AoS and 40k exist together

It's been confirmed, 40k and AoS exist together, just on different planes. The only thing linking them together is chaos.

As a fan of both settings, I like this little juicy nugget.

always been the case but age of shitters will tell us aos introduced this new ground breaking bit of fluff

I miss when we'd see warriors of chaos with plasma guns they got from the warp

Age of shitter here. I do know there used to be a bit of 40k fluff that the warhammer fantasy world was a planet cut off by warp storms, but that was the only link I knew of. With all the warp happenings during end times and the destruction of the old world, it is entirely possible that the mortal realms are just another galaxy far far away.

Two tumours for the overpriced value of one.

> Chaos Warriors with Plasma Guns
> Chaos Warriors with Chainswords
> Skinks/Amazons with Lasguns
> Dark Elves with Power Fists

Albion was a fun campaign.

What is Albion?

lurk moar

I am all for keeping the 2 settings separate, but there is something about this that's delightful. I wouldn't say no to being able to play my Stormcast Eternals in 40k.

This has always been implied if not out right stated. This isn't news, it never has been.

>same gods
>that operate by the same rules
>same orcs
>this is news
8th will be the last edition of 40k because GW wants to pander to this faggot and his ilk.

Oh I know, it's just fun to get little nuggets of info like this from time to time.

Oh you poor poor tormented soul.

stop trying to imitate Jim Sterling's speech mannerisms he's a fucking cartoon character

>this thread and everyone in it

Literally who?

a fedoracore autismo who speaks like a cartoon

You play men in power armor in round bases.
Why you didn't pick 40k or 30k, the games built around that concept and with something resembling depth, over one of the most braindead imitations of kings of war I'll never know.
So forgive me for not sharing in your enthusiasm about your entire pointless purchases being compatible with another system you probably should have taken up instead.

Not only that, but there was a gem in the College of Mages that contained the 40K verse as well.

>A morbidly obese fedoracore autismo

lt's called a joke you tard. this is the problem, idiots have to look for deeper meanings when there are none.

Cool. Never heard of him. So I still don't understand how I am imitating his speech patterns.

They are demi-gods in heavy armor on round bases, but I can see where you're confused.

I play 40k too. I like space marines in fluff and all, but they never really pulled me in as an army. So I play mostly xenos armies. And as a long time fan of 40k, I do agree there is a lot of depth there, but I fail to see where AoS draws comparisons to KoW, because the latter was meant to be a whfb clone. AoS doesn't have much depth yet because it's fairly new and the lore is developing over time. There's a lot there when you really bother to look.

But all of this is a moot point. I feel sorry for you (hence the poor tortured soul comment) not because you aren't sharing my enthusiasm, but because you allow yourself to get triggered by something you don't like, and the fact that others find enjoyment in it.

Stop lying. Fantasyfags long denied that fantasy and 40K exist within the same multiverse despite the tons of evidence going back to Liver Chaotica. And i have the threads that prove it in the archive.

You are misdirecting the blame towards innocent men and women.

Come again to our hospital :D !
> Cancer givers : You basic magical d&d class

>GW 1996: hey guys did you know that 40k and fantasy are connected!??!?! CHAINSWORDS IN FANTASY isn't that cool?
>Players 1996: hahaha yeah okay man haha pretty good *ignores completely*

>GW 2005: hey guys chaos in fantasy and 40k are the same so that means the worlds are connected cool huh???
>Players 2005: haha yeah ok man *ignores*

>GW 2010: hey guys chaos gods can't be killed because they're multiuniversal including the 40k universe cool huh?????
>Players 2010: can we stop inviting this kid to play our games he's getting really annoying *ignores*

>Players 2016: *nearly everyone's quit*

>They are demi-gods in heavy armor
So space marines.
The comparison to KoW comes because both have fixed to hit and to wound stats.
However in kow the to wound is how much the enemy needs to roll to wound, not how much you need to roll to wound.
Also actual positioning matters.

