MTG Commander/EDH General

"Cheesecake Playmat" Edition

Previous Thread: COMMANDAN NEWS

>Commander 2017 Spoilers

>Latest Commander Ban Announcement

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>Metamorphosis 2.0


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.

>Veeky Forums EDH General Discord


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question:
What's your oldest oldest Deck and how has it changed since you put it together?

Other urls found in this thread:

Return to Dominaria..... Maybe Urza planeswalker?

Dominaria is going to be the Liliana focused set. We may see Urza referenced somehow, but definitely won't see an Urza Planeswalker Card. They can never do it right, and he's too important to the over all legacy of Magic to screw up.

>What's your oldest oldest Deck and how has it changed since you put it together?
I started playing around Scourge/Mirrodin and this card confused me as a new player. Was it good? Awful? I couldn't figure it out.

Turns out she was just plain awful. Fortunately, the first commander set introduced the Vows and I thought I had her figured out.

After playing her a few times (against Shattergang Bros, no less), I realized that the Vows easily fall off and lots of players run sac outlets. Therefore, I shouldn't have to rely on my commander.

She's now wrath.dec and only swings when the board is completely clear. Thankfully, because she has haste, I don't need to rely on boots or greaves and she's a OHKO with Finest Hour and a 2-hit KO with a Vow and Opal Palace. The only Vow I run is Flight, plus at least 3 lands which can prevent her attacking me. She continues to get stronger as I trade into better cards; recently I obtained an EMA Vampiric Tutor which is nice as the deck is heavy in control and tutoring for the right answer at the right time.

Please no

No such thing. I can vaguely remember stuff I've played online ~6 years ago, not having money or inclination for the cardboard. Started playing the real thing this year, since then, decks are getting built and rebuilt on a monthly basis

>What's your oldest oldest Deck and how has it changed since you put it together?

Built two decks when I started the evolution was:

>Phenax Tribal Walls
>Phenax Control Pillowfort Combo Pile of Trash
>Oona Combo
>Phenax Combo
>Lazav Shapeshifter and Dimir Goodstuff
>Lazav is life, Lazav is love

>Melek Spell Slinger
>Niv Mizet Draw combo
>Creatureless Melek Combo
>Jhoira Big Suspend Spells
>Jhoira Big Dick Eldrazi Swinger

Recently took some of the Melek combo spells and make a Mizzix

>What's your oldest oldest Deck and how has it changed since you put it together?
I've started mtg with dragons of tarkir and got into commander a year later.
My oldest deck is propably my Breya deck which used to be a Sharuum deck after I modified the Oloro precon.
I've built it from lifegain goodstuff into artifact combo.

How's your Jhoira do? is she blown off the table immediately?

My oldest deck started as the most Timmy ever Scion deck.
Slowly I started putting more and more "good" cards in it till it became a hot mess of goodstuff and shitty mana curves.

So, I thought I needed a change and decided to play with less colors to limit myself to hopefully get a more cohesive deck.
I eventually settled on Nicol Bolas because the theme behind it gave me more to focus on rather than just dragons.
This was 6 years ago.

Since then my Bolas Dragon deck has been my favorite deck. and over the years it's seen rebuilds and upgrades. And it's slowly become more robust, flexible and streamlined.

I've had many decks in those years but Nicol Bolas has been the one to stick through it all.

Honestly, I jumped into the deep end, I started playing in a frankly insane meta with the 2014 Precon Teferi I got for cheap last year. I've added Chain Veil and basically cut most of the expensive spells from it in exchange for cheaper stuff that staxes and helps me combos off.

He's a really flexible deck capable of staxing a table or comboing off quickly depending on my needs.10/10 would warp a meta with it.

No because my group cant into spot removal or counters for my counters. Most of the time I will either summon her early and get two things suspended turn 3-4 then I dont care if she dies.
Otherwise I wait till I can caster her AND suspend a few things in the same turn.

My decks' changes really show how we went from 1v1 to 3-4 players too.

>Azami wizard tribal
>Niv-Mizzet proxied infinite combos
>Mizzix spellslinger
>Nekusar wheels w/ proxies
>Arjun draw combos
>Melek storm
>Jeleva storm
>Rakdos, the Defiler harm, sac and discard
>Sedris reanimator
Possible Narset chaos in the future, maybe as a side deck

>Maga 1v1 durdling
>OG Drana Big Mana
>Geth gravedigging
>Shirei budget durdle
>Sheoldred reanimator
>Sidisi mono black control
>Skithyrix quick blowout
>Endrek Sahr tokens and stax
>Gonti card hustling
Less and less good cards to steal from the opponents deck though

>Azusa ramp
>Omnath voltron-ramp
>Thrun voltron
>Nath stax'ey elf tribal
>Karador value hatebears
>Ghave token aggro
>Teeg hatebears
Also interested in trying RG hatebear route

First deck was the Sworn to Darkness precon deck. A friend bought it for me when I was getting into Commander and he had the White precon. Had a lot of fun learning to play with him. I usually had Gisa as the commander since she was very straightforward.

