Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

A Little Less Shit edition


>Latest news :

>Latest GW FAQs:

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>7th Ed 40k rules reference in wiki format:

>WIP Math-hammer doc

>Roster Builder

How full of smelly neckbeards will my local GW store be today

fuck off retard

At least use a proper bait image.

First for the ebooks are illegible.

i am going with a solid 66.6%

so Veeky Forums how do we think the leman russ conqueror will work in the new forgeworld index?

seeing as it was known for firing on the move and all russes now hve gun stabilizers I have no fucking idea what theyre going to do with it

on a 3+? Seems legit

I got a box of marine models from a friend, what is this space marine Sturmtiger called?

Are the new imperial armor books on an imgur or PDF anywhere? They were all over the place last night but I can't find any.

It's an upside down pattern retardium

Reposting this pic because people liked it. Conscript spam is fun and good.

What armies have you played against with conscript spam so far, and how are they handling them?


merging Armageddon was a mistake.

ARE YOU PREPARED FOR 8th "best" edition?!

It's a Vindicator. Apparently with magnetic track plates or something, too. Cool conversion.

I'm planning on only ordering enough line infantry to fill up two or three squads of veterans, then I'm only going to use them for special characters and conversion work. Some of it I like, some of it I don't. I don't think the female arcadians are quite close enough by the male cadians to run them side by side in the same squad, but as officers or sergeants? Differences will only serve to help them stand out even more. I also like the special weapons. Flamers look good, and using them as regular flamers while using the GW ones as heavy flamers should work out well.

>the Ork heads

How are people converting epubs to pdf? Or getting good quality pngs from the pages?

I'd like to turn these into something not shit.

Can you take haemonculus covens units along side a Ynnari detachment? Or because the rule says "army", are haemonculus covens units completely barred from playing with ynnari?

Not now that they finally integrated big models into the game correctly (so that they aren't instantly killed or totally immortal) and pointed them properly.

If you throw a stompa down the other guy is going to have like 100 models to counter it with now.

I can't really speak as I only played with 550 points. I fought 5 custodes who are hyper cheese and killed them in 4 turns with some Autocannon sentinels helping. They fired 200 shots turn 1 and did 3 failed saves, custodes are fucking cheese.
They deleted squads of khorne berserkers a turn though. Great as hell.

I wanna give my Third Company Imperial Fists red bolters

Is that too much red?

have you ever seen a red rifle that doesn't look retarded son

Haven't played in a while, can someone give me the tl;dr on 8th, is it worth getting back into from 6th or not?

>It's a Vindicator
Cool. Are they good?

How long would it take to -sage the thread away?
Is it possible?

Yeah. I was in the same boat, played in 6th, quit when 7th sucked, came back for 8th and I'm super happy with it. 8th is better than 6th.

Mines slap full, I would be enjoying it if it werent for
>bitchy wife
>retard family
>retard friend
>fathers day
I just want to watch other people have fun for a few fuck me I bailed early

Starting 40k DG tomorrow.

I have heaps of 30k DG. What style should I paint them? Left, mid, or right?

They used to be pretty damn shiny, tossing massive damage onto any annoying squad of elites within 24" (yeah, short range was the weakness) but I have no idea what they do now. I imagine much the same, no idea if it does it WELL or not.

>Always ran mounted vets
>Never used conscripts
>Never planned to use conscripts.
>Veterans are elites in 8th

Lose one Cadia and the whole vet pool goes to shit I swear.

The guy on the right looks like he is oozing strawberry jam.

Can someone post a non-modified, non-shitty ePub of the rule book so I can make a PDF?

yeah pretty much the whole range looks pretty awesome, but like youre doing I think the only way theyre feasible is with a small amount, 50bucks per ten is just too steep for a full army

So whats the general feel, everyone actually enjoying the newest version, share thoughts and feels.


Mid. Like the colors.

An improvement over 7th. The rules are much simpler (in a good way), and much more balanced. However, everything is slightly blander. The hope is that this gets fixed with codex updates. But until then, it's good, with the potential to be incredible (if they do fix the blandness)


>declaring anything as cheese when you've only played 550pts
Fuck off

>I didn't play Age of Sigmar
>I didn't like Age of Sigmar
>I was happy playing 40k
>and then 8th

The sad part is, so many changes are exactly what I want.

>Karamazov can't call down orbital strikes on your own guys anymore

why even bother

I too would like to see these for... Research.

8th is great if you ignore all the WAAC faggots trying to purposefully misinterpret rules on purpose.

This. My friend and I have been having a blast playing CSM vs Dangles. He's thrilled that his plasma guns don't fucking explode all the time.

t. guy who got btfo by 10 pairs of conscripts operating independently in a unit and tarpitting his entire army.

Remaining Badab characters and Maynarkh Necrons when?

>purposefully misinterpret rules on purpose
Goddammit, should have reread that before posting.

shut the fuck up dummy

The Stompa is a bad example because it's overcosted by about 400pts, it currently performs worse than two Gorkanauts in just about every field while being 250pts more expensive than them combined

OwO whats this?

I'm mostly curious about all the new fluff.

Since they set the novel at the end of the crusade there is 100 years the rulebook can fill in.

Why is GW so incompetent with shipping?

1. Mid
2. Left
3. Right

they outsource to shitty cheap companies instead of developing their own logistics

That is probably going to be the case for every single titan sized model.

Many good changes, many not so good changes, I did not want AoS sci fi edition in terms of rules and fluff murder


In America they are fucking garbage, like other user they outsource to other companies, elsewhere like in the UK and Australia I've heard they're pretty good when it comes to shipping. I still always receive my White Dwarfs two weeks late.

shut the fuck up dummy

They are absolute garbage, possibly the worst tank in the game.