Nah, it depends on which fluff period we are in. Warhammer has never had much canon integrity and established stuff will often be disregarded for various reasons.

>Also actual positioning matters.
Confirmed for never playing AoS. Positioning matters a lot in AoS. It's one of those hidden tactics not specifically mentioned in rules, but becomes apparent the more you play. There are ways to manipulate combats, wound removals, objective campings, etc by positioning alone.

If you are referring specifically to rank and file blocks and flanking bonuses, then no, there is none of that. But when units meet in combat, the pile-in phase becomes a tactical opportunity, as well as the angle you attacked from in terms of minimalizing your opponent's attacks on you, and maximizing yours.

But I can see that AoS is not your thing, and that's fine. KoW is a fine game too. I can see the appeal in both. I just like AoS more for various reasons.

It doesn't matter, just march your blob of chaff into the enemy elites and hope you can roll 5+/5+ or 4+/4+ with enough concistency.
Getting hit in the sides matters fuck all because the unit is just as effective in combat to the side as it is to the front unless you did something stupid like a long line.
Unlike say lotr (to use another game of loose models) where your line getting flanked is actually a danger because your units can no longer support each other.

Like every setting ever. Don't act like Warhammer is unique.

No reasonable amount of lurking is going to inform someone of something like that.

He's popular to hate. I like the theatrics of his videos, but my god he has his opinions and if you have any others he will lambaste you.

Nah, this is mostly a problem in any franchise setting with lots of contributers. Too many cooks spoils the broth and all that.

How many settings were renaissance rather than aping a loose idea of medieval times?
Even if it had Lawrence of Arabia as a unit.

Yup, Warhammer has always been fanfic tier to justify toy soldiers fighting. The source material for most of their ideas is also infinitely better written. The writing quality used to be better than what it currently is, though.

I always assumed it was am observation device or a really fancy star map from the war in heaven

40K Skaven when???

40k Lizardmen when?

warhammer fantasy was one of the best fantasy settings around and had the absolute best dwarves and maybe elves in fantasy

>inb4 sparkling human tolkien elves are better

warhammer fantasy is how everyone sees tolkien elves now days anyway

Reeee rats leave!
40k is for the Old Ones!

make way for the horned rat!

There's actually a lot more to it than that.

Let me show you an example. This is a basic exercise in positioning and charging that AoS players need to be mindful of.

On the top we see a large 10man unit in red that's about to be charged by the blue. Let's assume each model only has 1 attack in combat. The red unit is set up to spread out as much as possible. This is a common position to take for blocking charge lanes and protecting things in the back, like wizards, heroes, guns etc. It's a standard defensive position.

If we go to example A1, the blues charge the reds right in the middle. With pile-in, the blues cannot move any further, because in the pile-in, you must move toward the closest enemy model in combat, and if you are already in base-2-base, you are stuck where you are. So the reds just wrap around the blues (A2). The blues will be getting 3 total attacks in this combat, but the reds will be getting 8 because of how the pile-in worked. The blue player did not position the charge to best advantage.

Now if we go to example B1, the blues decide to charge the reds on the left, rather than the middle. This does multiple things. First, it minimalizes the amount of attacks the reds will get on the blues because the pile-in means they will need to move farther to surround them (B2) where in this example the reds are only getting 5 attacks on the blues. Also another thing happens, because the reds are having to move to surround the blues, this could potentially open up a charge lane so other units can get to the guns or heroes they were protecting.

These are things to watch out for in games of AoS, and I am merely scratching the surface on shapes of charges and being charged. Positioning does matter in AoS, but in a different way than games like KoW or whfb.

I can follow the story of 40K and its canon. It's pretty straightforward.

I can never follow the stories of comics (DC & Marvel) because they are convoluted. Guys who say 40K is a mess are just people who never read the lore too much.

I mean for the sake of Allah, retcons and minor changes happen every 4 to 8 years to the setting. The updates are slow as a hell as I am puzzled how you guys cannot keep up.

