Think of a fictional setting. Got one? Now think of a race from that setting. Ready?

Think of a fictional setting. Got one? Now think of a race from that setting. Ready?

Okay, culture of gopniks have spread among this race. How does it change them and how does everyone else react?

>warhammer 40k


Umm, I'll guess everyone will wonder what a bunch of squatting Necrons are doing on the battlefield

>mass effect
Brash prostitution runs rampant

>Heels off the ground

We've found the western capitalist spy!

Slav plane when wotc?

Yes? I have a question?

Is there anything to Gopnik culture except track suits and squatting?

Because I'm not aware of it beyond that, and you're gonna get tons of «Jawas sit weirdly and nothing changes» if you don't tell us anything more.

Drinking large amounts of alcohol and beating your dace in.

> My previous example: Jawas from Star Wars

They're miniature Tusken Raiders now. Tatooine is a harsher place because there is no prospect of trading. It's probably less settled with farmers closer to the towns.

Beyond that, literally nothIng changes.

I'd say listening and/or dancing to hardbass or rap and just acting like thugs in general. About all there is to it.

It mostly spreads among football fans/ hooligans and it revolves around drinking lots of cheap hard liquor and going out to places where really violent but low quality electronic music is playing. But you know it's the same as before, it's just that they switched Fred Perry, Ben Sherman and whatnot for adidas and whatever shit they were listening to (varies from country to country) for hardstyle and schranz.

Oh and almost forgot it has a smidgeon of panslavism. Othervise it's just your run off the mill hooligan subculture.

>wanton violence
>heavy warm vodka consumption
>creating contraptions based on Redneck physics for entertainment (trash can cannons, giant apartment swings, a functioning car with only half a body)
>reckless endangerment on the road
>general apathy for law and order
>highly autistic yet sexually successful

In short, Gopniks are uneducated and aggressive wannabe criminals.

They mainly consist of young people from poor families. They are very xenophobic and aggressive towards anything that differs from their normal environment. They're always trying to provoke conflict even if there is no logical reason to it. They are very cocky, but they can't handle serious opposition.

They are trying to imitate criminal culture that went widespread in Russia during the 90's, but they rarely do serious crimes. Mainly they beat people in groups, steal, vandalize private property and do other petty stuff like that.

Aside from pump they also listen to rap music of dubious quality.

There used to be a lot of them, but now they're in decline.

I don't know what else to add.

I've been waiting a long time for the necrons to get squatted.

I'm not sure what the point of squatting underwater is.

>Silicon life

Not a whole lot changes I guess, Maybe the safeguard will determine that they are even less human than they were before, and start a more serious offensive against them.

nothing changes, no one notices

brb gonna paint adidas stripes on all my boyz

Also Killy becomes a much more sympathetic character.

>TFW this is almost literally what I'm playing right now in my buddy's Space-Fantasy WWII homebrew
>Squatting slav khajiit
I still feel like That Guy for being the only one to actually pick the beastman option though.

Always remember

Heels on ground when Slavs squat around
Heels up high, is Western spy

I've been wondering about that since 5th.

That's no gopnik, that's a spy!

but those are from third

>Gopnik Draenei

They already have Russian accents, so... eh.

how would their squatting look with those goat legs though?

That is actually a very good question. Do goats squat? Are they always squatting? And since they naturally walk on their toes, with their heels being where our knees are height-wise, how are the heels supposed to touch the ground?

Apparently they do.

Am I the only one who read that as GOPniks?

Are Fremen just united and motivated gopniks?


They'd proabably have a set of rules, based on province and time of year, for when it's most fortuitous to squat favoring the right leg, as opposed to squatting favoring the left leg, sitting on the ground, or standing up straight, but with head bowed.

Then, of course, the new Paidhi confuses everyone by bringing a chair. "Nadi, a moment, please..."

>gopnik orsimer from Elder Scrolls
I could see it. Colovians are basically slav-scots and have some vaguely [medieval-]gopnik vibes as-is, and Colovians and Orsimer both have proud warrior cultures that could probably intermingle pretty well out of mutual respect.

I doubt anyone would really care, most just have a general distaste for orcs regardless and that would probably continue to be the case. I'm sure there'd be jokes about squatting orsimer being in the throes of birthing their children, though.

>suddenly the Republican Party is the Gopnik party

many keks are we blessed with this day user, you are a true sage and schoolar

Warforged now have even worse reputation.

>since they naturally walk on their toes, with their heels being where our knees are height-wise, how are the heels supposed to touch the ground?
They sit down. It is as close to physically analogous as possible.