if it has feathers or looks like a bird post it here
feathered dragons, tengus, harpies ect.
if anyone has any tengu, please post them
That's my supply of bird people exhausted. Saved this glorious specimen for last
just a normal turkey picture but there faces are so weird I'm sure someone will appreciate it
not the type of tengu you were referring to but have it anyway
okay what are your guys opinions on having one tengu be a platypus who doesn't understand why he's different
Does this count? It has feathers
I wholeheartedly support this idea.
yep this is good
I want to clip angel's wing and leave them stranded.
How do avian cultures even work? They are so monster-like, hard to believe they could build a civilization.
I imagine in similar ways that IRL bird cultures work. Think massive cliff rookery cities, think almost solitary bonded pairs hunting across wastes, think corvid social structures on a tribal or even societal level.
Gryphs and acherais.
Does anybody use them?
Obligatory. I'm thoroughly disappointed no one's posted it already
well as a bird and speculative evolution enthusiast I am of the humble opinion that corvids will be the next civilized sapient species after humans are gone. I f you ignore the part about them being "monstrous" it's easy to see how a human( smartest animal in the world) and a bird (known for their intelligence) could become civilized. Even though they are migratory many birds (such as crows) do have a primitive culture including regional dialects between members of the same species.
I was thinking of building an Avian Federation in a fantasy setting. But not sure if it could make any sense.