When do you know its time to move on from your gaming group?
>ITT post things that trigger you badly enough to leave your gaming group
When do you know its time to move on from your gaming group?
>ITT post things that trigger you badly enough to leave your gaming group
Other urls found in this thread:
>All the players don't give a shit about the story
>Insults me whenever I try to explain lore
>Ate my food without a single thanks.
Gives me Conniptions.
Glad I left.
Any one of the four is too much
The campaign is a general length campaign, not a one-off, the system is easy yet complex enough that character creation is an enjoyable part of the game and not a complete slog... and the GM insists on pre-generated characters he rolled up himself, complete with backstories and flaws.
If you're gonna do that, just write a novel.
Not gonna lie.
I like you Wayne.
When they refuse to kick somebody out of the group for nuking two campaigns in a row and general that guy behavior.
When it's not worth fun-wise
>be gayfag
>join group in college
>other gay guy in group will not leave me alone
>always wants to go out after gaming
I tried to put up with it but I just dropped and returned to GMing.
When the game is cutting into time just hanging out, which fucks up the game because all everyone wants to do is talk about other stuff.
When you can only get one hour of gameplay out of a planned six hour session because half of the fuckers couldn't stop getting distracted, looking at their phones, talking about irrelevant OOC shit and getting high.
I hate college.
When GM keeps telling you how to play your character
When none of the GM's NPCs are remotely believable
When your group has one to many austists in it.
Please, just insult me. I get the same amount of admiration from it and less people call me a samefag.
Fuck off, no I don't
Kill myself
No, cut myself into pieces
This is my last retort
Suffocation, no meme-ing
>No one likes you or gives you any amount of respect
I mean, it's gonna benefit both sides
Don't give a fuck if I step in /pol/'s feces?
I know that feeling.
>Yet they can't be bothered to GM and expect you to do it anyway.
Last group I quit another player got kicked out for arguing with the DM (for a reasonable matter, to be clear.)
Only time I quit one willingly.
When life gets in the way of everything right as you go to start new games, resulting in you missing several session as you to try to work up the emotional and creative energy to join in, telling yourself 'next week, I'll go back, and apologize'. Then it becomes 'tomorrow, I'll pop up and let them know what happened, apologize, and officially quit'. Then it never happens, and you never go back, because you don't deserve the happiness you stole from others by vanishing without a trace like a goddamn slacker, proving Veeky Forums right that players in online games are awful, spotty people who cannot be relied upon, evne though you try very hard to be reliable; you just couldn't then, and it haunts you still.
Sorry everyone.
Jesus christ could you be more of an emo bitch
Jesus christ could you be more of a rancid cunt?
Dm railroaded us into a desert of Gerudo women and then railroaded us all into facing consensual sex with them. They had apparently somehow poisoned they're vaginas and we were going to start the next session as their slaves. We all dropped it there.
Jesus Christ could you be more of our holy Lord and Savior Zombie?
tee hee hee macaroni macaroni
Excessive ERP. ERP outside of private sessions. Receiving endless PMs asking for ERP.
Don't play with degens, kids.
When they start talking more about politics than the campaign setting and adventure.
See ya!
Disregard this, I suck cocks.
Tell us tales of your weirdo ERP buddies.
Why do GMs think they can get away with this shit?
something something Gayming
Yes. I do, actually. I've stated repeatedly that I have a Trap and a GF. I am, however, and extreme prude when it comes to guys.
This, fuck
For all the horror stories of online gaming with autistic neet neckbeards, at least they show up to game and not to browse facebook while talking about facebook about their RL friends who are also their facebook friends
>people actually do this
Yeah. He also insisted on having a dedicated scribe for the session, and we're fairly certain that he was fudging rolls. The game lasted about six sessions. Five sessions too long, really.
This shit right here. Storytime:
>4 friends, we've all played in multiple campaigns without issue
>"J" has a friend from some class who has D&D experience wants to DM a campaign
>The rest of us have never met this guy, and he's never showed up to the school's RPG club, but we agree
>He demands backstory for every character. I send him 2 paragraphs, he asks for more details, I write *3 more* graphs of backstory for this lvl 3 barbarian.
