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Have any of you ever eaten used of the W20 recipes?
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>Have any of you ever eaten used of the W20 recipes?
durr i can't garmmer today, I meant, Have any of you ever used of the W20 recipes?
Tried the chicken, pasable and nothing to write home about
no, I exclusively use M20 material for my cuisine
>Have any of you ever eaten used of the W20 recipes?
That's real? I thought it was a photoshop.
>Have any of you ever eaten used of the W20 recipes?
Yeah, though I didn't buy the book.
I tried the following:
>The Children of Gaia (Mushroom Stew with Wheaten Bread).
>The Red Talons (Smoky Chicken and Peppers).
>The Wendigo (Venison with Blackberry Sauce).
> The Black Spiral Dancers (Apocalypse Cheesecake).
Of all of them, I think I liked the Children of Gaia's mushroom stew the best (though the venison was good too).
Simple but filling, and with a lot of flavour... though after I made it the first time, I decided to put some meat into it as well the second time around, and drop some of the types of mushroom.
No. Next Question.
Who's the better Waifu - Were-Reimu or Vampire Marisa?
Nope, but I would like to see a Giovanni Cookbook.
The secret ingredient is Vitae Bukakke. Sometimes bits of an enemies children if he's coming over for dinner,
For my Thyrsus Mystagogue: the werewolf. Vamps, aside from being unnatural abominations, have an inconvenient sleep cycle, live primarily in cities, and spend too much time on politics.
Werewolves have plenty of spirit lore, and make for an interesting Mystery. As well as being excellent meat shields.
It's a terrible choice between bestiality and necrophilia.
Choose neither, and find a nice Sleepwalker.
This. Vampires and Werewolves should fuck each other.
That looks pretty good
I always wondered, can gargoyle who knows vicissitude (not a big stretch considering they were made from tzimisce) fly while in war form or bloodform?
For war form probably yes, but bloodform probably not, since they don't have wings.
Are werewolves strong compared to other supenaturals in general?
Like, can they hold their own when confronted by mummies, mages and beasts etc
Freshly awoken? No. One that is about to go back to sleep? Yes, if they bring their pack.
If the Mage is Gnosis 1 or 2, maybe, but I wouldn't bet on it. Like, if you catch them by surprise and have plenty of backup, and they still might get away depending on what Arcana they have. Past that, no.
Bad splat. If you're Storyteller brings it up, tell them that.
Yes. The higher Blood Potency ones may require some backup.
In a straight fight, yes. Changelings don't do straight fights. It basically turns into hide and seek.
Maybe. If the player knows how to powergame them, no.
I'm pretty sure a sufficiently powerful and observant Thyrsus is the absolute worst thing a Pack can possibly go up against.
A single old woods witch is going to send them howling back to their dens.
What is the point of the Disparate Council? The Book of Secrets FAQ tells that they are supposed to be a "fixed" version of the Traditions and that it is WWs way of saying "sorry" for genociding PoC Crafts in Revised, but they still appear kind of forced.
(and the historical justification by drawing parallels to World War II or the Anti-ISIS-Coalition is ridiculous)
Ol' Phil probably thinks the entire Middle East conflict stems from Islamophobia, rather than people just being greedy assholes.
>Are werewolves strong compared to other supenaturals in general?
Never forget that werewolves are designed and intended to be pack predators with abilities that benefit far more from group tactics than beings like vampires or changelings (although mage cabals are with different Paths are terrifying). Always play to strengths.
Werewolves are very tough and can reliably prevail against most "lesser" templates and creatures as well against other splats at lower XP levels. Werewolves inherent abilities make them strong out of the gate, but their powers don't necessarily scale as much over time. Nevertheless, depending on build, at mid-XP levels, werewolves still are certainly no slouch against other mid-tier splats like vampires and changelings. They will definitely require a great deal of planning, resources and luck to take on mid and high level mages, mummies and demons, and then still might lose badly.
