Reminder that we live in a universe where we were badass enough to wipe out the other abhuman races

Reminder that we live in a universe where we were badass enough to wipe out the other abhuman races

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Didn't we inter-breed them?

Doesn't something like 70% of the world population carry Neanderthal DNA?

Pretty much
We wiped them out but assimilated them like Tyranids
Pretty much everyone besides africans has their DNA

No, we didn't. We weren't alive back then.


>Africans are the only pure homo sapiens
>Africans were the first Homo Sapiens
>Africans colonized every part of the planet, including the USA and built all nations
>Africans were Kangz

How can the insect host people of North America even compete?

Only 4% of paternal DNA remains.

Which means that there wasn't exactly much interbreeding going on, and it was only human female to male neanderthal contact.

There's no maternal Neanderthal DNA in humans, which means either human males and female neanderthals didn't fuck, or they were infertile.


What does this have to do with traditional games?

(You) have to go back nigger

>HFY that's actually good and doesn't have an edgy Reddit kill-em-all message

Great post mate.

Wait, really? Have they lied all the time? We didn't out-fuck them but occasionally some of them, for whatever reason, fucked some human women whose child, for whatever reason, we let have his way with another pure human?

Because in all of these games abhumans like elves and dwarfs still walk about
They evolved in a different direction so depends on your definition

We out "ate" them since they were almost strictly carnivorous and we were omnivorous, plus invented fishing

No, it's still pretty terrible, it's just that "terrible" seems to be the cream of the crop of the shitpile that is HFY.

>Because in all of these games abhumans like elves and dwarfs still walk about
Yeah, because these fantasy worlds are completely different worlds. Do you want to tell us how we humans would kill all the dwarves and elves by breathing rocket fuel and farting toxin?

and if you want to go subspecies instead we also lost homo florensis possibly to genocide

Also consider that neanderthals required much more food than humans, they had problems coming up with new technologies and cultural ideas (scientists can literally see when neanderthals in an area got into contact with humans, because suddenly they experience a technological boom) despite having larger brains and probably being superficially smarter than humans, and they had more muscled stockier bodies with heavier stronger bones - that prevented them from using throwing spears and bow-and-arrow which meant they had to kill EVERYTHING they ate up close with spears at melee range.

what the fuck are you on about lad

I could ask you the same.

Just how intelligent would homo florensis be?

I'm basing my dwarfs off neanderthals, and I'm making the neanderthal-dwarfs more intelligent than humans on a superficial level (they're better at mental calculation, memory tasks, learning languages, retaining information), but they're not very good at creative or inventive tasks. Dwarfs make really fucking amazing weapons and armour, but they're always a few decades outdated compared to human weapons because well, it's going to take many years before dwarfs will understand the way of using the new blastfurnace.

But with homo florensis, I have no clue. They're tiny, child-sized. How the fuck do I imagine how they'd think?

>They're tiny, child-sized. How the fuck do I imagine how they'd think?
They're the halflings.

Filthy little tribal hobbitses

shit sorry I meant homo sapiens idaltu, florensis is a different species
these guys were archaic humans and were probably as roughly as intelligent as other humans at the time but compared to modern humans (homo sapiens sapiens) they would probably struggle intellectually

No? there plenty abhuman races going around

homo florensis though is a bit of a mystery and research on it's brain size relative to its intelligence are still being conducted, but we do know there brains were about the same size as a chimpanzees

I always imagined Homo Heidelbergensis could have evolved into some sort of ogre-like apex predator humanoid with a larger dependence on meat than other groups.

At least that's what I'm going with in my S&S narrative.

