What would make humans and demons to unite their forces against this common enemy?
no, God doesn't count
What would make humans and demons to unite their forces against this common enemy?
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Something worse than demons that also wants to harm the demons.
I vote for alien weeaboos and/or greenskins.
Kneesocks a best
Aliens, probably
Some angry cosmic horror is my best bet.
the rise of the sapient manifestation of the Entropy of the universe come to destroy all
That, or the Dutch
The aztecs
space rhinos
Apathy and boredom.
But that raises the question of who embodies those.
Lovecraftian entities come from space, destroy God and the angels while landing on Earth, leaving humans and demons to fight back.
An angel that's actually a demon and kills another angel
>What would make humans and demons to unite their forces against this common enemy?
Against Stocking specifically? I don't know user, I'm not sure there anything in our universe that could give us a season 2.
The blood ravens steal god, the angels blame the humans.
A desire for season 2.
> What would make humans and demons to unite their forces against this common enemy?
Humans dig too deep, discover Hell, meet demons, fight ensues, everyone bargains for peace and/or armistice.
Skip two centuries, people start mining operations in Hell, dig too deep, discover Super-Hell.
Basically, a crossover between Doom and Dwarf Fortress.
Angels with such an extreme idea of what good is that every human is as much a sinner to them as a demon and they want to PURGE EVERYTHING. Basically the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Or just pull a Horus I guess
Long ago God created mankind to rule over his creation and Angels as servants. Some angels revolted and swore to be at war against God and Mankind. Amongst them were succubi, whose prime purpose were to seduce humans. But then succubi and humans fell in love with each other and interbred. Thus nephilim were created. Nephilim inherited traits of both of their parents, were arrogant and wrathful. Under their King Nimrod, they waged war against their parents, thus mankind and demons were forced to unite to defeat their abominational children.
Isn't that the plot of pic related?
can I just say that's an incredible fucking poster
The jews
Other humans.
You already posted it. A sufficiently high-ranking angel rebelling against God and deciding to kill both demons and humans.
>implying jews aren't already working with demons
Depends on how the demons work in your setting.
>Can, I just, say, that's an, incredible, fucking poster
The Undead.
Gods can only continue to gain followers as long as their host species is still alive. As such the survival of humanity trumps everything else in importance, so much so that warring gods will team up to protect humanity if it is necessary. Threaten humanity's continued survival with that of a xenos threat and watch the demons and angels come out of the woodwork to fight alongside the mortals.
Something that threatens free will. Humans value it for obvious reasons, but so do demons because corruption and infernal pacts operate on consent.
Cosmic horrors seems like a good enough enemy to team up against. Fallen London has a interesting set up where devils and humans are basically at peace with each other, with the true threat being other monsters underground and space beings.
An even worse demon? Seems like a stupid plot if you ask me.
>implying demons aren't already working on Jews for a petty cück-wage.
If that's your answer to the question, maybe its not the plot that's stupid, eh?
Problem is no sucubuss ever fell in love with a human.
And nephilim were of angel fathers (because angels are all male) and human women.
The Ebon Dragon
Stop reading my campaign notes and posting them on Veeky Forums, guys.
>angels are all male
Heaven is not seen as a good thing from the perspective of many living men or women with their human feelings they are attached to.
Maybe nothing would of you as a person would be left, redempted humans would have their flaws, ego and personal desires burned to only leave place to selfless love of God and it's just a price too heavy to pay for many.
Heaven is maybe too great for us and we don't really want to make the near infinite effort to deserve it, being judged without veil by its inquisitive light.
So humans just want to continue being humans and demons want to stop the apocalypse for obvious reasons.
Its just a story I came up with
>because angels are all male
canonically angels dont have gender at all
It's how you solve a woman having had multiple husbands in life.
When you enter heaven you do so in the form of the first born of god. Who are the angels and all male.
So heaven is full of newhalves.
They got women pregnant and are called men. Seems like male is quite fitting.
But I don't even know who you are, and I wasn't referencing a game. I was making an Austin Powers reference
Ain't that from Quake?
Speaking of Nephilim, I would actually love to do a campaign in which the Nephilim from El Shaddai are the villains. They're these stupidly cute dough giants that seem harmless, but in reality are in constant states of suffering and will eventually start to transform into world ending beasts.
>They got women pregnant and are called men
Its in apocrypha only
Infact, it is one of the main reasons for why BoE is not accepted in Orthodox and Catholic churches.
Also there are cambion.
Why settle for new halves when we can go full futa? Can't post anything relevant to that though
Lint and Bakuhaku write Lamedh and Lamedh is best Nephilim.
No phyrexia is from magic the gathering, you're thinking Strogs
Actual gender is for material entities only
spiritual entities, including bare human souls are genderless for they dont need to multiply
Except in Hebrew the noun for Spirits and the like is Feminine, especially when used to refer to the Holy Spirit
I always liked nephelem as more divine mercinaries, working for whoever they like most or offers the most
Does tha mean jesus was a girl?
>especially when used to refer to the Holy Spirit
no, its "ruakh haKodesh". Kodesh is masculine, but masculine adjectives in hebrew are also used to refer to neutral entities
Jesus as the incarnate son of god wore a meatsuit with outdoor plumbing. Don't be obtuse.
