Pls help ;_;

Burger expat living in The Netherlands here, just found out I'll have to pay a fuckload of money (5 figures) to the Dutch tax authorities because apparently there's a wealth tax imposed on crypto whether you trade or not

Is there anything I can do aside from getting up and leave? Any chance that the tax authority will introduce some sort of a tax amnesty for crypto given that bitcoin has rallied hard over the past 12 months?

I'm guessing this is a problem for all of your Dutchfags because you're taxed based on your net worth effective January 1st. What were you planning to do in light of this predicament?

Other urls found in this thread:

Also is the Dutch tax authority a ferocious relentless blood sucker like the IRS?

Bump, want to hear about the subject too.

Tot 25k betaal je niks, na 25k valt het in box 3 en moet je 1,67% erover betalen. < ik weet niks van belastingshit, maar dit is wat ik vernomen heb.

Dude it's less than 2%. Also, if you have the 30% ruling you don't have to pay it.

In english pannekoek.

1,67% from your net worth when you're over 25k? God damn I'll be back soon

I don't, but regardless I don't think that's what the 30% ruling implies. It implies that you have to subtract 30% from your total tax liability, not that the 30% ruling cancels out the 30% tax imposed on the Box 3 yield

Its tax free up to 25000 everything after that is taxed at %1,67


maybe if you didnt trade fr a year but if you increase your money in crypto you need to pay income tax.

>if you increase your money in crypto you need to pay income tax

bullshit...source on this?

you made money trading instead of holding. so the goverment will tax it as income. just like if you had another sidejob for a few hours a week

If you had no coins on 1st of January 2017, you pay nothing in 2018. 1st of January is measurement date.

I think that's only if it is your main source of income like day trading. Not sure though.

Bullshit. It is unrealized profit. Maybe if you live off the returns, otherwise it is box 3. Trading or changing positions doesn't make it your full time job.

You can't just make your coins disappear. Even if you claim you lost your wallet or gave it to someone you won't ever be able to use them again without risking tax evasion charges. What's the point?

say you bought a shitcoin and it mooned 100x

Nee. Box 3 kudt

moet ik nu volgend jaar aangifte doen over 2017 (en dus de waarde bepalen van 1-1-2017) of over 2018?

Not sure of your laws but let's say you bought Monero and then bad things happened...

Just pay your taxes. It's less than 2% ffs, contribute to the fucking country.

Do you notice how good our roads are? Our health care is in the top 5 of the world. Our universities are all in the top 200.
Be happy that you get to live here, don't be a jew.


In 2018 betaal je vermogensbelasting over wat je op 1-1-2017 had.

>Our universities are all in the top 200.
[citation needed]

>bitcoins en andere virtuele betaalmiddelen
Virtuele betaalmiddelen, zoals bitcoins, staan op uw computer opgeslagen. U kunt deze alleen gebruiken als betaalmiddel op internet. U geeft van deze middelen de waarde in het economisch verkeer aan op 1 januari van het jaar van aangifte.

lmao, our tax people are slow as usual, thank god.

Top 250 then due to the fucking VU

ah, fijn. volgens mij zat ik toen nog net onder de 25k grens. wordt volgend jaar wel flink dokken.

Als je zoveel moet betalen aan belasting bezit je over de 1m, kanker gier.

Procentueel blijft het toch het zelfde.
Als je een flink bedrag moet dokken heb je zo veel geld dat je het ook wel kan missen. Je moet in deze markt wel heel dom investeren om in 2019 minder geld te hebben dan op 1-1-2018.

whats the best site for dutchies to buy btc? my mom wants to buy some now because its dropped a lot

What does this mean, user?

Also, all in all, how can they make you pay taxes if the money never makes it to your bank account?
Someone already said that this is unrealised profit, so, how does the "tax only over the 25k" specifically work? does this only apply for the money that made it to your bank account?

Dankjewel in advance, pannenkoeken van Kikkerland.

I studied tax law. You have to report your cryptos, which you owned on 1 jan 2017, valued at the price of 1 jan 2017.

The government says you made 4% profit off them (give or take). And you pay 30% taxes over that 4%. So effectively you only pay about 1,2% taxes.

