Show us and tell us about your dudes! We all have cool fluff and stories to share, and often a fresh pairs of eyes can help when it comes to constructive criticism.
For example, here are my dudes in Age of Sigmar, and feel free to tell me what you think:
FYI English isn't my main language so please excuse any grammatical errors
Your Dudes thread
Your English isn't that bad user.
Interesting fluff... though it sounds like the two main warlords don't like each other, given how pissed the beastlord was that some beastigors went over to the nurgle Lord, yet they work together.
Painting is pretty good. Basing on beastigors is good, same as the plaguebearers, but the rest is a little uninspired.
All in all, a solid 8/10. Keep it up
Thanks for your input user, my old WHFB models are pretty old and not that good painted compared to my newer models as you saw on the bestigors and the plaguebeares
And the reason why my beastlord hasn't beaten the rotlord to a pulp yet is becuase he is smart enough not to want to cause a massive civil war within army
I always love these threads, but it hard to have 'your dudes' when the dudes in question are Tyranids.
what if my dudes are meticulously detailed and modeled after canon dudes ?
Tyranids can have interesting aspects to them, but it's mostly defined by what things they're best adapted to.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself to give your fleet some of the "your dudes" feeling:
>What is the fleet's name?
>Do they have their own equivalent of the "old one eye", e.g a bioform that has is unique to the fleet and has been given a name by the other factions(food)
>Who do they fight against the most?
>Are they on their way to any genestealer controlled worlds?
>Where in the galaxy are they?
>What is their color?
Contributing with the fluff of one of my units:
Mannfred was born the second son of the blacksmith in the little village of Angsbeck. In his 24th year alive a blight infected the crops of the region resulting in a bad harvest which lead to starvation. Rather than staying at home and effectively being a drain on resources he choose to seek his fortune and test his mettle as a mercenary in the ongoing southern conflict. Signing up with a recruiter in the nearby city his life as a man of arms began. Battle after battle he fought and the life of the sword soon became the only thing he knew. As a capable soldier he never long wanted for work as there was always a conflict somewhere that required eager men.
The battle of Penschel was a turning point in his career. It was as a defeated foe on that field that he was offered the chance to join the ranks of the Mercenary Company. The grisly and vile soldiers of this loathsome enemy found his martial abilities promising enough to spare his life in exchange for service. Seeing no reason to die in vain he eagerly accepted the offer.
As any other new recruit he was slowly and carefully initiated into the Cult of Nurgle, however he never truly took the tenants to heart nor gave the God his due reverance. He however found good comradery in his fellow soldiers in the Company.
Eventually he found himself the leader of a Platoon of Footmen which he lead competently allthough his love for personal combat with enemy champions made him take some unneccessary risks. As time went by he neglected his commanding duties more and more for the thrill of the duel.
The signs of Blessed Papa's favour on this unappreciative patron were ever increasing, displayed proudly all over Mannfred's mutated flesh and body, which grew ever more twisted after each enemy champion he slew. His impressive bulk, combat abilities and probably also the neglection of his duties lead him to be hand-picked by Lars the Behemoth, the Guardian of the Herald, to serve in his Platoon of Gargantuan Champions. In that unit he partook in many glorious battles untill Nurgle, perhaps finally giving up on ever getting the ungrateful Mannfred's direct worship, gifted him with imbecillity. Thus was Mannfred the Lost born - a warning to man that the gods demand their due respect.
I've decided to homebrew a new chapter for the coming edition. They're Primaris Space wolves successors and I plan on having them focus on a more subtle norse theme rather than going so over the top with it.
Their homework is an Agri-world with two moons. One holds their fortress monestary and is cold and harsh, while the other moon has an Ad Mech outpost, the head Magos focusing his research on biological study. The planet itself was based on his research, the growing space on the planet being focused in a single large spire forming a massive farming space covered in vegetation stretching from a deep valley upwards into the sky. The rest of the land is used mostly as grazing plains for herd beasts, sparse human tribes dotting the landscape.
The chapter itself wears armor of pale blue with red trim and details. Their chapter symbol is an engraved rune taken from the language of their parent chapter. Such runes are common markings among battle brothers and squads. While the chapter itself enjoys some of the close combat tendencies of their parents, they often have a more levelheaded approach, preferring to supplement their assaults with mechanized fire support.
They most commonly fight to defend their surrounding sector, viewing their homework as the cradle of life and bounty for the planets nearby. Without food from their world or their blades defending them, the other worlds would surely perish.
I haven't gotten to work on any names yet. I want to solidify the idea further first.
I have just started a space marine chapter, and only painted one model, but here it goes:
The Defenders of Ciorte is a space marine chapter tasked with guarding and protecting the Ciorte system and the nearby worlds. They are a successor to a chapter that was at one point successor to the Ultramarines Chapter. It is unclear, but fractured records suggests that their parent chapter probably are the Ultramarines from the 4th Company.