Only if you believe in the Godhead as one person, which is a Catholic invention
>filioque intensifies
Isn't ruakh feminine though, and in rabbinical writings the phrase "shekhinah" is feminine in nature as well
Further, in Syriac as well, they use the phrase "rucha", which is feminine as well
How do you depict angels, demons and their various hybrid offspring (i.e. tieflings, asimar, nephelem erc.), in your settings? Just design wise, I like to have whole bestiaries of both for a handy set of allies and enemies for playes of all alignments
Don't post furshit.
I see no furries In his pic
And yet they still multiplied.
They are digimon.
Digimon are by their very nature furshit as they came from anthropomorphic animals and/or men and will turn into another variant of that again.
That's really reaching
no, in hebrew feminine ending is with letter "hei", (so it would be ruah) but it ends on "Kheth" (so Ruakh)
But discussing these genders are in my opinion pointless, as semitic languages give everything their grammatical gender. Masculine applies to both neutral and masculine genders.
Also there are clearly male entities that have feminine plurals ("av" (father)-"avot"(fathers), whule it should be "avim")
United hatred of elves.
In apocrypha only, as I said
Bu that logic, my fiction is also true due to testament of solomon, where asmodeus is described as son of succubus and king David.
Digimon are by their very nature, 1s and 0s. They are digital monsters you goose
>[Angry Russian and Latin Chanting Noises]
It's not reaching, it's how they function.
By this logic furry porn isn't furry because it's just 1's and 0's on the screen.
To be fair, Angewoman does become a dragon.
Your post is just 1s and 0s on the screen.
>a dragon
It's not that simple.
As you can see, it can turn into beelzemon as well.
>Digimon are by their very nature furshit as they came from anthropomorphic animals
Only some digimon have animalistic base forms you mong. Others can be monsters, zombies, caricatures, robots, plants, machines, and anything else in between. The only commonality amongst them is the fact that all life and entities in the digital world are born from just stacked up piles of data that have coalesced into physical forms
Further, the nature how truthful your statement is depends vastly on which generation's canon we're following. Some Digimon evolve naturally as they age and will stay in that form, while other are more fluid in their digivolution depending on the current canon and lore.
If we go by your logic, all of a sudden every person on earth has a little kid/child fetish since we all originally come from childish entities.
Phyrexia is cheating
You want to know why you're not only wrong, but also a barney-tier autist? I had no idea that those were digimon, I didn't even know what the fuck a digimon was, until you sperged about it. It's not fucking fur if it doesn't look like fur you turbofaggot.
An adult woman won't suddenly turn back into a child or a man.
Well. Offline they don't.
>triggered at the fact he unkowingly saved furshit on his computer
Maybe don't be a mouth breathing retard.
>I didn't even know what the fuck a digimon was,
Not sure if underage, or never had a childhood
Again, if you fucking read the post, how that works for digimon is entirely dependant on how said Gen's continuity treats digivolution in terms of he mechanics and lore of it. While it was the case in 1 and 2, Tamers and Frontier use enirely different rules for digivolution, and I have no bloody clue how any of the other series and franchises work it either.
What you're arguing is as retarded as saying Demons from Disaea are furry, because the Transmigration mechanic allows a Zombie or Dragon to become a busty samurai, and possibly the other way and back.
You sir are being a paranoid autist, and your autism is nearly just as bad that furfag autism itself! Not every fucking thing in the world is a furfag deception, those idiots don'thave the subtlety to try and decieve you like that. Just chill and try to realize that you don't have to be such an insecure brat over getting hot and bothered by angel-titties
Tyrannids threatening to wipe out the Blood Angel Space Marines and causing a high-ranking Khornate daemon to go "REEEE nobody gets to destroy them but me!"
Neither, I was a huge fan of capeshit so I watched JL, JLU, Batman and all that
>what is death of the author
It's not furshit if there's no furry in the picture and nobody recognizes the characters except some imageboard-dwelling autist.
Realizing that lucifer is the actual true god and we've been deceived by "god" all this time
That is how digimon work. Whether they are born that way or evolve differently the threat of turning into a renamon recolor is ever present.
Digimon isn't capeshit you moron, Its Pocketmonster/Tamogachi shit. You do know what a Pokemon is, right?
Seriously, how could you possibly miss one of THE most well known and popular tv and toy franchises of the 90s? THEY HAD A FREAKING THEATRICAL RELEASE OF A MOTION PICTURE!
No, since I discounted you with examples to two different generations where it otherwise is not true. But go ahead, display your retarded paranoia and disgusting insecurity while refusing to actually back up your argument. Have fun with your crippling anxiety and insecurity while you pretend to feel like a big man with your false sense of security while you try to compensate by stroking your epeen while you continue to screec autistically on a mongolian fingerpainting forum
It's still furshit.
Ignorance of law does not make someone immune to it.
>Problem is no sucubuss ever fell in love with a human.
They do but if they do the Human becomes a First-Generation Vampire after they love-fugg
Booru tagging rules, mate. Authorial intent only matters as far as the nominal character and sourcework. An immortal character being brutalized is still tagged "snuff". A 500 year old wizard is still tagged "loli". A character that's canonically a vampire is only tagged "vampire" if they're actively displaying vampiric traits.
>ignorance of the law
Is this nigger serious?
Retard, Tamers followed regular evolution routine from adventure except it needed the digimon to be fursuits for ultimate.
In Frontier Digimon were still evolving onscreen either via jogress or getting enough data or via spirits.
Savers followed regular evolution and Xros wars had it be a natural growth process but still had normal evolution.
So your examples only damned you.