>WWs way of saying "sorry" for genociding PoC Crafts in Revised
The combination of white guilt combined with cognitive dissonance of how people of the same liberal politics can believe and act so differently today than 25 years ago is very, very amusing.
Using WWII or the anti-ISIS coalition analogies is just Phil trying to thread the needle of maintaining the setting with his conscience, and failing miserably.
Time and again he refuses to completely own just how non-pc he and his other current SJW cohorts were years ago despite their best efforts. The excuses and strained historical references are just bad writing. Phil/OPP either needs to keep the decidedly non-pc setting and just note that the game originally was from a different time, or have the courage to make wholesale revisions to the setting and persuade the audience of the necessity (and likely blow the nostalgia factor that drive sales of M20).
weren't the Taftâni in Lost Paths not unapologetic supporters of Al-Quaeda and islamic extremism (not out of religious reasons, but because it harmed the technocratic consensus)?
I'm pretty sure that Werewolves are the strongest splat when they "start", if we exclude mummies, but mummies are weird.
It was similar in OWoD. The three main gamelines having actual contrasts.
Werewolf - Strongest to weakest
Vampire - Middle ground
Mage - Weakest to strongest
Taftâni actively dislike Islam, even if they are mostly of Arabic origin these days.
Regarding Celestial Chorus:
"The monotheists? Oh, please. The very notion that there is but a single god is so ludicrous that it strains credibility. It was stupid when the Hebrews spoited it, it was stupid when the Christians spoited it, and when the Muslims spout it, not only is it stupid, but the fervor with which they do it takes the whole stupid concept to whole new levels of rabidity. Monotheism is much too limited to explain the sweet fullness of life's experience."
we get it dude, evil SJWs are ruining your gaems. you can stop spamming this shit in every thread now.
Why do you get so mad about discussions of recently released books?
In Afghanistan, they consorted with the Taliban and mujahedin (Lost Paths, p.66). Though this was more a case of putting your enemies against your other enemies
Hello newfriend. You seem to be lost.
that is not the point. There are cases where it is done tastefully and with respect to the history of the games (Werewolf and Vampire) and there are cases that are simply bad (Mage). The reasons for that are discussed.
The kicker is that M20 is still monstrously insensitive to a wide range of groups including those the book attempts to woo, but we get the added joy of Phil crowing about how bigotry is bad and how inclusive he is.
I really think he lacks any capacity for self-awareness at all. I listened to a podcast that interviewed Phil. Near the start he told us that religious intolerance is bad kids. With the "I'm totally PC" bit done, at various points over the next two hours we were told that if you were not a neopagan of vaguely defined beliefs in the supernatural you were BLIND TO THE TRUTH. If you had the gall to follow an Abrahamic faith you were practically a nephandi.
It's a fairly concise example of the man's mind. "Respect other peoples faith" to "everyone who disagrees with my extremely niche kookery is stupid and/or evil" in under two hours.
Because he Brucatto in disguise
I'd believe it, but I don't think he could figure out how to post on Veeky Forums.
Anons sentences are too short to be from Brucato
Wow, Brucato must post a lot here if everyone who makes full sentences is him
(but seriously, SJWs are not ruining your games, get the fuck over it snowflakes)
>"Respect other peoples faith" to "everyone who disagrees with my extremely niche kookery is stupid and/or evil" in under two hours.
Well, that explains the schizophrenia in the FAQ, except the switch happens within a few paragraphs.
>Got owned so hard by Chomsky he died from AIDS as a result
Sorry for hurting your feelings Phil, i promise to only eat in organic local businesses for a week
>SJWs are not ruining your games,
If you actually read the posts about Phil and M20, rather than implicitly defending a shared political bias, you'd realize that (i) much of the criticism concerning the organization and content of M20 extend well beyond the political diatribe issue; and (2) it's not simply that Phil is left-wing or a "SJW," but that he's so self-righteous and stubborn that he manages to offend and distract instead of persuading, and thus harms the "cause."
