GP Vegas edition
>Metagame thoughts
>thoughts on GP vegas?
GP Vegas edition
>Metagame thoughts
>thoughts on GP vegas?
Other urls found in this thread:
I like UW control but I have just one question is that just a budget version right now?
how come there's seemingly more trans than cis women in magic?
because trannies are men who want attention
Probably because there was a limited number of Vehicles in Kaladesh, and doing train art without a Vehicle keyword would have been a waste?
I'm not100% on whether they set quotas on gender for the art. I personally doubt it.
Should probably run at least one celestial colonnade
>not recognizing this meme
It's an old picture. It has preordain in it.
Because 99% of the CIS women who play Magic only play because they have significant others who play Magic.
>seemingly random pile of cards completely BTFO living end
oh fug
>there are people ITT who haven't seen Zoolander
>watching ben shiller's movies
Can I run Chandra Torch of Defiance instead of Nahiri in Jeskai control? Would it be better?
My boi Mausoleum Wanderer being useful makes me proud
I feel bad for the mop boy assigned to Gabby.
>can I run garbage standard card?
>or can I run the card that inspired the fucking deck after Twin got killed?
Hmm... I wonder.
Well shit, there goes 90 dollers and planeswalkers and emracoolio...
I'll save up, but for now I may run ojutai dragonleader as a cheaper alternative.
chandra seems pretty bad with countermagic and not ramping out big red cards
First for Gabby looks like shit.
We'd all still hit it like a sledgehammer.
Can you not bully the only wizards coverage person who isn't completely fucking terrible.
The main problem is she lacks insight. She's more often than not the one asking the questions because it's much easier than answering them.
anyone who plays death shadow has no life
>fairies decks
>affinity player can't count to 4
Literally how?
i might be getting a seeker tezzie soon, can i make him work in somthing like thopersword or some sort of ub setup?
what was the meme though?
yea whats the meme behind it
>mop boy
what does he mean by that
Is it actually an old standard deck?
i dunno im just asking wat the meme was, i was curious.
Mate, peordain was long banned before user posted this pile of shit. That guy was either the biggest moron or the best troll I have ever come across
>the cringe on display right now.
ITT or twitch?
The stream on Twitch, dude. Some guy that's playing Affinity is making a colossal mess out of a win.
>Twitch chat burning him at the stake for sacrificing the 5/5 Ravager being blocked by the 4/4 Death's Shadow, not knowing that the Death's Shadow grows before SBAs are performed
I'm in a world of cringe.
Pop out the player and close the twitch window desu.
modern affinity showcase primer -- save this video boyz, that is how to play the deck
lurk moar
>The guy in chat constantly begging people to be nice to the new players in chat being swept away amidst a tide of PogChamps
This is the best thing about Twitch.
Sensitive newfriends from Reddit, please leave. The chat was right. The guy played that game horrendously. Also, Gabby Spartz is ugly af.
so you have no idea too? OK.
Also this invocation art looks DOPE. First tentacle enrichment for Nissa now Human Centipede Invocation, Based MS Man doing some work.
But he knew about the fatal push in his opponents hand.
Didn't that guy know he was about to get BTFO by an engineered explosives? By moving the counters before combat damage he could have won if the opponent didn't have removal
>participating in twitch chat
lol who is the real redditor here
Angel's Grace or Worship.
>you won't spoonfeed me so you don't know
Literally kill yourself
>Gabby Spartz is ugly af.
Gaby is alright. Visibly human, definitely female by phenotype, not melanin enriched, not a landwhale, what the fuck more do you need?
>avatar of woe
>Avatar of Woe
I guessed Avatar of Slaughter, fuck you all I came closest.
I love that Rob Alexander island. I wish I could get it with the older borders.
You don't know AND you want to pretend you are a grizzled oldfag. Ok.
Lol it's Avatar of Woe.
There is no world where that looks better than this.
