We're all gonna make it lads
Portfiolio thread - the return of the gains edition
i mined dogecoin as a joke way back when. turned out to be a good joke.
looks a bit scammy to me
/biz How do you deal with missed oppourtunity. Im holding mostly in XMR, but i cant shake the icx, ripple, xml and so on hype. My strategy is to hold monero until end of jan.
Literally everyone is talking about BZC right now faggot.
Probably good karma.
The understanding that life is not to be taken too seriously is more valuable than those dogecoins though, and I honestly think there are some better investments out there.
Is etherium a shut hold rn because of bitcorn going back up? I feel like I should dump it for icx
XMR seems like a really solid investment. My own portfolio is too small to go for the solid gains, but if I had more money I'd go for XMR.
If you want to shake the hype just deinstall Blockfolio and stop coming here.
If by everyone you mean those constant annoying shills with threads that get 1 reply each, then yes.
Ethereum is a comfy long term hold without the ridiculous transaction fees that Bitcoin has.
The amount of ERC-20 tokens seems to be increasing exponentially, and even though it doesn't gain much in SATs at the moment, I feel a lot more comfortable carrying ETH than I would having BTC.
Am I gonna make it biz
I think a conservative guess would be 100K in 2018.
Don't have my phone on hand but my portfolio is like
Bitcoin - 85%
Ether - 10.5%
Monero - 4%
Litecoin, Dogecoin - 0.5% between them
Total value was hovering around 20k and was quite a bit higer before the dippening. Am I gonna make it?
No. It’s obvious you have no idea what you’re doing and your portfolio consists of a bunch of shit coins promoted by smelly streets hitting pajeets on one of the most uninformative boards on the chans.
I don't think Bitcoin has as much of a future as Ethereum, but then again, people have doubted Bitcoin for years.
If by making it you mean at least 1M, that does seem a bit unrealistic to me if you don't make slightly more risky investments.
If I had 20K like you I would move some Bitcoin to Monero.
No sorry you won't make it
ICX has made its largest gains at the ICO.
I don't have any myself because I think the potential is not very great compared to other coins, but a 2x in 2018 seems reasonable.
NEO is a great project that has mooned already but has lots of potential for another great takeoff, and there are lots of dAPPs coming soon.
I don't believe in ARK too much, it seems to me like it tries to do too many things at the same time, and there are too many coins trying to do the same thing.
I truly believe in the potential of REQ. Really solid concept that has yet to reach the masses. The only worrying thing is that it is shilled so much here.
I read about OMG, but it seems to me like the potential is not as great as with REQ, so it seemed unnecessary to diversify too much.
LINK is the only real meme in his portfolio.
All in all I don't think that user is doing too badly, and with 2018 going to be the best year so far for crypto I think 100K is a reasonable guess for that user.
Feeling comfy bros, I hope we can all make it together.
Road to 50k before March
Hey thanks user!
I wasn't in icon at ico but I've made about 150% on it so far. Thinking about taking half and either pumping my long terms (req, neo, omg) or buying into another coin. What do you suggest?
Nice. Hope you hit the million the next year
You're too diversified, but good selections with ICX, REQ and LINK so consolidate into them IMHO. Lamboland potential is there.
I'm not gonna make it am I?
I suppose you bought at the ICO for ICX?
It's a pretty risky portfolio for the amount of money you have, but you'll definitely make it.
Good luck mate. Cardano seems like it doesn't have much potential though. 95% of the coin is owned by Japanese zaibatsu, and it only claims to replace ETH because it is (((((peer-reviewed))))).
I only hit the jackpot with ICX because Veeky Forums shilled it to me months ago, lucky as fuck. I could unironically hit the million this year though. When I do I'll take some profits and buy more LINK and REQ because they have greater moon potential at this point.
Yeah, I'd never buy that much of a single coin but since it organically grew it feels different somehow. Illogical but whatever. I think it's a safe bet to grow significantly for the next few weeks anyway.
If I had your ICX and LINK I'd put both of them into REQ. You're more than enough diversified already, no need to buy another shitcoin.
