What is your favorite alignment?
You don't need to prove it's the best, just tell us why you like it.
What is your favorite alignment?
You don't need to prove it's the best, just tell us why you like it.
Lawful neutral. It calls to mind a sort of muted badass. Ordered, logical, impartial.
Holy shit, that bird chart is surprisingly accurate, particularly with the Canada goose and the seagull.
Unaligned good. My character usually tries to do good and changes how he approaches his good - doings.
Chaotic neutral because we're all gonna die so fuck off
Nice spooks nerd
Neutral Good. Just being good for the sake of being good appeals to my sense of morality, and it's the best and most flexible hero alignment easily.
Lawful Neutral is also fun.
Lawful Neutral. It allows for a sort of brutality that's more frightening than the excesses of a chaotic individual.
I agree with everything except the canadian goose. They're lawful stupid.
LE should go to the swans.
Nah. Morely NE being that they're beautiful creatures with ugly temperaments.
Lawful evil. Having the strict sense of principles as a lawful character with the antisocial proclivities of an evil character has been universally fun for me.
Lawful evil. Ruthless, calculating and not fucking around in the sense that when people cross you, you serve them steel and fire, and just seeing being evil as a tool to get shit done
chaotic good
Thinking for yourself, doing what you think ought to be done and damn whoever disagrees, and giving a shit about the future and the quality of life of others. There's something immensely appealing about the idea of a person who cuts through the crap of civilization to do what really ought to be done. Also best society to live in.
Any of the top 3 alignments, although penguins can be literally gay so that's a mark against penguin/LG in my book.
Chaotic neutral characters are hilarious to play
Playing a book obsessed half-mad tengu wizard that taught his crow familiar to speak abyssal led to some fantastic npc interactions
Neutral good, i enjoy just playing regular people doing what they think is right in whatever fucked up situation they end up in due to the nature of their adventures, as well as playing characters that are out for the greater good. My favorite character was a rogue that cared not for the consequences of her actions but only that they were the course of action that would contribute the most to the overall good of the world. She was a wanted serial killer in several formerly corrupt towns, with the help of the party of course.
I think Lawful Evil is cool because of the monsters associated with it. Devils, Archdevil's and the Nine hells are some of my favorite bits of Dnd fluff.
But as a player Neutral Good has been enjoyable, mostly because I can play a good hero and never have to worry about alignment arguments over who is acting lawful or chaotic.
Just do good shit, have fun.
neutral good
i just want a peaceful life, living within the rules as best as i can but i will not stand by and do nothing when people need me
chaotic good, because fuck the rules you know what's right (its the closest thing to me in real life so I'm biased)
>owls and crows are my favorite birds
>mirrored sides of the spectrum
Damnit, can't pick one, it's difficult. I like playing Neutral characters, though. You can do the right stuff and be very pragmatic in a sense. It's great, opens up a lot of possibilities, and Neutral doesn't necessarily need to actively hurt people to balance its good actions out.
Neutral Evil.
Pic related.
>The ball of avian malice that is the Goose
>Not Chaotic Evil
You done fucked it up, OP.
>Chaotic evil.
>Not the fucking Cassowary.
Update this chart now.
I like Lawful Good which should be Pic Related, I fucking love honest earnest & competent. Someone who isn't a zealot, but woe to you who angers anot honest man types. When I play them, I play them as devious in mind & principled in action.
Which is also I thing I admire about Lawful Evil. Usually LE characters are things/bbeadts/monsters with all this power or authority at hand yet they hold themselves to higher standards. It's like, sure I could kick your ass six ways from Sunday, but I gave you my word so I shall actually help you right now, possibly forcing you into an even worse position later.
chaotic neutral, it actualy appeals to the characters I make, the "I care not from whence you came only that you do not hinder me" personalities that I enjoy playing. and it also is my alignment in real life. take as much has I can to help me
The Cassowary isn't evil, it just gives 0 shits and will fuck you up if you mess with it. It's CN with a free level or two in Barbarian
CN, switching sides is easy...if they're right, and everyone and everything is either correct/incorrect, moral/immoral.
Lawful Good - I like playing as folks with a strong moral code, so lawful in general I guess is good, but I tend towards the heroic characters
>Update this chart now.
I will never understand this childish mentality. It's an MS Paint image. If you don't like the way it looks, open it up and edit it, instead of whining and demanding that someone else create something that caters to your exact tastes and preferences.
It was an attempt at a joke. Take it easy, man.
>>Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums is filled with children. Are you surprised they're selfish, entitled crybabies?