Also, if you work in the Netherlands and make enough money, you and your employer can opt in for the 30% tax exclusion. This means you pay 30% less taxes over your work income and you pay NOTHING over any savings you have. is prima.
Het verificatieproces kost even, maar je kan met iDeal betalen wat heel chill is. En je krijgt zoals de naam impliceert direct je muntjes.

Also, you can substract 25k over your cryptos.

nice dubs koen

>leeching off european country
>doesnt want to pay taxes
go back, faggot.

Nah, if you qualifty for the 30% ruling, it's ANOTHER bonus you get. Hence why people fucking hate expats ;)

cryptos are box 3. In box 3 they assume 4% gains per year and this is taxed at 30%.

You lost it all on some bad etherdelta trade. Next day you made it back with random shit tokens

The 30% rule ensures you don't pay taxes over 30% of your income.
And it means the Netherlands won't tax you over your box 3 savings, which means your cryptos and crypto gains won't get taxed.

The 30% rule is a means for rich people to avoid paying taxes.

it means crypto is still a grey area in the if you started with 1 BTC, and ended up with 100, due to trading, you don't get taxed extra, you always just pay around 1% "vermogensbelasting". however, if your net worth is less than €25k, you don't have to pay anything.
of course you can have a wallet with like 1000 BTC and easily hide that from the tax man, your choice.

Je kan ook Monero's laten uitbetalen via meerdere mensen/accounts?

Gewoon betalen kut

>The 30% rule is a means for rich people to avoid paying taxes.
Incorrect, as this only applies for expats and not all expats that move to NL are rich.
Get your facts straight, mietje

what's the point?

>cash out €50k crypto gains, hide it from the belastingdienst
>can't tranfer it to your bank account because they'll instantly know and fuck you over
>can't buy a fancy car because they'll instantly know and fuck you over

>be a billionaire
>""work"" in the Netherlands
>you no longer pay taxes over your billions and no capital gains taxes

You still pay taxes, you fucking moron, even if you benefit from the 30% tax ruling.

Not over box 2 and box 3.

bitmymoney is pretty chill.

Wait, so how does that last part work? And what if youre freelance?

Even the Open University rocks the fucking world
>Top IT Educator motherfucker
>TFW even Delft & Eindhoven can't even manage that shit
>TFW Prestige is overrated
TFW I have no face

It's an opt in, which often results in that the other country will treat you as someone who pays taxes in the Netherlands.
And the Netherlands will treat you as someone who pays taxes abroad.

It's a practical joke that you can pull in many areas of tax.

So no one has any valid solutions then?

>5 figures
It's a 1.2% tax, imposed on the value it had on January 1.
>Any chance that the tax authority will introduce some sort of a tax amnesty for crypto given that bitcoin has rallied hard over the past 12 months?
Any chance the state will voluntarily let you keep more of your money than the law currently dictates? Fuck no.
>What were you planning to do in light of this predicament.
Pay the tax. I don't see the problem. It's a lot less than pretty much any other country's capital gains tax.

>bitcoin costed 1000 dollars
>you made 4% profit, which is 40 dollars
>you pay 30% taxes over 40 dollars
>please help

Your gonna pay a flat fee on your assets from 25K up, wether its in cash, crypto, shares or real estate

This year the first 75k is 2,871% profit.

So you literally pay 12 dollar taxes over each bitcoin.

Gister een aangenomen verrassing van ome duo kon meteen de dip kopen.

ik heb gisteren verkocht op 11k eur....gekocht op 18k eur... toen teruggekocht in bch omdat ik dacht dat we gingen flippeningen...kanker :(

Volgende week donderdag is segwit2x. Dan word bitcoin weer gekopieerd.

Dan gaat iedereen in de bitcoin zitten voor een gratis muntje, die mogelijk bitcoin cash overbodig maakt. Dus momenteel is bitcoin cash een erg riskante investering.


I think if you are benefiting from the 30% ruling you are exempt from that.

Is het weer zo ver. "ontslaan" we bitcoin core team?


Kankerdom bedoel je?

Ultra kankerdom. Gewoon kopen, niet naar omkijken en over een jaar of 2 paleis soesteinde kopen

ik koop hoog, en verkoop laag.

