What are some of your favorite ways to represent racism in game?
In-game Racism
Cybernetically enhanced people are called 'cyggers'. This is in Cyberpunk 2020.
Slurs, pogroms and violence.
I think it's most interesting when it's not presented in obvious ways, but subtle, somewhat uncomfortable situations throughout. Having certain NPCs be more dismissive of one player over the other for their race, or saying casual derogatory terms when they think they're in good company. Having people directly screaming out "FUCKING ELVES GET OUT" seems forced.
I'd probably leave my group if someone ever made a nigger char of any race desu.
What does that even mean?
Genocide, slavery.
Had one of my players roll up the setting equivalent of a black halfling.
She ended up getting taken and sold after a near TPK. One of the other players rolled up a rich girl, took a trait that increased her starting wealth and won her in the auction. Took her back to daddies estate and tried to scrub the color off her skin in the bath, go as far as spitting on her and rubbing her arms and face raw.
>rich character needing to buy another player character in an auction
Sounds like a cool scenario, I'd dig seeing that in action.
>attempting to wash the black off of her
This isn't fun anymore.
You wanna know something even worse user?
I have plans for a campaign where a Gnome with an extreme prejudice against Halflings decides that the best way to get rid of them all is to make them more impulsive a la Kender, so everyone hates them and wants them dead. Should be fun, hopefully.
Oh geez.
Tell me.
Yes. Please.
>go out adventuring with my normal group.
>they introduce me to a new party member, a druid.
>He pulls back his hood and hes got knife ears, its a fucking elf.
>he tries to shake my hand but know hes pulling some kind of scam so i just ignore him.
>he just smiles like hes fine.
>later in the week everyone starts telling me i need to treat that fucking slanty eared tree hugger better, no way.
>next week im at the adventurers guild looking for work, i ask the receptionist if she has any jobs for my group.
>she tells me they left on a job without me 3 days ago
fucking elves.
When she couldn't wash the color off her skin, she took her to an alchemist who bleached it. All of it. Burned the thick, woolly, hair off her scalp and brows with a hot stone. Forced her through all kinds of formal training, dancing, flower arranging, aroma therapy, cooking and baking. Bought her expensive makeup, perfumes, dresses.
Then, to recover the lost funds, pimped her out to other nobles.
Eventually blackies player got sick of it and stabbed rich girl to death. She ended up getting caught and beaten to death with rocks over a few days. They impaled her bleached body in the auction yard as a warning to other slaves.
I'm thinking of bringing them both back as undead later on.
That rich girl....I like the cut of her jib.
das a bit fucked up, m8
Worst part is all the nobles she was whored out to were pedophiles who wanted to fuck her 2' 6" tall ass.
>a player actually sitting around long enough and letting another player do this to their character
This is bullshit but A+ effort on skeeving me out.
That's fucking awesome.
>Then, to recover the lost funds, pimped her out to other nobles.
And wait, the PCs started fighting each other?
Down time actions are a thing user. Also, this was all discussed out of game. They were both fine with it and how it went down. At the moment their current characters have the cities slaves on the edge of revolting, which is why I'm debating bringing their old characters back as monsters.
Not really fighting. More, one forgot to set up any guards, wards, or defenses, and a couple of good stealth and larceny checks later, was dead.
Alright, I believe you. And yes, with the right context, some zombie cameos would be pretty nuts.
I like your group.
Go away AD
this, just like real life. It's a build up of microagressions and systematic oppresion leading up to a full on race war. One thing to keep in mind is the mind games the race in power will use. Look at how back when the kkk was going to be disbanded people said that the kkk was needed to protect white women, that slavery was actually good because the slaves were well treated. or the old "I don't hate (insert derogatory term here) I just hate most of them/the way they act/the fact that they don't worship the same deities as me/ that they don't assimilate into my culture 100%/they complain so much/their the REAL racists ect
Most people wont say the hate a people out right
Played in a deadlands game. Literal British imperialist who fucking hates natives. Party despised him but he has single handedly saved the party in combat too many times to justified them pushing him out. Had an Indian boy servant whose name was a variant of Raj everytime I talked to him, Maj Taj Jaj etc.
Never had just randomly shit talk about natives but had it be very apparent in his treatment of them. Refused to touch them, taking advantaged, blatant disrespect if I had the advantage. Decided to do a slow burn of hate that erupts in combat against them. Really just a broken man who only found his place in the world by following the idea that his place was above savages and he needed to remind them of that otherwise the bloodshed was for nothing and he's a murderer who is barely human.
>this, just like real life
Wow thanks for explaining that I think nobody else got that
Go to /pol/ if you want to discuss real life racism
>microagressions and systematic oppresion
Nice memewords
The Indian social class system.
