Has 8th been kind?
Black templar discussion thread
Well I don't think we'll get a Primaris conversion kit, which makes building an army a lot more difficult as we can only use the old heads and pauldrons, considering torsos and weapons are too small for them.
So for now, no.
>Has 8th been kind?
>Well I don't think we'll get a Primaris conversion kit
Pray for a plastic BT sprue like the other chapters got, then you can use that.
Melee is super viable now so yes.
Still lost in the warp...
Yeah, one can only hope. Technically we get a lot more in our kit, but we don't have several boxes with Chapter specific models or bitz in it. That conversion kit is our sole way to make our army truely BT, and Primaris are incompatible with a solid chunk of that very kit.
>he doesn't know about Sword Brethren and their swanky left pauldrons
Demoted to neophyte.
Not according to our local black templar player, who has done nothing but bitched since the store copies of the books came in
Yes, land raiders are tougher and killier while all our characters got buffed the fuck out and are basically a must take plus getting to melee is easier.
Champion still doesnt have vows and we arent close combat powerhouses like khorne berzekers but Templars are in a good spot.
I'm thinking of painting my Dark Imperium Primaris as Black Templar to go with my Sisters army.
Kinda hard when SB are either metal or finecast bullshit now innit?
You should. Primaris look good in everything except UM colours imo. But then again I don't like UM colours to begin with.
Rhinos are all assault vehicles, but having to get out at the beginning of a turn is annoying.
At least you get +3" move when you exit.
>Has 8th been kind?
Well the lore was changed back so that the Black Templar have multiple thousand-Astartes-strong crusade fleets. Rules aside at least your lore was unfucked.
When and where was that? Poor Based Haley was forced to out ou this 1k strong bullshit for Eternal Crusader, didn't hear about anything new, but I'll welcome any change back to the glorious crusade and several thousands strong days.
In the Spess Marine Imperial Index there's a little fluff blurb about them.
Perfect. I'm happy with that.
Time for GLORIOUS CRUSADING again then?
that has to be one of the most stupid comments ive read here.
A color scheme will look good or bad independently of the mini.
>Melee is super viable now
unless you are orkz
he's just saying he hates ultramarines.
yeah.. that was what i was thinking
>A color scheme will look good or bad independently of the mini.
That's not really true. Colour schemes that look great on minis with large flat surfaces might not work on a model with tons of intricate detail and greebly bits. Primaris and standard space marine models aren't different enough for it to matter though.
Sell me on Black Templars. What makes them interesting beyond
>dude space crusaders lmao imperator vult
because that's every Space Marine really.
Ties with Ecclesiarchy, them being transfixed on meele, no psykers allowed, they are witch hunters as well, so they seem to cooperate with Ordo Hereticus from time to time. They have disdain for the rest of inquisition tho. And they are crusading, and no - not all space marines are space crusaders. Get your lore facts in check son
Nothing, really.
People like them because they're douchbag spess crusaders without psykers, they're numerous and extraodinary stubborn.
Old comics also boosted the popularity, but that's that's pretty much it.
Isn't that sprue mostly heads, shoulderpads and breastplates, all of which should be compatible with Primarinas?
they're REALLY fucking medieval and kind of edgy in a cool way
It's all in the name, really: Black Templars.
>because that's every Space Marine really.
yeah but not really. Every space marine has bits of this, but the BT are ALL ABOUT this and they really show it.
Heads and shoulders, yes, as are the various other bits, but breastplates and legs will not work.
In addition to what the other user said, weapons/arms are not usable as well, they'd look like toys for Primaris. And taking away the weapons and breastplates (aka tabards, a big point of BT) takes away some of their biggest characterisation on the models
The Emperor's Champion is a fucking beast now, so I'd say fuck yeah?
Maybe try using sculpting some tabards with Green Stuff?
Alternately, ask GW for it on Facebook. The Dark Angels also like their tabards, too.
They only got popularity because of the super simple paint scheme.
This was way back in the day... then autists who could not be asked to, you know, improve their painting, screeched enough they got some special shit in Codex Armageddon, which had the annoying effect of cementing in these idiots minds that theirs was a legit faction.
while most chapters kind of hint they're knights in space, the Black Templar make no shame about it and own it. That, their hatred of pyskers, the paint scheme, and their unhealthy obsession with land raiders sold me on them.
I'm planning on running a 3 landraider list in 8th even though I know it'll be awful for example because Black Templar used to have land raiders available as dedicated transports and will probably get that again in 8th with whatever codex they're rolled into.
Won't use primaris though. They don't have any cool close combat squads and what self respecting army doesn't have dedicated melee specialists? They're like the Tau of the space Marines.
I could swear somebody compared the bits and said breastplates and arms check out, because it's mostly the legs that got repoportioned.
The arms are a lot meatier. And you can't forget those are ooolds arms, they don't have as much definition as the new ones. They would definitely look apart from Primaris. Torsos MIGHT be suitable (I really doubt it) but arms are and obvious no no.
In any case, there were a lot of tabard sculpting tutorials going around, back when Templars first released. Even White Dwarf had a few. I'm sure it's easy to dig them up and as far as I remember, sculpting that stuff was pretty easy.
Damn, I might even start this myself, even though I'm not even playing anymore...
It would still be massive bummer to have and sculot tabards and chains for Primaris compared to just having a proper kit.
Doing it right is hard as shit, neve rmind doing it on an army scale.
Space Wolves
Blood Angels
Dark Angels
Black Templars
Each of these has taken their turn being the poster boy, boosted in popularity by a starter set or a comic or another appearance. This leads many people to liking them.
And those that didn't start liking them, fucking hate them because of how annoying they felt the 'push' was.
Fair enough.