I also like neutral best, and feel like most characters should start out as such and migrate to other alignments later.
well I usually get chaotic neutral on the quizzes. If I interacted with people it would not be the best alignment to have, but I like to be by myself
fun fact: owls are actually some of the least intelligent birds. That is still intelligent, but not like the myths portray them.
in reality every animal would be chaotic neutral
>LG penguin
Change it to emu
Lawful Neutral: Druid/Rilmani style. No "I fall in the middle somewhere" horse shit.
There is nothing nobler or more productive in this world than to fight for than balance. Swing the advantage to any of the other alignments, and they're gonna do something stupid and destroy the setting.
Lawful good. I like playing strict and moral characters. It's probably perceived as the most narrow alignment but that's exactly why I like it. The character's stubbornness leads the roleplaying into interesting situations.
This guy gets it.
Lawful Evil & Chaotic Good are the most interesting characters, due to an inherently conflicting moral code.
In truth though I think Chaotic Evil would be the most interesting if people played them properly--- If a PC is CE then they have to be extremely clever how they go about being evil if they don't want to get caught. Think similar to Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, someone who does evil on a whim but takes great pains to not get caught. The best thing about a CE character would be trying to do evil shit and pin the blame on others for maximum chaos.
Unfortunately it takes a lot of private talks with the DM to make a CE character work beyond being Chaotic stupid.
shit happens, shit gets done.
I'll deal with the consequences later, but stuff needs happening.
>I was only pretending to be retarded XD
all the alignments are good if you know how to play them but people seem to fuck chaotic neutral/evil up the most. chaotic means no rules not no reasons.
Lawful evil is the only answer
Doctor doom is second best dictator
Chaotic Neutral, but not of the wacky randumb kind.
Here's a Mad Max chart I made earlier.
All birds are chaotic evil this chart is unreliable
It can be both.
The opposite of good is evil
The opposite of life is death to killing is by definition evil.
Lawful means order so the opposite of order is disorder i.e. randomness.
But doing it for no reason would be neutral.
Chaotic neutral means no rules do what is chaos and as such these rolls are usually occupied by unfeeling gods devoid of humanity.
S-So, this is kinda embarrasing, but that's supposed to say "True Neutral," not Lawful Neutral.
No idea how that got in there...
I generally find myself enjoying neutral good. Just trying to follow your moral compass towards what is the "right" thing to do, not necessarily but still often in line with laws.
It helps that cleric is my favorite class and being supporty and healy are my favorite things, and most good aligned deities in whatever setting usually lend themselves to these things.
I've played different flavors of evil characters just to try it out and get educated on playing them but I always feel bad. Corny, I know but w/e
Every time I think of True Neutral, I'm reminded of one That Guy who was convinced the entirety of TN could be summed up by flailing his arms and saying "I just killed something bad, now I have to go kill something good. Murr."
Jesus, what doofus.
That's because Druid/Rilmani True Neutral is one of the only allignments that is just an allegiance, and not a combination of allegiance and personality. All it means is that, when the good kingdom wants to drive the orc hordes into the wastes, you're the guy who's smart enough to realize that this'll do nothing but make Orc hordes tougher and more desperate. There is no code of conduct implied.
Yeah, I tend to veer to Neutral Good more often than not, it's a fairly heartwarming alignment. Even then I find True Neutral interesting. I like using birds as a running theme and using owls or ravens or crows always ends up being interesting with Neutral Good, everyone always assumes it's more Neutral/Evil with those.
Lawful good. Everything else is useless.
Anything good, because being a dick just isn't rewarding for me.
>posting the philosophical equivalent of a smug anime girl .jpg
why is a seagull chaotic evil?
doesnt even make sense in an ironic way
Chaotic Neutral going into Chaotic Good or vice versa. Yes, very boring but it's the truth.
Why? The freedom. The entire point of a D&D hero character is to shake things up. To influence events where you go - even if its unintentional. I just don't like the idea of being a dick to even imaginary people that did no wrong. And I don't like the idea of being bound by oaths or the like when, again, heroes should make the world around them, not follow it.
I like the example of Mad Max being a CN character above. Posting a character comparison myself that I think typifies the attitude to make it a little more interesting. Though not a well known one.
Actually thinking about it, the entire series has good examples of neutral and evil characters messing with each other that still act vaguely human.
Whenever I make a character that I would love to play, rather than a character I think would be great for the story, I tend to make one that's either chaotic good, or chaotic neutral leaning towards good.