Then again, all of them will probably do fine and I'm not clairvoyant.
Kek bless. Stack some link with that req
You're way too diversified for the amount of money you have.
I don't have the balls for LTC myself, I have seen some shilling of FUN but didn't like it too much when I read about it.
Seen NXT a few times, don't know too much about it.
Haven't heard of UBQ and ELLA at all which is a bad sign.
I can't possibly fathom why anyone would bother with buying $2.10 worth of any coin, let alone ETN.
Seems like a really solid portfolio for the money you have.
I would have bought ZRX myself if I didn't already have REQ, and both seem to be trying something very similar.
LINK/REQ/ZRX seem very similar to me, with the exception that LINK doesn't have a very good track record and only today did a small moon mission.
I'd rather have one of them than all three, and I like REQ most.
The coin that is yet to moon is exactly the one you want to own, user. Fundamental research is important.
There's a second page but not really worth showing.
Any advice for 1-2mm by springtime?
Good portfolio imho. There's no way to know when LINK will take off, but we'll make it sooner or later.
Is there similar software you can get for your PC?
I did good research on REQ and I fully trust in it, see the OP pic.
>Any advice for 1-2mm by springtime?
Really silly question tbqh.
You have a lot more money than I do so it would seem strange for me to give you advice, but if I were you I'd trade the BCH for more REQ.
How do you all have so much money to invest? Or did you really put your life savings/take out a mortgage for it?
You need more neo bro
I mined and bought what i could afford after my expenses some months
Thoughts on this?
Yes I own REQ too and think it will do well, but it's a silly reason to discount LINK.
Slung shit working and then told those fuckers to suck my dick.
Rich parents.
The money I have invested is not even close to the amount I own, and I don't believe crypto will make me a millionaire.
If it somehow will, I'd rather see it as a pleasant surprise.
I would never put all my life savings in crypto, let alone money I don't have.
I know. I believe TRX to moon soon and then I am getting the hell out of this sketchy coin and trading it for more NEO.
I was in the army so saved up in there, only invested a quarter of that in crypto.
Thanks, this is half my original amount, sold around SIBOS, Link has really been a blessing
REQ ico buyer here. Very impressive performance, will consider it.
Get in early and learn to trade
started with 800 USD. any recommendations?
How can you be comfortable holding 30k on a literal meme
Lunyr, 18. Jan
I'd sell red and xdn soon, but hey, they burnt me in the past, so I'm biased. Well done trading. Just follow the coins that haven't mooned yet and have good fundamentals. Keep up the good work, you'll make it.
Expanse really surprised me. Thoughts, ideas, suggestions?
Advice? Annoyed I didn't buy TRX a couple weeks ago. Should I sell my lil bit of bitcoin for something else? I just wanted a piece in case it...also own 7 Gen 0 ethermons. That's right niggas
I believe they are very similar, but that REQ is slightly better.
I try not to diversify within coins that try to fill a similar niche, and rather like to go with the one that I think has the most potential.
Diversification within the same niche means you don't really trust in the potential of any of the coins you have, and in that case you shouldn't have them at all.
tl;dr I really don't discount LINK, I just believe REQ is better.
Doge performs consistently and pumps every now and then. The fees are dirt nominal. It's fast. Doge is a comfortable place to park currency. Smart portfolios hold at least a tiny bit of Doge.
All the ICX is good to see btw.
I forgot: It has a shibe on the coin as well. This makes it pleasant to look at.
90% boring and stable coins, 10% dumb wacky shit, I like being here
Knowing your risk profile is part of the game. DRGN hitting a major exchange will be when you need to make a decision.
tron is a shitcoin get out at the next pump. i mean keep going in and out for the pumps if you want but i wouldn't keep my money in it
Not joking
friendly reminder that we are in the "bull trap". sell everything now
When will you sell? Are you planning on diversifying at all?
I was noticing that too. We're all going to make it
A little bit too diversified, and I don't know a lot of those coins which I think is a bad sign.
Could you explain for some of those why you think they have potential?
