Let's use an adapted space marine table (or other if Veeky Forums has a better idea) to create a medieval style fantasy order of knights !
Rolling a chivalry order !
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Give me a D10 !
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Standing Force - "This area doesn't have any Knights in it. Found an Order!" The Order are protectors/defenfenders of a wild region of the world ! Let's get a D100 now to see howfar back our knights go !
Rolled 58 (1d100)
The order is fairly ancient going back 380 years ! (from 38th milenium on the table). Lots of time for interesting things to happen ! Now let's get a d100 roll to see what kind of people founded our order !
Fell off the table !
Rolled 37 (1d100)
like this?
So what's the present year? 2017?
The order was established by traditionalist men whom , in short where aiming to be paragons of knightood and had a structured view on how an order should be organised. (rolled ultramarines) ! Now gimme a D10 for "order purity"!
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Present year is in medievalish age of your choice game/homebrew , but i think it might be open to being adapted if you want to play something more contemporary or futuristic , but I envisionned something "low fantasyish, low magicish " (whatever that means).
Pure. Our knights are so far unmutated and untainted by evil.
Need a D10 for order demeanour (now it gets interesting) !
Rolled 8 (1d10)
rollan on the river
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Deus Vult?
I'll use this one for the next d10 roll !
Suffer Not the Work of Heretics - Heretics? *SWISH* No. Pretty self explanatory NO UNCLEAN WITCH/DARK MAGIC/CURSE SHIT AROUND THESE PARTS !
Faith in Suspicion - The order particularly hates a single institution, and refuses to work with them. Which one ? Also D100 for order legendary character !
Rolled 23 (1d100)
Ave Maria
The order's master ! now D100 for his legendary deed (also someone needs to give us an institution to hate ) !
Rolled 14 (1d100)
A real world institution or any particular fantasy universe?
Fantasy it up so that people can use it (a king , minister , master of coin etc ...)
The figure is remembered as the bane of the Orks, to such an extent that his name is known to them even to this day. ( So we have orcs now !!!) Fuck yeah master ! D100 for how our knights lands look !
Rolled 29 (1d100)
>institution to hate
Wizards guild obv
TOPKEK , the land is a desert !
Or the King of France, looking at how these rolls are going...
Looks like we need to find some holy land to retake
Gotta go to sleep , feel free to take over or wait till tomorrow ! Goodnight everyone !
To hell with the holy land, we've got wizards to slay, son
What if the holy land was taken by wizards?
French Wizards
French wizards took our holy land and we must reclaim it by force, their magic is unholy and must be rooted out and destroyed
This is perfect
Well, we know our destination and we know our enemy, what strategy will we use to defeat these double heretics? (roll a 1d10)
Rolled 8 (1d10)
What kind of magic?
Is it magical realm magic?
Is it loli tentacle summoning magic?
If so, please kill me...
(At work, replies might take a bit)
Well, I hope you dudes like building palisades, cos' we rolled Siege; outlasting or outsmarting enemies on their home turf, we'll tighten the noose until they beg us to hang them. Trebuchets, tunneling, you name it, we've used it to sunder their walls.
But it ain't all about slayin'; what do we offer the common man to keep him from falling to the corruption of magic? 1d100
Rolled 21 (1d100)
Unless you are willing to work for our lord!
Dues Vult!Dues Vult!Dues Vult!Dues Vult!
We are no charity; take your cries for mercy and clemency to the Vestal's, to the clergymen. We are crusaders damn you, crusaders! We carry the righteous fury of our god within us! If we have laid our tents and piquets by your towers, it is too late for forgiveness.
Our rage in the face of the sinful is infinite, how do we deliver our wrath upon the unholy wizards (and the wretched apostates)? 1d100
Rolled 94 (1d100)
Our fortress-monastery is home to some of the finest smiths in the land, each one an artisan who takes great pride in every piece he crafts. Each sword, every axe, any flail they create seems to meld into the wielders hands, merging their desires into one - slay the heretic, wherever he hides. Our weapons bear one strikingly similar pattern or symbol - what is it?
Now of course, we're all god-fearing warriors here...or are we? Roll 1d100 to define our core beliefs
Rolled 62 (1d100)
OP here I actually hail from glorious France ! The templar burnings was a sad example of fronch on french violence ...
The King Above All - "Screw your spiritual liege. The big K is where it's at. LE ROY !
We need a D10 for order strenght !
Rolled 10 (1d10)
I'm feeling generous, peasants
Over Strength: Some orders maintain more than the prescribed ten companies, though it is rare for more than a handful more to be fielded and even then only temporarily. D100 for order relations !
What traits do I get for the Fronch faction? Why did they try to ethnically cleanse the French?
Go back to your wares and cowardicyyou filthy, merchant, while you enjoy the protection from the shield and sword of righteouness !
The Fronch is how you pronounce french when chainmail covering your mouth !
Recap so far : We rolled an order of knights founded 310 years ago by righteous warriors as a standing force in the desertic wilderness.
Over time our knights have developped a hatred for heretics, especially wizards and their cursed guilds (whom everybody knows cannot be trusted) all the while staying fiercely loyal to the crown !
The order's master slew a buch of orcs in battle using the exquisite superior weapons crafted in his keep ! As siege experts we keep a huge force and are a power to be reckoned with !
We now need a D100 to tell whom our friends are !
Rolled 50 (1d100)
Our knigths maintain close ties with an order of devoted and courageous maidens whom embody the best in feminine virtue (Rolled adepta Sororitas) BECAUSE CHIVALRY ! D100 to identify our enemies !!!
The hated institution should be orcs in general.
The hated institution is the robe wearing serpent tongued wizards guild ! We are rolling for enemies now ! D100 (Fuck the orks though, the master made that clear !).