If chaotic good, he's a character who wants to do the right thing but refuses to submit to authority. Either because he believes the authority to be part of the evil, or a stepping stone to it.
If chaotic neutral, he's usually a dashing rogue who's in it for himself but is eventually drawn towards the good side of things because of personal attachments.
I always think of CN being the alignment of unreliable slackers
Switch Owls and Crows and you might have a chart.
That is a usual complaint but one that is ultimately caused by bad players and bad DMs. A CN character isn't one that do anything he wants with no consequences. He's CN full stop. If he does more evil than good, he should shift to CE. If he does way more good than evil, he should shift to CG. If he doesn't care about anything at all he should probably shift to TN.
A CN character is one who leans towards chaos while doing about the same amount of good and evil deeds or otherwise commots no deeds which could be construed to be evil or good. Being CN is not a fee pass to do whatever you want.
Godzilla chart.1/3
CG >>> LG >>>>>> the rest.
Can't stand alignments. If they're used prescriptively, they feel far too rigid to accurately model human behaviour, and lead to a lot of weird and ugly edge-cases. If they're used descriptively, they feel far too vague, reductionist and subjective to impart any useful information.
Better to just discard the whole system entirely.
At least they were only pretending.
Seriously, dude. Nobody but you thought they were actually bent out of shape over the wrong bird being on the chart and demanding that it be fixed to their satisfaction. People can and do make statements in jest, and not everything is bile and trolling.
Neutral Evil who is loyal to the party and shares their goals. I like playing the token evil teammate. Not a bloodthirsty psychopath but just a bad guy who doesn't let morality get in his way.
>Canadian geese
>anything but Chaotic Evil
Neutral good or chaotic neutral.
I like playing warlock and summoner characters. Good intentions and all that jazz.
LG. It's the hardest to get right, and not fall into the traps of becoming Lawful Stupid and/or an aggravating holier-than-thou shitbag. But when you do, you become a legend in your RP circle.
Lawful Evil undergoing deep and meaningful character development that ultimately lands him somewhere around Lawful Neutral and Lawful Good.
>Canadian geese
>anything but Chaotic Evil
We have a nesting pair where I work. Every year for the last 6 years. As long as they follow the rules (they carved out a territory, but it's our construction yard, and they don't fuck with us or our machines) they can stay.
The hardest part is convincing the new guys not to feed them, and not to run from them. If they start at you, you keep going like you own the place, and they back down.
I've only had to crack daddy goose upside the dead once. He's cool shit now.
As usual, the harder something is to make work, the more awesome it feels when you do nail it.
Meant upside the *head.
I used to prefer Chaotic Neutral and all my characters fit into it unintentionally, probably due to my weird set of morals. But now I have found that I love starting neutral and over time sliding into more extreme alignments depending on what my character goes through and how it changes them.
Though since all of the campaigns our DM runs are brutal as hell the lack of flexibility in one's decision making from being good tends to push my characters towards evil it seems. You start out practical but levelheaded and after a few dead friends, desperate interrogation sessions, and a dozen or two unconscious-but-bleeding-to-death sentient creatures/humanoids left in your wake you start to wonder why you ever even had a problem with simply taking the most logical and practical approach in any given situation as you shapeshift corpses into rats and kick them into a river.
I love lawful good character who follow absolutely absurds principles with an extreme devotion.
Chaotic Good.
I do what's right, because it's the right thing to do. And I don't take laws or social mores into account when doing it - that's not to say that I actively oppose them, just that they don't enter into my thought process.
I almost feel that Immortan Joe and Lord Humongous should be reversed. But then, Immortan Joe has an actual society that he rules and maintains, while Lord Humongous is basically just a highway bandit.
Why would you post something in an indecipherable language?
Neutral evil.
>For mine own good all causes shall give way.
It offers the best of every world with none of the restrictions. I -could- stab this random merchant and rob his store. But we're staying here for a while and making an enemy of the guard or the merchants family will make life harder. So I wont.
Now this same scenario only a wizard is gating us across the country in an hour? Then suddenly not paying for something becomes a whole lot less punishing.
I have the rational to work with a party, and not chaotic stupid it unless I'm Literally holding all the cards and you're about to die
I'm halfway inclined to believe The Lord Humongous, the ayatollah of rock and rolla might have actually honoured his word.
Lawful Evil or Lawful Neutral are my favorites.
Your two favorite birbs fucking hate each other.
Anything on the law axis or NG.
Lawful anything is fun, I have a particular fondness for playing lawful evil that's technically correct but is going about everything the wrong way.