More like came ou of the CLOSET
>Gabby Spartz is ugly af.
She looks passable, you must have some insane standards my friend if you consider her ugly.
If you want an ugly mtg player then just look at Melissa DeTorra as she got kinda fat.
this one's alright too
rk post art is unimpeachable. That being said, I like the human centipede art, it's delightfully creepy.
I was guessing a Massacre Wurm but it's probably too much to want to get a Wurm with hands and body made out of human bodies.
Not him but I just saw the OP meme for the first time and I got it almost immediately. I've only been on since 2005, stop being dumb.
It's from a thread where the retarded pic in the OP thought his garbage deck was at all viable you stupid newfag
Also if you don't know how to search archives with given post numbers you are a literal retard.
Not being a femlet?
>6' vs 5'10"
I hoped there was a story beyond 'dumb standard player upgrades his deck with Kira and posts it to a Modern thread'
Kira means you don't even need to spend mana to counter their spells while you rev up that Rev for 15.
If memory serves, it was also a decent amount of time since RTR standard as well (obviously actually, he has a Khans fetch). What's really strange is that you can see a conscious effort to upgrade, using staples such as leak, remand and fetches, so he obviously had some understanding of the format yet still wanted to run 3 mana counters, banned cards and though sphinx's rev was a win con (for x=15 no less)
eh, females are allowed to be on the short side without losing attractiveness. Also, you can barely see it in the coverage so I doubt the hater user is talking about that.
Short girls love being thrown around, if you get me.
I prefer them tiny
I've been around since forever and whatever the fuck the meme was it was too fucking stupid and/or forced to remember. It's like the Kithkin guy, it's so utterly lacking in effort to piss people off that it's most memorable quality is how sad it was.
So don't worry your head about it.
He likely suddenly discovered that with RtR rotating his UW control was no longer a king of standard nights at his LGS and he now has to shell out another couple hundred $$$ to play. So he decided to upgrade and go modern. Poor bastard.
ok dood.
Ehm you wouldn't feel that way if you saw the thread. He was an obnoxious twat, people started off trying to help him but he was such a arrogant prick he wouldn't little so everybody just ended up taking the piss
Can completely believe that.
Dusk to Dawn in Jeskai Control to combat the Death's shadow. Seems like a thing.
got a smug bolas out of one of the /b/ drawfags
thank me later
get your money back
place your bets
this one doesn't look like anything
If it could be a land, I'd say it's Blood Crypt.
Lol imagine getting one of those in your draft deck.
Looks like absolute dogshit.
Songs appropriate or preferred for certain decks.
WB Smallpox
That's why I play Esper Spirits.
>Lingering Souls for more spooks that pump MW
>Rattlechains to protect my buds, and also turn my MW from a Force Spike into a Spell Pierce
>Selfless Spirit to protect the threats from wrath
>Spell Queller to protect, disrupt, or flash in before untapping. Eats almost anything, including Supreme Verdict and Abrupt Decay.
>Drogskol to pump the team and turn them into bogles.
>Splash Black to flashback Souls, but also have access to Fatal Push and IoK. Black is best color in Modern right now.
Short girls are better at giving head, mark my words senpai.
So are fatties.
Being good at head is a consolation prize.
Run neither
It wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't posted in several threads. Even the Mox Opal meme train eventually stopped. This fuck kept going
But Mox is vintage level
What kind of sleeves do you guys use? I've seen lots of debate between dragon shield and ultra pro eclipse
That nigga's 6 foot 8
Yes, yes. Degeneracy and what not. Well meme'd. Et cetera, et cetera...
>It ain't fairies starts playing
This man understands the power of rainbow mox.
Are they just putting boring decks on stream or is modern just all boring decks?
Went 4-0 first half of the GP. Now I'm 5-3. It's the last game of the day and I need this win to go to day 2.
Wish me luck
>seemingly random
grand architect is LITERALLY my nig