Villains who are trying to fight for a unified world have always been my favorite.
Top tier villain motivations
Villains who just really fucking hate communists.
Villains who are legitimately evil and work entirely or almost entirely for themselves only, whom players can learn to understand but never to sympathize with.
Villains who genuinely think they're doing something good for the world, but reek of BBEG
Villains who want to save the world.
>Villain has best friend who keeps them in check
>Friend dies tragically
>Villain loses any sense of checking themselves, goes hard in the paint
Mussolini was an IRL example. Not so much a motivation as a trope I like
Villains who are only villains from a certain point of view.
Villains who are putting the interests of a small group ahead of the interests of the majority, not because they're selfish but out of loyalty.
Villains who are legitimately doing the right thing, but they're twats about it and it's still a bad thing for the protagonists.
Villains who have such long-term plans that everything they're doing right now is actually good, but they're going to be leveraging it for evil later.
Villains who tyrannically oppress the world who are later justified when the world's society collapses after said villain's defeat.
Villains who put themselves under immense pressure and eventually something just gives and they lose some critical part of their humanity.
Villain is greedy, selfish, and in general just trying to get to the top of the pile but is also likable and explains their stance well enough that it almost seems right.
Everyone is just trying to get their cut of the pie right? What's so evil about taking opportunities given to you to make life easier for yourself and your own?
>Villains who are legitimately doing the right thing, but they're twats about it
This is normally the quickest way to die for any NPC. Players don't take lip from NPCs, they could be jesus reborn, but the moment they belittle a player they are normally dead.
I've played with some vindictive and petty players
Generally, pie--even metaphorical pie--isn't worth killing, maiming, or crippling someone for.
I've got a thing for professionals that are only in it for the money and glory, but are massive shit-talkers in a weird, detached way. They're probably better than the PCs and they know it, but it's so satisfying to finally shoot them down.
The enigmatic professional types. They work for the pay, not the politics. They may not be universally considered villains, but having one appear opposite your force is never a good time.
Fuck that bastard.
Fuck him with a pitchfork.
A Villain who is genuinely a better guy than the other Villain he overthrew, but still not only knows he's the Villain but knows if he doesn't play the part shit will get worse.
You haven't seen how big this pie is.
Exactly. Sure, sympathetic (or at least explainable) villains do have their merits, but sometimes you just need a greedy, violent scumbag. They also contrast well with more professional guys like 's idea.
He's only here to save his imouto. So what if the rest of the world dies?
Ha, poor slows can't keep up with the speed of a real pilot.
Close enough. Nox is easily my favorite villain.
His boss told him to, so he did it. That it was impossible didn't signify.
>Ride west, towards the setting sun. Subdue all rebels. There is one sun in Heaven, there is one Khan upon the earth.
>Villains who are trying to fight for a unified world have always been my favorite.
The Bounty Hunter was one of the more threatening enigmas on the Battletech battlefields. Adding to his(?) mystique was the fact that the figure known as "The Bounty Hunter" made appearances over a span that would be impossible for a normal human to live, implying it's more of an identity than a single person. The Bounty Hunter's impressive arsenal of advanced mechs also added to the threat posed by his appearance. Giant mechs painted bright green covered in credit symbols wasn't exactly stealthy either.
The villain who has no selfish intent but has just gone so fucking crazy he sees the bad world as the good one (eliminate free will to stop crime, stuff like that) have always entertained me.
Especially good when paired with a hero who is a good person, but the author shows them feeling temptation and weakness, leaving you to feel conflicted over who's the real hero
Ha ha, you thought you could get away without getting Ughed.
What about whiny teens LARPing as their dead grandfathers?
What about villains who become allied
Literally best tier. The S1 enemy teaming up in S2 is my favorite trope possibly ever
screencap source?
That's Berserk you plebeian.
I actually loved him because he's such a petulant little bitch.