Now it's been turned into a zombie tribal/sac effects with Gisa at the helm. Goal is making a meteric shitton of zombies, control the board with sacrifice effects, and make the zombie's huge. Ob and most of the demons are out of the deck now and were replaced with things like Coat of Arms, Ashnod' Altar, Thornbite Staff, and Nim Deathmantle. Noxious Ghoul and Relentless Dead are probably my favorite cards.

Currently reworking the deck with some toys from Amonket. Lord of the Accursed, Plague Belcher, Liliana's Mastery, and Liliana Death's Majesty are all pretty great.

>Thread question
EDH-wise, it's Volrath. I made it like 10 years ago. I just liked Volrath, had a foil one, and wanted an excuse to use him.

He went from just mono black "I think this is good because I'm 14 and bad at MtG" with high cost garbage to pitch to Volrath to an obvious voltron/reanimator. Put a lot of money cards in him, foiled everything I could out, and even got some masterpieces to show off. Now I only really use him like twice a month when my playgroup all brings out their "babies," but he still gets some kick-ass wins and is fun to play

Let's play this game again. Sorry about image quality, I'm on mobile.
Helm of the Gods, Unflinching Courage, Heroic Intervention, Forest, Darksteel Mutation, Plains, Retether.

>What's your oldest oldest Deck and how has it changed since you put it together?

Molimo, now that I took apart Shattergang. I always check every new set for the mono-green fatties, just in case.

Is Lord of Extinction worth the $15 bucks? I am thinking about trying to trade for one to put in my Jarad deck

Well worth it in Jarad anyway. All depends on what you wish to do with it. I would say that Phyrexian Dreadnought is also worth it with him.
Some of the Lhurgoyfs are also good, soch as Lhurgoyf and Terravore, depending on the meta of course

Do you plan on just sacrificing it to Jarad?

Do big dumb beaters live long enough to kill stuff in your meta?

Can you give it evasion or trample?

The lord gets chump block for days and it begging to get exiled. Creatures need to be useful if your commander is offline.

It's worth it. You'll make your meta start running graveyard hate if you get it off.

Meta has devolved into a clusterfuck of pillow fort nekusar/grand arbiter with the occasional yidris
none of my decks can compete in this environment and have put a narset build on hold for one of three options
Gaddock tax with big ass uncounterable beaters
Khans Sarruk aggro with mass enchantment removal
Uril win in one swing or die trying
Any Advice?

Make a Stax deck. They break pillow forts once they are online. Green and white are you best enchantment and artifact removal options. I would say Anefenza should be your go to. That will probably shift the meta towards aggro again.

I have a low-budget Selesnya deck, and I've been wondering how many ETB-tapped lands are too many (by slowing the curve too much).

I'd like to know what's the general rule of thumb or consensus in the community. Google searches don't seem that useful, as they're too conflicted to follow.

Pic related.

I would say it is better to have your colors fixed and have to deal with tapped lands than having basics of the wrong color

Maybe Urza's remains will be scattered around Dominaria, I don't remember what happened to his body and only his head plus the legacy and the might stone and weak stone were part of the weapon. I just want to hear the lore in the lore about the ships in the sky and the descendants of the crew of the weatherlight. Yavimaya was always my favorite place in all of magic.

It depends on a few factors, like your curve and number of color symbols, but for a 2-color deck I would stay on the lower end of mana fixing. 5-7 lands that ETB (including conditionally), another 2 or 3 that can filter, and make sure that a few of your rocks and ramp can filter or tap for colored mana and you'll be good.

Basics are better than tap lands. I never use them terramorphic expanse, evolving wilds. Even spells that put you ahead in green and white are better. You are better off playing a gift of states or cultivate. Even an explore is better than a turn 3 tap land.

Depends on your meta's power level

Budget two colour decks (especially where one of those colours is green) barely need any non-basics, unless theyre utility lands like wasteland and friends

krosan verge whatever you do remember krosan verge

This desu

I've been getting back into the game and just started spending more time on tg - what does 'Timmy' mean?

