Last Thread: "Cat is fine too" edition
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As OP, I want to establish some rules for this thread. Please refer to the image for them.
Please stop being autistic
Are you seriously asking that in here of all places?
faggots (the minority) don't get to dictate rules
Okay, we need a new thread. Non-gays are not welcome around these party, it seems.
What? That's a fucking cat!
Drawing sounds fun, so I'll take Corel Draw.
It's not gay if her penis is feminine
Yes, it is gay.
Now stop shitposting.
Fucking that cat is still too gay for me. Therefore, I'm not welcome ... am I?
This doesn't have the amount named so I guess take two?
Also I guess you should assume that 'saki' means 'sake'. Or not, if you don't want to.
If I write more about my build, will you give me a comment?
You can stay but you are not allowed to do anything lewder than handholding with your waifu while in here then
Just post it and I'll respond.
Well, that's still pretty hardcore.
I don't have a waifu. How do I get one?
Fuck you. I will take THREE!
Breath Fire
Book Reading
> Also I guess you should assume that 'saki' means 'sake'. Or not, if you don't want to.
It means what it says user, take that bottle, and the above manga will become longer than Inu Yasha, and Detective Conan combined.
Succubus, succubutt, succucute
succubus are for loving
The mystery box???
>Ebon Chalice
>Plasma Pistol
>Heavy Bolter
Time to patrol thots.
>Succubus, succubutt, succucute
>succubus are for loving
Oh my gosh, sir, you are completely right. I'll take Dixie and completely overload her romance meter when I need some alone time.
Put the knife down, lady.
Anybody got a request? I've got a little archive (though with few waifus) and way less bandwith, but if you're looking for something, I might at least point you the right way.
Heavy bolter and plasma pistol sidearm are good heavy weapons oriented combo! Good for wrecking infantries and maybe the occasional vehicle. Good luck hunting!
90% of the time somebody makes a request I swear its just the author stroking his own ego.
Stealthy CYOA
You're an assassin for hire and you have been hired to kill a particularly haughty and assholey politician or person of significance for the setup.
post traveler
Why are elves so cute?
Post Elf CYOAs!
Thanks, darlin'.
So I made sexy fresh image
Plz rate it
>pick lancer saber
>learn lance
>become lance duo
Maybe i can add a couple sections where your chosen saber trains you?
how do you feel about the fact that your waifu rolled 80 for anal circumference?
I'll take Girl #4 and hope for the best.
Thot, listen. You need to make this the god tier cyoa it deserves to be. It's already perfect, but you and I know you can take it to the next level.
Please Thot. Show these heathens the pwoer of Saber!
>Picking worst girl
i rate it kys
Why does 3 have such a tiny face and a giant amount of hair/forehead?
Also, will this get a normal release?
I mean #2, sorry.
I promise nothing, but i'll see what i can do, may take a day or so
she's an alien with makeup and a wig
Now THAT's surprising ... we don't have a Professional Assassin CYOA of any kind, it seems. We have a serial killer CYOA, you can create one with Super Solider, but the closest I get is Catastrophic Caper (which is about thieves), using The Backstabber. Sorry user.
He just picked a weird art of her.
Didn't we have that Beri one?
You know, the one that looks like every other CYOA he made?
thank you, kind user
Beri? Assassin? You have me at a disadvantage, user. I don't have anything like that, nor do I recall anything like it. Terribly sorry about that.
It's called A New Assassin.
That random ass line over her hair is also disgusting and triggers me, use this instead.
You can just check the pastebin for links to various archives
While technically this is 'an assassin cyoa', many people probably don't think that it would include getting your own power armor
Is this better
Yes. Now I'm not sure if I should pick her over Girl #4.
French Saber is neither Seiba, nor a Saber.
Regardless, I choose her.
Aurica is shit. Never pick her.
Yes we do, you just don't have it saved, and I'm not talking about the Beri one.
Ah, yes. I forgot about that one, my bad. First thing that came to my mind when thinking about assassins was ... well ... Agent 47. Someone who needs brains and precision. Which means I went right past that, despite the glaring words 'Assassin' right in the name.