Probably wouldnt be that different
At the risk of sounding /pol/ Id make them orcs but orcs capable of fitting into human societies pretty much normally


Them and Us: How Neanderthal predation created modern humans by Danny Vendramini

a lot of good and bad in this book, the physical reconstruction of H Neanderthalis is flawed and his pet theory of 'teems' (like inhereted meams, essentially) is pretty off the wall, the rest of the story is good. I agree with juts about all of the critiques, he is no expert but tries to come off as one, but he is a well informed amateur, a step up from Ancient Aliens Guy at least

>>early proto-humanity moves out of Africa to Europe
>>gets RIP AND TEAR huge and turn into Neanderthals
>>moves back during an Ice Age and bumps into the next wave of early humans in the Middle East
>>eats them, rapes them
>>Early humans start to fight back, get clever or get dead
>>start to win, go into genocide mode
>>invade Europe and kill em all
>>all stereotypical bad human traits are traits Neanderthals had
>>myths of ogres, giants, trolls etc are racial memories of neanderthals

fun book, from a guy who set out to research the image of evil/monstrous creatures in films and went off on one into amateur anthropology

What could be done with Gigantopithecus Blackii?

Didn't read this book, but somehwere else an alternative reconstruction of the neanderthal, which goes in the same, but not as extreme direction, with an overall critic on the overly human depictions of today. I'm no expert, but I can see their logic.

thats not /pol/ at all don't worry, but florensis as an orc? tiny orc, more goblin like if you ask me.

King of the Swingers: Apocalypse now Edition

That'd be kinda badass.

Oh grand, antihfy fag. You're here.

All Asians and Caucasians do.

Nah. Hominids were close enough to interbreed.

I.e. Modern day Caucasians are the equivalent of Half-Elves.

they weren't actually in the homo genus though. give their anatomy they would have trouble walking bipedally without crushing their own legs

It's a fun book, I think he, a non-hominid expert, spent a lot on a guy, also a non-hominid expert, computer modelling the Neanderthal so pushes it a lot more than needed.

Basically it's a anthro-psychological prehistoric story - ending interestingly with humanity creating 'civilisation' to defend against it's neanderthal killing warbands from apocolypsing the world when they ran out of Neanderthals to kill

Fair point.

But, given a RE Howard-style evolution I imagine they could be deployed in a story/game as some sort of fierce, territorial ape-men.

Possibly prone to abducting hot chicks.
Also, fairly smart.

>Nah. Hominids were close enough to interbreed.
the definition of a species is that it can not interbreed with another and produce viable offspring, I'm not arguing with you I just felt like pointing out how much of a clusterfuck becomes when humans and domesticated animals (especially dogs) become involved, scientists get your shit together please

I'm thinking the elder scrolls imga, ape men that were stupid compared to elves but intelligent enough to idolize and try to mimic them.

>myths of ogres, giants, trolls etc are racial memories of neanderthals

This is pretty fucking neat.
I kind of wish some of them were still alive by the middle ages so we could have some legit knight vs troll/ogre stories.

>dwarfs = neanderthals

>hobbits/goblins = florensis

>elfs = humans that reached some level of magical wisdom

>trolls = humanoids mutated by random wild magical energies

>tolkien orcs = humanoids mutated by voodoo/mindcontrol magic

>ogres/orcs/orcus/giants = ???
Send help please! I ran out of hominids, and I don't feel like digging into the past with homo habilis and homo erectus. Nevermind that we humans are the tallest hominids around so I can't find anything taller anyway. And no, I cannot just throw them in with the mutant zombie orcs, because those guys are unnatural and "always chaotic evil". I need bigass strong ogres/orcs/giants that can function as normal members of society - sometimes.

Did you know that griffins are most likely based on dinosaur skeletons?

Griffins are said to live in the deserts of China
>china has fuckloads of dinosaur skeletons laying around in its deserts
Griffins have the head of a bird, but have the body of a normal animal.
>ceratopsian dinosaurs have a beak and have four legs

And inb4 "but ceratopsian dinosaurs have horns, griffins don't have horns". China has huge amounts of protoceratops fossils directly on the surface of the Gobi desert, an early ceratopsian dinosaur that had exactly 0 horns.

Well seeing how things panned out..

That'd be kinda cool.

Literally aping civilization that they've seen and from that begin to create their own culture, in seeming mockery of the elven one.