>He doesn't speak Elven
Yeah, for all of his posturing and charismatic speeches, The Humungus is just another plundering bandit in charge of assorted scumbags. Joe had the Citadel and all that it contained and loftier ambitions in general.
Poon is the loftiest of goals.
Toast is the best bride.
Usually one of the neutral alignments. Chaotic or Lawful really, since i dont know if ive ever played an absolutely neutral character. Though really the problem with Chaotic Neutral is that a lot of the time the only real difference from that to light C. Evil is that the former isn't actively manevolent.
If I'm playing Lawful Neutral I'm playing someone who basically has their own sets of rules that they consider more important than anything else.
I played one guy once called Owen Oathkeeper and basically roleplayed him as someone who's gone totally over to nihilism before realising something he personally valued is keeping his word. And from there he basically went into full on 'promises and contracts are the only thing anyone should believe in'. The sins for Owen were 1) Lying or breaking your word and 2) Hypocrisy. Most everything else he didnt give much of a shit about.
He did a lot of stuff for no other reason than someone asking him to nicely and him saying 'Okay'. He liked to wander around and make sure people were keeping their word and obligations, and he had a complicated relationship with the law because he felt that people didn't really get a choice in a bunch of laws and a contract can't be one people are just handed from birth without choice.
Overall he approved of guards and lawkeepers, but if he saw someone being knifed in the street he'd stop them, ask them why they did it and if their reply seemed halfway reasonable (i promised X i would! I was paid 20GP to do this!) he'd just shrug and wander off.
Owen was weird. He got on well with the rest of the group and he roleplayed really well, but after playing him for long enough I found I had a really hard time not thinking like him for everything. It was a very weirdly infectious mindset. Also he got confused about the 'right' course of action for his own weird brand of morality a lot.
this perspective is fine for settings where the main alignment balance is law vs. chaos, but it always bugs me when it's good vs. evil because obviously good is better than evil unless you're some kinda edgelord who jerks off to angels being assholes and devils doing nothing more evil than dressing in sharp clothes.
You can get around this in a few ways (like relabeling it as "communalism vs. ambition), but those usually just crib from the law/chaos balance or invoke a kind of metaphysics that invalidates the point of taking either side in the first place, which would make no other alignment defensible.
As for my Chaotic Neutral. I played a shapeshifter with short term memory loss once which was fun as hell. Their name was Any, for pretty self explanatory reasons. (Name? Any!)
Think Dory, except with more 'Kill and replace'. They didnt know who they were, how old they were or even their name or gender, and they lost track of old memories pretty quickly. So they had the personality of a curious, sociopathic child. A lot of the time they had that as an appearance as well.
Their past that anyone knew was literally just that they used to be with another party who were using them to fuck with some nobles, and that party lost track of them and they kept blundering around as the noble they'd replaced until the new party ran into them.
Another lot of fun character. Though their complete lack of any ability to remember any details of anything was pretty massive as shortcomings go. And they sort of drifted into Chaotic Evil if no one was keeping an eye on them, in a very 'kids pull the legs of spiders if they're bored' sort of way.
The party lawful good found them really disturbing IC, mostly because they were kind of eager to please and very loyal to their newfound friends (as you kinda have to be when you keep all your memories outside your own head) but were also so clearly amoral that i liked to imply all the different disguises they put on were all previous people that had been killed by them.
Generally good alignments, although I'm quite happy playing all of them desu
Where are these quotes from? In my experience kaiju aren't very talkative.
>but it always bugs me when it's good vs. evil because obviously good is better than evil
Your first mistake was thinking that Good and good are the same thing, or that there's a similarity between evil and Evil. In the DnD cosmologies where allignments actually matter, Good and Evil are physical, quantifiable as inherent to the universe as order and entropy.
Here's a classic example: a good necromancer uses animated skeletons to build an orphanage. Is this a good act? All established DnD lore say no, it is not. You are literally bringing physical Evil into the universe when you cast Animate Dead, so it is always an evil act, no matter what it's used for.
This, by the way, is one of the reasons allignment is bullshit. It's used as a way to describe someone's personality, as well as someone's grand cosmic alegiance, when it should really only be used for the latter.
>This, by the way, is one of the reasons allignment is bullshit
Alignments aren't inherently bullshit, but adding the good-evil axis was a mistake.
Well, I kinda figured that since we were talking about D&D, we'd be talking about Good and Evil as the same thing as good and evil, because that's how that system treats morality, and because coming into an alignment thread and saying "alignments are bullshit" isn't usually very productive