Anyone here invests in gold bars?
Anyone here invests in gold bars?
thats some next level shilling shit fuck off
you fuck off, at least its not another fucking shitcoin thread.
Stick to coins not bars
Every few years theres usually an issue with tungsten filled bars.
Think most recent was credit suisse bars.
Hey me uncle lives over in perth. They call him the street fighter. He once bashed up some bloke over in malta.
Good times.
A tripfag in biz. wow
interesting, i think some of them count as legal tender in some obscure island countries, so they are viewed as a currency, meaning no taxes. am i correct?
Thanks for the heads up bro.
Tungsten bars from Canada too... stick with coins... stick with ones with a low stated value on them so you can cross borders holding more.
What you mean? moonman comes here. I thought I'd keep him company. It must be lonely over here in biz.
Im a tripfag now. Im from r9k originally. Ive come onto your little board, and now, Im setting up shop. Like those sand niggers do
Only in places with a gold standard yes. the United States had a gold standard until 1933.
Wait Suisse was 2012
RCM was this year.
Either way someone knows how to quality fake bars.
In canada there is not tax on bullion.
>Im from r9k originally
I own some silver coins
If I invest in gold next year to diversify, it will gold miners like Barrick who did not shit the bed in 2011 when gold had a bull run
There's no point buying gold miners which are saddled with debt and don't act as a leveredged play on gold, which is where the gold miner ETFs fail
What about copper coins?
My mother got me these for Christmas this year. I never owned anything like this in my life. I am not even sure if these are authentic
Forget bars. It is easier to verify the authenticity of coins.
Don't know anything about it but those look really cool.
Digital gold is better!!
>buying gold from ebay
Unless you really know what you're doing, you're gonna get fakes.
Not the type of thing to just leave around. Bullion should, and usually is, stored in a vault.
This. And go silver, it's going to moon hard like a crypto.
>Im from r9k originally
Why would you tell people this lmfao
Buy gold using crypto; DGD DigixDAO