I'm not frequent to /tg or even 40k, but even I can feel the cringe from shoving those fucking fractions.
Wolf Lord Wolfwolf of the Spess Wolves. In a thunderWolf cavalry, being transported in a storm[s]Wolf[/s]Fang.
Its the
Bluhdy Encarmine Sanguinary Angel-Furiosos on a flying [s]Land[/s]BLOODraiders.
Homohoods - totally loyal traitors.
And other fun stuff.
Primaris use the same heads and shoulders.
>Primaris use the same head and shoulders
Primaris use the Axe bro
i don't even play balck templars, but i'm happy this nonsense get retconned to hell, where it belongs
Mohamad detected
I might say bummer.
I might say fun.
I gave all my 7th Edition State Troops puffy sleeves and once made halberd horde with puffy sleeves, pants and masks, because I hated the look of the 7th Ed. troops so much and I had a blast with it.
>They have disdain for the rest of inquisition tho
Heavy use of psykers (Malleus), shady practices (Xenos) and practically all of Inquisitors either die or become Radicals and you can guess how well THAT goes over with the BT.
I used to play ex-templar turned into chaos sorc in Black Crusade.
Rate how much this fucks over lore. I think not to much.
It's a little fucked, because a part of the screening process for astartes is that they thoroughly check you for any latent psychic abilities. If you are, then prepare for either execution or black ships.
Of course, considering that it's 40K and the warp is fickle as fuck, the idea of someone being exposed to the warp and immediately gaining psyker status is far from impossible. Templars fucking hate witches, so if they didn't kill the brother they'd probably force him into the Deathwatch for a permanent stay. Turning to chaos probably isn't the most insane idea there, if everything you fought for over literal hundreds of years turns against you.
And thinking of that whole scenario, I think that'd be a baller idea for a Blackshield Librarian.
In the grim darkness of the future, there is only Space Keurig machines.
Actually, you're being slightly mistaken on the psyker part.
Chaos sorcerers aren't nessessarily psykers, just guys who got magic by studying dark science. This includes types varying from scribes to chaos space marines.
Later part is the one I generally revolved around. If you're gonna turn away from the Imperium, like it did to you, you might as well start practicing the forbidden.
Quite good idea for a librarian, tho.
>Chaos sorcerers aren't nessessarily psykers, just guys who got magic by studying dark science.
I hope so. There was a thread a while back where some user posted some ADB shit and ADB said there was no difference between psykers and sorcerers apart from aesthetics and that it all ultimately came from the same place.
He isnt wrong, a psyker fireball and a sorcerers fireball are the same warp fuckery but a psyker wills it while a sorcerer conjures it via magic words and ritual.
>They're like the Tau of the Space Marines
What the fuck are you smoking? Just about all of their rules that don't have to do with Psykers are all about getting into immediate close combat and staying in close combat.
I have realized my mistake in my reading comprehension skills
Do you have a picture of it?
No Brother.
But the Emperor has.
The Emperor has.
Why the Hell does GW make Sword Brothers and Emperor's Champion website exclusive?
Is he good this edition?
Because they don't sell enough to waste money making huge batches of them to ship out to retailers.
This isn't hard to figure out.
>he doesn't convert his own sword brothers
They are supposed to have CC squads, we read about them in Dark Imperium.
Cold Reivers, have Death masque helmets, disruption knife and bolt pistol. Armor is noted to be siment to creep ip on some fools but I don't know if they mean because it's more like Scout armor or if it is avtual power armour that is silent.
In any case, it's not really BTish.
But apparently the drop troops might have a CC configuration in their box release. Let's hope they do.
That was painful to read, never post from your phone again if you're not even going to notice the auto-correct typos
From the top of my head:
>psykers, that used to be a "must" is now "meh". BT still can't take psykers, well boo fucking hoo...
>Close combat was non viable in 7th, now its totally fucking awesome, BT is still a CC army
Well, thereĀ“s my 2 cent.
The Emperor protects. Always.
I do, but again, as stated above, doing so for Primaris will be an absolute pain in the ass without a proper kit.
Good lord, my bad.
I want to convert a sword brother that is kneeling with his sword point pointing down. i was thinking of using the kneeling devastator legs and the IMPERATOR sword from the vanguard kit but I can't figure out how to place the sword without it looking stupid. Help?
I was just playing.
Don't forget about the Celestian Lions' incident with the "orks snipers"
Emperor King?
That's what written on Sigismund's sword after all. The artist was thorough in his work.
Kneeling legs, both arms, and head from Space Marine Command Squad box.
Sword from WFB Empire General.
Torso, backpack, various seals and accessories, and scroll from Black Templar box.
I agree, should have been Imperator Vult
Weren't the Crimson Fists also a poster boy Chapter in the 90s?
'Ey boss, was deez bitz dey is talkin 'bout? Sounds like da pointy part on da end a my shoota...
How come?
Raging Space Teutons that crusaded really hard for 10K years, hate psykers to the point they developed a resistance to psychic powers (kinda retconned since now they hate non-Imperial psykers) and thus don't have their own (or they may have but put blankets on them so that others wouldn't see them), as well as they move faster and closer the more you shoot them.
Also medieval, simple to paint and Land Raider Crusaders/Redeemers as standard troop transports.
GW is retarded.
They stop making metal models for everyone, but went out of their way to make SoB metal models.
They didn't simply overstock with SoB, the metal sold now is not the same as the original ones, let alone looks aged as the old metal models.
GW is making metal models for one army alone.
What's a templar?
Everything is ultramarines.
excellent cheap character/monster killer
The BTs were my first true love, but I failed horribly at painting black and white, so I switched to the Ultramarines, the greatest of them al.
literally what ?
i'm happy that they got back to being 6000 strong and happily crusading across the galaxy