At some point in Hollywood all villains became sophisticated british people or badass former soldiers and stuff.
I appreciate the extra touches of an emotionally stunted and stupid villain.
He gets the "little bitch" side from his grandfather as well.
Now if only there was a singl hero who was unviersally described by the term "machine gunner".
Villains who betray the PCs
>PCs be mad
Rogue weapons/berserk AI's are a good one. They're the type that no matter what arguments you pose, through whatever fault they're experiencing they are convinced their course of action is the right one.
Berserk, Conviction arc
no u
Who was his friend?
>he says as he posts an ork, who kill and die for the thrill of it
What's wrong with being self-possessed?
Nobody satisfied with being second best.
I've got the gift and I know that I'm blessed,
And I've got to get it off my chest.
I'm the biggest,
The best,
Better than the rest,
Better than the rest.
Not if your speech level is high enough.
t. Fallout 1
>villain knows it is bad
>has to do it because of 'reasons'
Bonus points for fundamentally ~good~ reasons like parental care, true love, loyalty, oaths.
I love a villain that is unapologetically evil.
I also love ones that know what they are monsters, but are seeking a end that justifies the means.
But user, you posted a hero.
>villain begins as an ally, a former mercenary/soldier
>comes out of retirement to stand against you because of a sense of personal pride or honor
"I just don't want to face defeat again. Not to anything or anyone."
Vilains who have already won, but realize that victory ain't all it's cracked up to be
A villain who is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goal, because they know it will be worth it.
He isn't a villain you cuckmaster. He villain won after murdered the best boys.
A villain who does what he does because there's no other choice.
Who mocks the heroes for their optimism.
And who dies knowing hope, because the people that defeated him may have the strength to fix what he could not.
The villain who is simply the #1 defending his place.
Alternatively, the villain who is a highly advanced AI orchestrating global politics from behind the scenes.
Ozymandias is probably the only character where "did nothing wrong" is more than a meme
Yes, even Griffith
The best villain is the villain who's already won, but is starting to realize that infinite cosmic power isn't really all it's cracked up to be.
Heroes who want to start a family.
What's the point of all this incest? Aside from fetishes
He wanted a clone, I hear. Japs are really, really stupid at times though, so they didn't realize that much inbreeding should have resulting in f'ing monsters.
>fucking your wife's daughter
You don't know what incest means.
Villains who are ultimately bit players in the narrative of history
>5 generations of daughter-fucking
That's Zeus-tier degeneracy. Someone get this guy a fucking medal.
Look at their faces as it goes down the line, they are fucking monsters.
>Top tier villain motivations
The lulz.
Now that I'm thinking about it, Aku's greater than I thought when I watched as a kid. He fulfills both the "Universal constant/force of nature" form of evil, while also being a sentient dick that enjoys what he does regardless of if he has a choice or not.
He's fucking his daughter dude is that not incest?
You don't know how to read a family tree.
My nigger.
If you two haven't played Armored Core games, you should.
No, My Nigger. Well until Sazed cleans up his mess.
You must love Angela Merkel.
I would if I had a Playstation of some kind handy. I've got a thing for mech-oriented systems, but I haven't even been able to get into something like Battletech because my rural gaming community is too small.
>Bonus points for fundamentally ~good~ reasons like parental care, true love, loyalty, oaths.
I had a guy in my Black Crusade game who had once been a loyalist apothecary.
He fell to Chaos (unaligned, but leaning towards Tzeentch) in the process of trying to breed new Primarchs to save the Imperium.
>Villains who just really fucking hate communists.
>implying he's not the good guy and you're the real baddies
Better dead than red.
rate these villians
>A man-eating monster attuned to the realm of spirits.
