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How many ship building CYOAs are there? I dig those, might try my hand at making a simple "pick one" since I don't know hwo to photoshop
Titan, I guess, but none of those are appealing
Right, here we go then
Updated with more options and more options to choose from, though only for the second half of the cyoa.
Posting in new thread as mistakenly posted at the end of the last one.
I've made so many builds for this I don't even know what's left to make.
And here we have the fruit of todays labours, the second DLC for Beastmaster.
As always, feedback and pointing out my inevitable many typos would be appreciated.
I think I'm done with this particular project for now; its been fun but I want to try a few other things next.
That's pretty obvious, user. You make a remake or an expansion. Add more races and shit.
SDA, I have to warn you, I knew a guy who acted like you are acting more and more in another general. Now he went full on bipolar disorder, literally hired thirdworlders to perpetually spam the general, and has probably killed himself.
You should take control of your autism before it fully takes control of you.
I mean aside yours stardust senpai. I'm thinking less sci-fi than space faring. You ever wonder how baller it would be to ride like Baba Yaga
Hey, is it true you're a slim guy
I'm a casual fucker, what's up with SDA?
His addiction to anal sex is consuming his life and only thing he can distract himself with is shitposting in here. Please try to understand, he's in a lot of pain
Huh? I didn't make the cyoa.
Would you say he's butthurt?
I absolutely know that because I did.
I don't think you understood my post at all.
I'm pretty sure I did.
SDA are there going to be lewd job options?
For you to be a hyu-man manwhore for the cats?
>In catgirl waterworld utopia anal is really popular for some reason
Let me describe the differences between human and cat penis and how this would affect the intercourse
I'll just quickly kill myself first
They have human penises and vaginas, user.
These are our genetically-enhanced children, user. Their physical traits are top notch, as is their tastes in music, books, CYOAs, and sexual activities. Of course anal is very popular.
>anal is very popular
>They have human penises and vaginas, user.
Immersion ruined, can't play
Wizard Police is the comfiest, so that's my choice
Rolled 18, 28 = 46 (2d50)
stability (41)
true chaos
stability (44)
So if you have Ryanne or Cally, you'll get 1 less extra companion?
Anyway, typos.
>Under Kalos Centholen
>. . . his skill with a bow in almost unparalleled.
Change 'in' to 'is'.
>Under Skirmisher and Scout
>. . . in your factions favour.
Should be "faciton's" here. Add a '.
>Under Control of the Waves
>. . . simply to large for you . . .
Change "to" to "too".
>Under Exterminator
>one of your enemies greatest strengths . . .
Change "enemies" to "enemy's".
>Under Strike Targets description
>. . . whether its in open combat . . .
Change "its" to "it's".
>Under The Prospect of Peace description
>A would be peacemaker . . .
Make "would be" into "would-be". There are actually a number of instances in the rest of this page that require this type of correction, but I ignored them since it would be tedious to type them all out. But this one definitely needs the -.
>Under Rewards description
>. . . courses of the war . . .
Change "courses" to "course".
>Under The Blessing of Life
>. . . stretched out of over the span of years.
Remove the first "of" here.
>Under Valanna Swangsong
>. . . on joining holy orders . . .
Change to "on joining a holy order".
>Under Lyla DeKrill
>Lyla a sly . . .
Should be "Lyla is a sly".
>God of worlds -2 rolls +Adventure
>25 Sense Lies
>47 Read minds
>7 Sense emotions
>15 Fire affinity
>26 Change hair colour
Huh to be random it got a consistent theme sort of a shame i didn't get inmortality
Thank you very much user, I've fixed all those now.
>So if you have Ryanne or Cally, you'll get 1 less extra companion?
The idea is you can continue with Ryanne or Cally if you chose them initially, but you have a selection of new companions to replace others that are unavailabe for the war.
So if you picked Ryanne and Whisper, Ryanne would continue being a companion for the war and you could have Kalos in lieu of Whisper for the duration.
If you'd chosen Gideon and Whisper, neither would come to the war with you, so you could pick two of the new companions instead.
... but now that I think about it, it'd be better to give the option to swap Ryanne or Cally out in favour of one of the new companions if you were so inclined anyway; can just say they went back to talent scouting mercs.
I'll make a revision and post again in a future thread.
