When people talk about stats, why is it that midsling stats are always deemed to only be appropriate for ""grim" "gritty" "realistic"" campaigns, with all three of those words always used in the same order?
You know why I like "low stat" campaigns? It's because they're GROUNDED. Lord of the Rings wasn't grim, or gritty, and many parts weren't even especially realistic, but most of the main characters were grounded, and that's what made it work. Why is it so bad that I want that for my campaign?
The average Ability Score (in D&D obv) is a 10. If you have a 14 in an ability score you're already 1 standard deviation beyond the general population. Why the fuck do you need ALL OF YOUR FUCKING STATS to be higher than that? Point buy is for babies that can't handle not being the most specialist person in the whole wide world.
on a slightly less venomous note, I think that most of the problems with having low starting stats would be alleviated by making it easier to increase stats as you level. Thoughts?