 Attacks, and 5 Bolter shots outside rapid fire range, except they get 6" more range.

They both have the same number of Wounds and Attacks, and all other stats are identical, except the big ones have 50% the firepower.

>But they have -1 AP too

Okay, so they increase the chance of an enemy who has an armour save and not an invuln equal or better than that save of failing it by about 16%. So under certain conditions, not even every target, they have 66% of the firepower. For an extra 6 inches of range.

But wait, that's not all. If I shoot the Tactical Squad with 2damage weapons and kill two Marines, there is no overflow and they've lost 2 of their 10 Wounds. If I shoot the same weapons at the Primaris squad with the same results, they lose 4 of their 10 Wounds. So they're strictly worse against >1 damage weapons.

But wait that's not all. If the two units engage each other on an objective, and they each cause 3 Wounds to each other, the Tacticals end up with 7 models, the Primaris end up with 4 and one Wounded model. The Tactical Marines hold the objective, because model count is all that matters.

But wait that's not all. The Tactical Squad can take special and heavy weapons that give them more flexibility against more targets, in an edition where everything has universal split fire and plasma guns can be fired on a safe setting and melta is more effective against more targets and heavy weapons only get a -1 for moving and shooting, while the Primaris are stuck with their basic loadout.

There is almost no situation I can think of where the Primaris are better.