AoS flying steampunk dwarfs are better. At least they are not generic.

And let's not forget the tactic of wound removal.

Going back to the B figures, Let's say the blues kill 3 of the red models. The Red player could remove the 3 models from the far right, still maximizing the attacks on the blues. However this further opens the charge lane and loses protection for the back. Or, the red player could remove 3 from the models right on the blues, keeping the charge lane closed for just a little longer, but reducing the effective amount of attacks for dealing with the blues.

I never cared for the Warhammer dorfs and elves. The dorfs are just too autistic and the elves are just a bunch of pricks. They also have hilarious conservative cultures that makes them look like the most uncreative cultures ever.

lmao@yourli4e mate

redditniggers with the "change for the sake of change" mentality will hang in the coming race wars

You can't trust those Tzeentch cultists.



Congratulations, you reached sub 4th edition 40k levels of combat complexity.
Aka even less than minimal.

We seriously need chaos xenos in 40k.
I am really hoping the tau 4th sphere expansion and the ynnarii are setting that up, because by god, if they're trying to push chaos as the one true big bad they need to show chaos fucking with something other than humans.

They're too warmachine.
Old world dwarves had helicopters, ironclads, and some submarines.

>dorfs and elves have actual personality traits that dont just make them tall/shorter versions of human
>reddit considers this generic and boring compared to short humans in masks
>also completely ignoring chaos dorfs who are entirely about innovating and trying new shit

only dark elves were shit tier

Sure let's ignore the fact that I said this is merely scratching the surface, or a basic example. I just used it to illustrate how positioning matters in AoS, where you claim it doesn't. There's a lot more to it.

I get though that you have already maid up your mind on everything and have no interest in exploring it further. Enjoy your continued uninformed ridiculing of something you understand little of.

It doesn't, put your men in a block and they're in too combat efficiency.
Removing casualties from the back like in almost every other unit game ever does not mean it is in any shape complex.


Dwarves never looked good with the back banner.


Anything that makes the model looks like a huge attention whore is objectively ugly.

that's cool i guess. as long as they dont't try and force the two together it will be fine.

I seriously doubt they will. But it is just fun to think about.

How would girlyman react to sigmar?
Would the orks of 40k and those of the mortal realms get along as well as expected, or would one try to dominate over the other?
How would T'au deal with the mortal realms?

>How would girlyman react to sigmar?
He would say "Brother of the 2nd/11th legion, you have returned!"

>this is what Fantasy, flawed as it was towards the end, died for
>generic MOBA plastic men being shuffled around

So it is now canon that squats were temporarily sent into the wrong dimension through some sort of inter-dimensional warp fuckery and then phased back to their fantasy land?

technically squats were never squatted in lore and are currently canon

they just stopped getting models

Fantasyfags were not opposed to this user. Anyone can see there were rules for CSM in early fantasy. It was GW who routinely denied this. The games lore was OBVIOUSLY linked, but only to the sense that they used it as an excuse to box daemons in one box.

Early advertisements of 40k basically say its "fantasy in space".

There was several points when White Dwarf said "nah, not related." But was GWs policy because they just never linked the games in any substantial manner. It was a waste of potential, and in the end they only connected it via chaos fluff.
But I rarely remember fantasy players denying both universes existing together.

I'm sure they will become like warmahordes.
As for Yvraine's husband he'd hate the Sigmarines for following a false emperor, even if he hates the emperor.

Thought the Tyranids ate them all officially? Or is that just a running joke too?

Just use mantic forgefathers as IG and run them as squata.

>Fantasyfags were not opposed to this

They were very much opposed to this, at least most of them, and 40kfags as well.

There was an initial "wow cool" novelty factor when GW first talked about it, having chainswords in a medieval world and muskets in a futuristic world, but it quickly wore off when people interested in the fluff realized how abso-tardedly-lutely stupid the idea of a linked canon was between the two, so most people either criticized it or ignored it outright.

this example is pretty accurate. GW kept bringing up a connected universe, people either paid no attention or thought it was a weird joke, and GW repeated this until the End Times, when they shoved it down everyone's throats that the universes are linked. They were the captain now.

