Just read goblin slayer

Just read goblin slayer.
By god stat him.

Brutal and actually autistic/10
It got better when it became less ecchi-centric, I'm looking forward to more.


I like the group.
I don't really see anything ecchi except for the rape scenes and such.
I may be dumb but I'm not so dumb that I can't see when a gal wants the dick.

Fine I'll say it.
Stat him please.

He's probably the second-most-statted character in the forum, right behind Doomguy.

Also the comic is stupid.

Well I didn't know what.
The comics alright.


He's HFY personified in a japanese manga about D&D. Of-fucking-course Veeky Forums is going to have daily threads about him. You're not telling us of any new shit here, we all know of Goblin Slayer.

Alright alright calm down.
I like what I like okay?

We certainly don't have daily threads about him, and the ones I remember were pretty critical.

He's a DMPC, let's start with that.


>party of noobs charge a goblin cave
>almost tpk
>DM pulls a character out of his ass at the last minute to try and save the game
>players quit anyway


could someone please make dark fantasy without the fucking ecchi rape shit
I don’t want to read that fucking trash god damn
suggest me some manga tg, I tried goblin slayer and from abyss but I can’t deal with that shit

Problem is, said DMPC starts warping reality & retarded actions which should have gotten some consequence never happened.

Warrior with a special ability that lets him ignore the autistic Goblin-loving DM's rolls.

No, Goblin Slayer is explicitly an NPC.

>he doesn't like the rape

>NPC favored by the DM & functionally the DM's PC

If it's possible to write a dark fantasy story without copious, gratuitous amounts of rape, then I haven't seen one yet.

Sounds about par the course for DMPCs.

Rape is what makes fantasy "dark". GoT wouldn't nearly be as popular without the gratuitous rape to make it adult fiction instead of just retarded.

Goblin Slayer has to be the embodiment of how many things can go wrong in a D&D session. The setting makes no sense & the enemies aren't threatening for reasons beyond DM said so. There's a DMPC walking around who somehow ignores a dice roll & has enough DM feats to make all his idiotic actions actually work. All that's left is for the DM to inject his scat fetish into the mix & we're all set.

I don’t care if there’s rape, I just hate the hentai babe ahegao rape scenes.

And then you have people like OP who laud it as the best thing ever, that it's so "realistic" and "gritty" and whatnot.

I mean I'm not telling anyone to stop liking what I don't like, but it just irks me how shallow it is and how little these people really know.

He's, like, a level 4 fighter in a game with a really fucking weird DM. The player's clever and used to bullshit.

Are you okay with people getting mounted?

I don't think the Elric Sage features much, if any rape.

explain/give an example

I mean probably as long as it doesn’t look like hentai

Do you really want that?

if there’s rape scenes I’d rather it be horrific and scarring rather than ecchi and sexually gratifying for the viewer/artist

Here you go.
Ready made for campaigns starting at lvl 5.

In that case Berserk's right up your alley. It doesn't have -that- much rape, all considered, and they're all pretty terrible.

Very well. This is what you need.

No, the DMPC is a Goddess who's elsewhere.

>He's HFY personified
that would imply he fucks gobbos to death


>implying he doesn't rape the goblins

iirc he's a 5e fighter isn't he?

Will any story arc top Golden Age?

If a king of the Melniboneans that was probably wrong dies, all the noblemen descend into town and rape as many fertile femals as they can get their sick, pale hands on. Don't think it is ever described in detail, but this tradition exists.



there is only one answer to such a desperate lust for blood and grim
motherfucking berserk
there is still rape mind you, but no ecchi

Yes, Helck.

is this he-man

No, it's Piuy.

have you tried not being such a pussy?

could you tell me whats wrong with it?

This. Don't watch the 2016/17 anime, though, it's fucking awful.

I like this guy, I like him a lot.

How do you feel about the fact that Berserk was ruined beyond repair? When someone said "Berserk" two years ago, we'd all think of the 90's classic. When someone says "Berserk" nowadays, we think N64-tier CGI and [CLANG].

>How do you feel about the fact that Berserk was ruined beyond repair?
Just the anime. Nobody cares about the anime.

I say he is a revenge fantasy made to a pc. Think of all those human/elf farm hentai where capable young female heroines get turned to livestock by orcs and goblins made popular by RO.

He is the living embodiment of vengeance meant to kill the lowest pecking order of those bastards

I know you probably think user was joking, but no. Genuinely, go read Helck. It's one of the best fantasy manga ever made.

Also, masterful tone shifts.

Level 6 Ranger.

His stats may not be that impresive. Just his player is big autist who know how to fight goblins and is really obsesed with them.

>He's HFY personified
I rather not.

Any Finesse AC 20+ character.

Fucking Christ fuck off with your fucking stat """X""" threads. Youre the fucking one who read the god damned comic shouldn't you be the one in the best position to fucking stat him you brain dead twat.

who pissed in your cereal?

Would you rather have these or quests?

No, I think they'd rather think of the manga or some of its influences. As mentioned, Dark Souls is very influenced by Berserk.

Still haven't figured out filters, huh?