
A bizzare setting where being a Knight is like being a cartoon Luchadore. You are more than a mortal. You're either a superhero or a supervillain.
Every knight has a theme and a helmet that become his entire being. He never takes his helmet off, no matter what. The moment he does, It's over. He stops being a knight forever.
There is a knight academy and shit. There are knight powers, related to the knight's theme.

And there's the Mask Knight. An evil, evil Knight with his helmet looking like a venecian mask. He is able to put a replica helmet of other knights and assume their identity.
And every time we are close to catching that motherfucker, he dramatically throws his fake helmet away and we are somehow obligated to shout "MASK KNIGHT! RAAAH!" every single goddamn time.

Talk to me about weird habits and other dumb stuff your groups do

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inb4 a million autists screeching WHERE'S THE -PUNK RAAAA at you

Still I can dig it. I don't know if i'd say knights should NEVER take off their helmets, but the idea of knights being the literal embodiment of ideals powered by mystic forces beyond their understanding is cool.



So a western parody of kamen rider?
Power Rangers billionaire Saban would sue to hell out of you if you try to monetize the idea though.

wasn't there a cartoon about this with a football team or something?

Saban owns Sentai, not Kamen Rider.

Op's idea is strictly Tokatsu
Yes. Arthur and the Knights of Justice.

It had a badass OP theme and not much else

I guess, except you stay in the armor at all times. Eating, taking shower, visiting your mom, everything.
This shit is not very serious.


>-punk-suffixed genre conventions


I can dig it OP. If you can find a group that'll ham it up and embrace the insanity it'd probably be alot of fun.
I did a High Fantasy WWE / Luchadore game way back in the day, it was retarded as fuck but it was awesome. Every fight was settled in the ring, the PCs and major NPCs all had signature moves. The campaign ended with R'lyeh rising from the depths in the shape of a giant arena, and the PCs having a tag team match against the Great Old Ones for the fate of the planet.
Like I said, it was retarded.

>misusing ugh


So mystic knights of tir na nog?

Shovel Knight

but slightly less gay yes

Though IIRC power rangers already did this with Mystic Force


It kind of makes me wonder how well modern athletes would do against medieval knights.


But, if the never take the helmets of...
How do they eat?

Riot Knight!
Blinding flash:
Riot knights shield blasts out light and blinds the opposition for a while

Justice is its own reward.
And sustenance.

They survive off of justice!
And evil acts...
But mostly justice!
Owl knight!
Parliament of owls:
Owl knight gathers all owls in a 3 mile area to attack a target.

Knight powers

Also, Beast Knight.
Knight power: Beast Tackle, a supreme counter attack sending back even the heaviest Knights

So as long as they keep up the act, they're magically sustained? I can dig it.

So Shovel Knight?

Ghostly knight!
The Zone
Ghostly knight seems to collapse in on himself and enters a place known only as The zone.
The zone is a perfect replica of our world and even tracks the movement of people in our world however, ghostly knight is intangible and invisible to us.
He can only stay in The zone for 3 minutes.


>No helmet
Shit man, what're you doing

>no helmet

Beast Trainer Knight!
Beast Trainer
Any and all animal's obey her without a second thought

>Not wearing an extremely realistic mask and baffling your opponents by somehow keeping your powers even though you have 'no helmet'


Vibration Blade Knight
Vibration Blade
His uses his claws and scratches his shortsword causing it to vibrate to fast that it can cut through next to anything.

Robot Knight
Hacker of the century
Robot Knight can bust through any online defense.
You dudes enjoying this?

Weaboo knight
Glorious Nippon Steel
His Katana somehow never breaks.

He also constantly talks about anime and browses /r9k/ but those aren't extra powers he's just a weeb.

He's invisible.
Very, very loud and clanky though.

>CanĀ“t un-unsee

would be perfect in a battle, at best the enemy cant distinguish the inviso-noise from regular battle, or it'd make some keen warrior look to the left and see nothing, just to be stabbed by a friend of yours

I remember that cartoon! And I remember a single line from it, one of the bad guys chewing out his minion.

"How could you be defeated by a mere sword? It's made of steel! You're made of stone! Stone crushes steel!"

Why isn't this setting called Knight Fight Night?

Perhaps they are entombed inside the armour, which is why taking their helmet off kills them. You could compare them to Rubric marines, but with sentience and actual bodies.

>inb4 a million autists screeching WHERE'S THE -PUNK RAAAA at you

Knights are used as ambient power sources. Having a couple of them holler at each other bleeds enough energy to run a host of war machines.

Posting some Knights.








How do you become a knight?


but that's the least scary knight in the thread.



