Behold, Sacred Cat's big brother.
MtG Hours of Devastation
I didn't know cats could take the trials.
Is the only difference between embalm and externalise the fact the token is white/black resp.?
Also anyone know where I can get pdfs of mtg lore and old magazines?
Eternalizing a creature makes it 4/4 no matter what its previous stats were.
The difference is that the token is automatically a 4/4 (and yeah, black instead of white)
Eternalize apparently is a 4/4 copy of the card.
An actually decent counterspell in Standard? Are they actually going to let control be a thing?
Seems weird that they are all 4/4, like grasp of darkness will become super ultra good, and 5 toughness creatures will be at a premium in draft
Electrify is saved.
That cat's Modern material.
I'd like to be the guy who manages to pull both this and Regal Caracal in a draft.
They're all going to be 4/4's, so it seems like it's going to be on mostly cheap creatures that get more dangerous when you kill them.
So is Eternalize meant to represent what Bolas is doing to Amonkhet? He's going to turn the entire plane into 4/4 zombies?
I think those who were deemed worthy are being brought back as these powerful undead.
He's going to turn the 'worthy' dead that display a suitable amount of skill into 4/4 zombies.
That's what the purpose of the trials was all along, to kill the worthy dead and cart them away to be eternalized, so he can assemble an army of weird lapis lazuli zombies.
If Tezerret succeeded in his task, then by now Nicol Bolas would have a dimensional portal at his disposal that could allow this army to march across countless planes.
Does anyone else get Necron vibes with how the Eternalize zombies look?
Not what I expected but it certainly makes sense.
Will we get an eternalized Neheb?
It's sad that they're not worthy
So a cat beat the trials?
How long do you give it till ugin and ajani save the day?
I assume it was the animal companion of a successful applicant, who had his pet slain alongside him by Hazoret.
the oathwatch hate cards are odd in my mind, I wish that the gideons defeat would hit white planeswalkers too
You're forgetting a couple others.
a cat is fine too
Is there a source on this? I thought what bolas's goal was to regain some of his former godlike power. Im new so I'm not aware of how much bolas was about armies and conquest before. But an army doesn't seem like it's useful beyond that.
that makes me think of another card.
desert tribal has me brewing the memiest land/cycle deck to get laughed out of fnm. thinking i should do something with discard + splendid reclamation/crucible snek
>didn't start with the cat's out of the bag
You had one job
that's some dope art
Goddamn you wizards.
I have to say, the design is oddly robotic. Fertile soil for New Phyrexia?
I think he's multitasking.
Devour the gods and what little is left of Amonkhet's worldsoul and mana to check another box on the path to godhood, use Tezzeret's newfound power to create planar gates for nonliving things to move a very strong army onto the next world he needs to buttfuck for more power.
Bolas turned what was left of the three gods he killed into death-engines that sat behind a gate in the desert for several generations just on the basis that they might be useful at some point. He likes to squeeze all the value he can out of things.
apparently Bolas has been using amonkhet to dig up the blue stone to make "eternalized" creatures.
I hope there are some relevant deserts. I bet WotC thinks that actual Desert is too confusing.
Desert is apparently to powerful, which isn't entirely off base, given how much better 1 toughness things are now.
Being able to shut down a fair number of decks for the first 2 turns by playing a land is pretty strong.
Where's this actually decent counterspell? Did you click the wrong image?
You can ruin someone's day by mixing this with Undying Evil and spells that move +1/+1 counters around.
its decent for standard.
They weren't planning on BFZ block still being in when this set was out.
It might not see play in Modern or Legacy where better counterspells are about, but a 2U modal spell that can be mana leak or anticipate as the situation demands is pretty darn good in my book.
wizards once again tells enemy colors to fuck off
>New player who doesn't know what Impulse is
WEW lad.
What? You know enemy colours are the best supported in standard right now, right?
>bring back Cycling
>fuck it up COMPLETELY
>Cycle duals in Amonkhet
No enemy colours.
>Ixilan spoilers have checklands returning
No enemy colours.
I know perfectly well what Impulse is. It's a card they're never going to reprint in a standard legal set because it's strictly better than anticipate by digging one card deeper, and more importantly its name is directly contrary to what blue's all about flavorfully.
Doesn't change my stance that an instant that increases cost as one to act as a modal version of two perfectly fine spells is hardly something to be bitching about.
Literally my mom's Cryptek
There's going to be at least one big nasty thing with an Eternalize cost cheaper than its casting cost because it gets smaller.
I think it's more how they work in multiple.
how is a common monocolor land cycle telling enemy colors to fuck off?
Does Plains being printed mean wizards is telling enemy colors to fuck off?
>the only good lands
kaladesh enemy colours
>eternalize is literally just mega-embalm
Wotc keeps finding new ways to disappoint me.
don't forget this too
I'm with you user. Let the shitters be shitters.
The big problem with the card is it's a Standard card. I don't know if you know this, but Standard is REALLY fucking awful.
Avatar of woe is an invocation.
More like avatar of disappointment.
>Desert is apparently to powerful, which isn't entirely off base
It deals 1 damage to an ATTACKING creature at END OF COMBAT. It doesn't even kill things before they deal combat damage. Sometimes I think even Wizards doesn't even read their own cards
people always talk about how Veeky Forums is terrible at magic but these recent threads about power level and reprinting have really convinced me
You haven't played with Deserts, then. Just try Paper Pauper with it and see most Meta decks just fall apart.
