>Everyone says Asterion Moloc is 10 feet tall >Never seen the source
Is this a meme?
Jason Perez
I bought everything Johnny. I bought everything.
Asher King
Zachary Price
me too and i dont even own any chaos or xeno armies
Matthew Cox
I swear to god, I leave for 6 seconds again and theirs faggots arguing about god damn trannies on Veeky Forums. Just range ban those fuckers already. Delicious, has anybody spotted any usual FW inconsistencies yet?
Alexander Hall
I at least have the excuse that I got some models from all of the index books.
Main reason why I got the starter kit is because I WANT those fucking nurgle models. I got burned by skipping the Death Masque kit, as I was expecting the new Eldrad model to be eventually sold separately. I am still fucking waiting.
Isaiah Moore
i get 50 percent discount and plan to start some new armies, does that count as excuse, too ?
I sold my nurgle models and kept the primis marines, it seems like this box is better for sharing than dark vengance
When can we expect the actual multipart plastic kits of the Plague marines to be hitting the shelves?
Kayden Jones
Luke Watson
anny one have tyranids Hierophant stats and rules?
Dylan Sanders
They started selling rules for models again that they don't sell like the repressor
Jason Rodriguez
ask your mom
Henry Bennett
Any word on when the codices come out? Also can someone tell me how armoured company works? Do I get to use tanks as troops? I just started a imperial guard tank army and have no idea what I'm doing, pls help
Chase Jones
Oliver Garcia
Noah Watson
ID is back baby
Levi Gray
Where did you get that idea?
Luke Turner
From the profile, which works like a FNP that is not ignoring ID, so they kinda returned it for DKOK
Nathaniel White
There aren't any rules for minotaurs in 8th yet, are there?
Isaiah Lewis
It's Silas Alberec who's ten feet tall.
Justin Carter
>There aren't any rules for minotaurs in 8th yet, are there?
There are rules for most of the characters in the Astartes Index, nothing more.
Carson Bennett
... what? I don't see anything about ID on there. They just get a FNP save if the hits strength was equal to or less than their toughness.
Liam Jenkins
Tyranids pdf from forgeworld ?
Dylan Wilson
Rip. Moloc not legal then yet. Fw pls.
Samuel Martin
Ignore the other user. He is stupid.
Ayden Gray
>After the horrors of war and the devastation of a world, one unnamed trooper from the Death Korps of Krieg – vat-born, grown to be a soldier – has had enough. Removing his uniform, he takes the identity of a fallen civilian and joins the workforce on the world he fought to liberate. But can this soldier overcome his conditioning and training and serve the Imperium in a new way, or will he forever be a warrior of the Astra Militarum?
You lied to me, Veeky Forums, you said that Kriegers are 100% loyal to the Imperium. Also you said that they weren't clones.
Asher Jackson
>death riders are just better than rough riders in every single way
Well I guess I'll just use those rules instead. Thanks IMPERIUM keyword.
Noah Cox
Thanks to anons posting the epubs. I notices a couple of f ups by GW in formatting in Imperium 1 and Xenos 2. Imp 1 was an easy enough fix (lower case "Keywords" in Faction Keywords on Cap in Gravis), but the Xenos 2 font fix is totally f'd. Don't know if it's corrupted from the source or what. 2 fonts aren't loading, so tons of text is overlapping itself in the stat boxes.
Any user know how to fix this? It looks like the encrypted fonts are being seen.
Cooper Reyes
I think you misunderstood me, or I'm just fucking awful at explaining. Rules for him, Enkomi and Aiakos are in the Index. Just not Kraatos, the special sergeant.
The Roc-pattern is also purely a Minotaurs transport now, as it can only transport Infantry units with Minotaurs keyword.
Evan Howard
Militarum keyword.
John White
Yeah what the hell, they are way better. They look more expensive, but they look worth it. WS3+, T4, 2 attacks base, goddamn. Shits all over normal rough riders unless you're skimping for points.
Jonathan Thompson
I like the new janitors 10/10, it's not like anything of value is lost anyway when a thread is deleted. Same stuff will pop up again eventually.
Parker Turner
I also forgot they have a 4+ save as well as better trampling hooves. 2 S4 attacks and 2 S5 power lance attacks on the charge.
Brody Evans
He is always loyal to the imperium, but deserts after a concussion makes him doubt that dying is worth it. Instead, he works with rebuilding the shattered planet. In the end, he joins a newly formed regiment after some shit happens and he becomes convinced that fighting for the Emperor is still meaning of life
Also vat-born != clones.
Easton Murphy
Well, it looks like they're almost twice as expensive. Rough Riders seen like a cheap distraction unit that you use to bit vulnerable troops. Death Riders look like they actually tear shit up in melee, and you'd use THEIR rules if you want your cavalry to kill hard targets.
Chase Roberts
I think I'll probably swap between them for fun.
Colton Powell
read the first one, was ok but ending was shit
the second short story was alright, was interesting seeing that even the rejects used as target practice were still fiercely loyal
this one just seems daft
Ian Sanchez
Check the release date.