Subsequently many people got reasonably upset that a stupid novelty idea to get you to play crossgame miniatures against each other was now solid and unshaking canon, but it was forgotten about in the midst of the tidal wave of awful that was the End Times and the following Age of Sigmar.

I'd say that a generous estimate of the number of Warhammer players who loved the idea of the universes being connected was around .0017% in total.


Nids ate a good amount of them, but not all of them.

Except GW has rarely put forth that the universes are truely shared. Old fantasy had some inclusion of CSM and shit like it...but it disappeared after that. Libre Chaotica is the biggest 'well duh' piece of fluff in the entire game. Until Libre Chaotica, very little was mentioned again.

The main thing is that when 40k was just starting, they were pushing them as linked in advertisements. That phased out overtime. I believe this is largely because GW couldn't find a way to link the games in any substantial (or profitable) way. IT was merely to save on boxes for daemons. Fuck Greater Daemons used the old fantasy boxes for years.

But in the earlier 2000s and area? Yeah, most people I knew didn't mind at all. I could see later fantasy players being 'against' it purely as they suffered from extreme snobbery. 40k vastly overtook fantasy in popularity, and so they wanted to be something 'different.'
It's basically your older brother being jealous of your success.

Extreme snobbery? No, that wasn't the only reason people hated it, it was because Warhammer Fantasy was a blend of Tolkien and 80's punk Britain with classic medieval elements and some original ones. It was a fantasy world of sword and sorcery, and when GW decides to say hurr buy our 40k minis use chainswords and boltguns in your fantasy world it of course would make people there for fantasy upset.

Imagine if you were playing Call of Cthulhu in its default 1920s setting and suddenly the developers say anyone can use modern assault rifles and futuristic railguns and laser swords and hovertanks in it.

Actually, the WD about the 7th ED release of the daemons of Chaos army book said that daemons are the same in both universes.

Then you have the Draigo advent story in which he witnesses a world that is suspicious similar to the Warhams world and says he might visit there.

A few years later, A giant silver knight with a funny accent pops up in the End Times to help the heroes.

mate, bolters and chainswords haven't existed in fantasy in almost decades now.

Cross universing is the cheapest thing GW ever did and no one ever saw it coming.

It literally is
>sure these two settings don't blend at all but hey they actually do so feel free to use your 40k daemons in fantasy games and fantasy soldiers in 40k games hey while you're at it buy both and make everyone happy it'll be tons of fun! no seriously buy both now

Of course, you can as well see the Eye of Terror in the fantasy map (source the 8th ED DoC army book) of the Realm of Chaos.

Dude, only daemons will crossover. Other armies crossing over won't happen. They are just letting you know that there is a multiverse as a little neat piece of information.

I stopped playing 40k in 6th, so thats news to me.
Early on there were several notes made by Andy chambers and a few others saying "nah not linked." Admittedly that's about 10 years old now, at least. GW is horribly inconsistent with this.

Except this, literally, never really happened, mate. Two sets of deities are literally the same between both. That's been the case since...ever.

>a neat little piece of information
>a neat little

So this is the 0017% of people who for some reason thought the universes crossing was a good thing

>someone else shares opinion that differs from mine

The Marvel and DC franchises have multiverses with each of their setting having something unique. There are fantasy universes, sci-fi universes, etc.

GW is not doing or have done anything out of the ordinary as fiction creators.

But don't worry, there won't be "Crisis of Infinite Warhammers".


>almost one-fifth of people like it
Are you for, or against?

>implying multiple comic universes created for merchandising haven't caused skub and aren't stupid

I'd be cool with it if were optional, like an optional sidebar detailing how you can link the two worlds together.