You're probably right (I mean, we can't possibly have missed that topic, right?), though that's usually the kind of stuff I save. Care to enlighten me?
Fucking Idiot
I'll learn you.
Goin with grey skinned girl
There weren't as many palm trees and greek busts on the late 90s. There were a lot more tv sets instead of the lameass green bullshit we get now though. Vaporwave is more of a 80s vcr aesthethic reflecting on the loss of humanity and video as a distorted reflection/battlefield.
Simcity/Netscape. Wait till 9/11 and avert the disaster (and more importantly, the imperialistic pigs of the us of a Overreactionary """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""sanctioned"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" World Policing Bitch Tears) by plopping a giant wall around NY. Maybe make it a dome, bag the little rats. Then look into automated giant tunnels ala Channel Tunnel and build an empire around post maritime travel.
Okay, I'll admit it, I've never seen this before. When was it made?
there's a good sci-fi bounty hunter CYOA and a bourne-esque spy CYOA that work pretty well for professional assassins too
Hope you like lolis.
How am I supposed to choose a girl if I can't see their boobs?
Please scroll all the portraits up slightly so only their chests are visible
If the planes hadn't hit Pentagon and WTC first, the on route to White House probably would have completed it's run successfully. I can't remember if Bush there tho but WH exploding probably would ensure that nothing changes.
Or do you plan to put the whole world in bottles?
I have it saved on 12/31/2015. I'll dump some Agent based ones too.
2 of them are lolis, one has average boobs, and the other is in a quantum state of either being a loli or having big boobs because I can't remember if that's art of her adult form or not.
Does it actually say stuff? Or is it just lorem ipsum or something?
image & pdf version.
It's in English because I don't actually know Hymmnos but there's nothing important actually written
Now if it was in Ar Ciela then it would be pile of unreadable text
>but there's nothing important actually written
W-wait, what? Now I feel kind of betrayed, I thought it would be a 'pick now, options get revealed later' thing.
Rolled 3, 6, 4 = 13 (3d6)
That the fuck is this?
Are those letters?
Do I need a decoder ring to read this?
Sleep deprivation isn't state conductive to writing thought out things
I know my grammar isn't amazing but come on man
I looked her up, and I like her.
>Liking worst girl
Worst girl needs some love too.
It's through love (and liberal helpings of D) that worst girls get chance to become best girls.
Well that's how these girls get stronger.
She's nice. I don't see how she could be the worst.
Do you even know what dyslexia is?
Asher Kaul
37-year old Male
War Between Stars; Creator of Titans
Advanced-Tech Understanding
Mathematical Genius
Mechanical Adept
Traveler's Leathers
Aedolis 'Shield' Mech
Physical Enhancement Suit
Yuta Brace
Standard kit
Mark of Irem
Munitions Worktable
CIY Brain Implant
Business Setup Package
Jedhari Walker
Small Drone [Quadcopter Mechanic]
>Little Things...
Waste of Skin x2
Forever Alone
Hailing Fever
Banner Marked
Free Market Capitalists Association
Filgi Grimcandle
Temel;Parah Vas Ae
>Home District
The Sky City of Anmanga
The Kaiju
Beyond the Celestial Chain
Asher hails from a world at war, fighting over habitable planets and resource-rich asteroids. Chief among the minerals they fight for were those that allowed Asher and his colleagues to nearly ignore the laws of physics and produce large humanoid war machines. He was on the team that developed the first of these mechs, and sold them briefly to all areas of his universe before civil war split it apart. He continued his research and development under the loyalist government, creating deadlier and larger mechs until he was recruited into the Traveler's. He continued to pursue his passion under the Mechanical group, becoming famous as a leader among Mech-related construction and research. Having worked on several of the parts of the standardized mechs, he is also known to perform commissions for those with enough money, which has earned him much prestige among the higher-class. His increased access to fantastical materials has allowed him to create wondrous machines the likes of which he could only dream of before.