Eli Gomez
Great so still complete bullshit, love it.
Jonathan Cooper
Try Readium. They use a special form of epub (epub3) that a lot of readers can't handle.
Oliver Martinez
little angry marinelets. When will they learn.
Carson Carter
They also lack the Flanking Manouvre-rule, so you better be prepared to charge them across the battlefield.
Parker Roberts
>being surprised death riders are better then rough riders >despite this being true for years
Hudson Bennett
Eh, I'm going for a more elite army anyways. Plus I have Cold Ones for horses, which would fit the profile.
Angel Hernandez
Primaris Sisters when?
Henry Wilson
That's true. Although you have to come on right next to the board edge anyways.
Joshua Gonzalez
Literally with his eyes at belt buckle height.
Alexander Gomez
Thats what I'm using. All the books work except for Xenos 2.
Landon Davis
When GW gets over its 'ewww cooties' ideals.
Parker Bennett
I mean, they have different roles now. You could send rough riders into a flank and let them lock down a vehicle for half the game, maybe kill a few heavy weapon squads.
But Death Riders are looking to be around 15 points per model when you include hunting lances. If you send those to tarpit tanks you're just throwing those points away. Deathriders basically require you to throw them at the front line if you want to make your points back.
Jacob Richardson
That's true, but they do ignore wounds on a 5+ from S4 and below before even having to take an armor save.
They sound so fucking good, but flanking maneuver sounds great too. But they are so much better now.
Adrian James
It's so hot... my glue isn't setting...
Kayden Turner
one faction of power armoured warrior nuns, one faction of power armoured warrior monks.
How hard a concept is it?
Alexander Allen
reduce font size maybe?
Angel Turner
What is the point of Heavy Bolters on retributor sisters. People keep saying this is good, but I don't see it.
Landon Thompson
how strict are the rules for base size this edition?
eg can I mount a guard officer on a 30mm base instead of a 25mm?
I'm not modelling for advantage I just want to put a damn dog on his base
Andrew Russell
Easton Taylor
Theres no templates, so as long as you don't give everything massive fucking bases you'll be fine.
Jordan Cruz
You rock.
But can anyone .pdf this sucka?
Christopher Fisher
Vaylund Cal's Thunder Hammer deals d3 damage instead of a flat 3
Justin Price
Not until Friday
Kayden Bailey
Marinelets btfo. Do you even crusade brah?
Cameron Wright
You got me user. I spent the last ten minutes looking. Not bad.
Christian Johnson
You are like a god among men
Nicholas Gutierrez
>Jokaero and daemonhosts now have literally 1 transport option in the form of the inquisition land raider prometheus
of all fucking things.
Although 4 no cover save heavy bolters and that -1 CP cost for strategems actually seems pretty cool
Bentley Richardson
Is it just me or are the badab characters really underwhelming?
Anthony Sanders
S5 Ap-1 wounds everything on 5+ or better and chunks most armour saves down to 4+, which is a big deal. With Act of Faith, they can fire twice a turn, which is sort of a big deal for a unit vomiting out that many shots.
Basically every space marine list with heavy bolter dev squads can benefit by swapping one out to a SoB ret squad.
Jonathan Jones
>that -1 CP cost for strategems actually seems pretty cool The only stratagem that costs 2 right now is the morale one; is it worth it to make that cost 1 instead?
Parker Powell
They're probably going to make everything underwhelming due to everything new being OP pls nerf in 7th
Jacob Edwards
kk cheers user
Jonathan Cox
Isn't the interrupting charges one 2 CP too?
But there are strategems attached to missions and there will be new ones with the codexes, so its real estate value will grow a bit
Nolan Murphy
Many characters are underwhelming overall. Might be because of the new edition and having to get everything ready for 8th. Might be because of what said.
Ian Anderson
-1 cp cost?
Joseph Peterson
Counter Offensive also costs 2Cp
In multiplayer, there's a stratagem with X cost IIRC
Nathaniel Rodriguez
sorry I only just looked at it and the text was fucked fml
Oliver Clark
Evan Sanders
Fuck me it didn't attach
Jaxon Turner
Hmm. I guess 15 AP1 shots is alright, but against tacs, I think you're paying about 30 points per wound per turn, 15 points if you use your Act of Faith on them. Doesn't seem that efficient.
Elijah Ramirez
Oh wow i did not notice that
Andrew Martinez
Asterion Moloc seems quite nice, while being cheaper than quadraplegic Papa Smurf.
Josiah Price
Only a few. God i miss redth giving shrouded and divination
Samuel Evans
Pls help, so confused
Joseph Mitchell
Just take a spearhead detachment and then your mandatory slots are heavy support instead of troops.
Brandon Butler
I found the indexes were a bit underwhelming
Anthony Cooper
Damn. That's crazy good.
Elijah Cook
Ah, thanks buddy
Justin Wright
Why would we help someone who can't read the rules?