I mean, (s)he only killed like, three gods in-universe? Lowercase g gods but still.

Are humans animals in this setting?

Radical Knight!
Power: Montage, the knight can create a music video to instantly learn a skill or complete a task.

I love this comic
Dr McNinja is probably one of the best things ever

They could stack up physically. Honestly they'd probably be in better shape, but mentality and experience would lead me to bet on the knight. That dude has been raised to kill people since he was small, the athlete wasn't.

I keep hearing good things, but it seems way too lolrandom. Is there order to the chaos I've seen?


I have a few knights





That's about it

Any Greek/byzantine looking knight?

Just Fight Knight sounds a lot better desu

I've been thinking of running a knightly game. Muh setting is basically not!Iceland in the immediate aftermath of not!Rome's withdrawal. The PCs are basically wandering monks who keep the spirits of the indigenous religion happy.

I've been mulling over a "what if" spinoff some 300 years in the future wherein the PCs are not!Roman knights questing across the land to subdue the native spirituality as it is slowly supplanted by that of not!Rome, probably culminating in the murder of the old gods and the implanting of the new.

Knightly idea or no?

Goddamn nostalgia bomb. This was on every weekday morning when i was in grade school, but the way the bus worked, I would have t leave *immediately* once this theme song started playing... I never saw a full episode, and the show was canceled quickly.

This Roman plate mail is fucking cool, who's the artist? What's the source? Got any more?

Anglophile Knight
Invincible Western Armor
Despite being made wrong and with shitty local materials, nothing will actually damage him through his field plate.

Uses archaic english extremely badly, and all the time. In awe of the British Empire and their amazing food.

That's not really a punk conce-
>inb4 a million autists screeching WHERE'S THE -PUNK RAAAA at you
Great idea, though.

The modern professional athlete more then stacks up against a knight physically. They'd still probably lose unless they were like a professional swordsman or something but they'd crush them in physical competitions. Modern pros are fed specific diets, work out in more efficient manners, and are occasionally pumped full of drugs to give them even bigger advantages. Knights meanwhile are working on a much less advanced health and fitness system.

>Roman styled knights
I never knew I needed something so badly.

I think pic related is the last version.

Anybody got ludicrous "knights"? Like saint seiya level of bling and gild?




Are these from anything? They're pretty awesome

>he cant take luchador knights seriously
good thing i can
i will steal OPs idea

Knights of the flame dawn from the infinity wars card game

>Knight Academy
I can see where you are coming from

Knights of the flame dawn. From the infinity wars online card game

anyone have that concept art with the purple Venetian/Gothic looking knight?

That's what I thought of, too.

Anyway, placing my reservation on FIGHT KNIGHT FIGHT KNIGHT

50% FIST
100% FIGHT

>misusing pleb




Seriously, this is getting worse than metal sub-genres. Is there really enough of this to warrant it's own name, or are you just trying to be a snowflake?
it's fucking fantasy. Superhero fantasy, if you really want to be anal about it.

And fuck you and your inb4, you are the fucking autist for raping the "-punk" to the point where it's lost any meaning.

Ye olde Cato Sicarius.jpg

Reminds me of Towergirls/Broquest for some reason.

So would the world be divided into a bunch of Realms?

And I do mean capital-R Realms there, because the borders of these realms are metaphysically significant and the territory could almost be considered themed. From the individual Realm's health and glory flows power into the Crown and its, hopefully rightful and just, bearer. With a sort of relationship between the two where the king is influenced by the realm but the realm is also influenced by the king. Thanks to this, usurping a throne is difficult beyond the mundane political struggle involved, so most would-be rulers opt to nab a scion of royalty and bring them around to their way of thinking or otherwise use them to get power.

(One of?) the way(s?) to become a Knight is to swear an Oath to that Realm's ruler. A bit of power comes careening from the land, focused through the ruler, and BAM! A true knight, complete with power. Comes with a host of responsibilities, privileges, restrictions, and perks depending on the Realm.

sword knight

he's a knight who's a sword

Like video game levels?
Ice Realm, Lava Realm, Sewer Realm, Plain Realm, Plains Realm etc.

Okay, what system do I play this silly shit?
Fate? M&Ms? What about them ORE systems?
Can I just take Ryuutama and make all of this like a fairy tale being told by the fireplace?

>In awe of the British Empire and their amazing food.

"I drink nothing but warm IPA."

I have an idea
Why don't we create "Order " of Knight
For example Owl Knight and Boar Knight are both in the Animal Order
Roman Knight, Weeb Knight and Anglophile Knight are in the Historical Order
What do you think ?