I fookin' love this shiz

I fookin' love this shiz

I hoped ARK would sink harder so I can buy more but it is afloat as usually. Plus sell me your bags.

Realistically, what can we expect in 2018?

Look at all these other coins mooning for no reason. Ark is still

Should've listened to you fags and buy this when it was 50 cents.

I nearly sold my Ark today.

Did I do the right thing by holding?

Never sell...

I want to buy so much... I was hoping for a big dump like a few weeks ago... didn't happen :(

God punishes those who leave the Ark.

>useless token
The smart people are the ones who managed to time the exit before reality kicks in for the deluded arkies.

I'm really interested as to why Arkies are deluded?

because the token isn't going to be used for any of the applications which give it value. This is confirmed by the developers. Its actually 100% pointless.

ICON makes Ark obsolate

30-75 bucks EOY.

just looked up ICON
nope lmao

5/10, we need to think of better fud to keep the price down
try harder fagit


lol, but it does
it's weeks away from a working product that will be better than ARK in half a year
you're literally retarded to not have invested into ICON

No. ARK had the better memes.

$1m per unit

Newcomers are always welcome aboard the Ark. There is always more room on the ship. Ark is invincible, like Titanic or the German Army.

And I mean that wholeheartedly, since Titanic was switched with Olympic in an insurance scam and was scrapped about 20 years later and the german army was invincible. It's just they were lead by morons.

What are you? Fucking gay?


Keep talking like that heathen and our lord will have no mercy upon you come the day of reckoning. The chosen ones will be those who are lifted to the heavens to receive the bountiful wealth.

Lifeboats make ships obsolete. Go try one out when the 40 day flood of normie tears come. You won't be welcome on our ship.



Got some more for you

Damn I love holding Ark. it’s been so fucking good to me and it is still so undervalued compared to some of the garbage ahead of us. So, so comfy.

Absolutely fucking nothing

Here here. Im up 2000% in 6 months.

Thanks grandburger

If you think german generals were morons youre the moron