Etheremon is the most obvious Ponzi scheme imaginable.
I don't have a lot of faith in XLM, LTC, or FUN, but I'm not sure enough about any of them to actively discourage owning them.
Not the choices I'd have made, but anything that is not a literal scam coin will do great in 2018 and you seem to be doing well already.
I wouldn't have chosen DRGN for my dumb wacky shit part, but then again 10% isn't a lot and it's fun to experiment.
Not a moon portfolio, but obviously a solid one for sure gains.
>dogecoin and dogecoin dark
>2% battery left
I really hope you're memeing.
Are you me? I did the same but also bought Eth and others earlier this year. Diversify. Keep doge but buy others. Get a whole btc
I have a little more Doge and some LTC from mining
Totally. I bought into DRGN at $0.8 and will trade it into Eth if it ever goes higher than $1.50
Not much at stake here, I'll feel more comfortable buying more crypto after I learn the market a bit.
After XVG wraith protocol is released. Various sources have confirmed it's ready. Just riding the nonstop moon mission.
Dogecoin will be going to 80 sats soon
Poorfag here. Ready for moon. Up 100% since buyin Sunday.
Sell your BCH & ICX and buy some more Ripple.
Comfy yes
>Smart portfolios hold at least a tiny bit of Doge.
Its only use is to move other currencies between exchanges faster. People don't buy doge as an investment.
Kinda makes me curious how you go +100% and then -50% on the same day.
Too diversified for the extremely small amount of money you have.
You already bought those coins now, so there's no point paying the trading and transaction costs again to get them back into one or two solid coins.
If I had only $500 to spend, I'd have put it all into REQ. It's not a lot of money to lose, but if the coin you buy with it moons it is a nice bonus to have.
True, that's why it's good for parking. But like I said, as it is now, it sometimes pumps.
I'm not
Cheers. How do you know if it'll pump... Is it around the updates or just constantly monitoring the market??
>Up 100% since buyin Sunday.
Good job! I don't think VEN is a comfy long term hold, but it seems like a nice coin to wait for a 2x on and then put it into more ZRX.
Either a LARP or a misunderstood genius.
Last time I posted my portfolio I had a bunch of pajeets saying it's all biz shitcoins, but meh 3x my initial so far
Anyone know of an open source portfolio analyser that can import history from kraken.com?
google isn't helpful, and I'm far too lazy to add everything in myself. I'm also trying to figure out how to tell what currency the fee is charged in, since it doesn't say.
It's a good portfolio.
I don't believe in Cappasity, but for the amount of money you have, you seem to have the right combination of coins with potential (LINK/REQ) and a comfy coin for solid gains (XMR).
I'd dump all your btc for icx, it's definitely going to outpace it sats
Also captcha confirms moon imminent to 9700 sats
Follow the ceos twitter, buy the hype before big announcements and then sell before it dumps again, could probably do 20% as a conservative gain.
Any recommendations on mine guys
thoughts? held iota since august, sia since may.
Sell some ETH and put a bigger position in SC. Thank me later.
>inb4 biggest bulltrap for bitcoin this year
Its not even Christmas bud
I don't believe XRP has a lot of potential left in it.
For the rest a really solid long term HODL.
Yeah CAPP was my first presale ICO.
Bought in because they have an actually operating company already, but deep down I think LINK will make all of these single platform based shitcoins totally obsolete one day.
Seems reasonable. Any ICO that isn't a scam means great gains, but unfortunately quite many of them are scams.
Thanks :) and yea i bought XRP at 0.33 AUD so I just hold it and sell for alts when I want now
Why do you think zrx is going up? I don’t understand but the memes made it my long shot. Everyone needs a meme coin for good luck.
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Your bitcoin seems to me to be the only thing worthwhile in your portfolio.
Good thing you didn't spend more on BURST and especially MEOW.
Not if you measure shit in CAD
I’m doing alright I guess. Initial investment 5-6k around august. Think I could do better tho. I’ve been hodling lots of LINK, XVG, XLM, for a long time. Waiting for one of those to moon.