I want to cash out. This ride is too fucking crazy for me...

I want to cash out. This ride is too fucking crazy for me. What's a good service without having to give out my bank info?

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Meeting someone in person for cash

You can't cash out.


kys weakass nigger faggot cuck bitch faggot cuckbaby cuckboi

you’re welcome

looks like bitflur is my best option
how much am I able to cash out per day?

bitflur is literally Paxful though

this isn’t true though


You’re an idiot
Let’s see here..

Localbitcoins and Pax:
Give them your personal info. Nobody will trade with you unless you’re verified out the ass.

Meeting someone:

No ID needed, quick as fuck transfer

Really makes you think

I don’t think there’s a limit

Let's say I make like 30 paypal trades
will I get my account locked?

probably kek

What's the fees like on Bitflur?

Probably not as high as it being taxes but still I'd like to know.

of course you’ll get banned if you go full retard

why the fuck didn’t I know about this a week ago?

I want to kill myself

How much are you cashing out? Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands?

I'm being serious here.
How many trades through paypal could I make per day without my bank freaking out?

I want to cash out at least $4k
not everything though

I made a $500 PayPal trade the other day and paid like $440 in bitcoin

I’m taking advantage while I can kek

don't 30k coming

so should I just do $500 per day to be safe?


>Localbitcoins and Pax:
>Give them your personal info. Nobody will trade with you unless you’re verified out the ass.
Can you take out large amounts?

What are the fees?

fucking quints

it’s been a good day though

I'm just going to do $500 through paypal per day and hopefully I should be safe.