Hey Veeky Forums
I think this is the best place to ask this.
What are your favorite fantasy races, I was working on a story idea and wanted to incorporate some more flavors into the mix.
Hey Veeky Forums
Turtle fish painters.
Don't sexualize my favorite race
this better not be magical realm
Not sure about turtles, trying to leave the furry part out as much as I can although I like fluffy tails.
Can I ask what Kukri and Preamble are ?
I'm gonna do that and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
it is for a webcomic
>it is for a webcomic
My favorite races are kill and yourself. How the fuck do you not know what your image is from?
Make some new ones, I love to discover new material.
but i do
Do you like the western orcs more the japanese variant of orcs the pig faces ones
I'm a god damn degenerate. I like beast races, so pretty much any animalfolk.
Warforged, hobgoblins and orcs
so far I have this
Human: Regular humans, varying types, regular and boring
Amazon: tall dark skinned women, THICC, only have women in their culture, STRONG INDEPENDANT WOMYN
Alf: A human subspecies with a longer lifespan and funny ears.
DORF: Short stubby humans
Doll: animatronic humans.
Vulpine: fox people, can have multiple tails dependant on species, fox ears
Feline: cat people, have varying subspecies, long floof tail, cat ears
Lapine: rabbit people, floppy ears, short tail and strong legs
Canine: Dog people, dog ears, tail, much wag
Lamia: Snake people with a lower body of a snake, need hugs for warmth.
Ovie: Sheepy sheepy, much floof, needs shearing,
Minotaur: Half bull, hooves for feet very short temper
Holstaurus: is cow variant more meek and kind
Slime: Gelatinous, slow in thought, has a core, can absorb nutrients through the skin.
Sylph: Smaller fae
Scylla:Lower body of an octopus,
Mermaids: fish tail
American little lizardmen kobolds, not that weeb "Gnolls by a different name" kobolds.
Give a link to your webcomic shit you degenerate.
Still need to make it. Working on story stuff for now and practicing drawing.
Throw in some mice/ratfolk and maybe some deer/elkfolk.
And what about birdfolk?
I like Mul - and generally the principle of crossbreeds or merges that take the best after their parent races but pay for it by infertility.
Why is Ganmarei so based?
Yeah i need to add some birbs
Some from established settings
Self explanatory
Teutonic Aztec Kung Fu Necromancer Lizards who are evil
Weird Greyskinned rape and pillage humans
>Thri Kreen
pretty self explanatory too. Bug people that cant talk.
>Dutch People
Fish men, live under the sea
>Bosmer/Divinity Elves
Cannibal wood elves are the only good kind
Self explanatory, include anyway
Demons of Kek
Actually are a lot more fun if you play em as robots rather than magitek constructs. but the idea of leftover war weapons makes for great characters.
>All ivalice races
they are all great
Remember. great artists steal. the same also applies to worldbuilding.
i forgot broken lods.
Broken lords should be on every list.
I didnt even consider bugs and daemons, thanks for the suggestion.
I was considering different kinds of warforged depending on their purpose, golems for heavy work and seiges, worforged typed as infrantry and dolls as concubines/companions.
>favorite fantasy races
Modern stereotypical dwarves are unironically my favorite fantasy race, short alcoholic berserks with strong loyalties to their family/clans
I've toyed with the idea of a setting where humans are the only humanoid race. So far aggressive mushrooms and sentient giant ants are the only thing I've imagined there
Seems like a disjointed kitchensink. Are you serious about the world or is it just facilitating porn?
Just writing down what comes to mind right now and filter out what isnt needed later
me to user
It's like it's 2007 all over again!
I do not know what you mean by that.
Before luscio.us changed its domain to luscious.net, it was a really shitty online hentai reader site that existed even before fakku or sadpanda did.
It's basically the MySpace of western hentai gallery sites.
I agree. My favorite non traditional race of late are things like the broken lords, and the toushin or whatever they are fucking called from the ALICE/Rance setting. Basicaly not-liches bound into metal.
I supose necrons are similar too.
>tfw I used to use luscious and aerisdies pretty regularly
If you don't have the creative drive and interest in the world's races to develop and flesh them out yourself, you world building is going to be crap and any game or webcomic you derive from it will stagnate, falter, and die.
Create for yourself, make what you are interested in, or you are likely to yield crap.