>Don't have an issue with this as long as he finds cool ways to use it
>All 4 of us live near campus, but we take a 45 minute subway+bus ride to his house in the suburbs
>Offers us drinks, snacks, has a row of 50+ liquor bottles (not empty!) on the floor next to the wall.
>We just grab beers from the fridge.
Here's where it starts to get bad
>Wastes the first 30 minutes just chatting about non-game stuff.
>Tells us that he wants to do a short intro scene with J.
>1+ hour later...
>"Ok, you guys are all going to explore some mysterious island. How do you know each other?"
>Uh... I guess we meet on the ship?
>"Not very original, but I'm fine with it."
>We waste another 2 hours roleplaying pointless shit on the ship. Fishing, cooking, talking to crew.
>DM can't last 10 minutes without starting an irrelevant conversation, getting distracted by his GF playing vidya in the other room, repeatedly offering us drinks/snacks
>Finally get shipwrecked, wash up on island, captain is missing, tracks leading into jungle.
>J's character still hasn't joined the party
>We go into the jungle and get into a fight with some spiders
>Each round of combat takes 40 minutes to get through because he gets distracted after literally every character's turn.
>We have to keep saying "Who's turn is it?" every 5 mins just to get him to play the monsters.
>At this point, he keeps offering to let us sleep over. Weirdly insistent about this.
>1 round into combat, J's character shows up to help us.
>2 hours later, my character is dead and combat is finally over.
>"Ah man, I'm sorry. We can retcon that if you want."
>No really, it's fine. He died in battle fair and square.
>"You guys want to keep going? I have plenty of spare blankets and stuff if you want to sleep here tonight."
>No thanks.
>We leave after wasting 5 hours of our lives
>Plus 1:30 of travel time
>Only ~1 hour of actual gameplay
>We never met him again.
I still don't know what his deal was, but god, that was the most annoying shit ever. I would have rather dealt with a railroading or fetish bait GM, because at least we might have gotten to do something instead of listen to the DM's opinions on TV shows and video games.
I mean, I'm not autistic enough to say "REEE, TAKE THIS SERIOUS!" because it *is* a game, but goddamn it, I want to play the fucking game. I want to have in-character interactions and progress the story.
When the other players are just sort of talking about anime or some shit until the GM literally calls them out and says "Is there anything you want to do?" and they look over and just briefly outline how their character trusts another character to handle it, I get fucking irritated.
I often feel like I'm the only one that actually wants to get immersed in what I'm doing, and because I try and be a team player, the entire fucking sessions gets bogged down to the point where we can sit there for four hours and only have like 1 or 2 meaningful things happen.
When that guy's sperging becomes a regular occurrence and when I try to talk with the DM about it, I got a "deal with it".
>the GM is playing the players against each other by presenting the story in little pieces to each one and telling them its "their plot" that only they can solve
>same GM gets mad when you cant work together
>player literally says, "changing the game in any way is bad and you shouldn't have input because it's MY game"
>long time players keep making the same mistakes over and over spouting, "when you've been playing as long as i have..." as their justification as to why anything anyone other than themselves suggests is wrong
>GM decides you, as a player's, motivation and interest in the game for you without ever questioning why you're playing or what interests you
>this same GM getting mad at you for not having all of his house rules memorized but adamantly refuses to ever show you any of them.
I've felt this feel. It's not a good feel.
You took a hard pass on a gangbang, you simple fuck.
I played in a game where the GM unironically said "in my game, story takes precedence over player actions"
So I left
>in my game, I just make up whatever I want and nothing the players do even matters
I think the god-complex GM is honestly the worst one possible.
We had our group splinter into two camps. I'm not entirely sure what the cause was, but it was somewhere between who's house we were playing at and smoking inside the house.
Wound up playing two nights a week for a while. But the second group splintered due to a number of factors while the core group, while smaller, is still going strong.
Wierd fact is that I somehow wound up being dm for both.