Most, if not all, of the WW writers and developers are on the far left of the political spectrum and are not shy about their views. This is hardly news. What distinguishes the real talent among them is the ability to actually focus on the gameline material in a concise and entertaining manner, engage fans of all political persuasions, all while simultaneously conveying their political ideas in their work in an organic, subtle and complementary manner. Think DaveB vs. MattMc or DavidH.
If the best Phil can effectively do is hitting the reader over the head with puerile snark about conservative personalities like Trump and Bush along with long digressions about the wonders of local produce (while complaining he doesn't have enough room in the book for actual setting and rules), it speaks far more about him (and RichT for allowing it), than it does about any "snowflakes" who might quite unsurprisingly want more Ascension and less manifesto in M20.
In any event, discussing books, no less the few new releases, is precisely the primary purpose of /wodg/. Instead of just complaining about those who want to engage in such discussions, how about offering some substantive defense of M20 that amounts to doing little more than dismissing criticisms because you might happen to agree with Phil's politics.
I've not read the FAQ yet, but that sounds about right. I would not be surprised to learn that the M20 books are dictated and cobbled together later, since he writes as he talks.
The incessant preaching is the sound of him masturbating about how tolerant and progressive he is, without having to actually change how he thinks about other people.
Luckily for him, he is also too fucking clueless to notice he is a massive hypocrite.
Version 1.18 with The Fallen Pillar
Odd Legacy this one. Thyrsus, but with Prime secondary Attainments.
At least the 1e Attainments are clear in their intent that it was fairly easy to update them.
Weird thing is that allegedly they only recruit Thyrsus, though I imagine with the new "praxis" entry option, there might be a fair few Obrimos who would be interested in joining up and making use of the fact that they already have Prime as a Ruling Arcanum.
Also their final Attainment has a hilarious optional effect.
Turning yourself into a living Hallow. Thank goodness you need to be Gnosis 8 to actually do so, otherwise yoi'd be in a LOT of trouble.
In the FAQ, he vehemently denies M20 has a liberal slant, then a few paragraphs later, he proudly proclaims how the book reflects his liberal ideas and why it's purportedly so important.
Bets on signs and sigils becoming bold in the next monday meeting (ie means its moving towards release)
Remember, Satyros (yes, he legally changed his name to Satyros Phillip Brucato) also believes that playing an evil mage will put evil magick in your life and make you evil. Also remember to give to his Patreon otherwise he will have to get a real job.
50 DaveBucks against
Is it about how LARPers are drama prone faggots who take things too personally?
That reminds me, in the podcast he gave an actually semi-interesting account of the development of Mage1e. In the middle of this, suddenly he telling us that the head of WW pulled him aside to warn him that a certain room in WW HQ was haunted and that he later confirmed this due to sensing (with his pagan sense he developed after throwing off the shackles of Christianity) an evil presence there.
Oh and apparently a bunch of Greek cultists actually paid for him to fly out to their commune and take part in some rituals as they were all big mage fans.
It was a strange couple of hours, but at least I now have a sense of the journey the man has taken to reach the pinnacle of artistic perfection and professionalism.
He does too many fucking drugs?
Do you remember the podcast?
There are 16 Tribes, 13 Clans, 10 Traditions, and 5 Conventions, for a total of 44 spurdos that have yet to be made.
Oh no, don't worry, I understand Mage20 was shit. I am not saying that it wasn't. I'm just saying its not shit because SJWs are some boogieman intent on ruining your games
I listened to it over 6 months ago, so I apologise if I have gotten minor details wrong. I've not heard any other episode and the host didn't do much beyond toady up and agree with Phil's rants.
It's not a meme, it really does have culinary advice in it.
ffs, if you don't like M20 just buy the old books, they are cheap as dirt and still in hardcover.
But I kick-started it, and no amount of complaining will satisfy the anger in my heart over the loss of that $375, but I still have to try.