Go back to tumblr, snowflake.
You got it backwards mang. That dude's clearly not tumblr, he's a /pol/itical derailer. For whatever rails this thread has.
Remember good slurs need to be 1 sylable long. You can have multi word trait references, but those should not be the most common slur.
I run into this in a lot of fiction, when the author wants to spice things up with some racism. You can call elves knife ears or keeblers, but keebs should be the reflexive slur. Longer words take more thought and require some personal effort. There is a reason chink, wop, and nigger have lasting popularity. Muggles and mudblood are fine, but you will note squib is the word with real stopping power.
At the same time it is hard to introduce proper discrimination to a setting, because it requires thinking about the social make up of a setting. Also when you get it wrong, it will feel forced. Just look at the aug racism in the modern deus ex games (though aug is a solid slur). On the other hand getting it right sells a setting so much better (as I said, squib is just an amazing bit of world building).
The local innkeeper charges characters of races that he discriminates against more for food, drink and lodging
It is double the fun when the player of the character is racist IRL and gets mad about a fictional character being racist against another fictional character that just happens to be made and portrayed by them
>Remember good slurs need to be 1 sylable long.
That's two syllables, you fucking oaf.
I believe C-Metal prefer the term "Cyberpsycho tank looking mother fuckers"
I personally am not a fan of D&D games that start to get political, mostly because politics tear people apart and start fights if they get too close to home, I just want to play my games man.
I love making NPCs that make a big issue about race but don't address it bluntly without the players bringing it up. A generic fantasy example: The players go to a castle to collect their reward for a quest and run into the king's treasurer who is an elf. The treasurer might ask "Who's in charge here?" before handing over the money. The party's leader is a dwarf. "No, no, who's really in charge here?" The treasurer hasn't straight out said that he is biased against dwarves, but if the players press the issue, he'll bring it up. This gives the players the option to either just roll with it and have someone else claim to be the leader to smooth things over, or they can get into an argument about racism if they really think it's worth their time. Other little things might be making shopkeepers charge two characters different amounts for the same item based on their race, having small areas locked off to different races (human only tavern), lots of people staring and moving children indoors (granted I'd do that if adventurers of any race came to town).
I like casual racism myself. You don't get overtly called slurs, but people don't tell stories about you when they talk about your party's exploits. Shopkeepers will sell to you, but they'll try to put one over on you, and you get followed around the store. Other characters get recognized for their valor, you get called a credit to your species. People ask if you know random members of your species they met a long time ago. They assume you follow stereotypes, even if you actively act against them - e.g., if you're a dwarf wizard walking around in robes with an owl perched on your shoulder, they'll still assume you're a warrior or ask you questions about metalworking. They'll also do things like explain aspects of their culture that you clearly have experience with as if they're novel concepts, like explaining to the elf what a city is. All kinds of little things, rather than the "knife-ears get out!" shit people try for and can never pull off except in a fumbling way.
You're one of the good ones.
>mud ponies
>I'll take things that never happened for 500, Alex.
Also, you're a fucking creep. Try taking a bath with a toaster.
You should only ever get upset by racism against you. That's why niggers in Africa can spend their lives treating whites as shit and then when they come to Europe they get upset when people treat them like niggers.
No /pol/ack would ever use "microaggression" and "systemic oppression".
You actually sounded intelligent up until you implied that 'race war' was a real thing that could ever really happen. Have fun being retarded, preferably somewhere else.
>citing Harry Potter as a good example of writing.
Fuck off.
just by existing as a white straight male I presume I've adequately won for myself the racism moniker in this our modern era
It has always been about the worldbuilding. Which is what we are talking about here. Squibs really sell the setting, while the word muggel is seems wrong.
40K RPGs are easy,
No tolerance for xenos, whatsoever
No one's trying to get political: we're just adding a bit of depth and color to the campaign. Without it, all the races start to look pretty bland and the people colorless and boring.
It won't get political unless the players start to argue about it or insist on bringing up some kind of a revolution or some shit.
Besides, half the reason I like kobolds is something like this. Their entire point is so that other races could kick them around and be assholes at them. I wouldn't love them nearly as much if this wasn't the case.
Aug wasn't even a slur. Anti-aug people used shit like "hanzer" (shirt for enhanced)
Also xenos are authentically bad people
The most common one in Mankind Divided was "clank."
>I'm a creep for allowing my players to explore racism and classism within a fictional setting.
Be honest: How many times did you have to stop and masturbate while writing that?
I like making my elves racist as fuck.
>(granted I'd do that if adventurers of any race came to town).