>ogres/orcs/orcus/giants = ???

"According to Lee R. Berger of the University of the Witwatersrand, numerous fossil bones indicate some populations of H. heidelbergensis were "giants" routinely over 2.13 m (7 ft) tall and inhabited South Africa between 500,000 and 300,000 years ago"

Allowing for fantasy and individual variation could put a credible number of them at as much as 8'-9'

check out meganthropus, not much is known of it we only have a few bone fragments and it's not certain if it was actually human but it might interest you

They were monstrously strong and powerful and could take injuries that would kill us. And they continue with us to this day.

Just like the Heidelbergensis, they huge size seems to be more or less dismissed these days, but yeah, it's definitely a viable candidate.

>They were monstrously strong and powerful and could take injuries that would kill us.
They also racked up so many injuries they'd die like 10-20 years earlier than homo sapiens.

And that's the stone age, homo sapiens would be considered old around 40-50 years.

Seriously, don't fucking hunt ice age mammals with thrusting spears, just throw them.



sort of related, the earliest documentaion of "grey aliens" was actually a prediction of how humans would evolve, larger eyes and brains, paler skin smaller noses ect. They just became popular in alien mythology because of the uncanny valley effect and the fact ancient alien conspiracy thorists could point to old simplified and exaggerated art of humans and claim it was proof of alien contact.

Or all megafauna.

Australia is a great example of this, it wasn't until aboriginal peoples first arrived that many of our largest animals disappeared, one notable example is the cow sized wombat diprotodon which made easy prey to humans.

>we were badass enough to wipe out the other abhuman races
With our dicks.

yeah, this.

I think it was more with our vaginas, I think the logistic of a neanderthal raping a human woman were higher than a human surviving an encounter with a neanderthal woman

Speaking of Australia, how come the abos didn't evolve or stopped being migratory or build a more advanced civlization?

It certainly seems to imply that the constant conflicts and warfare of other parts of the world did contribute a lot to the rise of civilization.

Left to their own devices, the abos seemed content to remain at paleolithic levels.

Is social darwinism not entirely without it's merits on that scale?

Also, didn't abos ever wage any wars among themselves, larger than the occasional raiding?

Meant to respond to


>neanderthal raping a human woman
>not vice versa

No good food crops. They were pretty much locked into a hunter-gatherer society. That being said, they did have some surprisingly sophisticated things like using fire-stick farming. That was burning off areas to hunt animals and change the landscape to more of a savvannah so there'd be more grass eating animals and ground flowering plants to eat.

Australia is huge, can't do much war when distances are that large. Only reason Europe got ahead of the game is because it was right inbetween Africa and Asia, and it's a tiny continent so information (and people) can buzz from one end to the other fast.

one good theory of the Americas human population is that they did keep crossing the ice/land bridge from Asia but kept getting driven back by the megafauna.

It wasn't until the earth had warmed and the megafauna started thinning out that we could gain a foothold and start killing the remaining creatures in any meaningful way

There is the theory that abo hunting tactics basically unilaterally fucked the continent. The mega fauna was plentiful, but tough to take down. The abos wanted to eat.
Did they make better weapons?
Switch up their hunting tactics to outsmart and outlast the beasts?
Nuh uh.
Start massive wildfires intentionally, that they left unchecked over and over again until it created artificial desertification?
Ding ding ding!
It's likely that those glue huffing rapists burned the continent to the ground so many times it turned to shit. Australia should have finished with that little genocide.

They did have some trade with New Guinea way way back though. Hollowed out logs for boats or something.

No idea why they stopped, but you'd think at least some cultural exchanged would have pushed some tech forward.

And as even Africans knew the fire stick-hunting so that's not much to write home about, is it?

they still practiced agriculture even though they were nomadic, it was a weird mix. also some mobs did settle down and build stone houses, just not many. I imagine perhaps due to the frequency of bushfires that it just made more sense not to stay in one place. I admittedly don't know alot about indigenous culture but it seems fascinatiing

Once again, Africa.
Even the bongoloids managed to whip up some cultures.