Can someone post the fixed version of that RWBY cyoa?
The lewd one?
If you mean the ahegao one, a fixed version hasn't been released yet.
Never did a CYOA build before
Name: Felix LeChat
Unethical Experiments
-Medical Science[used to be a mob doctor, knows all kinds of obscure surgical techniques]
Basic- Small Arms, Evasion, Durability, Small Unit Tactics, Linguistics, Bluffing, Disguise, Politics, Navigation
Advanced: Biomechanics, Leadership, Charm, Science, Business Management, Anthropology
Expert: Medicine, Strategy
Psychic, Advanced Ship, Connections, Well Prepared
Rookie, Public Enemy
Weapons - N.G.B.R., Archimedes' Mirror, Noble 550, Reichardt 6
Armor - Juggernaut, Regulator
Misc - Guide Book, Survival Gear, Medical Kit, Valiant
Implants- Neural Enhancer, Cardiac Regulator, Dermal Transplant
Crew Equipment:
Spare Parts, Fake IDs, EVA Suits
Ship Extras:
Jump Drive, APC, Sickbay, Sensors, EMP Shielding
Victoria Maxwell, Poppy Appleby
Pilot - Kyrsia Marczak
Engineer - Mary Palmer
Cybersecurity - Zara Agassi
Boarding Party - Joseph Spencer, Rurik Bakyov, Hawk
Salvage - Johanna Hunter
I figure my strategy would be to lay low for a while, searching abandoned/primitive worlds for tech and supplies that would let me eventually create duplicate bodies for all of us and use them to fake our deaths, ending the manhunt. In the meantime we'll pose as salvagers, selling everything we don't need.
I was planning a cyoa and then that was released and I trashed everything. Why make anything when it will be worse anyway
It's a fresh new day guys! Let's all be awesome!
Small update to this page at the bottom of the choices. Basically states any damage done physically and mentally is reverted after one year.
And also no one gets raped. Kinnda weird I had to flat out write that in.
It's also dangerous to go alone, take this.
Does anyone else feel like this CYOA is just a bit underwhelming next to Zodiac Brides? For me, it made quite a bit of difference that the waifu text was written by the waifus, which gave them some personality and life. This one just feels like a generic waifu+power CYOA.
A good generic Waifu+Power CYOA, but it doesn't have that same spark. I dunno, I'm a worthless lurker and am probably not fit to pass judgement.
The waifus are better in this one.
>worthless lurker
You made a clear and concise point without shitposting so that makes you a lot better than most my dude.
I wouldn't say it's worse or better, just a different type.
But then again I'm biased so I'll shutup.
Pictures and headers below aren't centered.
Bloody disgusting.
I forgot how much work making cyoas is.
Do you need a hug?
How? That boggles me.
Gloryhole is really gay but money is money, especially in this economy and I'm not going to turn down opportunity to earn good wage while being able to work only about hour per day at home. Even if it's gay as balls.
Apprenticeship, hoping that it leads to some form of employment. Hopefully to one that doesn't involve the gloryhole.
Not really sure what to take for third, none of the stuff really strikes my fancy. The love doll I guess, good night's sleep is important. I hope it's not going to murder the cashier at the store I go to, that would be kinda inconvenient.
>You will never smite evil together with Ma
Why live?
>Waffle fortune cookie
Other cookies simply can't compete
>Grass jelly
I user the shapeshifting Master of Darkness unleashed an unspeakable evil! well not really
SSS rank combos unlocked
>Custard Tart
After a long day of adventuring there is nothing better than to rest in your pocket dimension
>Lucky charm bracelet
*You Will Know Our Names intensifies*
Best waifu
Better give closure to this world because i am not going back
>cashier at the store I go
I swear I've seen you post this exact build before, just worded differently. How ya doin cashier lady user?
I need an egg for these trying times.
Yes please.
I put a lot of effort in them. I'm also a slow writer, and very particular about my designs, though I'm keeping it fairly simple for this one.
Nothing worth doing is ever easy. You're doin good user.
>I need an egg for these trying times.
Angel has many to spare.
Damm i am using this image a lot this days
You can do it ! I believe in you !
Do not give up, you made some excellent cyoas in the past.
