In this thread we post art of heroes and heroic deeds
>The Emperor of Mankind
>A hero
Nice propaganda you got there
>t. Chaos
>heroes thread
>opens with pic of tyrannical dictator who dooms trillions of members of humanity to lives of squalor and misery
Once again, a fucking retard misses the point that 40k is satire. The Imperium is evil, bud.
Read more books.
You don't really understand Warhammer 40K, do you?
Anyway, here, have a real hero and a real human bean.
>live in squalor and misery
>or be doomed to eternity in literal hell
mmhh rly makes me think you leftist moron
>false dichotomy
Yeah really makes me think you brainless backbirth.
It isnt a binary choice, there are places like Ultramar which have a decent quality of life. And Human souls aren't strong enough to remain aware in the warp if you aren't a psyker anyway.
But the Emperor fucked up and created a system where institutional corruption is so rampant its the norm, leading to most citizens getting the shit end of the stick.
I'm a conservative you fucking idiot.
Right wingers don't support socialist dictators you utter fucking moron. Literally read one book, crypto-commie
Fucking heretics and retards. Pathetic.
Not an argument.
>chaoscucks are out in full force
This image perfectly sums up this entire ''''''''''argument''''''''''.
Heroic picture: Warrior #392c
(googled "Heroic Traits)
>Courage: Literally has no fear
>Passion: Is connected to his entire race through the Hive mind
>Integrity: Devotes himself fully to his people
>Honesty: Shares his thoughts with the entire hive mind, keeps no secrets from them
>Confidence: Leads scores of lesser warriors to battle, without doubt in his skill or ability
>Patience: Will never give up in Battle, will always try to find a way to win
>Selflessness: Is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of his people without a second thought
Caring: Uses his psychic powers to encourage his fellow fighters and prevent them from feeling pain, willing to lay down his life for his brothers and sisters, especially his leader (Hive Tyrant)
>Resolve: Incorruptible in his purpose, can't even be corrupted by chaos
>Noble: Give defeated enemies the chance for redemption by converting and consuming their biomass for the hive fleet, so that they may prove their worth as new fighters of the Tyranids
Chaosfags and Emprahfags btfo
You will never love your own people if you can't "be" them.
The true heroes are here to liberate the Galaxy.
>compelling narrative
>gathering storm
>return of girlyman, abbadon sue FINALLY defeats cadia after 13 tries
>chaos still btfo, kicking their own asses even though the galaxy is going through the worst warp storms since 10000 years and has a literal tear across its face
>chaosfags need an entire army of BL authors sucking off their dicks to look even remotely capable in the fluff
You serious, mate?
All I Ever Wanted Was The Truth.
>chaosfags come out in droves
>he says, as he spreads lies and deludes himself
and in his quest for the truth, he doomed his own race.
I honestly don't like this picture.
The Emperor's pose is weird. We don't see enough of Horus. The huge red eye looks funny. The space battle outside is supposed to have ended long before this duel. Sanguinius's wings look weird, I'm not an expert but I don't think dead wings should just stay up like that.
God I hate the Hours Heresy books
The only real hero thus far
>Damn it steve, take out your bolter and help us.
The only heroes in this entire waste of a thread
You're a retard if you think that "unquestioning obedience" can ever result in a happy outcome.
What are you on?
You're an absolute retard if you think anything would get done if the millennia-old super-intelligent godlike immortal had to stop and explain his inhumanly complicated and delicate master plan to every asshole with an opinion.
Could've maybe explained it to his genetic children, at least the one he chose to lead his entire armies while he shut himself to the basement to experiment.
Wait, the Salamanders had traitors now?
These are Sons of Horus he's fighting.
Can anyone explain the shit is going on with the Big E and loving his sons and shit?
I thought the lore he loved his sons and Horus the most which is why he had trouble striking him down. Are they getting rid of Ollianus?
You wouldn't trust a six-year-old to lead all the armies of your Imperium.
>half of the BL writers are Chaos fanboys
>the one allowed to write The Emperor is a Chaos Fanboy with MASSIVE daddy issues (his dad was an alcoholic who beat his mom)
>suddenly, The Emperor is an evil emo dick
>suddenly, the Chaos Gods are omnipotent and all knowing and they already won everything is just a game bro
>suddenly, Ollianus and a couple of other characters are super special snowflake immortals who know Big E better then anyone else (yes, even Malcador) and they all hate him because he's super evil wake up sheepie REEEEE
Leading the armies is the equivalent of not shitting himself to a Primarch. So yes, i would.
>it's a severe /pol/ autists can't stay in their containment board episode
>it's an ''asspained autist brings up le /pol/ bogeyman out of nowhere'' episode
>out of nowhere
Guess whose fault is that you filthy heretic!
>this counts as /pol/ now
Literally where?
>bringing up politics out of nowhere in an insulting manner counts as /pol/
No shit.
On phone, looked like he was fighting traitor Salamanders that had just repainted a pauldron.
>calling someone what they are is an insult
Top kek.
>y-y-you're /pol/ too
Sure, bud. Everyone who disagrees with you is.
What the fuck is this, fucking tumblr? Why is everyone so sensitive now on Veeky Forums all of a fucking sudden? It was just fine a year ago.