Come to think of that, what were the apex predators among the local megafauna in Aussie-land at the arrival of the abos?

I think what we've learned here today is that aboriginals were weird and its honestly a shame that so few mobs still live these ways to preserve their culture. and we managed to discuss it with minimal racism. good job guys

I wonder if this is a microcosm of us fucking up the planet cause it's more comfortable than switching to green energy and less wasteful shit.

Humans killed all remained giant birds in recent history like Moa, Haat Eagle and elephant bird, we sure do love destroying fun things.

Wel, I'm still very much a racist, but that doesn't mean I don't have a genuine interest in anthropology or sociology.

And being (reasonably) polite is free.


heres some relevant info

That is kinda scary.

only when we can get away with it, the Americas seem to have been too hot until the Clovis people managed to get established

Fuck yeah

australia was already extremely prone to fire though, infact many of our woodlands were (and still are) filled with naturally flammable oils that encouraged fires that were necessary for many plants to reproduce, aboriginal people seemingly only joined in on the weird ass antics


not to mention that the fires were controlled and actually helped to reduce catastrophic fires, this method is still used today by our fire departments and it's extremely effective.

I was told that it was specifically the triceratops that was mistaken for griffins because they had a beak and the bones from the head crest would be mistaken for wings.

The myth of the Cyclops is also based on Mammoth skeletons.

and unicorns are actually rhinos

A few days ago like 40 people in Portugal burned to death partially thanks to eucalyptus trees being grown all over Portugal.

Kinda. 10000 years they sat on that continent, and invented a stick that occasionally comes back. I'll "we wuz kangz" for Africans, because they did have eras of magnificent culture and growth. Art, commerce, warfare, medicine, all grew from mother Africa at one point or another. Aboriginals? Fuck em. Can't invent a fucking wheel. We could have left that continent alone another couple centuries, and they would have probably starved to death.

>and we managed to discuss it with minimal racism.
Still managed to have one user spreading the old "slash-and-burn made the Outback" canard, but that's an old tale and hard to kill. Then there's the old "Abos ain't got no culture" types like who just chimed in. But by Veeky Forums standards yes, it's pretty restrained.

This pretty much in exact.


were they invasive, what the fuck are they doing in portugal?
A lot of you should take into consideration that a primitive culture is not necessarily bad, and despite the VERY early aboriginals fucking up the ecosystem its been 60'00 years and aboriginal people are renowned for the tiny impact they would leave on the land because their nomadic lifestyle allowed wild populations of prey to regenerate. say what you want about the culture being primitive but it seemed to work a very long time, and the natives even traded with other nations before the first fleet

Neanderthals were smarter than us but did not develop social intelligence (until they met us and were forced to gang up for safety)

Its possible that they mated like solitary creatures do now, so it's not unlikely that a particularly strong or desperate dude, could meet a solitary neanderthal woman in the wilds.

Then you have the murky history of them learning from us. They definitely learned how to make rope and fish from us probably learned about gang rape and war too.

>and unicorns are actually rhinos
Not so sure on that but crocs were the main inspiration for dragons

probably should have spaced out that paragraph better those two things weren't related

The American prairie was a giant tinderbox. They had mega fauna all over as well. Dont see America a giant desolate wasteland ( besides our current political climate).At least American Indians had invented the bow, hospitality, and some truly incredible megastructures like the mounds and Pueblo villages.

Cryptid aficionados claim there's still a few roaming the outback
Probably keeps the yowie population in check

Much obliged.

Cryptozoology is an underrated source of amusement and thrills.

>a desolate wasteland
you're not australian are you? or at least not from a rural area

Wouldn't dinosaur bones make more sense here? Imagine how scary a T-Rex skull would be to find? Or a persevered foot print. Ancient people didn't have carbon dating, that foot print was from last week for all they knew.

Fucking christ Abos killed the closest we could get to war dragons

do you guys think we love creating other intelligent species because we evolved alongside them and some part of us misses them?