Does anyone else ever prepare food (or just snacks) for their playgroup on Game Night?
I'm preparing some Szechuan dipping sauce.
Get Riggity Riggity Wrecked, son!
Does anyone else ever prepare food (or just snacks) for their playgroup on Game Night?
I'm preparing some Szechuan dipping sauce.
Get Riggity Riggity Wrecked, son!
Other urls found in this thread:
>rick and morty reference
i think i got lead poisoning from this post
nah if my players are starved they make more rational decisions.
Hey, Rick and Morty is pretty damn good. I didn't even get into it until a couple of months ago after my friends nagged the shit out of me to watch it.
Also, doing nice things for your playgroup makes for a better experience for everyone. It's not about playing a game like it's a video game. It's about having fun and everyone enjoying themselves. Making good memories and shit like that.
Do it sometime.
For dipping what?
We just drink craft beers.
Nuggets, man! That delicious Mulan McNugget sauce!
There is nothing more degenerate and disgusting than eating during a game session. I don't allow food at the table, I don't allow breaks for food and only water (or flavored water) is allowed for drinking as long as it's in a sealed container and drunk through a straw to minimize any chance of spillage.
1d4chan used to have a collection of recipes.
We need a team to make 1d4chan great again.
>Get Riggity Riggity Wrecked, son!
fuck off
It still does, though I agree that 1d4 could use a cleanup.
I usually bring beer. Usually take turns preparing some sort of meal for game night. Slowcooker4lyfe.
We occasionally cook stuff as a group.
At the table only carrotsticks or similar stuff that doesn't make too much of a mess and doesn grease up your fingers.
Bottles go on the floor during the game.
I still have photos of the original 'Meat Bread' from that magical long-ago thread. Ummmm Meat Bread.
I need to actually try cooking it sometime. It seems so simple yet appetizing. Maybe when I get a working fucking stove.
alternative to meatbread
I don't know what's in that, but now I'm hungry and I want to cook something for my next RPG gaming session.
If I remember correctly it was a walnut cake with white chocolate frosting. Characters were a mix of chocolate and sugarpaste painted with food color.
Rick and Morty is for edgy reddit faggots
I do but only when I am in the mood to do so.
Otherwise, it's delivery food or random junk food that I or others bought.
Back when my group was all in the same place, we used to make various pastries. We'd all show up to the apartment with the oven and chill out making stuff hours before we'd actually start the campaign. A particular favorite of mine was the time we made apple-cinnamon sugar cookies filled with caramel.
>craft beer
Mah nigga. You certainly are a man of good taste.
Stout/porter master race
Peanut butter cookies
because I know the gm is mildly alergic to peanuts
You sound like the most boring person to play tabletop with. I'm surprised if you even have a group to play with.
I hope you play in your LGS with people you don't know shit about. As in, people you don't have a first-name relationship with. Because otherwise, you're a lousy friend. Not a lousy DM, a lousy friend, and to be honest I'm surprised you have a group of people to put up with your bullshit, assuming you do.
I mean, I know you probably had your runs with That Guys that ended up with them fucking with your shit (I'm betting on books) with their 2 gallon jugs of mountain dew, but that doesn't mean you're entitled to be a prick if someone wants to drink some soda or take an hour from the session to order and eat a pizza. Stop being an autisto dude, take it from the guy who's been playing every week for the past eight years with the same group, people like you suck the joy out of the whole thing, and are usually one of the reasons for people to skip game nights. I seriously felt bad for you and your players reading this.
Homemade flat bread and flavored hummus
Fresh with minimal crumbs but still high in carbs.
And have you ever tried professional help for your autism?
I bring snacks, but I hate it when people drink at the table. I have no problem with them drinking otherwise, and am perfectly happy to hang with them while they are drinking, but i wish they wouldn't do it at the game table. Booze and roleplaying just don't mix well at all. It always ruins the session. Always.
Then they drink too much or not enough in general.
>be me
>at uni
>try being nice and prepare anacks for gamenight
>new players tonight, want them to get a good first game session
>clean up uni apartment and hit up walmart
>get home and make bbq pork sliders with pickled red onion, coleslaw, cornbread, lemonade, purple hull peas and an apple pie
>players arrive and explain that their adventure begins in a tavern and they are served this stuff
>later, everyone having good time in dungeon, gamin rpin eatinband crawlin
>boss ogre goes down but bard already started looting treasure
>bard picka up a ring and puts it on and gets stronger
>barbarian demands said strength ring
>bard player visibly annoyed, denies barb the ring
>after a bit of ic and ooc bickering bard still wont give it up and barbarian player calls him a filthy jew
>bard player picks up a pork slider and throws it at barbarian, smacking him in the face
>barbarian splashes drink across table to reach bard but misses and hits cleric
>cleric gets up and her bf the ranger start throwing food too
>all out food fight turns to blows after the table gets flipped
>wind up ending the fight and sens everyone away
>get a text later saying game was fun ans when is next session?
How to tell them its done?
That pasta is far past expired
For me I love to cook, and a group get together always ought to have snacks, so yeah absolutely! For shadowrun I'm planning on making chocolate soya slurpees! literally soy and chocolate syrup, but I have to see how the consistency is, but hey, no allergies unless you are a dog
Being able to find occasionally very good subreddit communities trumps being completely fucked if the only board on a subject fucking sucks. Like Veeky Forums, /mu/, Veeky Forums are so fucking bogged down with 40k or /r9k/ bullshit, I'm glad there's Reddit.
/r/worldbuilding is nice to each other and full of fun prompts that totally inspire worldbuilding. /r/magicbuilding is a wasteland. I'm glad there's overlap, so that there's more chances for the community your looking for to form.
