Whaddya think? Rakdos Control or B/R Wither Aggro?

I can't quite remember the cards that would go with this, but I think "Nest of Scarabs" was one of them, and I think that this could lead to an infinite draw engine in Grixis colors.

EDH of course,as the cards you'd need to set this up wouldn't be all that great in a Standard/Eternal format deck.

Why the fuck doesn't it have a name?

Why doesn't it work like the other gods? What about this creature makes it be a god?

Since when does Rakdos get a a 5-mana 6/5 with no downsides?

>Why the fuck doesn't it have a name?
Because Bolas turned it into its mindless killing machine and erased it from history

>Why doesn't it work like the other gods?
Because Bolas turned it into its mindless killing machine and screwed with it to make it a perfect weapon that doesn't need some fiddly worship to do his bidding.

>What about this creature makes it be a god?
The fact that it used to be a god when Bolas fucked it up

>Since when does Rakdos get a a 5-mana 6/5 with no downsides?
Who cares?

How does this make you feel, Veeky Forums?

It's draft chaff common, don't complain that it isn't constructed playable you babies.

yeah it would truly be a disaster if a common was playable in constructed

Damn nice digits

>one common isn't playable in constructed

for what reason


careful, you might land a job at wotc with talk like that

Touch of the void was a bad card but it at least had fringe use with its exile clause. Outside of Standard there was always the possibility of getting around color protection or some other shenanigan. Open Fire is the same card except without those two saving graces, and they weren't very good graces to begin with.

It's a bad card. Through and through. Is it probably playable, somewhere? I think so. Most bad cards are. But it's still just a bad, baaad card.

Thanks for the explanation user. So Scorpion God is one of the three Bolas erased from history? Does that mean we're getting the other two?

We see Locust God in the trailer

Man as someone that literally only plays BR in modern I am very excited for this

Its weird that there are only three new gods. I wonder what the other colors are going to get to balance out the power.

Well we got GR Samut the Dindu nuffin good as a mythic so I assume the "good" guys get a few gold mythics/rares to balance out vs the gods and Nicol Bolas.

The 3 gods are the pairings of Bolas' colors.

I know but it off sets the balance of power across the colors. I know that's never really a thing for them but they always at least attempt to keep things equal. So I'm interested in what the other colors will get.

Jund wither seems stronk asf

Plus scarab god with the staff. Ironically this is the one we hadn't seen very clearly yet

So we'll get R/B, U/B, and R/U? hmm I wonder which of the other two are which

Scarab and Locust could both be BU, so I don't know.

Am I the only one who is upset that Scorpion God is BR? I figured it was going to be
>UB Scarab God
>BR Locust God
>UR Scorpion God
BR and all the -1/-1 counters seems much better on a god whose design comes from a creature known for mindless, self-serving consumption.

I have no words for this, and the longer I search for them, the worse I end up feeling.

Locust is probably gonna be UR, because locusts can fly and Scorpions can't.

So, Eternalize is just Embalm, only their P/T is their old cmc?


Seems more like it's set to 4/4, considering the Eternalize cost on the doublestrike cat.
3WW for a 2/2 doublestrike (after being a 1/1 for 1W) does not make for an exciting promo card. 3WW for a 4/4 doublestrike on the other hand is far more reasonable.


If Locust is blue simply because of Flying, I will be incredibly disappointed.
Still hate these designs. Would play the originals over these every single time.



Grind to Dust seems pretty good

dem 5 lands tho

I'm gonna bet the locust is UB because the scarab god has some massive staff with shimmering power. Calling it now, since the RB god is connected to -1/-1 counters the UB god will be connected to cycling and the UR god will be connected to spells in the graveyard in some way.

yea but white is pretty shit for -1/-1 coverage :/

That's what the black is for.

Fuck yes, im glad to get another full art island for my deck, now im only one printing away from having all full arts

i smell bolas level colors:

>Bb00B M00R

What do they mean by this

Tokens that are copies of other cards are already pretty complicated in terms of rules knowledge required to understand it.

I'm not sure they're willing to make it more convoluted at common by working CMC into the mix.

>Gideon's Defeat

Damn. All we need now is Liliana's Defeat and we're set.

l2r is the meaning

that is the card next to it....

Destroy target black creature or black planeswalker. If it was a Liliana planeswalker, it's controller loses 3 life.

I'm so happy the Jacetice League is getting rekt, by Nicol Bolas even.

jace version - scry 2 bonus
niss version - draw card bonus
chandra ver. - discard card > draw card

But who is Bamray Lori?

Or is it Bam Raylori?

Or is Bam a nickname? "Bam" Ray Lori?

Or maybe the nickname is Bam Ray. As in some sort of ray beam that shoots sound effects. "Bam Ray" Lori sounds like a good name for a bard.

>Ladies! Are you ready for THE BAM RAY?!?

I guess Lori is a feminine name though. Doesn't work as well.

Gonna be honest, I've lost track of what I was talking about.

So, how does Veeky Forums rate the defeat cycle? In a vacuum, I'd say that it's u>g>w>b>r, but w and b are probably gonna see the most play in standard, what with Mardu and Zombies likely to take over the format.

How does one get trampled on my a naga/snake?

situational sideboard card restricted by same color...
I feel if people find ways to make bolas reliable, i forsee uses of the U B R versions as sideboard

trample: to tread on or crush
constriction could be considered trample

Black's one of the best even in a vacuum. Outright creature kill for one mana without further conditions besides the color restrictions (doesn't have to be attacking/blocking, can't have 6+ toughness) is good.
I'd actually say White is the worst because it's the most conditional of them all. Blue gets around its timing problem by hitting ANYTHING, and green will ALWAYS have a target if you're boarding it in, but even against a deck running Gideons you could well sit there with Gideon's Defeat in your hand and never be able to cast it.

