/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General

"Good things soon" Edition

For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War.
Not the wargame, not Chapter Master, not Space Hulk. Inquisitor is okay, but not many people know about it.

Not sure between starting Dark Heresy 1e and 2e? Pick 2e.

>Why did FFG lose the 40k RPG License?
Because they were bought by Asmodee and that caused some sort of licensing conflict.

>Will GW make their own 40k RPGs now?
Probably not. But if they do it will likely be worse than you could possibly imagine.

>Where did the Mandragora Apocrypha go?
The namefag working on it has fucked off to finish it in peace after our autists yelled at him over the unfinished version they found.

Book Repositories (If you're planning to download any Rogue Trader materials, read the .txt file in the RT directory)

There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things.

40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.

40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.48.161023), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now includes all DH2e books.

Mars Needs Women! (v1.2.15) (Mechanicus Skitarii and Taghmata for Only War)

Fear and Loathing in the Eastern Fringe (V1.6.4) (Playable Xenos for Rogue Trader)

The Fringe is Yours! (v1.8.13) (More Xenos, Knights, and Horus Heresy gear for Rogue Trader)

Previous: Given how there are hundreds or even thousands of people around now who remember 30k clearly and fondly, do you approve of mixing 30k and 40k tactics, such as seeing volkite weapons in common use, or space marine chapters using legion tactics?

1st for my players are fagboys who don't show up for the session that they said they would show up for.

I dont. The timer stopped for me in m41.850 and as it stopped after storm of chaos in wfrp2ed for me - the nugw can stick the timeline progress up their fat asses

Kick them

>timeline progress

But the date is plus or minus 900 years. that means you get your chadmarines whether you like it or not :^)

In your dreams user. Making shitty lore and bamboozling tens of thousands marines in mars just because you need to make the scale of wargame miniatures bigger is a poor excuse

Chapter 2 of the book is now done. It has a bunch of new basic specializations, advanced ones, and command ones. This means three of the four planned chapters are complete. All that's left is some fixes to Chapter 3, and I can put the full book together. As always, let me know if anyone finds problems.

So Anons, does anyone know roughly how far a Chimera can get before it need refuelling?

I've crashed my players in the middle of a desert continent behind enemy lines and it would be useful for them to know how far they can actually get before having to raid Ork outposts for fuel...

What do eldar/Deldar use for voidsuits?
I assume wychsuits are not vacuum compliant.

I'd say to look at similar irl transports, but remember that you get worse gas mileage if you're pushing the engine hard than if you're at a low rpm cruise. Consult the machine spirits.
Also note that a chimera's top on road speed is 70km/h, and offroad is 55. You're not getting to the frontlines in any kind of hurry.

I usually go with a full tank is good for 12 hours give or take

plus loss for gunning it

something silly and 80s looking imo

Something skintight, see-through and with lots of spare patches for when they have mishaps with their strapped on spikes...

Incredibly deep shit, chances are that they can't even run away because genestealers are fast as fuck.

yeah I didn't bring up the part about how they can run down a Tyrannosaur, I figured the guy just wanted them to run and would gimp it lol

At least he isn't using the lictor which can outrun some vehicles.

Maybe give them a few underlings that it can catch and chew on so they know what they're dealing with, and have enough time to run.

How often do chapters gift each other items? Like how likely is a Howling Griffon to have a blood angels bolter or some shit because he helped defend some geneseed or a wounded marine? not talking relics, more like a sign of respect/gratitude. I kinda wanna play a marine who's company assists a bunch of other chapters, and just has a bunch of markings and trinkets from his campaigns from other chapters. just a really cultured marine I guess.

Like said, I'd base it off irl transports. I'd probably go with the Stryker. That's actually supposed to be an APC rather than an IFV.

I'd say it would be rare. Shit costs money and takes time to produce. I could see it in the case of "lost primary weapon and then fellow SM gave me his back up" or something along those lines.

Dude. All my players in my current only war game were fighting a battle, massive one way fight when I decided to try out a psyker against them. The first fucking roll he gets a 99 and then rolls on perils.


Every player got possessed aside the ratling who might as well be blessed by the fucking God Emperor at this point because of how hilariously bad the daemon rolled to possess him.

The daemon rolled for a possession attempt. Got a 100 and banished itself.

The player then followed it up with a fucking 1 on a willpower test against the entity which banished itself and he erased it from existence with the power of his mind.

Otherwise, it was a massive shitshow and I had to pull off some bullshit out of my ass just to not have literally the entire regiment executed. Instead they got half executed (Amazingly, one of them who mutated shot off his fucking arms and was allowed to continue fighting after passing a fellowship test on a crit) and are condemned to death fighting and doing suicide missions now. To redeem themselves in death.