Are you really complaining that people in a forum about WW books are actually discussing newly released books?
What does wodg think of fan splats?
>What does wodg think of fan splats?
Princess is cool.
>What does wodg think of fan splats?
They are the Devil's handiwork, and should be burned with fire and the ashes strewn to the wind.
Princess might be okay, never read it. Probably a bit too "pop culture" when compared to the rest.
Genius needs to pull its fucking head out of its ass.
All of the rest are even worse trash.
Genius sucks
Princess sucks
They all fucking suck
I actually kind of like Genius. The main antagonist factions are pretty bad, and some of the fluff makes no sense, but if you ignore all that, it can be pretty fun.
Although, its probably because I liked the Sons of Ether in Ascension.
>I'm just saying its not shit because SJWs are some boogieman intent on ruining your games
No, many of them are perfectly content to ruin other aspects of a variety of hobbies.
M20 and Beast are pretty clearly examples of them spreading their crap into our hobby though, in addition to all the other problems cited with them, like Beast's excrable mechanics and M20 being choked with sidebars.
hey, in case you didn't realize, Beast is disliked by SJWs too. Its kinda shitty that they equate social minorities with horrible, irredeemable monsters who are often worse than low humanity vampires
you seem confused, Beast is fucking loathed by anyone with remotely progressive ideals (i.e, what idiots call SJWs)
Honestly, at risk of No True Scotsman, I'd hesitate to slap the SJW label on any progressive-leaning individual who can spot this massive inherent flaw in Beast's political slant for what it is. If only because I've also seen a lot of zero-irony praise for it from that end of the spectrum, too.
See . I've seen plenty of folks who deserve the pejorative who actually *praise* the damn thing.
Keep in mind that the developer of Beast directly accused those who criticized his work, even when the criticism had nothing to do with political slant, of being men's rights activists too. His gross failure to actually produce something that resonated with leftists who possess functioning brain cells is irrelevant to the intent of the work.
Beast is sort of a hilarious look into the mindset of the badshit insane side of the tumblr SJWs.
"These horrible things I do to people is ok because it's for their own good and anyone who has a problem with it is an evil homophobic racist"
Not to mention the enemies for Beast are almost caricatures of what some tumblr blogger things is the biggest evil out there.
really? I've seen a total of 2 people who admit Anything is good about Beast. Which I'll admit is my position as well: Beast has SOME good stuff. Its not ALL terrible
Where the fuck are you seeing these people? and the OPP forums.
I am if all they are going to do is complain about them.
Isn't that all you're doing?
>Beast has SOME good stuff. Its not ALL terrible
Some of the powers are at least pretty evocative, yeah, and the initial core concept of the game as previewed was pretty slick, I'll agree to that.
Yeah, mostly in places like this.
yes, but i'm complaining about complaining, which is meta.
Therefore Mage.
It's a shame, because Beast should be the game for people who enjoyed the Sabbat in the OWoD. It could be. You have the self-justifying flakes, and the ones who truly revel in being superior monsters.
Shame the game insists you should play team Douchechill.
what is Beast?
WtA 20th?
Beast: the Primordial, a chronicles of darkness gameline.
Meh, everyone knows that changelings are supreme over vampires, werewolves and even mages.
How can anyone resist the "Beautiful Madness"?
Beast the Primordial, a game where they should have made you play truly evil characters but instead decided to go half handed and try to "justify" the evil characters as part of some cosmic teaching tool
Oh wow. That's amazingly well done for a fan splat.
