Is bittrex hands down the best platform for trading cyrpto?

Is bittrex hands down the best platform for trading cyrpto?


Monaco is about to lift off

which exchange is more mcafee? which exchange will have the mcafee coin?

quit shilling bitrex here several anons Dave complained about getting fucked by them with literal theft

Not even close

im not shilling i just dont know what to use to trade alt coins. binance is chinese so i dont trust them

That would be Poloniex

Only oldfags use Bittrex
Only newfag retards use Binance



>be pnd pajeet
>based bittrex bans you
>g-guys fucking shittrex stole my money!


thanks haven't heard of them yet but I'll check them out

I had been trading with them from 2014-2016 and I recently logged back in and saw that my account was disabled for unknown reasons. I still have coins in there worth about 220$ and i can't withdraw them, these fuckers just stole money from a poorfag without giving me a clue as to why they did it. I will keep mailing them until I get my funds back and then I will never use this exchange again.

Was using bittrex for a long time but decided to switch over to binance desu

Hell no.
Where is margin trading?
Why are their charts so shitty and the indicators so limited?
Why are they not replying to support tickets?
Why can't they fucking execute order at the best possible price?
Example: I executed a limit sell order at 0.00012000 and it sold at 0.00012060 even though in the book order there were many buyers in between, the highest bidder being at 0.00012502.

BiMEX, Binance, Gemini are the best

Laggy as fuck

poloniex died with the trollbox.

I've never had problems with Bittrex, but I keep hearing FUD left and right from people who claim to have their accounts locked or banned for "no reason."

Usually these comments come from people who were inactive for an extended period or failed to provide sufficient verification so I think they probably just automatically prune accounts that look shady and some people may get lost in the shuffle.

Lol, enjoy Poloniex website "going offline" and wallets being in maintenance conveniently when something big is happening or when they induce a flash crash like we had this summer, you know when they dumped their coins and liquidated many positions to make record profits.

>not using tradingview

i bought 700k of golem at like 1620 back in feb. They legit never fucking came they took my BTC on polo and i have been in a legitimate fucking support nightmare since i gave up 3 months ago because the day i deleted it all i got my promotion. FUCKL POLONIEX

I like Binance. but this thread is making realize no exchange does it right. any future exchanges that look promising? fairx??

I use both, but Bina certainly is the better one, 1/5th trade fee compared to bittrex
Use my referral 11733761. Not shilling

My crypto is fucking stuck in poloniex and they wont let me get it out. The worst part is they have a really small selection of coins so I can't even make good plays with the money I can't have.

That's right, Bittrex doesn't have tradingview charts integration like other decent exchanges.

Does Binance have tradingview?

Cobinhood is going to be the next largest and best exchange with ZERO FEES. That's right, no more fees to pay for trades.

What's the fee for withdrawing tho?