Feathered T-Rexes

>Feathered T-Rexes

I told you Wizards would fuck up the Dinosaurs set. Enjoy your meme set.

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If you're referring to that poorly researched amatuerish 'paper' that just came out, the scientific community has already come to consensus that it's conclusions were faulty, presented only layman's understanding of the facts (like the supposition that feathers are like hair and help retain heat when they're actually radiators) and the media just seized on one tiny part of said already flawed paper and blew it out of proportion.

Trexes had feathers. Deal with it

Damn, Aztecs, pirates, and dinoaurs? And you dumb niggers are complaining? Fucking neowalkers, I swear. This is the first set that might actually make me look at M:tG again in over 10 years.

Yes and there 52 different genders we know, you're very special user.

Feather dinos are the best, just kill yourself nigga.

Suck my meme dick, you grumpy nerd. Ixalan is looking sweet.

Aztecs and pirates?

YES! I've been wanting a set like this forever. Provided there are guns. Please let there be gun.

Chickens evolved from dinosaurs though

I'm talking about actual hard science not tomblr fuckery with no backing data.

Or, depending on your point of view, are dinosaurs.

Which is pretty awesome.

90s kids can't handle it because spielburg

Chickens, Emus, Ostriches etc are all considered types of surviving dinosaurs iirc


Sorry user, the scientific community has spoken. There is an entire SPECTRUM of genders and you just have to deal with it.

Sociology is not a science as it cannot be built on definitive facts.

Here's a definitive fact for you: SJWs are fucking faggots.

>Chickens, Emus, Ostriches etc are all considered types of surviving dinosaurs
I would argue against that, while birds are descended from theropod dinosaurs, saying that is like saying mammals are surviving synapsids. There's a genetic link and several species may have traits that fill similar niches, but it's not necessarily close.

Also fun fact mammals and birds were around by the Jurassic period.

Pluto hurt me too but it isn't.

this is the saddest looking dinosaur I've ever seen.

I like that Ixalan seems silly. It doesn't take itself too seriously. There are no angsty millenia-old-vampires. No rebellion against tyranny, no plane-devouring monsters and no Gatewatch. Kaladesh was borning as fuck. It was like a shitty version of Ravnica. Amonkhet is like a concession. It hasn't been fleshed out enough to be interesting or distinct, it's just a stage for the return of Bolas. Ixalan seems like its own weird thing. We need more of that. How many times can we revisit the same planes? We're going back to Dominaria! The game has come full circle and the novelty of returning to planes has faded.

Here's another definitive fact: Whatever made up gender people think they are is nothing for you to get worked up about.
And another: get your culture war bullshit out of here.

>get your culture war bullshit out of here.

That's not a fact, that's a command.

>trusting anything coming out of "Bill Nye Tries To Appeal To The Audience Who Grew Up With Him Poorly: The Show"

this is some hardcore bait user, I won't lie

>being this dense
fuck you and the autism you rode in on

You're right, T-Rexes should have been fluffy, not feathered. Fucking Wizards can't do anything right!

Forgot pic

God I've yet to see a single feathered T. rex image that looks better than a scaled version.

Why can't we still have scaled versions of dinosaurs in our fucking Fantasy card game? Fucking absurd to call in scientific accuracy when your literally slinging spells and shit.

Any sources for the scientific communities response? I'd be interested to read what they had to say.

>Why can't wizard appeal to my specific taste
Some people like the way feathered dinosaurs look bro

That's cool. Doesn't mean I have to like them or can't take issue with ultra-meh feathered dinosaurs all over my cards

I see you are not involved in modern day academia.
You might think they are a silly internet thing, but they are very real and dangerous.

Feathered dinosaurs are ok; But feathering everything is dumb. Like that feathered triceratops.
And I'm not even talking about the disgusting choice of colors.

MUH MUH raptor were biiig.

Of all the stupid things Veeky Forums gets assmad about, this is the dumbest thing yet.

Just as long as you acknowledge that the issue you take is an entirely subjective one and has no more weight than a subjective opinion that disagrees with it.

You're right on that one, m8. Here’s a thing that happened to one of my friends. I was there.

Basically, we were walking down the sidewalk, talking about something meaningless. I think it had to do with a movie. Then this bus screeches up, stops next to us, and a bunch of people with “Down with Cis” shirts climbed out and started beating him up. I was punched and kicked a bit too, but I managed to avoid brutalization by going for their faces. After figuring out what’s happening, I started attacking them back, getting them off of him. He was quite injured but I called 911 and he made a full recovery at the hospital. I was fine, with only a cut on my arm that they patched up.

I don't care what you say, Nye. I'm not giving handjobs to strangers.

And humans from amphibious lizards

Because were based is denonychus back in a time where scientists though both them and the velocirraptor were the same animal with different ages

Thanks for #correctingtherecord

It's real sad to see an icon fall

and then the whole hosptial clapped

I thought deinonichus and velociraptors weren't from the same places.
Also i think i read somewhere that Spielberg knew they were supposed to be tinier but thought that they wouldn't be intimidating enough.

