At least the mods cleaned up the mess.
You morons are super autistic to go through 3 generals in 5 minutes though.
At least the mods cleaned up the mess.
You morons are super autistic to go through 3 generals in 5 minutes though.
I may not be Jewish, but I am a Tau player. What a world where you have to choose.
I know there's a way to do them, but I think it takes like 8 hours to convert.
A pdf*
That's because one was reddit tier bait and the other was made by a schizophrenic tranny.
I actually deleted the one I made without a title to help us all get together you petulant piece of shit.
fuck off mate, they've been released for a few hours only, stop asking
you didn't provide link.
So, did anyone catch this video of a girl playing 40k?
I didn't know cute girls played even as much as I wished they did...
>didn't get Dark Imperium today
So do the Ultramarines have any good books?