Claimed!Ghost Rider
Virtue: Implacable/Loyal
Vice: Vengeful
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 4, Wits 8, Resolve 9
Physical Attributes: Strength 9, Dexterity 7, Stamina 9
Social Attributes: Presence 9, Manipulation 3, Composure 9
Skills: Academics 1, Crafts 3, Investigation (Vengeance) 3, Medicine 1, Occult (Demons) 4, Science 1, Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Drive (Motorcycle) 6, Firearms (Shotgun) 4, Survival 2, Weaponry (Chains) 5, Empathy (Guilt) 4, Expression (Wisecracking) 2, Intimidation (Penance Stare) 5, Persuasion 1, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3
Merits: Area Of Expertise (Vengeance, Demons), Direction Sense, Indomitable (Epic), Interdisciplinary Specialty (Vengeance, Demons), Professional Training 5 (Stuntman: Athletics, Drive, Empathy), Trained Observer 1, Virtuous, Ambidextrous, Automotive Genius, Crack Driver 3, Demolisher 3, Greyhound, Iron Stamina 3, Parkour 4, Quick Draw (Chains), Seizing The Edge, Stunt Driver 5, Air Of Menace, Closed Book 4, Iron Will, Striking Looks 2 (Heavy Metal), Table Turner, Takes One To Know One, Psychokinesis (Hellfire 5, Advanced 5, Epic 2), Armed Defense 5, Defensive Combat (Weaponry), Iron Skin 2 (Advanced 2), Killer Instinct 3 (Advanced 2), Light Weapons 4
Max Essence/Per Turn: 50/15
Defense: 11
Initiative: 16
Speed: 30 On Foot (Use Motorcycle Otherwise)
Health: 14 (Size 5)
Armor: 3/3
Rank: 5
Dread Powers: Armored Hide 1, Fire Elemental, Influence 5 (Vengeance), Gatecrash (Shadow), Hunter’s Senses (The Guilty), Madness And Terror, Natural Weapons 2 (Spiked Chains), Numen (Drain, Essence Thief, Host Jump, Mortal Mask, Occult Sight, Seek), Know Soul, Reality Stutter (On Motorcycle), Regenerate 3, Snare, Unbreakable, Wall Climb (On Motorcycle)
Ban: Cannot hurt those it knows are innocent
Bane: A symbol of an ancient conflict being resolved through peaceful means instead of vengeful ones.
but still shit.
Version 1.19
I had the Brotherhood of the Demon Wind written up before, but I decided to edit them again before I added them to this.
I don't know what my interest in horrifying 5th Attainments, and their implications for the Fallen World, but I just keep doing it.
Masters of the Demon Wind excize things that displease them from reality and the timeline. Bringing murder victims back to life, undoing the destruciton of artifacts, etc. But it has a one-year duration, so they've got to keep going back and refreshing the effects.
Imagine what would happen if one died, and didn't pass off his responsibility to another master?
Feel free to replace it with something boring if you like.
It's only the optional element of the 5th Attainment.
Requiring a Mage with Gnosis 8 of that specific Legacy.
Which now that I think about it pretty much means "you can't learn it from someone else, make it yourself".
Did fansplats kill your dog or something?
Fansplats try too hard to be relevant.
Also suck at balance, which is ironic because all non-Mage players demand it.
Even Mage players demand internal splat balance.
I for one am fucking livid at how powerful they made the Fate Arcanum.
Oh for fuck sakes. Internal balance is pretty damn spot on in Awakening.
Quit lingering in previous editions.
>tfw i realize that Robbie Reyes is a Sin-Eater
Fate is only uber powerful if your ST lets you get away with anything. ie is shit.
You mean if you play with the rules how they're written?
In not going to say that I do, but you can't sidestep criticism of rules by arguing nobody follows them.
All of the Arcana are overpowered in their area of proficiency.
I also consider Space to be the strongest Arcana, personally.
ok go on, explain how fate is more powerful now. I know your dying too.
Has anyone made stat blocks for dinosaurs like T-rex or quetzalcoatlus?
>Space to be the strongest Arcana
Space 5 is ludicrously powerful. You can kill -anyone- you want -wherever- you want. On a fucking whim.
-anyone- you have a sympathetic connection too
(which wont be hard for a space master) but lets not forget that mages still have hoops to jump through even if they arnt hard ones.
Not really