We should just ban everyone who doesn't like feathered dinosaurs.

Regardless of whether or not they actually did have them, if Ixalan does have a sort of Aztec theme, feathered dinosaurs is a great aesthetic to make the plane's dinosaurs distinct and sort of match the feathered serpent concept. So regardless of any scientific accuracy, making then feathered was the correct design decision imo.

It's like finding out a beloved teacher from high school was arrested for smoking crack in a dingy truckstop gas station.

Once again, feathered dinos are rad, but it's pretty foolish to think every one of them was covered in feathers. Beasts like ankylosaurus or triceratops are pretty unlikely to have been feathered.

I'm honestly quite surprised that the History Channel, hacks that they are, haven't ran with the idea that the Aztec feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl was actually a type of dinosaur, and the Mesoamericans were running on either ANCIENT ALIENS or had oral tradition that went back to the Jurassic.

I want a Pillar Man legendary creature to use in commander

Holy shit, is that a motherfucking JOJO REFERENCE?

Why do her boobies glow?

Yeah, IMO feathers should be restricted to therapods as a best guess right now, which is a fairly large grouping. But I'm not totally opposed to feathers on other dinosaurs as well, though it gets weirder for those we know had plates of some description.

I don't see that the big deal is. This kind of stuff lights my imagination on fire, scientifically accurate or not.

>"Dinosaurs didn't have feathers"
>"They actually did"
>"Shut up you gay"

I don't understand

Be wary of anyone who writes "The scientific community says...!"

He should've posted the source of his claim, I agree on that.

But still, the third post. Why.

Oh, but I will. I live and die for meme shit in Magic. Gishark is the new king of jank Commanders and I will build it with PRIDE, damn you!

>Gishark is the new king of jank Commanders and I will build it with PRIDE, damn you!
Be sure to get a custom deck box with the Jurassic Park logo on it and some kind of dinosaur playmat. Gishark players must become the anti-Kaalia: just as devoted to their themeatics and commander, but replacing just-short-of-lewd anime angel waifus with dinosaur shit and replacing the screaming autism about their spikey win-button general being interacted upon with an eternally unruffled bro-tier chill demeanor in the face of any opposition.

>Gishark players must become the anti-Kaalia
>an eternally unruffled bro-tier chill demeanor in the face of any opposition
Such is now my destiny, for you have willed it.

Congratulations to the artist for managing to make a T-rex look ashamed and embarrassed. I hope he is pleased with himself.

Something to do with deathtouch / poison magic?
Maybe she's one of those gorgans who's tits turn you to stone.

>dinosaur set

I had to fucking wait since Ice Age for some motherfucking dinosaurs.

There really isn't much difference between birds and theropod dinosaurs, to the point that dromaeosaurids like Velociraptor are actually more closely related to birds than other non-aviant theropods and most plaeontologists use the term non-avian theropods when referring to "normal" (i.e. not including birds) theropods. Birds are for all intents and purposes very specialized form of dinosaur, and saying they're not dinosaurs is like saying whales are not mammals (they're highly derived compared to their terrestrial ancestors, and have evolved many unique traits while losing some traits common to most mammals. but they're still mammals).

As for feathered T. rex, we still don't know quite for sure. Paleontologists have recently discovered skin impressions of Tyrannosaurus that show scales (we've had some before, but only from areas that would even on feathered animals be featherless, like the bottom of the feet), but we also know several of its relatives did have feather. Based on the evidence, I'd be inclined to think T-rex was like modern rhinoes or elephants, and essentially hairless/featherless even if some related species had hair/feathers (elephants and rhinoes aren't actually hairless, but for most part they have very space hair; same would probably apply to Tyrannosaurus). However, somebody did this picture that combines skin impressions from different areas of body from various tyrannosaurids into a coherent whole, showing that the findings aren't necessarily in conflict if we assume the animal could have had a thick coat of feathers only on some areas of the body.

Tyrannosaurus with modern bird-like feathers is factually incorrect however, as those kinds of feathers only existed on a few specific groups of dinosaurs (dromaeosaurids and their relatives mostly), while most feathered dinosaurs had hair- or down-like coating.

Do keep in mind that tyrannosaurs are part of the coelurosauria, and basically a brother/sister of dromaeosauria.

Smart, tactics using, group hunting tyrannosaurs.

The T-Rex did have feathers though.

I know you may not like the idea because you were four when Jurassic Park came out and fake Spielberg dinosaurs are a big part of your youngfag development, but facts are facts.

Hey are you guys still pushing the meme that Bill Nye flip-flopped on gender identity?

>feathered dinosaurs
>not the fucking most appropriate fucking thing possible for a fantasy meso-american setting

I didn't take Veeky Forums to be this pleb-tier of a board.

Nye is just a mouth piece. Also, what's your favorite color(s) in magic?