Trouwens, voor alle Nederlanders die hier zitten en een coin zoeken die binnenkort 10x of 20x gaat, koop Oceanlab/OCL. Is een coin nu nog alleen te krijgen op de Waves Dex maar hij gaat binnen een paar weken of maanden naar grote exchanges. Als je nu nog koopt ben je spekkoper. Gewoon een tip. Doe ermee wat je wil.

Dat is nep fork door een scammende autist die helemaal geen adoptie heeft. Als je echt daar op gaat zitten wachten kom je van een koude kermis thuis.

Nee, ik ga dan gewoon een uurtje in bitcoin zitten.

Ah dus dit is wrm al die kankersites je ID willen hebben. Ik heb t zonder ID nog kunnen doen door op litebit te kopen (500eu p/d limiet maar t moet maar en tyfushoge kosten) en te sturen naar gatehub wallet.
Nu vraag ik me af wat ik ga doen als ik t weer naar euro om wil zetten.
Kzit onder 25k dus voor nu boeit t eigenlijk geen flikker maar je weet nooit.


wat is hun doel?

Hou alles anoniem, zo anoniem mogelijk. Als je grote gains hebt (gaat iedereen lukken in 2018) ga naar Hongarije, cash alles contant uit, zet een bedrijf op, maak nepfacturen en betaal 9% inkomstenbelasting.

>paying 9% income tax instead of 1.2% tax here

Ik begrijp niet waarom je al die moeite zou doen voor 1.2% vermogensbelasting.

Omdat je geen 1.2% moet betalen pannenkoek

Alleen als crypto handelen je baan is

omdat inkomstenbelasting hier 30% is

cool. weet jij nog nederlandse projecten die ik kan steunen? kankercrypto (KKC) when


wat moet dit gaan doen?


>dutch get taxed on assets not income

Bitcoin zal volgend jaar niet x10 of 20 gaan. Maar je moet het zelf weten.

Ze werken samen met het waves team om handige blockchain ondersteunende applicaties te bouwen. Automatische betalingen, token distributies, online games, blockchain workshops voor bedrijven, een centraal Europees blockchain hub en nog veel meer dingen die ik vergeet. Check hun whitepaper op Ze brengen elke week een update uit over wat ze aan het doen zijn. De prijs gaat constant omhoog.

Kwestie van tijd voor ze op grote exchanges komen en een flink paar keer over de kop gaan. Het gaat de afgelopen tijd hard omhoog. Daarom nu kopen nu ze nog onder de radar vliegen. Nu nog te krijgen voor minder dan 1000 sat.

Echt geen flauw benul.
Volgens mij is het een blockchain die lang niet zo veel innerveert als veel andere producten, maar Nederlands is het wel.


Dude We dont have a capital gains tax!! One of the best countries in the world for crypto gains, taxwise.

They have decided to just asume a 3% return on your wealth and to tax that instead of taxing capital gains. Which HUGELY favors people making massive gains like the crypto neets right now.

what's more fucked up is that from the looks of things ITT, every single dutch faggot is a full blown cuck who's eager to pay taxes

because we don't live in a shithole like you do and we are actually in the top 5 with almost everything. Our country used to be nothing but water and we made it into a worldpower. So fuck off

t. greek

I love how foreigners don't understand the concept of a government that actually builds roads with your tax money.

Must feel really bad to live in a country where your government is so untrustworthy that people buy guns to feel safe from their own politicians.

jezus man ik schrok me de tyfus. was even vergeten we hier kommas gebruiken als decimale punt.

was ook een woord vergeten zie ik nu

Ziet er goed uit. Vanavond even lezen.

Alvast bedankt voor de gains, mocht ik investeren.

>bitcoin cash overbodig

Netherlands is nice, but Germany is nicer.

Still a top 5 country though

bratwurst in dein sauerkraut

Compared to germany and belgium we have very fucking good roads and infrastructure. And it sometimes baffles me how other countries throw their hat at important shit like that.

>Germany is nicer
>shit education
>East Germany reunification tax
>an even worse sense of humour than us
>gazillions of refugees, due to an eternal guilt complex
>Berlin is a literal shithole
Ummmm no thanks sweetie