I don't have much else than that since it's a work in progress still
Im not sure if their parent chapter being a specific ultramarines company is how it works. That would just make them Ultramarines Successors
Ok, I was thinking of having them be a successor of a successor chapter
nah man. I play aurora and they literally used to be a specific company within the ultramarines legion during the heresy. During the 2nd founding they became their own chapter.
By the way, here is my single painted marine. Love it or hate it, but I will still like it.
what the fuck
I've got a set of dudes, as well as their general history.
But I need a name. I wanted to do a Dark Angels successor, without the "Angels of ________" thing.
How does Lions Militant sound? Knights of Redemption? I also need a chapter icon I can freehand.
As for their history:
>Direct rule of a former Feral World, still heavily tribal.
>Make heavy use of the Ravenwing in regular combat
>Don't pursue the Fallen as actively since they think the Legion's vigilance so far has already absolved them. They still honor the First and make sure the secret is safe.
>Geneseed defect makes the deathly pallid.
>Outside of combat are grim and sardonic, prone to gallows humor even with their serfs and non-Chapter Imperial officials.
>They were founded to monitor a system for possible threats, they use this to make sure that the Fallen aren't around.
>At one point, their own Master of the Ravenwing was killed by a Vindicare Assassin. The Officio Assassinorum claims that they went rogue, but the chapter has some evidence to suggest otherwise.
>Like their parent Chapter, the High Lords have little to no idea how many the chapter has, they maintain a codex-compliant list of 1000 marines, but this seems to not include Ravenwing pilot aces, Black Knights, neophytes, Interrogator-Chaplains, or marines or crusade or patrol.
>Obsessed with finding Cypher, and trying to ascertain his true motives, they maintain a standing force to lend him aid or destroy him depending on his answer.
I like the sound of Lions militant. It would also be relatively easy to freehand their chapter logo as a simple tribal-looking fang or mane.
The fang is a good idea. And based on the Deathwing's icon, and the prevalence of the Deathwing (being the Emperor's mythological steed in Dark Angels tribal myth) in loyalist angels iconogoraphy, I could do a fang with simple tribal wings extending outwards.
Sounds cool. Having it be a more stylized tribal marking should make it simple in that regard as well.
Bump to keep the thread alive
I've just gotten into 40k. My first MyDudes to be might arrive later today, can't wait to post them in a WIP thread.
As for them, they are a few-thousand old chapter called the Bloody Pinions. BA successors, air assault+ heavy CQC focus, feudal planet, their inspo is general Germanic stuff, mainly HRE knights but some bagan runes as well. I plan to throw in some traditional fantasy elements and WHFB bitz/conversions as time passes.
I wonder a bit about the name though. I've heard it in Dota 2 (Skywrath Mage) and really liked the sound of it. How does it sound to native ears?
More fluff to come later but here are some of My non-GW Dudes
>Earth Fleet Extended Patrol Flotilla 145
March 2341: Humanity discovers a new, civilised alien race, the Astoran Empire. Initial negotiations between EF Captain Hikaru Yamamoto and Astoran Captain Lunatha Dormitz proceed for several inconclusive hours but end up with a pledge to arrange a formal meeting of ambassadors and discuss peace terms sent to both forces' high command.
June 2341: Astoran ambassador arrives on Earth to discuss peace treaty. No formal treaty can be reached as Astoran military refuses to make any concessions. High Lord of the Astoran Admiralty Alin Caslok cites centuries-old Imperial edict describing plans for the colonization of Earth as proof an alliance with humanity would be treason.
July 2341: Negotiations finally and irreparably break down as Astoran ambassador is arrested by his own security detail under orders from Caslok and recalled to homeworld.
August 2341: Ambassadorial ship destroyed in hyperspace accident. Astorans blame human engineers, accuse Earth Fleet of sabotage. Earth Fleet redoubles patrols along known hyperspace routes out of Astoran space.
September 2341 - February 2342: Neither fleet makes any moves. Moderate Astoran admirals form a political bloc against Caslok's Earth Invasion Plan in the interest of peace.
February 2342: Wave of arrests among Astoran high command leaves Earth Invasion Plan unopposed. First battle of the Astoran War occurs February 25th, as human patrol flotilla is annihilated. Earth Fleet Command immediately gathers its forces for a counterattack...
It's the usual space elves vs plucky humans stuff, with the usual "our weapons are useless!" business, the usual crippling weakness in the ayys (in this case their shields being worthless against "primitive" missile weapons) and so on.
These ships are the veterans of first contact - the captain in charge still remembers how polite and charming her Astoran counterpart was...
What game is that user?
Full Thrust, it seems a truly patrician space game with a very good "build a ship" ruleset and hidden orders (players secretly note down their movement and reveal X Wing style, only instead of movement dials you have a Thrust stat you divide between verniers (for heading change) and main drive (for velocity change).
So if I have a current speed of 6 units/turn and a Thrust of 2 I can only change my speed by 2 up or down, or by 1 if I want to turn as well.
There's also a vector movement option where you can do THRUST VECTORING to turn on a dime and multi track space drifting if I understand it right.
