>player joins group
>DM ridiculously favors him to the point where he threatens to kick anyone who doesn't suck the player's dick nonstop out
Just had this happen to me. I'm wondering if I don't bring a fucking baseball bat to my next session.
>player joins group
>DM ridiculously favors him to the point where he threatens to kick anyone who doesn't suck the player's dick nonstop out
Just had this happen to me. I'm wondering if I don't bring a fucking baseball bat to my next session.
tell us more, faggot.
>I am so mad at my DM that I am considering causing grievous bodily harm
let me guess, it's a female player(surprise) and the DM told you that if you tried to rape her character in-game again, you're out?
pic related, its you
storytime, user?
>player joins group
>hamfisted like a motherfucker into the plot
>not only a dirty elf
>but a dirty elf that's five goddamn years old
>sneak a glance at their stats at one point
>26 DEX, other stats weren't below 16
Then leave.
I dont understand why this is so hard for you people.
>I'm going to physically assault somebody because I don't like how they run an RPG
Fuck you all.
>New player arrives
>some fucking twink faggot hipster kid
>takes the dm aside, they talk for 15 minutes, DM starts laughing
>DM won't introduce the character
>walking along in the entrance do a dungeon
>fall into pit trap our rogue apparantly couldn't detect
>elf steps out in a robe
>me: nope
>climb up the walls of the trap with my massive athletics skill bonus
>nice try faggot but you'll need to roll perfect on all five dice to knock me out
>he does
>fall into the pit, DM seems annoyed and tells me I take 1d6(4) damage
>if I took damage, then I wake up
>argue back and forth for 20 minutes, finally agree I'm still asleep
>ithino goes on a five minute monoluge about being the greatest bounty hunter, wizard, lover in the world
>got bounty and was told to read from a scroll once he captured us
>reads scroll
>it actually says "fuck you ithino, you want to fuck my wife and steal my shit? enjoy the demons"(paraphrased it here)
>demons attack them
>he pulls us out of the pit but leaves me sleeping "that one is too aggressive" fucking winks at me
>they fight the frog demon, finally kill it
>they make friends
>they wake me up
>immediately attack as Ithino goes in for a hug(thats his thing)
>two attacks plus an action surge
>roll a nat 20 three times and roll 12, 12, 12, 9, 6, 7 naturals on the damage die, combined with my +5 strength bonus and +1 weapon damage bonus
>do so much damage to him I do massive damage, as in negative his total health(30)
>tell the dm I lop his fucking head right off
>DM tries to say I only was fighting to knock him out
>No, fuck that, he fucking trapped us, knocked me unconcious with magic and I wake up, and we're all friends
>female player I've been wheeling on goes "user you're being a dick"
>realize she's into twink faggots like this
>flip her off while rotating my middle fingers like windshield wipers
>"he's-fucking-dead-cunt-you-can-shut-the-fuck-up" I sing to the tune of the chorus of Toy Soldiers
>tell the DM I fucking went full lethal, and by the rules as written, he's fucking dead
>Dm decides to end it there, it's late
>get a text the next day
>Yeah this is a group message I've thought it over I'm going to retcon Ithino's death I like the character too much
>message him back "That faggot isn't welcome in my house anymore"
>dm tells me I'm being homophobic
>we get into a long text exchange how faggot doesnt mean homophobic shit and I didnt know he was gay
>finally get beaten down by my DM's whining and we give him another chance
>my character treats ithino like shit, keeps him in shackles
>player manages to get laughs out of it, constantly implying my character is gay and wants him in bondage
>eventually just mutter "jesus christ, shut the fuck up you cock sucker" under my breath
>he hears it, complains to the Dm after the game
>Dm texts me and tells me that he'd rather run it in his dad's garage again and kick me out if I don't cut that shit out
So my plan is to basically smash the faggot's head in with a baseball bat if he tries any bullshit next time.
>DM lets a That Guy incap the party for fun
>That Guy is upset he's being out That Guy'd
So yeah, you're a dickweed, thanks for confirming that for us.
Holy shit is this the autism I miss out in by not being social
>new guy comes into MY GAME at MY HOUSE and starts aggroing on the players
really? you're actually gonna blame me?
You guys deserve each other. Stick together and keep playing that game, I don't want you contaminating any other games.
This is pretty well thought out bait, user. 7/10.
Unless you are being serious in which case literally kill yourself.
It's almost perfect but
>flip her off while rotating my middle fingers like windshield wipers
>"he's-fucking-dead-cunt-you-can-shut-the-fuck-up" I sing to the tune of the chorus of Toy Soldiers
It seems fake, especially this part
I'm not saying he isn't that guy, but the degree to which you are That Guy is much worse.
And your plan is to kill him over an RPG, congrats, you are also a psychopath.
>player manages to get laughs out of it, constantly implying my character is gay and wants him in bondage
I mean you do both sound like faggots.
I know it says it in the filename of my image but I need to reiterate it, yikes. You sound really unpleasant.
It's probably all real except for his reactions, which were most likely sperg noises and glares.
Yeah especially if he wants to fuck the girl, he probably just got really red faced. I believe he quietly called the homo a cock sucker tho
sounds like a cool and funny character haha xD
just try to have fun its just a game anyway haha xD
you autistic fucking doofus,
just chill out
sure he sounds a bit annoying but i think your being overly aggressive.
next time you guys meet up give a sincere apology, retcon the wizards death if you can and get on with the game.
>get to DnD game
>meet qtboi bara neckbeard
>make a twink character for his fighter to dominate
>he kills me instead
why is life so hard?