Mono Blue Control just dies even with things like Daze, Counterspell, Gush, Delver.
Welcome to the side of enlightenment.
Good, that deck is bullshit.
Spoiler Season is the gift that keeps on giving.
>Sacred Cat
>Regal Caracal
>Adorned Pouncer
>Prowling Serpopard
>Scrounging Bandar
>Stalking Tiger
Is it time for jank cat tribal?
this one doesn't need 2 blue and also has another option if you don't need to counter something turn 3-4
I'd say its a possibly better option than disallow, and way better than the current mana leak with options, Reduce///Rubble
there's the amonkhet colorless one that deals one damage to an opponent when it ETBs
this + fateful showdown for a true meme supreme deck. or just the new perspectives/second sun combo but with fateful showdown instead.
Why does a 4/4 with vigilence cost 1 more to eternalize than a 4/4 with double strike?
ones a common, others a rare. Wizards have been fucking up common vs rare power lately imo
because the cat's a rare.
The double-strike card is a rare, the vigilance one is a common. New World Order, remember? Rarity= Powerlevel in most of the cases. In fact, that cat must feel awesome for BW Zombies
>what is UR control
Stop being faggots, all of you.
BW zombies doesn't need the cat, same reason they don't run stuff like the embalm angel.
Zombies after rotation will but you may as well just build B/W embalm at that point.
God I fucking love this picture but I hate this shitty resolution
You are forgetting quite a few cats.
>Felidar Cub
>Felidar Sovereign
>Felidar Guardian
>Longtusk Cub
>Willy Bandar
>Inb4 Guardian is banned
Not in kitchentable.
Interesting. bolas really fucked over amonkhet huh.
I wonder how the gate watch lives through this though. they fucked over his planar portal plan badly so I feel like he'd just want them done with.
From the looks of the cycle of "defeat" cards, it looks like he's just planning to blow it all up with them in the plane, whilst rubbing salt in the wound about how much they fucked up along the way.
we need one more good cat and I'll play that shit at FNM
Bolas probably creams them but circumstances allow them to run before he finishes them off; in a bit of a reversal from the hail-mary that killed Kozilek and Ulamog, this time the fates aligning is just about enough for them to not die despite facing Bolas woefully unprepared, which is a miracle in and of itself.
Given the leaks of Ixilan have indicated Jace is a castaway in that world I'm thinking the Gatewatch pulls something desperate just to escape from Bolas before he finishes them off but probably get scattered to the winds, some of them in really bad shape. Bolas lets it happen because killing them is a secondary concern, but even being a secondary concern means the Gatewatch and anyone that helps them are on Bolas's list, and that's a bad place to be.
Only reason they won't be dead is because they aren't a threat to anything he's doing.
Bolas is used to his minions trying to punch up and try to take his place as top dog. He'll keep giving jace and liliana and any underlings they recruit lessons until they learn obey him like tezzeret learned. Bolas lives his life like a yakuza boss and understands the most loyal underlings need to be broken down a little.
Pretty good, menace is underrated.
>you can pump him to rape a hand
Hazorets fervor is looking pretty good in an eternalize deck.
too slow
doesn't solve the issue of agro decks dominating standard
we NEED a 2 mana universal counterspell of some kind that isn't complete dog as att countering things past turn 2 or 3
aka not censor
we needed miscalculation
or fuck just give us mana leak
fuck this "counterspells are not fun" mentality
Reprint ssg and mana leak in the same block imo.
This feels very Ashiok-y
Look if you can't play control in the format we've got right now you probably won't be able to play control even if they reprint counterspell.
>yfw the 3 "dead" gods are R/B, R/U, and U/B
Scorpion King makes me pretty confident
>control in the format we have now
>Gideon ally of zendikar
>GB 1/1 shit
>temur still bullshit
I get that they have given us a lot of tools with cards like cancel with upside, draw X, and gearhulk but the fact is that they have given control tools that they are supposed to have in every format while giving everything else absurdly pushed cards that just invalidate pretty much everything control wants to do
vehicles in particular are really stupid and were a bad idea from the get go
and right now PW have really no clean answers and this new cycle of "Defeat of X" cards aren't really enough to answer how powerful they are
on top of all this though we just don't have an actual landbase that can satisfy decent control colors
U doesn't combine well with any other color scheme because all it really has is Aether Hub and that isn't good enough to cover the extream mana swings for some decks.
Take a grixis deck
requiring BB on turn 2 for grasp of darkness into UU on turn 3 for a cancel is absurd for mana bases in standard right now to do consistently
a 2 mana universal counterspell would go a long way to helping this format because it would keep these stupid agro decks honest
no more curving out and winning because they drew the wrong counterspell
now you actually have to play around their shit and respect control
If I had to wager a guess, it might be that the Lazotep is planeswalking proof. Like it can make an army resistant to the rigors and energies of the blind eternities so he can just chuck this entire army through planes. Plus being well honed super soldiers that haven't ever been injured in their course through the trials helps make them additionally skilled fighting force.
If there were better manabases around it wouldn't make control better in the meta. We'd just get Khans 2: Electric Boogaloo with four color goodstuff cancer.
not really
think of this
As long as you control an island can tap for U, B, W or R
prefect control is saved
or even better
Can tap for any color except green as long as you have at least 10 counterspells in your deck
also reprint manaleak
Reprint Mana Drain and make it Standard/Modern/Legacy legal