They should become mind wipef and explosive collared

Void-hardened variants of the armour they wear to combat. Their basic void-suits probably look similar enough to their armour too, though I could imagine they also have something similar to the space-suits in GotG too if you want to drive home how advanced they are.

Twelve hours at normal/tactical speed. Less if they are pressing the pedal to metal.

Given imperium's engines, they can probably just stuff some orks into the tank and it will keep going.


My Dark Heresy party is super duper Radical, consisting of a Malatek/Factor techpriest, a mutant (rogue psyker with 'From Beyond') masquerading as a cleric, the Venator bodyguard of the techpriest (me), and an actual sanctioned psyker who's being trained in divination.

Our GM is considering letting another player join, and their character concept is 'Shrine World-born Redemptionist Cleric'. Should I be concerned about the huge fucking conflict that will cause or should I just trust that the GM will make it work?

You should be concerned. No way a Redemptionist would allow your menagerie to live, the cell is going to fucking self-destruct.

Your cell is fucked, unless you're super fucking careful to keep all your heresy out of the new party member's vision, or manage to pull them around to your point of view (not likely)

Why is GM allowing that? Blatantly retarded

the party as it stands, or a Redemptionist to be added to the powder keg of a party?

Obviously the Redemptionist. it's blatant obvious that the inquisitior/inquisitor ring that has this cell is either radical or hangs in the balance. Puritanist redemptionist cleric will be a powder keg that will derail it. I assume you are playing dh1, never played it - I played only dh2. How does it feel?

We both know that that guy will try to eviscerator ass of the mutant and malatek big time

I like the increased 'definition' in 1e although I understand why most prefer 2e. I just like being able to consult the rules for any given scenario because I've had bad experiences with GMs who go the 'fuck you I am God in this realm' route. Having strongly defined paths eases my anxiety.

Also the Inquisitor is an Istvaanian hence why the gm is even considering it because 'strength from conflict amirite'

>Strength from conflict
Is not the same thing as "Get my dudes to fight each other and accomplish literally nothing."
Istvaanians want the Imperium to grow strong through enduring hardship, they are not so near sighted as to literally set up an acolyte cell where one member wants to kill all the others.

I mean the Radical's handbook suggests they're sorta like that, as in 'actively setting up two of their acolyte cells to come into conflict because the violence will spill over'

just kill them

Kill them, blame it on the psyker

I'm worried about 'striking first' because it'll come across as an OOC dick move.

Ok, get him drunk, get him to tell you how he feels about mutants and shit, and then lethally drug him

of course he might not tell you because the GM has read him in on whats going on and wants him to cause maximum fuck, so there's that

It might be that the GM and player have discussed this and how to handle it?

If they haven't and you really get a full blown Redemptionist into your group, your character should realize that it's going to come to blows really fucking fast, so even if you don't want to attack him first, preparing for eventual fight isn't all that weird.

Are you sure the player knows what a redemptionist is?

A redemptionist cannot be roleplayed properly in that party. Not if you still want a party, or a Redemptionist.

>Given how there are hundreds or even thousands of people around now who remember 30k clearly and fondly, do you approve of mixing 30k and 40k tactics, such as seeing volkite weapons in common use, or space marine chapters using legion tactics?

I don't play 40kRP for Astartes bullshit.

Sounds like cause for running into Necrons next session.

Depends on what makes the game better. Just say they've got enough fuel to pursue one or maybe two at the outermost of several options for securing fuel, according to most current intel. Have not taking one of the other options complicate the one they choose.

>intel suggests an enemy stronghold with lots of fuel or several outlying outposts mostly crewed by grots that have a little fuel each; that'll be tedious but safer. There is also an Imperial fuel depot a little farther than either... but you've got to beat the Orks there.
>take grotposts, Orks secure fuel and you're fucked unless you can outrun them
>raid stronghold, sneaky gretchin fucks try to sabotage your shit later but they're too cowardly to go for the depot themselves
>taking depot will probably trip weedy grot scouts augurs, leading to a firefight to hold the outpost while Chimera(s) are getting fueled and a linebreaker mission when the main Ork force attempts to block your escape

Apparently the guy is just used to playing puritan characters/prefers playing the typical FOR TEH EMPRAH type and our GM has been trying to find ways to work that in without a TPK/shitstorm. I think he suggested a Cult of Pure Form character but I'm nnnnot really sure that's any better because half the party are crazy tech-heavy.

Wyches oil their bodies up with a vacuum-proof substance and wear respirators and goggles.

Things like little charms or basic weapons would be given or exchanged as tokens of high personal honor.