You get into that set of editor programs, and you kick that CYOA's ass. Don't let it out until you're happy with it. We believe in you.
>I think I'm done with this particular project for now
Awww, no Age of piracy or Dragonrider DLC?
May as well end it all
3 out of 6 sections done so far, shouldn't be too difficult from here.
You'd like that wouldn't you, big tittied whore.
How's your audit cyoa going?
I really think forced drawbacks, if present, should always be the first choice in a cyoa. Exudes a kind of 'gotcha' feeling otherwise. Also, has there been a mad lad who picked experiment?
>And also no one gets raped. Kinnda weird I had to flat out write that in.
I mean my first association with a tough prison is 'pick up that soap'. Considering that it doesn't really state what happens, the imagination just kinda runs wild, you know?
Don't talk about your mother that way user.
What is the audit CYOA meant to be? The name itself isn't exactly riveting.
On hold and is third in line right now.
You audit things. That's it, pretty much.
>Why make anything when it will be worse anyway
It MIGHT be worse, it might also be better, you won't know until after you've made it, so make it anyway. When you decide not to do anything because "it's just gonna be worse", you're letting the worst part of you win, so forget about whether it's gonna be worth it.
Forget about whether it's gonna crash the thread either. If it's not gonna be over your shit, it's gonna be over someone else's shit. Might as well make what you and your fans want.
As a creator, you've only got one option: Damn the shitposters and go full speed ahead! Let the future decide whether it was worth it! you live in the present, a time of action, so act. Show your fans why they believe in you, show the non-fans why they should believe in you and remind yourself why you create in the first place
That's really fucking dumb
No one's picked experiment yet. General consensus is mute.
When I first wrote it I tried to imply "Yeah these all suck ass, but nothing too bad will happen", but we all saw how that went.
Cookie: Waffel and Regal Fortune Cookies
Dessert/Trinket: Almond Biscuit and Chopsticks
(in a fight I prioritize vitality and speed, it is better to chip away on your enemies defenses than to be impatient and try to end it early with strength, just to be knocked out yourself)
Waifu: Rabbit (hard choice, I think the waifus were really solid, more consistently good than in Zodiac Brides, although I liked the introduction via letter better, Monkey and Rat are second best)
Drawback: Mute (not that big a deal, although it does negate the Regal Cookie for a while)
I am gonna travel through Triforge and get to know it. Once my voice returns I will attempt to establish my own kingdom to pass down to the eldest of my innumerable children.
>Of course anal is very popular.
Catgirls and anal?
Perfect world!
So many interesting and tempting choices here.
>Fortune Cookie
Hey man who doesn't want a little isekai. Regal would be a great combo with this as well but I don't know.
Almond Biscuit
Jade Ring
>Extra Fortune Cookie
So many great choices, again, but the Ring + Biscuit combo was too strong, and the Ring also meshes well with the extra cookie I decided to get. The Hat would be very strong as well but it seems a bit risky to me.
Tiger, Snake, Monkey, and Rat would have been great as well, but since I plan on becoming some sort of king in Triforge I think Dragon would make the perfect queen.
I don't feel super into naming someone that I didn't make myself but I'll come up with a few to try on her and she what she likes.
Lóng isn't going to be super happy about this but I absolutely adore that type of fish-out-water story and plus I think it'll be better for our eventual rule if we come from humble origins. Besides, we're going to be adventuring and traveling and exploring a new world. Staying cooped up in a house would kind of defeat the purpose.
Is Triforge a setting from another CYOA or anything? Just wondering if there's any extra information on it.
Triforge is my default name for my high fantasy, high magic world I use in my other cyoas.
Plus when I eventually make a card that allows you to fuse any two of my cyoas it'll be somewhat fitting.
Very good build too. I like how you thought to use homeless to your advantage in the new world.
Has triforge been used in other cyoa than this and worlds collide?
>dragon wants to settle down and life a quiet life
>lets force her to be homeless and go exploring with you
You sound like an absolute top tier waifu, user.
Ummmmm....Now that you mention it no.
I did mean to have it in my crusader one for Hecate, but my dumbass forgot.
My next one definitely will.
Four horseman based kingdoms with armies and all.
>You will never be a top tier waifu like user
>Four horseman based kingdoms with armies and all
Can I waifu the horsemen?