Making it mandatory and making it hard canon is what peeves my sheeves. It's just dumb. Sure you can ignore it and pretend it's not a thing in your RPGs or wargames, but ignoring it doesn't make it not canon. You'll have to accept that GW cares so little about the fluffy stuff of their worlds that they would do such things and more to fuck them up.

Come now. Surely you've been in a warhammer thread about the fluff before? There's no greater crime on Veeky Forums than a differing opinion.

As said above, GW has always not really "used" this, but just poked at it a few times. The largest 'poke' was Libre Chaotica, and 2nd Ed fantasy having boltguns.

I hit managed to post that early, oops.

There are huge similiarites between the creation myths, daemonic entities, and gods. Even Eldars are almost identical and any major differences could be summarized as differences of faith. Both 40k and Fantasy Khaine is as ruthless and blood thirsty. While Dark Elves love Khaines aspect of bloodshed, Dark Eldar despise the entire Eldar pantheon.

But Daemons? Good lord, those are literally indentical. The only "big" difference is the Everchosen isn't really present in 40k. The only two times 40k has backed a single person behind the gods was Horus, and then Abbadon...but not remotely to the same level that Archaeon, and previous Everchosen, have been.

Its just that the Warp and Chaos are same for both. It will effect nobody but Chaos, and within that only Demons are affected as all the corrupted mortals only care about their own universe.

Except the gods are very different in both worlds.

In 40k the Chaos gods were born from conflict and disasters on Earth and Slaanesh was born from the corruption of the Eldar. They have countless followers by 41M and threaten the entire galaxy almost unopposed spiritually after Slaanesh caught all but two of the Eldar gods with their pants down.

In Fantasy the Chaos gods and their opposite Order gods were born when the Warpgates collapsed releasing tides of raw energy into the world, which empowered greater spirits in the Warp who decided to emerge and exert control over the world, becoming gods. The gods of Elves have unknown origins and the Human and Dwarfen gods are thought to be aspects of the Law gods.

Gork and Mork have no known origin in either universe.

In 40k Slaanesh devoured the Eldar gods after they were weakened by the sudden deaths of millions of their followers. All but Khaine and Cegorach were killed, but Khaine fought Slaanesh and escaped into the mortal world when Khorne showed up and started fighting Slaanesh as well.

In Fantasy the Elven gods and Slaanesh co-existed. Slaanesh attempted to kill or overtake Khaine at some point and got horrifically bitchslapped, leaving a huge scar.

Khaine is very different between the universes. In 40k he's far more benevolent and righteously furious at the Chaos gods. In Fantasy he's very ambivalent and doesn't care much for any side. He just enjoys fighting, though to lesser extent than Khorne. In Fantasy it's also mentioned at times that Khaine and Khorne may be related somehow.

The Orcs are different from Orks. The Elves are different from Eldar. The Necrons are different from Tomb Lords. The Ogryns are different from Ogres.

They're all similar because GW intended to make a bizarre and satirical space game set in a grimdark world inspired by their Fantasy world. That only came later in an attempt to boost the popularity of 40k in the 90s

The universes are incredibly dissimilar.

>opposite of the Order gods
>talking about AoS
This is discussing actual fantasy user.

Dude, you are mixing your headcanon with retconned crap. Shut the fuck up.

They've already said they're expanding into the darklands around the 3rd game. So just wait and you'll get Chaos Dorfs and Ogre Kingdoms plenty

This is a great example on how I try to explain that there is more to it than rolling 5+/5+ in a game of AoS.

Extra fun to ad in an additional unit that charges the other side of the red unit, to "string them out" so to say, because lets not forget about coherency! There are literally tons of good positioning tactics in AoS, but as soon as you bring it up the grumpy old grognard´s starts swaying away with a "fuck you, Its the setting of AoS I hate! I never really cared much for the game...".

To me, positioning in AoS is far more strategic than it ever was in WHFB.

>actual fantasy

you what

>Somehow read the exact opposite of what was stated.

Multiple units work better as well. You can actually have spear niggers hanging back behind a unit that they can poke through.

>no one saw it coming