You are dropped into a post apocalyptic ultra violence campaign and the nearest three items to your right are all you...

a backpack filled with some snacks but mostly dnd materials (books, pencils, pens, paper, etc.)
my 2nd laptop
a painting

i think id do okay until the battery on my laptop died since i wouldnt have a way to charge it for a few weeks
i'd be like the weak but nerdy guy, like a tech-y support character

Empty moonshine bottle, a dog rope toy that's for large dogs, and does an animal count as an item, because if so my rottie-shepard cross is with me Skully is almost ten years and personally, while he can still crush pig hooves in a single bite, I would rather have him as company. Get lonely out there with no friends

Son, I'm fucked even if I had a superweapon, ammo, and a decades worth of food supplies with in reach. So are we all. This is Veeky Forums not /k/ or /out/.

Two swords and a walking stick.
One's a dress sword so fighting with it's a write-off, but the other one's solid and well sharpened and it's a good stick. I guess it could be worse.

A landline phone handset, and two steel-toe boots.
I don't think curbstomping is an effective combat method, but what else am I to do?

>backup power supply about the power of my torso
>an old lamp
>the cardboard that holds new socks together with the brand name and on it
I guess I at least have a weapon and a source of power?

>power of my torso
fuckin brain

--A notebook 90% filled with stuff for my Sims game.
--A bowl of instant oatmeal, half finished.
--A ceramic vase 1/3 full of spare change.

My coffee's still in the other room. Yeah, I'm dead.

It depends on how hard you can stomp user.

Sledgehammer, shoes, suit of lamellar armor.

I'm fucked, but not as fucked as the rest of you lot.