>Doesn't actually enjoy eating humans
>Is doing so in an attempt to catch the grim reaper, because the old bones have to get up close and personal to take the souls he's eaten
>An ancient dragon teaching the secrets of magic to the masses, because he needs a small city's worth of mage-blood for a ritual
>the ritual would likely bring life back to a massive chunk of the world, which has become supernaturally barren
>Arms dealer who uses exotic pet sales as a front for his operations
>Uses his cut of the money to add to his collection of pixies, sprites, and small mermaids, which he keeps living in separate, sorted jars on his shelf. Because they're pretty.
>hate communists
He starts with his half sister.
Then he fucks the girl born from that union.
Then he fucks the girl born from THAT union.
And so on.
Anything can be twisted into villainy when taken to extremes
Might be good, might be awesome, probably not bad but could easily be mediocre
Kinda gimicky, could be done right
Pretty boring
Not against commie filth.
Exactly. That's what I love about him. No abusive childhood, no bullshit "I'm doing this horrible stuff now to take us to a brighter future" agenda, no "society made this happen," not even the "POWER, PURE POWER" wankoffery of 1984, he's just. Having. FUN. Not that that makes him any less of a menace, it's just that I find his motivations refreshing somehow. Same will Bill. And they do it all without (quite) being edgelords. They're what 40k Chaos should be like. Especially Tzeentch. If GW had any brains at all they'd make his personality a cross between Aku and Bill Cipher.
Villains that aren't bad, but actually good but they're such annoying fucking cunts that you can't help but make them your enemy.
The villain is kind and loyal to his supporters and allies, and is forced into conflict not because he's evil but because of irreconcilable differences in viewpoint or competition for resource scarcity.
I'm also a sucker for Dr. Doom types that rule with an iron fist inside a velvet glove. The citizens of Latveria are among the happiest in the world and are willing to die for Doom, he in turn genuinely wants his nation to prosper and will crush anyone that gets in his way.
I also enjoy genuinely, 100% unrepentant evil enemies. No ulterior motives, no sob story to justify their actions, they're just bad to the bone and love it. The Violator from Spawn, Diablo, Orcus.
So sick of "the villain used to be a hero and was corrupted into something dark and twisted" or "he had a hard life and never had a chance. Banter is so much more fun when the bad guy revels in his work and doesn't spend the whole time trying to guilt trip the heroes or persuade them he is right.
>blow up a city and murder millions of people
>temporary truce created
>10 years later everyone realizes it was a huge nothingburger (see: 9/11)
>world powers get right back to missile crises and invasions of Afghanistan
>now with the added talking point of psychic terrorism
Veidt was a dullard with delusions of grandeur and his only saving grace was choosing New York as the city to blow up.
We've talked about this, Lex. Superman is a hero, not a villain.
Villains whose motives are utterly selfless, and born out of a sense of betrayal, jadedness, but ultimately for the good of somebody else- it doesn't need to be everyone, or even a very large group, just someone other than the villain.
Pic related is the perfect example. He's dedicated to something other than himself, he knows that what he's doing is so terribly, utterly wrong, and he's leading a group of followers that are utterly loyal to him because he was once (and arguably still is) a paragon.
He has a specific plan in mind to get what he wants with the least amount of pain and suffering, but due to the MC's meddling things deteriorate rapidly. When forced to kill people he would have once called friends he's visibly shaken, and when it becomes clear his men are taking things too far he does everything he can to stop them- even helping the men he was trying to kill earlier.
We're talking about fucking Communism. The most bloody and evil ideology ever created.
Ones that are far more interesting than the protags.
Shut up /pol/
what if its really, really, good pie?
Incest or not, we can all agree that Woody Allen is a weird man and one shouldn't copy him
Not liking what you read doesn't make it /pol/.
He successfully convinced Manhattan to fuck off for good, which solves a hell of a lot more problems than it causes.
It doesn't, you're right. You, on the other hand, should still fuck off back to /pol/.
I remember that movie.
Its you. You're the rocket man
>Pol Pot
Yeah, communism seems great.
Communists aren't people. They are the equivalent of real life Chaos cultists.