>I, Brother Rafael of the Angels Encarmine, present this the sigil of a grail rendered in gilded plasteel by mine own hand, and present it to thee, Brother Tauros of the Howling Griffons, for thy peerless defense of our Sanguinary Priest from the greenskin scourge at Paraxes V and the injuries thou sustained thereof.
>I, Tauros of the Howling Griffons, do hereby accept thy sigil, and swear upon my honor to bear it in place of pride upon mine armor during significant combat action and ceremony, and most especially when alongside the descendants of Sanguinius.

Well, you've got a couple options.

>allow GM/player fuckery to derail plans and cause party drama that will likely involve spilled blood and character death
>preempt character death by ganking Redemptionist and pissing off GM and alienating player
>attempt to hide your heresy and perhaps corrupt the Redemptionist
>wait for GM to use Redemptionist meltdown at a crucial moment to force a TPK, according to his shitheaded keikaku

My advice? Gank the fundie and tell your GM not to fuck around with your party comp that hard without some discussion first.

> (You)
>Wyches oil their bodies up with a vacuum-proof substance and wear respirators and goggles.
You're kidding, right?

I gave as good an answer to your question as the lore has. Which is, 'I don't think it's really touched on so make up some crazy bullshit that sounds like what those fucks would do.'

Have the GM tell the player part of roleplaying is trying new fucking things. Maybe I'm prejudiced just because of the Dark Heresy game where a player insisted on playing his elf sorceress from D&D, but fuck that bullshit.

I mean he set it up as a Radical campaign and I think the reason he's making these accommodations is because the prospective new player is a really good friend of his? I mean I'm loathe to yell 'GM favoritism' but he seems to be seriously considering just letting the guy join as Ultra-Puritan.

I'm hype for it. The horus heresy is a more coherent setting than the modern day at this point.

just kill him lol, I mean what's next, the guys going to try to railroad you into dealing with him and won't let you shoot him?

Odd question, not meant for trolling -
what do you *do* in the HH Era?
I mean, in m41, there's lots of opportunities for, well, Inquisitors and Rogue Traders to go gallivanting around troubleshooting (or troublemaking).
During the Heresy, isn't everyone busy fighting the war? There's no Inquisition, and I don't imagine the Trader Houses being particularly strong at this point. Is it all just one big game of Only War?

The Rogue Traders were just as influential. You run around gallivanting and trouble making as Blackshields, the Knights Errant, the Shattered Legions, and there plenty of legions that flat out worked together in the same expeditionary fleet. Sometimes Compliance required diplomacy and not fighting.

Plus there's no faggot tau.

Yeah, but there are also no sisters.

You get the Silent variety, just like any good woman should be.

So, still plenty of opportunities of Deathwatch-style 'these 4-6 Marines get plucked from the battle lines of their Legions for a special assignment'? Good to know.

You attempt to save the Galaxy from the largest Black Crusade ever, the zeroeth, lead by a mad Primarch and his merry band of chaos worshippers

Anyone happen to know of an RT campaign recruiting? With the death of gamefinder, my only option is a full-on ERP game, and I'm not about that life.

If I'm a navigator or astropath (or psyker in general), is it worth it to take a full auto weapon just in case you need suppressing fire? It doesn't seem like you need any advances for it to be effective.

As anybody, it is a good idea to have a melee weapon (preferably with balanced), a basic ranged weapon, and a pistol weapon.

A psyker should always use a mundane solution if they cannot use fettered for whatever reason.

I like the idea of my navigator trying to help whenever his powers are irrelevant by spraying bullets in the general direction of the enemy

I have a story from my first Only War session.
>I'm GM
>two players, first is a depressed operator, the other is a arrogant Commisar.
>they have a tank because Mordarians
>their mission is to attack a small agri-town on a traitor agri-world, kill everyone, don't destroy it.
>commissar tells two NPCs to stand by the plasteel door, ready to break in.
>proceeds to fire the main gun, destroying the door and both guardsmen.
>tank then is hit by a RPG, taking massive damage.
>they retreat
>everyone but the commissar is executed for dumbassery
>commissar is turned into a mono-task servitor to repent.

Honestly, I think that's the best way you could have handled it for a pair that inconceivably stupid.

Sounds like they should be rogue traders next

Probably even more than regular 40k. Think of it like Deathwatch meets Rogue Trader.

What is the easiest & best way to build a melee psyker badass in Dark Heresy 2nd? Because I cant find a way to be Sanctioned without losing every good melee aptitude

What sounds better as a Titan Legion motto:

Nullus Vivere or Nil Vivere?

Super pro tip regarding 2e psykers.

If you stats allow it, just buy the psyker advance with exp in character generation.

You can just fluff up an all-female Solar Auxilia.