Anyone else picking up their new 8th stuff not today but on your Warhammer day? I just have the stuff preordered and on hold. Me and my mate are splitting the Dark Imperium box and I'm getting Xenos 2 and Chaos.

Q: If I create an Astra Militarum Regiment of my own
and name them, for example, the ‘Emperor’s Finest’,
and I then also create an Adeptus Astartes Chapter of
my own choosing, and also call them the ‘Emperor’s
Finest’, do the abilities that work on the
and/or keywords now work on both the
Astra Militarum and Adeptus Astartes units?
A: No.

The intent of naming Regiments, Chapters, etc. of your own
creation is to personalise your collections and not to enable
players to circumvent the restrictions on what abilities affect
what units. It is also not intended to circumvent the restrictions
on which units are able to be included in the same Detachment.

wu tang fags btfo

Dude what the fuck, explain your prob and dont be a cunt

A huge blob of renegade mutant rabble

No rules for them yet but this is the infantry blob edition so they cant be that bad

Like UPS only a company that does not respects its clients would use it.

link to FAQ?

Epubs where? I can only find the rulebook and FW Chaos index in the OP.

I could probably convert everything to PDF too, I'm the guy who created the Crusade Imperialis and Legiones Astartes PDFs over in /hhg/ and they were the same bitchy format.

You obviously haven't seen the stats for imperial/chaos titans

Can somebody upload a photo of the 14th and 15th pages of the physical 6e Nid Codex?

So keen for my guys to see some use.
Already put them up against a squad of Intercessors and a Gravis captain, and the results were hilarious.

Have you fucking seen the rules for custodes? They're god damn bonkers and off the wall. Even in 7th they were ridiculous. They got 3 wounds now and no nerfs

So apparently there was a period after the Great Rift opened where the Astronomicon was gone. It's still gone in the Imperium Nihilus, and Guilliman fought off an incursion against the Imperial Palace engineered by Khorne personally before he could set out on the Indominus Crusade.
So all this begs the question: How did Guilliman Deus Ex Machina his way into the center of Imperium Nihilus to bail out the Blood Angels in time? Each new bit of fluff makes the Baal blurb worse.

Australian Vindicator

I've played two games of Orks in 8th and I fuckin love it so much better than 8th so far. My first game was versus necrons and although I lost, it was REALLY close and could of gone either way up until the maybe the last two turns. My second game I won against Marinelets and I could of possibly tabled them by turn 5 if the store didn't close and he ceded.We both had fun and it wasn't because of one army being better than another, it was because of good tactical planning on my side and mediocre tactical planning on his. Also teleporting boys is a great distraction carnifex(s). Share your experiances anons!

Still need an answer: Is it illegal to have an army that would start with less than 0 command points, or does such an army simply have 0 command points?


Anything particularly interesting in the new fluff from the rulebooks and codexes?

New to 40K, painted for years but never had a chance to play because I used to live in redneck nowhere but now live in a city. I have questions:

-It looks like the new Index books are really cool, but they're made to become obsolete. Am I right in thinking that they're made just to update current/old models to the new system, and when the codices come out they'll be adding/retconning a bunch of stuff that came out today? So the point of buying them is just to get up to speed for and then buy specific codices as the armies are updated and released?

-I'm planning on getting into Marines. Based on what I'm thinking in the last question, is it worth it to buy a Start Collecting box now if the models will be updated within the year? How often has GW been updating or overhauling models? How likely is it that the current models will become obsolete in a short enough time that it would be worth waiting?

-How acceptable is it to start a Marine army with no specific codex, and switching between rule sets in different games? Would people at a store be upset if I used the same models as two different chapters?


In the OP the first Link under Rules and Such

best setup for IF tactical marines in 8th?

I was gonna run 2x squads of them with the same loadout, can't really decide between grav/grav or plasma/something else.

dude, they've answered you last thread. If your total CP turns out to be less than 0, it becomes 0.

Npcs like nid hive fleets are attacking themselves

If you read between the lines, there's a gay for his dad space marine that recently rose to power in a prominent chapter.

Several people answered me, and there was no consensus.

If you secede during a game of 40k you deserve to be shot.

Huh, there's a solution I hadn't thought of for solving the "Nids will eat everything" problem.

Who and what now?

According to the Warhammer Community article these are these are "The final two Imperial Armour Index books", is that right?

Looking in the index for the new Imperial Armour my Secutarii Units don't show up in either the Imperial knights or the Titan legions. Did my favorite titan legion/Admech elite units get fucking squatted?

The only stuff that was in the MRB that I didn't already know was that:
Impatient for quick victory, Khorne TWORE OPEN A PORTAL just outside the Imperial Palace and sent 88 Cohorts of Daemons. The assault was repelled by Guilliman, Primaris Marines, Custodes, and Sisters of Silence before it could reach the Eternity Gate.

For a brief period following the opening of the Great Rift, Astropathic Communication and the Astronomicon were rendered totally silent. And the Legion of the Damned was reported to have materialized across hundreds of besieged worlds that were cut off.

The Imperium Nihulus apparently can't see the Astronomicon at all.

>No nerfs
Motherfucker I will choke you

shut the fuck up dummy

>1. Yes, indexes are a stopgap
>2. Why would you play marines
>3. But why would you play marines tho

lucky me I'm not a dixie

The italicized text heavily implies that you can take as many Auxiliary Support Detachments as you want

They'll be in the next IA.

Oh, and Khorne's rage at the failure blasted apart the very essences of the Exalted Bloodthirsters who led the assault.

Why do vehicles and walkers suffer the -1 to hit when moving with a heavy gun when they are supposed to haul heavy guns around? it's gay hitting on 4's and 5's with these guys

Other than that, 8th is bretty gud

For some reason Legion of the Damned are a deus ex machina I have yet to tire of.