Are you nuts? If adventurers see you do that they'd probably assume you belonged to a cult or were hiding treasure or something.
>systematic oppression
>race war
>just like real life
>mind games
None, it was a series of quick downtime actions over six weeks. Nothing really erotic about it. Especially when it's a three way discussion between me and the two players involved.
I join a campaign mid way while the party was in the underdark. I rolled a kobold with dreams of reaching the surface, playing the real native guide role at the moment but I think I'm staring down the barrel of proper racism when(if) I get to the surface. Really looking forward to the dynamic
Comedic righteousness
Get the fuck out, leftist scum
>Micro aggressions
>Just like real life
>"Negroes use other entrance"
>3/5ths a human being
>Lynch mobs
>The fucking Klan
Get off of Veeky Forums and go back to red dit
I have a problem with the word "microaggressions". It seems like some dumb trendy word made by more-progressive-than-thou white liberals so that they have their own way of saying "passive-aggressiveness".
I also have an issue with how it's used in practice. I have seen cases of people using it against people who are not intentionally being offensive. As far as I know the definition, aggression requires intent of disdain.
There is also the worry that microaggressions may cause people to feel like the social justice community is being desperate in finding things to fight against when there are bigger racism issues to tackle.
However, it might be important for people to know how their communication may be insensitive. There is the argument that miscommunication may give the wrong ideas and sentiments to whom you are communicating to.
Really my main issue is how the word is used in practice. The rest is just me being a finick.
Honestly, agreed. It's like "cisgender"; I don't mind the term existing, I mind that it's almost always used in a pejorative context.
they actually wuz
Random encounters with polar bear hunters and 'flash mobs'.
My favorite example was in our very first game as a group. Two of the players were brothers, twins, in fact. One of them played a Dwarf, and the other an Elf.
To point out how green everyone was: The one playing the Dwarf named his character after his 1337speak online handle, and the one playing the Elf named his Vaseline. Because all Elves are gay.
They already had a habit of bickering. They still have that habit. And that continued in-character, to form a near perfect example of Dwarven-Elven animosity. The Dwarf was stoic, and practical, while the Elf was a cowardly, know-it-all showboater. It usually didn't last long before the Dwarf got tired of the Elf, and seeing how he was a ripped Barbarian, he would simply announce, both in character and as a declaration of his roll, the following:
"I grapple the Elf"
It quickly became the catchphrase of our campaign.
Racism is great in games ! it gives so much opportunities for good roleplay and makes a setting more immersive and believable.
It is in the very nature of man to believe that which is different from your group or way of thinking is false or not as good as your group/belief.
Witcher did this masterfully, Dragon Age "ORIGINS" also did this in a good way and etc'.
This of course is not only tied down to racism but also nationalism.
i honestly laughed
As a DM, I like to induce racism into my players. For instance, I make the first few characters they meet from a specific place to be assholes, then they will likely keep that impression up for the rest of the campaign. Even if someone nice from that places come along, they might even ignore him because of that
>As far as I know the definition, aggression requires intent of disdain.
Literally every feminist paper i've read on the "issue" of microaggression inherently disagrees with that assertion.
Welcome to current year.
It's always the elves.
>Things that never happened.
Though DESU, this doesn't sound fun at all anyways.
I liked DE:HR's "cog".
Shut up, nigger.
First party mission: Drive out the gypsies who have camped near the village.
>Eventually blackies player got sick of it and stabbed rich girl to death.
You mean, player character, right? RIGHT?
Show your tits or GTFO.
The game I play in most has several 'tiers' of races, with Elves being on top. They have a slew of advantages and are factually 'better' than the other races. They share the tier with a few other (all rare) races.
The next tier includes Humans, Dwarves, Halflings, etc. All a solid races with sound political standing. The Elves are a bit condescending, but all recognize that Elves really are better as a race.
Next down is a horde of other races that are more tolerated then anything else. Civilized goblins, half-orcs, trollkyn, and others are generally 'ghettoed' and put upon. Stop&frisk, watchful eyes, etc. are common unless one can avoid scrutiny. I run a Eberron Changeling and constantly change to a generic version of the locals.
The next is the 'kill on sight' club and includes mostly monster races.
The racism takes a number of forms, the Dwarf having to put up a deposit for drinking, different distances for darts by race, etc.
"How many women have you raped today, orc?"
One of the meanest things I can think of.
It means he doesn't have a group of friends to play with, but assumes this makes sense.
Ironically enough Tolkien Dwarves are based on Jews.
Wasn't the man behind Cyberpunk 2020 black ?
that's why it's funny
I basically just do what I normally do except with fantasy races.
Calling dwarves diggers.