Fucking hell you're annoying, go back toreddit.
My players went off my railroad, so I cooked them some pasta
No allergies sure, but no male should be drinking pure soy unless they want to tank their testosterone levels
Given that this is Veeky Forums and you probably already have difficulty with girls, I wouldnt risk it.
Each person brings his own snacks and drinks for during the game. We try to match the snacks with the game (cold cuts and bread for medieval stuff, Asian snacks and Japanese beers for L5R and cyberpunk...). As we usually play for 8 to 12 hours straight, we do a break and eat a meal together. Either we cook something simple (grilled chicken, spaghetti, risotto, minced chicken with curry sauce and rice, frozen lasagna or cannelloni, Provençal fish with potatoes, plus a salad...) or we go outside to eat something that doesn't take forever to be prepared (burgers, kebabs, Chinese food...).
Says either a lardass with bitch tits or a scrawny 120 lbs manlet.
Let me guess. You don't drink beer either because of female hormones?
Yeah, we usually rotate cooking duties for my game; just this past week we did waffles, and also somebody had the bright idea to make grilled cheese waffle sandwiches
>literally just making grilled cheese sandwiches in the waffle iron
shit was pretty cash
Typical reddit. Glass is always half empty and no fun allowed.
>muh reddit
>muh reddit and memey
Please stop it user, we're not on /tv/
>No allergies sure, but no male should be drinking pure soy unless they want to tank their testosterone levels
This meme again.
Then the question remains why the culture that drink soy have better reproduction and sexual rate than those that don't?
The fact is food don't change your habit nor drive attractive members of other genders do as much as your own laziness and insecurity do.
>projecting this much
Someone will fuck you eventually. Keep slathering yourself in estrogen bitch boy.
>implying hormones don't affect ambition, energy levels, and confidence.
Fucking idiot.
You are one dumb insecure person to keep using fiction and theories as facts.
Keep harping your "facts" to yourself as you die alone unloved by any.
You replied to the wrong post, dumbass.
And what's your point anyway? You're a fucking Navy SEAL that will materialize in the guy's room to kick his ass?
I hosted two nights ago and finally got to bust out the food processor. I made a Garbanzo Bean chocolate cake (gluten free for the win) and a fruit platter. It turns out that grapes are a great TRPG food.
You need better players :(
You need to slow you roll son.
I made sushi for my group once.
I'm hopefully starting a couple new groups later this year. I'm hoping I'll be able to make delicious food for them again. My current group is really just snack food.
Our cleric brings grocery store bags full of chips and salsa and pita+hummus and sliced lunch meat and fruit. He's a really nice person irl and also a good player. I should really pay him back every other time or something like that, he's a joy to be around and I'm not sure why he's so nice.
This isn't me (OP).
There are DMs who cook for their groups? Wtf why
Because we are good friends. And do special shit for our game nights.
Socializing really. Back me and my group of friends had regular sessions I had fun coming up with some stuff to cook and there's really no better feeling when somebody appreciates your cooking. Dill salad, pepper meatballs, sweetmilk stuffed bananas, you name it, anything can work whether you want to have a tableside snack or some dish to eat during a break.
Turkey is cheap and so are countertop friers. I make everyone the Hollywood medieval nobleman's dinner, roasted vegetables and potatoes with a slab of ham and a turkey leg, and mugs of cheap wine or a good pale ale.
There's a reason that third generation Asian-American men tower over their manlet brethren back in the Orient, without mixing genes. And it's not because America is a magical land of freedom and bigness, it's diet.
My current character is a Countess, so to get myself in the mood for fancy banquet/diplomacy sessions, I pour myself some bourbon, or eat a lot of small-portioned finger foods.
Otherwise, I only drink coconut water when I'm playing.
I like this.
100% would join your campaign.
If you gaze at the Abyss, it spits out this nightmare into your eye.
Baiting this hard..
I just fucking love Rick and Morty, in the way that I fucking love science. It's so random and cool - it's like the show was designed for us Redditors, see? My mom says I have an unhealthy obsession with the show, but she just doesn't understand how funny it. I wish I could live in the Rick and Morty world and be their friends. Everything would be really and cool and funny if I did. Rick and Morty are so funny and I'm so awesome that it would make perfect sense, but it'd be even better if Bernie Sanders appeared. It'd be so awesome I'd turn up the TV in the common room of my dorm up all the way so everyone could hear the greatness of Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, bacon, weed, atheism, The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Sweden, Bill Nye, 90s cartoons, cats, and fucking loving science.
I run the Rick and Morty Club at my school - we come together, browse Reddit, make some Deadpool memes and watch Rick and Morty. We don't talk to each other but there's a cute girl there I'm gonna try and ask out. I'm a nice guy and I dress well (fedora + trench coat + brown-stained underwear + well-trimmed beard lightly seasoned with dust and corn syrup) so I just know I've got a good chance with her. I've already messaged her on Facebook, I just haven't got a response yet.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand: Rick and Morty! My favorite character is Rick because his style of humor perfectly reflects that of Reddit. I bet if I asked him "When does the narwhal bacon?", he'd know EXACTLY what I was talking about. Also, did you notice he looks like Bernie Sanders if you squint a bit and use your imagination? This can't be a coincidence; MLG Illuminati confirmed. Yeah, that's right, I look at montage parodies too. What good Redditor doesn't? Lenny face, Illuminati, and Doge are so funny. If I met Rick and Morty I'd be sure to show them all those funny and awesome memes and more.
Simply flippin' epic! Wubba lubba dub dub!
>gluten free for the win
You or one of your players better have fucking Celiac's or you should just end yourself for thinking "gluten-free" means anything.
>Trying this hard