True, and that is one of the main reason we can assume that basal tyrannosaurids were feathered, and if T. rex didn't have fetahers, it would have lost them over the course of evolution. Carnosaurs seem to have been featherless, but with coelurosaurs feathers were the norm. However, only some specific groups of coelurosaurs evolved the same kinds of feathers you see on modern birds.

I do find it rather amusing that tyrannosaurs, once thought to be among the archeotypical carnosaurs, are in fact coelurosaurs. For a long time the distinction was basically "big scary theropod=carnosaurs, small less scary theropod=coelurosaur", and then it turns out the most famous theropod of all time and one of the largest land predators to ever live was actually an oversized coelurosaur.

>facts are facts

Until someone new publishes a paper about how wrong they are abound million-year-old bones. Feathered t-Rex isn't fact, it's a theory, one that was latched onto hard by bird-fags.

>LGS receives multiple orders for Commander Anthology
>All just want Kaalia and are gonna pawn off the other decks

Forward into commander night shall I ride upon the Gishark, Prophet of the True Timmy's and Defender of all Bro Kind.

u r so mad

JP fanboys are also ignorant bigots.

It's almost like you deserve to be mauled by a cassowary

fucking this. I can only hope the dragon that they force into every single set is some kind of Quetzalcoatl/Kukulkan looking motherfucker for Ixalan

Literally none of what you said is true tho

We might be getting dinos instead of dragons this time, though. Check the leaked rare sheet and tell me if you see anything vaguely dragon.

Also checked.

Because feathered dinosaurs actually fit the aesthetic of Aztec Jungles better than scaly dinosaurs.

You can complain about fantasy appealing to realism autists and whatever, but it does actually fit better in this case.

>mauled by a cassowary

Oddly specific


Look, Dinosaurs is a phrase that covers a great deal of time.

There seems to be consensus that Raptors and their ilk (direct bird ancestors) had feathers.

Scientists are looking into stuff like T. Rex. and Triceratops.

For a second, I thought that the image was tied to the recent 5e adventure path announcement. I guess both DnD 5e and Magic getting the dino treatment is a coincidence.

You know OP, just because you repost at a different time doesn't make your opinion less shit.

Pretty much this. I think either is a valid creative representation in a fantasy game, we just happened to go to a world where feathered dinosaurs totally make sense aesthetically and was probably the correct choice in context. If we were to see more dinos in, say, Dominaria, I think they could just be scaled. I almost wish the set was focused 100% on that (mesoamerican dinosaur world), since it seems like a really sweet creative hook, without it being kind of diluted by the pirates and and nautical stuff.

I plan on printing out a deck box with the Jurassic Park gates on the front and electric fence that goes around the box.


They could also be fancy, super special Ixalan T-Rexes, which DO have feathers.

Cassowaries are birds that sometimes remember they used to be dinosaurs, woe be to the chucklefuck that ticks one off.

>electric fence not actually electrified
Flavor win.
>small battery provides a shock to the holder when remotely activated
Double flavor win.

Evolution is a theory and the only reason it isn't a fact is because you can't watch it happen... So you are correct and incorrect, feathered dinos are a theory, but have so much evidence to support that there were feathered dinos that it is most likely true.
Didn't the paper also say that dinos had feathers probably but not on the area they studdied?
Also it is like saying a chicken had no feathers because they found the feet...

There's that one feathered dino from china who they even managed to figure out the feather color of.

I mean, some were pretty big

Well yeah, but Velociraptors were like 70 cm.

Raptorlets, when will they learn?

Yeah, Jurassic Park "velociraptors" were deinonychus.

>fuck up
You mean actually surprisingly get right?

Yaaass you tell 'em honey!

IIRC, at the time Crichton wrote the book originally, people were pushing to have the sole species of genus Deinonychus reclassified as being part of genus Velociraptor (despite being found on another continent entirely), and so he had it at the appropriate size for the former but called the latter.
But by the time of the movie, that whole thing was null and void, Deinonychus was Deinonychus. They kept the name because that's what was in the book, and I'm guessing because they figured it was easier to say and shortening it to 'raptor' would work wonderfully. Which, as everyone knows, it did.

I don't agree. Mesoamerica is more than just "FEATHERS, FEATHERS EVERYWHERE".

Do panthers need feathers? What about Caimans? And Snakes let's cover them in some fluffy down. Because that would obviously be better suited than just having scales.

Besides Warhammer Fantasy did Aztec dinosaurs that were fucking fantastic, they didn't feel the need to update them with bloody Aunt Hilda's fascinatior glued to their body.

Maybe it's a makebelieve fantasy setting, wherein makebelieve fantasy dinosaurs happen to have feathers? Or do you get this buttmad when elves have ears of varying lengths?

Get madder, blubberboy.

The game also has humanoid fish people, goats that can hold swords, ways to turn Gods into frogs and a way where a dragon can use itself as a weapon.

Get over it. It's a fantasy game.

It's always satisfying to see a shit poster get this mad.