What are the odds that a new version of WH40k is pushed out in the next 3 years?

>7th was 2014
>8th was today

So Anonymous, I have a question.

Why hasn't humanity mass produced Emprahs to save the universe?

It sounds crazy, I know, but hear me out.

So the Emprah was born when all the shamans -- trained psykers -- of a Neolithic Earth decided to merge all their souls together in one big reincarnation bubble, yeah? And that was at a time when the total human population was absolutely minuscule compared to what it is in the 41st Millennium. Today, in the Grim Darkness of the 41st Millennium, there are not only orders of magnitude more humans, but there are also orders of magnitude more psykers.

So what humanity needs to do is train a couple thousand psykers to be disciplined and self-sacrificing and generally awesome shamans who are willing to merge into a new being for reincarnation purposes. If the Warp is currently too turbulent for any such combined soul to survive the process, then we need a way to make it safe within a small area or otherwise shelter the gestalt soul entity until it reincarnates. A method of directing exactly where it reincarnates would also be nice, but either way, bam, we have a new Emprah class entity.

Actually, now that I think about it, don't we already have a method for making a small area of the Warp safe for human travel? They're called Gellar Fields.

Anyway, that's step 1.

Once we have this new Emprah class entity, we can't rest on our laurels. One Emprah was awesome, and can fight the chaos gods to a standstill. But why should we be content with that? So we do it again. And again. And again. And again. And we keep doing it, say, every 50 years or so, until all humanity exists within a protective bubble generated by this awesome hivemind of thousands and thousands of Emprahs that stretches all the way across the galaxy.

Problem, Chaos?

But won't that make me a dirty heretic?

No. You just need the astra telepathica background + Psyker. Mystic is just the guaranteed way of getting Psyker.

What is a good melee role to get? Warrior seems to be more of an all purpose thing

Crusader, Assassin, or Fanatic. Penitent to a lesser extent.

An RPG I mean, obviously.

And how many people in the imperium know of the Emperor's actual origins?

Don't they mean the same thing?

Probably at least a few dozen. Many of them would be Primarchs. Hell, if I were a Primarch, I would totally be growing a legion of backup Emperors.

At least the Emperor.

>friends invite me to play Dark Heresy for the first time
>super excited
>wrote up my character
>gave him a backstory
>session 1: lose my leg
>session 2: get magdumped into a coma
>session 3: lose my arm

>Replacing the failed flesh with superior bionics
I don't see the problem here.

Chaos Gods certainly would know or at very minimum suspect what the Emperor is. Since they aren't mass producing Chaos-Emprahs, we can probably conclude that it can't be done.

Your premise is that Emperor's power comes from just being fused soul of bunch of psykers but more likely scenario is that when the shamans did their thing, what they created was manifestation of humanity's psychic potential. And that can't be replicated.

We're cut off in the middle of a ruined ass city infested with gibbering madmen, with no communications. This campaign hurts.

Lay down suppressing fire. It's an essential combat role.

That does seem worse. Quite harsh for a beginning campaign, too.

Suppressing fire and area denial with nades.

1. Sounds great

2. I wish my GM would do more lethal stuff with us.

If you want easy begginings just switch to d&d or pf pal

>getting shot
>in a closed, extremely obstructed space like a city
If you're a soldier and not a) on your belly and b) behind cover the second the bullets start flying, you're not doing it right. And cities offer unprecedented amounts of cover.

To my knowledge, no one does save the Emperor. Neither original or black library origin. However, if there was one who did, it'd likely be Malcador.

1)In the Shaman fluff the shamans were specifically stating to have had a unique "special" relationship with an aspect of the warp that, for all intents and purposes, no longer exists in 40k.
2)A gellar field projects a bubble of real space around your ship. Your psykers are just all going to be devoured instantly like the Shamans had started to.

I don't mind that you cite Shaman fluff, but even in the context of that fluff, it can't be done. You'd need a psychic kiddy pool of some sort these days, some kinda circuit like thing that goes to infinity. But I doubt it'd even occur to the Imperium to stick dead psykers into such a circuit until they fuse into a new god.

In the fluff in question, there's no indication that the Chaos Gods knew what, specifically the Emperor was, but they definitely 100% knew about him and that he'd be trouble.

How would you guys build a space marine strike cruiser in Rogue Trader? I was thinking a Secutor with launch bays as the base, but what else should it have?

Space Marine ships are typically high-armor, high-speed, and have bombardment cannon at the bottom, and of course, torpedo tubes. In ship-to-ship combat, they're relatively lightly armed for ships of their size, because their real power (in addition to their armor and speed) is in boarding actions. For obvious reasons.

insecure manlet detected