A young Spike

>60 card
made a red "burn" deck out of some guy's spares for $5 (it was m15/theros/rtr stuff), it is now actually a burn deck that I rarely play with because my meta doesn't like playing it unless its a multi game (Its very casual kitchen table). Its not the best deck, but it is explosive damage wise

started with borborgymos enraged. it was so bad. Like, I would be ashamed if I made that deck today. obviously it was "gruul" based, but I just didn't have enough cards that were powerful enough or efficient enough to be any good. After awhile, dragons of tarkir rolled around and I made DL Atarka the commander, awhile after that, I made the world render my commander because it was more consistent and is a better card in general. Since then, its sort of devolved into RG goodstuff/dragons. I am happy with where its at, but all I'd want for this deck at this point would be Vorinclex and/or craterhoof. beyond that, assuming that there aren't any new R/G stuff that I'd want, I'm done with that deck.

Rate my shitty "Put together last night" Mayael deck.

not legal / legal

I should include a link.

Thanks for the link. Interesting meta.

Scattered Groves
Krosan Verge
Ash Barrens
Canopy Vista
Brushland (ironically enough, just as expensive as Temple Garden)
Temple Garden
Windswept Heath
Forbidden Orchard
Fortified Village
Sungrass Prairie
Sunpetal Grove

The only expensive shit is Brushland, Temple Garden and Heath. Besides all of the above, you just use basics

Oh lordy lordy, this is hilarious. I want to see how long it lasts.

The rest of his body was left in Yawgmoths arena after Gerrard cut off his head. I personally hope the current writing team stays the fuck away from the weatherlight / legacy weapon / brothers war stories. maybe a return to Zalfir or Otaria would be cool

We might check in with Radha and see how new Keld is doing.

Wasn't the Time Spiral block about ~100 years ago in the current story line?

Dear /edh/,

My playgroup consists of four friends:

1. Guy who refuses to play multicolored decks because he doesn't know how to build decks and can't be bothered to learn. Main deck is a mono W angels tribal with gerrard capashen at the helm. It's vaguely lifegain themed with very little lifegain support.
2. Spike. Claims commanders and sits on them for months before deciding he doesn't actually want to build them. Only deck he's had in paper for the past year is Purph.
3. Me, I started playing magic a year ago and now have 12 decks in paper, My decks are pretty varied because I get bored playing the same game every time. Notable decks are Marrow-Gnawer rat tribal, Queen Marchesa aggro with focus on symmetrical damage doubling, and kydele/thrasios combo.
4. Esper control/combo player. Has a $500 sydri deck that tutors microsynth lattice and blows up lands. Almost every game. Also plays tassigur which wasn't entirely unfun until he decided to tune it. Groaned in protest when he saw I put stranglehold in a couple of my decks.

I'm having less and less fun as time goes on. #4 wins almost every game we play. #2 refuses to play against sydri, and #1 has all but quit playing magic because his decks aren't much more than stacks of cards that can't do anything at a table with #4.

I've told #4 he's basically forcing #1 and #2 out of the group, and they don't like playing with me because I've tried to build decks that keep #4 in check.

Is it all ogre now? How can I bring my group together? I even tried to meet everyone in the middle and make a deck building game where we drew a color out of a hat and made a budget mono colored deck of whatever color we chose, but I'm the only one who actually built my deck. We drew our colors several months ago.

I wasn't in here when Scorpion God got spoiled.
What do you guys think? Might be neat.

My oldest deck was Melek, its biggest change is that it is now Niv-Mizzet.

She's an elf, plus she's been through enough shit to handwave her still being alive.

It would be cool to see an older less hotblooded Radha still leading the Keldon, she was one of the few characters from Timespiral block that isn't dead or missing.

This card has white color identity, right?

>What's your oldest oldest Deck and how has it changed since you put it together?

Xenagos, built it as Stonebrow trample tribal back when gatecrash came out, eventually after putting Xenagos in the deck and finding myself tutoring for him every game I switched the deck over to him.

Now the deck has lots of extra combat phase cards and most of the creatures in the deck 2 phase people with Xenagos. I do love making people's anuses pucker when I give a malignus trample.

No reason it wouldn't.

You can always click back on thread from the link in the OP

He looks good, but not great. Drawing cards is nice but he doesn't do anything else. Plus, he needs additional (mediocre) cards to make his primary draw ability really go off. A decent effort from Wizards, but he's not the RB commander we need


It's black white.


yes, it's only white kinda like how cellar door is colorless

Thanks, wanted to make sure my brain worked right

I thought the mana symbols only matter for color identity for commander? Since when does he mentioning a color make it that color?

it doesn't

>Since when does he mentioning a color make it that color
it doesn't. See Hanweir Militia captain. She makes W/B cleric tokens when flipped but she is legal in monoW b/c her mana symbols/color indicator never changes from White

You just quoted a bunch of people who gave the same answer, and then asked why the opposite of what they answered was true
Are you okay, user?