Literally just needed to be a functional repritnt of Puncture Blast. Give it Wither and it would have fit RIGHT IN with the -1/-1 counter theme.

Doesnt have a name or work like the other gods because Bolas erased them from history and reshaped them, they dont get names. With this I think we can also figure that being hard to kill and large p/t is a defining mechanical attribute for a creature type - god. If they literally made all gods indestructible + an animating mechanic I think the well
would run dry pretty quick.

soul scar mage


Yes, Im so happy to spend 4 mana for an effect that should cost 3. Thank you based wotc.

Oh hey, Red gets another bear. Neat.

>that should cost 3

what is turn 1 or 2...

If the gods were working for Bolas, why did he kill them?


I was just joking with user last thread that he wouldn't get a Lightning Strike reprint;

I've never played red in my life and weep for thee.

Im comparing it to the wither bolt, but im so fucking sick of wotc not letting people kill shit in this fucking game.

eat shit WotC

Cause he's done with them. And Hazoret keeps hesitating, I'm sure they will be briefly convinced to attack Bolas once again, but we already know each one dies. Man Amonkhet is ruined, what an ashtray of a world.

That blows. Amonkhet was a cool setting. What's even worse is that everyone guessed that this was how it was going to end and it was really that predictable

Jace is Gainsay.

Liliana is Dark Betrayal.

Gideon is a tweaked Glare of Heresy

Chandra is just a stock red burn spell.

Green getting "destroy target forest" is something that has never happened before. The or enchantmenr or planeswalker clause is just icing. It's the most unique/original one, so it's easily the best.

>Liliana is Dark Betrayal
at sorcery speed

Lightning bolt is too strong. Lightning bolt warps every enviornment it's in. Any creature that fails the bolt test becomes borderline unplayable. Development is forced to artifically jack up the number of creatures with 4 or more toughness.

It should cost 2.

I wanted to explore the history of what Amonkhet once was more. But no chance now, now even the last bastion of civilization has been totally btfo, it's dead. I guess a plane dying completely is interesting in its own way.

Nissas downfall is a shittier creeping mold

So how is "it sucks if it doesn't pass the shock test" any better?

You can print more creatures with 3 toughness without things getting weird and other numbers having to change to compensate, than you can with creatures with 4 toughness.

Not saying Shock is perfect either.

2 damage is a lot more forgiving than 3 damage.

4255 creatures that have enough toughness to survive Shock, against 2483 that have enough toughness to survive Lightning Bolt. That's over 1700 creatures that beat the Shock test while failing the Bolt test.

That's a lot, by the way.

Notice how "dies to lightning strike" isn't a game breaker like "dies to bolt" is

>just build Hapatra EDH and it's awesome fun
>Scorpion God EDH looks fun as hell too

I don't want to build both, wut do?

>what an ashtray of a world.
That's the way WotC likes them.

>conditional one-mana removal is too good
And yet we have Fatal Push in the format, and things are still fucking fine. That's because we have small creatures that either have recursion (scrapheap scrounger), good ETB effects (rogue refiner), efficient stat-lines (toolcraft exemplar), or other ways of getting incremental value even if they're bolted.

Lightning Bolt warps every environment it's in because it's the baseline. Cards should be good enough to exist in a format with lightning bolt, and the already ARE good enough.

In fact, I'll go one step further. Every single format of magic should have
>a red spell that deals 3 damage and can hit face for R
>a green mana dork equal or superior to llanoar elves for G
>a blue spell that lets you draw a card + minor extra value for U
>a black spell that makes you discard a card (conditionally) for B
>a white creature that can (conditionally) be more powerful than a 2/1 for W

This is the baseline of what a format should have.

Legacy has the most creatures with thoughness 3 or less in any format.
Bolt is the fairest card in Magic.

>mfw I have an old wither deck from shadowmoor/eventide

My dick cannot get any harder. I want my Jund -1/-1 counter commander.

I just ended up buying all 10 duals, fetchlands, shocklands, filters, checklands, fastlands and manlands. After that buying new EDH decks as fun new legends get spoiled has never felt like a chore anymore.

Why is fucking land the barrier of entry into this game?

>Hazoret dies

That's a bummer.

Send trample pls

Because it's in high demand to Wizards keeps them at rare so people crack packs so they have low supply so they get expensive.

>Hazoret dies

Don't you lie to me.

>still ugly as sin though


Look at the flavortext. I'm bummed, she is my favorite of the Gods, won me quite a few games at the Pre-release.

I D A M R A Y C O R I ?


Wizards would rather print shitty cycles of new lands rather than just printing what works on rotation.

Filterlands, shocks, checks, fetches, fastlands, and painlands should be on rotation forever.

Instant speed is relevant more often than the exile clause, I should think. Not saying it's good, but it's certainly better than Touch at least.

So all the gods die? Wonder what the story is.

Scarab seems like it'd fit R/U better than Locust would.


Liliana's defeat might also be handy for its ability to instakill Veil and bolt her controller in other formats for one mana, which seems like a decent sideboard if jund is big in your area since it can also kill bobs and such for cheap.

No, a ton of people were predicting there'd be some revolution against Nicol Fucking Bolas and the Gatewatch would win because they're not actually paying much attention to all the "coming here was a MISTAKE" foreshadowing.

It's Bolas, the dragon who can rend planets asunder by sheer force of will. Frankly, it's kind of nice if we can just see him let loose for once without some incredibly convenient one-time thing stopping him from demonstrating the full extent of his power.

Ixilan has the M12 cycle of lands so there's a bit of a reprieve standard-wise.

I was very excited to hear Checklands are making a return. After a prolonged absence I've come to really appreciate how much I loved that cycle.