The rules are free at Ground Zero Games, I just ignored the stock fluff for generic space opera stuff because I don't like many of the official models.
I realise my fluff is a bit HFY but it comes with the territory and it's the sort of HFY about dour sea captains with pipes crying manly tears as they vapourise space elf hitler with their ship's last ounce of strength rather than LOL WE BREATHE POISON
"Pinions" is a little strange to be honest. I'm a southerner though I don't hear the word often I'm not sure if it's used other places. Perhaps another word for wings would fit better but that's just my opinion
I'd agree with that it's a bit obscure as far as words go, but I think that's more because it's a more niche term.
Personally, I like the sound of it though. Pinion is a fun word, and it sounds flashier than 'Bloody Wings'
That is a good point it is a niche word and is definitely unique
If meant to be more subtle, how about going iron age germanic?
>The Cimbri are known to have resided in the area of present day County of Himmerland, Denmark, on the northern part of the Jutland peninsula. They were of gigantic stature, (there are references to many of their warriors being seven feet in height), of fair complexion, fierce blue eyes and long yellow hair.
>A Germanic god Irmin, inferred from the name Irminsul and the tribal name Irminones, is sometimes presumed to have been the national god or demi-god of the Saxons. It has been suggested that Irmin was more probably an aspect, avatar or epithet of some other deity - most likely Wotan (Oden)
>Metheglin starts with traditional mead but has herbs and/or spices added. Some of the most common metheglins are ginger, tea, orange peel, nutmeg, coriander, cinnamon, cloves or vanilla.
>These warbands would form in wedges or ‘boar heads’ to penetrate the enemy lines like a spear. Oddly, it was considered bad form to outfight ones graf on the field of battle. They would sacrifice themselves for their graf, but would not show him up.
>The youngest and fleetest of foot would accompany the cavalry to;
>A) Rescue a wounded rider, or if the rider was killed outright, mount the horse and continue the fight.
>B) Follow the rider into a melee and strike an opponent / or opponents horse from below while they are occupied with their own rider.
>C) Hold to the edges to take down any fleeing enemy.
>It has been reported the Cimbri used chariots as did their Belgic cousins. However, it was observed that they were mainly used to transport troops into a fight, or pull wounded warriors out. It has also been reported that drums were mounted on these chariots which, when beaten, created a formidable sound.
The last sounds like land speeder apothecaries?
I actually like that a lot. The aspects of mixing cavalry and foot troops as support along with chariots could be neat.
dose anyone mind me doing mine, even though its a 40k character?
Sure, go a head
thanks, well its a bit of a daft one for a setting to take the piss out of the grim dark of the 40k universe. its on tg every weekend infact. but the character is called MUR the world eater berserker.
>from the 3rd far hunt Discordia squadron basically world eaters who could contain their rage enough to get into a position and the go apes shit. he is the last of this squad alive the others were shot down and exterminated by eldar. he kills the last ones and moves out
>he meets the "unknown legion" [the other players] when they try to kill the remaining elder planet side. and after trying to kill the commissar who unwittingly doges my every attack, the [probably heretical] mechanicum priest gives me a plasma pistol with a tzeech demon in it. this makes dull minded mur follow the commissar [punny man] around like a lap dog and slowly makes him less retarded.
>hic chain axe then gets another demon in it and the magos seems to find his little experiment funny.
>to cut several seccions short he is now captured by the dark elder raiders he helped decimate to save his unit [now captain of the 3rd company]
so how can I improve on his back ground. he started as a joke but now I actually want to take him places char wise
the actual page for this shit show is here
so tell me what I can do to improve, if you will deem to do so
I have a slaanesh army but did this for fun and for AoS Skirmish/hinterlands.
You cant really see in this photo but the second beastmang on the left has shiny golden-blonde fur.
Thanks to his flowing locks and chiseled physique, he is the most handsome of all beastmangs and leads this warband. When he was a servant of a great slaanesh champion, he learned to act proper and do non-beastman things such as: Not shit on the floor, not shit on his enemies, and not shit on other piles of shit. He is built like a tank, has the elegance of a bertonnian and has leadership skills like a chaos general, fighting to become more wealthy and establishing himself as a figure in high society.
The others follow him in hopes of being as majestic and glorious as he.
this seems cool, but I would advise the leader was captured/saw/heard these things and decided to copy them and from there it works so he continues to do so. theres my advice for the moment
That works. Just need a name
that's for you to decide but a name. if he is a "clever" villain then try an anagram of his birth name/species ill try one
I have that path to glory name generator on me, so roll 4 d6 (6d6 if you want to include a title)
How did you do the skin? I am going to buy some new beastmen since my old WHFB army looks like shiet compared to my newer models
not the one with the eastmen, jsut want a namefor my chaos lord
man I fucked up twice there
I give up
Rolled 2, 6, 5, 2, 1, 2 = 18 (6d6)
ill do it for fucks sake
okay 6d6 rolling
Ok so his name is:
>Egnalax the Tormentor
okay beast bloke happy with the name?
so will anyone comment on my beserker? or am I just impatient?