Flip avacyn can be used in both a monowhite deck and as a boros commander.

>Flip avacyn can be used in both a monowhite deck

Flip avacyn cant be used in a mono white deck. its color identity is R/W

So, I need ideas for decks.

My latest is Grenzo, Havoc Raiser Lantern with a bit of Goblin Tribal and a political subtheme ("If you don't block this token, I can get that land off the top of your deck..."), but I also have:
Odric, Lunarch Marshal Keyword Soup
Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim Cleric Lifegain
Vorel of the Hull Clade Voltron
Vela the Night-Clad Ninja
Wort, the Raidmother Spellslinger
Sidar/Tana "Fuck your power 3 or greater"
Queen Marchesa "Don't touch me, peasant"

Considering Zedruu Political Chaos or Damia Combo

Fuck you, no it can't. Stop being an asshole to the idiot.

She cannot be used in a monowhite deck.


no, not really. I just got off a 10 hour shift from work, so my brain is pretty much fried. Spoilered for blogshit [spoiler/]

Creatureless Mimeoplasm removal seems fun. You could also do Rakdos, Lord of Riots burn and reanimator, where you just fling a bunch of giant fatties, reanimate them, then do it again.

I've found Odric to be an amazing member of the 99 and a terrible commander but if you do decide to put him in the CZ, going human tribal is your best bet.
My personal vote is Wort Gruul Control

sounds like you need to find a new group

I think you misunderstand. I already built all those decks, and Odric is really nice.
Have Odric, a bunch of weenies, something with Indestructible, and Siguarda's Aid.
Swing with everything, and whatever gets through gets flash equip with Worldslayer.
Game is all over but for the crying.
I've 'finished' games on turn 5.

What's the best/most fun tribal commander? I've been wanting to build a tribal deck for a while but have no idea who to build

How much do you like a challege?


Geist of Saint Traft Spirits. Brago if you're lame.

You considered Bradis conjurer combo?

I played my fiends Giant tribal deck before and I didn't mind it but it was a bit slow for my taste

Braids is rather expensive to do well, if I understand correctly.

I think Ayli is the most fun tribal commander, at least for me. That said, she doesn't have that much synergies with clerics.

Daru Spiritualist + Ayli + Lightning Greaves or any other 0 cost target repeatable spell or ability

I run Nylea and Brawn so a lord with trample could be useful

If you can get an Urborg tomb of yawgmoth and and add a filth to the deck.

I won a lot of games with my old Jarad deck just by smashing with 7+ power unblockable Jarad.

i also have a filth. i have urborg+cabal coffers in my sheoldred deck, i guess i could switch em, out between games

I know of it, but I don't run it. Instead I run Glarecaster and Preacher, both being secret tech

Nomads en Kor for Kor/Cleric tribal.

What would you say the cheapest colors to build in are? I know that blue and red are generally rather expensive because of their fetch lands, and I've seen some price in green due to the ramp cards. Anyone able to give me an accurate breakdown of what colors are cheapest to build in while also being enjoyable to play?

>accurate breakdown

I have a similar inquiry in regards to the pros and cons of decks running 3, 4, or all five colors.

okay, as accurate as is thought to be "accurate". What most people would agree on.

Or fuck, just what people think personally

>Chooses to play a casual and bad built deck
>Fuck spikes stomping my shitbrew reeeeeeeeeee why do I lose is Spike's ruining the game!!!!!1
Edh general in a nutshell

It's almost like it's the casual format or something.

Here's that reply (you) wanted

Is it cool to switch out two or three cards between games? I don't want to buy another urborg+coffers set

If your playgroup has the patience for it.

Yeah, use the same sleeves for maximum speed and reduced risk of damage.

Does anyone have a good Breya list? I kinda wanna just play midrange/control goodstuff, rather not be all-in on worldgorger/nim combo.

Learn to do it quickly and it's fine. If you spend more than a minute or two resleeving between games then you should just buy another copy.

If is a casual format why does it have banned cards then?

So, as Im a bit of a newbie to magic, and looking to build a deck around King Macar, what kind of cards would y'all recommend to add to it?

I have a couple ideas on how to build it, but Im not all that sure.

springleaf drum/honor-worn shaku and a good number of vehicles he can crew for starters, strionic resonator

Alrighty. I think I even have some of those.

Then you don't want a good breya decklist