This is Robin Cruddace. He was in charge of the New Warhammer 40k 8th Edition.
Appologize to him right now
This is Robin Cruddace. He was in charge of the New Warhammer 40k 8th Edition
He can get fucked.
8th is a steaming shit pile. He got bored of raping Tyranids and decided to rape the entire game to death.
So the biggest red flag yet?
No he fucked up three other editions and is just the top name in a ticket where other people probably wrote the rules for him.
I'm tuned out. The lore's garbage ever since Curse of the Wulfen and it's only getting worse. What's up with the mechanics?
mfw my leman russ is destroyed by one hundred grot blastas
The base rules got a lot simpler. This is good in my book. The bad news is that every faction is a lot blander right now. There's hope that when the codexes come things will improve.
>No he fucked up three other editions
No that was Phil Kelly for making Eldar absurd
Crud has fixed Kelly's biased shit and made every army as balanced as they ever were
>The base rules got a lot simpler. This is good in my book.
Simple does not mean simplistic. 8th is simplistic.
The inevitable power creep and special rule glut will destroy any semblance of simplicity.
>This is Robin Cruddace. He was in charge of the New Warhammer 40k 8th Edition.
Wrong, the internet was in charge of 8th edition, he merely stole credit. Fuck him in his ass with a red hot poker.
>The base rules got a lot simpler.
People keep repeating this when it's not really true
>mfw my leman russ is destroyed by one hundred grot blastas
Wait, WHAT??!
>mfw my leman russ is destroyed by one hundred grot blastas
You deserve it if you positioned your Russ on the table for 100 grot blastas to have a clear shot at it.
In 8th in mathmatically possible for grots to shoot a leman russ to death.
Now before you sperg out like the guy you are responding to did, the math typically dictates it would take literally THOUSANDS of grots over many turns to actually do so.
But people are pissing their pants that they're theoretically able to cause even a single wound to a tank - no matter how slim the chances are.
Keep in mind tanks and vehicles have a shitload of wounds this edition.
>a leman russ
Oh, right, the tank named after the Primarch. Knew about that.
I thought he was talking about the Primarch himself... Which is also possible and even MORE hilarious to think about.
>Dose beakie iz gettin' boring.
>Why boss?
>See dat wolfy nob? He got his 'ead blasted by grots.
I will never not hate Cruddace for totally shitting on Nids in 5e and beyond.
He can go choke on a wheelbarrow of dicks.
It is. Consider tank shock in 7th. A whole rule system for what happens when a tank runs into a unit. In 8th, it's replaced with just having the tank charge, and maybe giving it a bonus to melee attacks that turn if appropriate.
8th is about reducing the redundant systems.
Should I change from using 4th edition to 8th? Explain the changes.
Yes and no.
if you thought that he was talking about the primarch, you really need your aspergers levels checked.
>it's ok for 100 grot blastas to shoot a wraithknight or a riptide to death
>it's not ok for 100 grot blastas to shoot a russ to death
Cruddexes were truly the worst. But now we have an entire edition of them. So everyone can be together in the shitheap!
We were born into the cruddex, they merely adopted it.
I miss my Doom of Malan'tai
He was fun
>i'm so butt-hurt
100 grot blasters in 12" to a leman russ do 3,7 unsaved wounds out of 12.
I guess you must put 324 gretchin in 12" to kill a leman russ.
Then you have won with a 972pt Gretchin army vs a ~200pt Leman Russ tank.
Give this man a medal...
or even just the wounding system. Way simpler, no table.
Or HtH. No more comparing WS. What's your to-hit? Ok roll. That's it.
I miss my Parasite of Mortrex.
8TH EDITION SUCKS AND THIS IS WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>He can go choke on a wheelbarrow of dicks.
Nah, he's a dick-chowing powerhouse, you'd need at least a dump truck full to challenge his amazing schlong-glomphing abilities.
So the writer known for sucking out flavour directed the edition with the least flavour?
I'm shocked
Good thing most of the rules are written right down on the unit entry. About all GW has to do is make sure that within an army each rule that is the same shares the same name.
Wait for the codices to come out with warlord traits, psychic powers, stratagems, and relics. If AoS is any indication the amount of relics could go up dramatically as now instead of just six to choose from you have ranged weapons, melee weapons, armor, trinkets, and even possibly stuff like special banners or upgrades to vehicles or mounts.
>Wait for the codices to come out with warlord traits, psychic powers, stratagems, and relics. If AoS is any indication the amount of relics could go up dramatically as now instead of just six to choose from you have ranged weapons, melee weapons, armor, trinkets, and even possibly stuff like special banners or upgrades to vehicles or mounts.
That doesn't change basic things like vehicles not being vehicles anymore or basically all positioniong revolving around buff bubbles now like aos.
Face it, even if they add more maths and rules as "flavour", it is unlikely that even the little bits of tactical depths 40k used to have are gone.
>That doesn't change basic things like vehicles not being vehicles anymore
Nigger, whatever piece of shit this edition might be, standardizing vehicles is a good thing.
8th is awesome and you're an idiot. Deal with it loser.
>mfw some guy has spent two straight weeks posting this bland meme about the best version of 40k
So, riptides? fateweaver? Which waac shit can't you get free wins with anymore, loser?
Standardizing vehicles was good since it means you no longer have to devote pages upon pages to how they work. Fantasy since I'm guessing time immemorial had vehicle like units which had a similar stat line to other units and I never saw anyone bring up how they wished they had a system like 40k.
Positioning being related to auras and getting the most out of them is depth. I'm guessing it's not like a traditional wargame, but GW trying to create a traditional wargame gave the clusterfuck of rules that were the previous two editions. Vehicle facing feels like the same thing, you can choose to have faces and seemingly have rules that slow gameplay down because it's more realistic or you can ignore them for the sake of making a game that flows better.
It also seems like the positioning of vehicles will matter too, lest you clump up all your models and they get massacred from your own vehicles exploding.
Yeah well, we're fa/tg/uys
>made every army as balanced as they ever were
Haha, complete fucking bullshit cruddace was dogshit at balancing.
He shat on my army for three editions, I still want him to die.
Crud never made bad codicies. The other guys just didn't stay in line and we got the broken mess of 7e thanks to it.
It says he oversaw it, which means someone brought him a bit of paper and he went "yeah okay".
Compare the dreaded Cruddace Nid 'dexes with his hilarious one-note and fucking nuts Guard 'dex. You're saying the shit-for-brains responsible for Skarbrand made good, balanced codices.
Also, is it any real surprise that person that jerks off to tanks -- to the point that when he was designing the Tomb King codex, he gave them a tank; when he was designing the Daemon codex, he gave them vehicles -- has seen fit to jerk off to vehicles?
The factions are all still an unbalanced mess so there is no reason to applaud this douche.
>little bits of tactical depth 40k once had are gone
>7th edition
>tactical depth
kek, seventh edition was a incredibly expensive game of rock paper scissors with the only viable lists being shitloads of MSU, a single massive deathstar unit and a shitload of high damage blast templates, the game began and ended in the list building and the two hours you spent rolling dice were literally a formality.
the army tiers were reminiscent of a bad fighting game and clear favouritism could be seen in the pet armies of others
8th may not be great but seventh is literally the worst state that this game has ever been in so literally anything is an improvement.
At least we are a few months into 8th and they mucked up the supplements/changed their design principles entirely