You're never going to get a boyfriend like that, user.
Veeky Forums is full of contrarians who take Veeky Forums posts too seriously. Remember that.
It really speaks to your autism when a story told from your perspective still paints the twink as the manliest member of your group.
Maybe you should invest in some assless chaps and let your inner faggot roam free.
So when are you going to take his dick OP?
Yeah op you're That Guy
That guy finally learns that he is that guy.
I'm going to first time DM for a first time group soon and I worry I'll unconsciously bias towards the girl in the group.
> Baseball bat
That's cute but you're opening yourself to being one upped and told to swallow this time.
>we give him another chance
>my character treats ithino like shit
If you worry, you'll probably be fine. Make sure not to overcompensate in the other direction as well.
You're right to be pissed, that's the most obnoxious thing I've ever heard. No reason not to kill his ass once he starts casting at you. Stalk him, find him alone, and bash his brains in. Fuck all these haters, fags like that deserve to be put down.
Make her character get raped that way she becomes more sympathetic to other players and they won't mind you showing bias.
I think he's flirting with you.
Maybe you should take your frustration out on his butthole.
You're both insufferable faggots.
>Player joins group
>Fits wonderfully into party IC & OOC
>Everyone has a great time.
>>message him back "That faggot isn't welcome in my house anymore"
>>dm tells me I'm being homophobic
>>we get into a long text exchange how faggot doesnt mean homophobic shit and I didnt know he was gay
Are you one of those guys who uses meme arrows on facebook?
I bet 20 bucks that OP is a fat, neck-bearded virgin frustrated that the twink fuck with the DM and not him
>DM brings new player into game
>He sucks
>DM favors him heavily
>Talk to him privately
>He won't budge
>Quit group, join another
>We're all happier
>The end
You idiots only have yourselves to blame.
I mean I agree the player is acting like a douche, but like most situations on Veeky Forums, did you try talking about it like an adult? Cause it doesn't sound like you did.
>>Quit group, join another
>implying OP knows people who are into gaming other than the one he's currently in
>implying that OP is willing to just run a game for 'normie' faggots who don't know shit
>implying other people actually like OP
Antisocial and grating people like OP have trouble joining new groups, so they'll grace their old ones with their presence until shit really hits the fan
Some people live in places without a lot of groups senpai. Not everyone is in the big city.
Internet gaming is a thing. The future is here. What a time to be alive.
>+5 str bonus
>magic weapon
>two attacks
>having less than 4 HD
>forgetting Sleep works aoe
Stupid and obvious bait, I'm ashamed by you all
>calling someone a faggot outside of Chinese cartoon forum
>arguing that faggot isn't a slur for gay people
>lashing out at the gay dude for flirting with him
>so mad about the continued presence of a gay person that he is now threatening violence
This is either some impressively elaborate bait or you're some weird mix of autism and closeted fag
Does anyone have that pretty boy comic on hand?
Sounds like a hard left mouth breather if he can't take you cussing somebody out and calling you "homophobic".
Hell probably lets him in and get away with that shit JUST because he is gay.
>It's probably all real except for his reactions, which were most likely sperg noises and glares
This is probably the most accurate rendition of events that we're going to see in this thread.
>>my character treats ithino like shit, keeps him in shackles
>>player manages to get laughs out of it, constantly implying my character is gay and wants him in bondage
Man, I really want to believe that this actually happened and OP is as beta IRL as he's presenting himself here.
I got tipped off by the three natural twenties he supposedly rolled.
Did he also do something involving shitting on the gaming table and throwing feces at the other party members?
That's next on the list of things that never happened.
You two should have hatesex.
>tfw no cute elf twink to sexually tempt my 'straight' knight
Smh desu senpai
To be honest, Ithino sounds like crap and so does the player.
OP should've just asked beforehand to vet any prospective players, since it's his house.
Or he could man up and quit the group.
This is why 5e is shit.
i feel bad for your party, but it sounds like they favor one of the two faggots polluting their game. Please consider just quitting before your autism becomes terminal.
Ithino is shit, but I think he's meant to be shit, especially with that demonic trap deal. It's the kind of stuff I don't find funny myself, so I can sympathize - I have never seen his type of character work out well in a game. It causes arguments eventually since usually in trying to be kooky they cause some sort of problem.
At the same time, you are a faggot for refusing to just let things be and constantly fuck things up in character and cause out of character arguments. Jesus Christ in all his wisdom could be at my table, but if he was doing what you're doing I'd kick him out. You're lucky that for whatever reason your party still wants you in, especially when they clearly like the prancing la la homo man and see what you're doing as hatespeech.
At the same time, your DM was an ass for not checking in with the party on this 'funny' intro, and even when he obviously realizes that you want to fuck up the sorcerer, he's not putting his foot down and is trying to appease both parties and only does retcons after the fact. He needed to head this off from the start somehow, but he didn't.
Female player seems like the only decent person in your group, and that's only because she hasn't done shit.
Why can't you sit down and try to talk things out calmly and rationally? Every group problem can be solved this way.
>So my plan is to basically smash the faggot's head in
go ahead, fags are an abomination before god.
The intro could have been handled better, but I think it's okay as a character introduction minus the part where he actually seemed to beat the party
Not OP, but I feel like I would have loved it - with a different character. Maybe an overeager witchhunter who only realizes the guy who sent him on the job was evil when the party points it out, a very nervous rogue that is more excited since his trap actually worked.
You shouldn't have acted like as much of a sperg about it, but otherwise there was nothing wrong with your in game actions.
So yeah, fucking brain the faggot next time you see him.