He wasn't even that emo, the Emperor just told his sons the truth that they were creations (which they fucking were and shouldn't have taken it so seriously).
Emperor is a creation himself and he flat out calls out the primarchs for being egotistical warlords which they fucking were.
And putting Chaos into perspective as a hostile force that should be treated like an alien-like nature isn't really the worst thing he's done. Since he's been fighting Chaos since day one and clearly wants humanity to join his war, hence why he wanted more of those Sisters of Silence and stuff like that.
Why do weak willed Chaos fags always have to spam their need to suck warp dick vs sticking with an Emperor thats been defying the gods since day one and trying to give humanity the true freedom it deserves.
It's just redditors taking their garbage shit to Veeky Forums.
>politics isn't /pol/
Really makes you think.
>the Emperor just told his sons the truth that they were creations (which they fucking were and shouldn't have taken it so seriously)
I like how one user said that they should have called him Father (capital F) as he is their Father and Creator and been thankful they were given such a glorious purpose and instead we got a bunch of angsty manchildren throwing a tantrum because daddy didn't tuck them in often enough.
>Why do weak willed Chaos fags always have to spam their need to suck warp dick vs sticking with an Emperor thats been defying the gods since day one and trying to give humanity the true freedom it deserves
>egotistical edgelords wanting personal power and gratification cannot imagine sacrificing themselves for others/giving their all to help the future generations. Basically, doing any kind of labor that they'll never see the fruits of themselves is unimaginable to them.
>liberal retards cannot look in any other way then black and white and condemn Big E for his less savory actions without even bothering to look at the context of said actions or the alternative
What fucking politics? Insulting someone is politics now? Go create a hugbox forum and sit there if shit like that offends you.
these so much
fucking faggots
>using someones supposed political beliefs as a pejorative isn't /pol/
What did he mean by this?
By that logic I can't call someone a faggot, because then gays would get offended too.
>muh fee-fees
Contributing to the thread
>God I hate the Hours Heresy books
I've reached the point where I just ignore them and use my own headcanon. BL can suck my dick.
>I've reached the point where I just ignore them and use my own headcanon. BL can suck my dick.
This. This so much.
I really hate warhammer now.
Thanks Veeky Forums fanbase.
Why are you guys so retarded you think anyone who understands 40K is a Chaosfag?
The point of 40K is that the Emperor's flawed, totalitarian, xenophobic mindset is inferior to the Golden Age mindset of reason and progress. No matter how good his intentions, he basically handed the galaxy to Chaos by creating the Imperium as a fantastic feast for it, full of ignorance and pain and warmongering and despair to feast upon. He also gave it all its most powerful champions.
The Emperor was objectively wrong, his ideas were bad and nothing good was ever going to come of his rule. The Emperor has probably done more to help Chaos by creating the Imperium than any other faction, even the fucking Eldar, who orgied Slaanesh into existence.
This has nothing to do with the Horus Heresy.
The Emperor has been a bad dude since Rogue Trader you idiots.
Jesus Christ are you twelve?
Retconned. The Emperor doesn't care enough to weep about lowly men.
What an asshole
read his post
Caveat: destroying Monarchia was a dick move, full stop. Forcing the Ultramarines to do it in order to give Lorgar an example to aspire to (?!?!?) is even more idiotic, and only surpassed by Lorgar's selling out to Chaos in response.
That was a bad affair all the way around.
Don't care about the post. Just stating fact. The Emperor cares not for men.
Emperor has always been a machiavellian asshole. In a way he caused the heresy by treating the primarchs who saw him as a father like tools.
I mean if there was no heresy, he propably would have all the astarters and primarchs killed like he had the Thunder warriors. With the exception of maybe Magnus, who would be strapped to the Golden Throne to suffer for eternity
Back on topic, posting some Heroes.
Obviously Imperial propaganda
>guy forced to watch aliens fuck over, betray, massacre and enslave his beloved species over and over and OVER again
>somehow shouldn't obliterate them
>nothing good was ever going to come of his rule
>Chaos starved and humanity ascended is not a good thing
>this is what chaoscucks actually belive
Reminder that the only reason why Emperor has to sit on the Golden Throne is because Magnus fucking broke it.
Even judging by HH novels, pre-heresy Imperium was, although xenophobic and totalitarian, noblebright as fuck.
Crag Hack!
Would you a Sorceress/Druid multiclass?
>The point of 40K is that the Emperor's flawed, totalitarian, xenophobic mindset is inferior to the Golden Age mindset of reason and progress.
nigger what
The entire point is that reason and progress FUCKING FAILED, and a totalitarian hellstate is the only thing that could pick up the pieces. It is representative of the extreme measures humans had to take to survive in an insane universe.
>blah blah blah
Oh hey Black Library, kys.
>Back on topic, posting some Heroes
>Implying a satan worshipper is a hero
Sorry, posted the wrong Stannis
I wish Horus' armor in this image was actually as black as it is described in the fluff. I made a very modest attempt at this, but it's not too esay on paint.
>badass incarnate
Holy shit, what are you, 12?
And what's the narrative for aliens?
To be NPCs?