Hey Veeky Forums! Who here wants to play a fun game of Gangrape, the Swedish RPG about how rape is bad.
Hey Veeky Forums! Who here wants to play a fun game of Gangrape, the Swedish RPG about how rape is bad
Other urls found in this thread:
>let me try and make a statement
>by being as hamfisted as possible about it
could be an interesting concept if it was more subtle about its purpose or if it had anything to say beyond the obvious RAPE IS BAD
Can I play a sand nigger? Course and rough and everywhere in the new Caliphate?
>Only the woman’s player may kill
her character. This can happen as a result from violence, suicide, etc.
Wow, fucking overpowered. Female players can basically achieve lichdom as a free benefit.
Does it have Bracelets of Rape Warding?
What is the point of this thread?
I wanted to share what is likely the most surreal RPG in my colection with Veeky Forums.
Also, I actually AM up to playing a game of it with some anons in the thread. You know, for memes and stuff.
I already know rape is bad. Why would would I need an RPG to tell me that?
Because if you don't say it over and over and over agian, you might accidentally forget. Or something like that.
As a woman, I really want to play this as the victim in order to learn how I have to feel when the next wannabe Chad buys me a drink I didn't like
I'd be down
I have no ebin memelordery planned but I'm sure trying to play this straightfaced and RAW should be interesting regardless
>As a woman
No matter how much of a fag you are user, your penis isn't feminine.
Getting rid of it wont help either.
We don't need dice, right? Could we just play in a google chat text box or discord or something?
Just make sure you bring eggs. Lots and lots of eggs.
>Playing ironically or for laughs is not allowed!
Try and stop me!
>rape is bad
These warnings, oh man
>oh this game is really harsh to play
>it will make you feel bad etc
I feel like this is only relevant to people who cannot separate themselves from their characters
i.e. filthy casuals
Like, there are professional actors who actually pretend to do rape scenes and murder scenes and murder-rape scenes and they have to keep a straight face and act serious too to the point where if they can't they won't even get paid
Is Gangrape, the RPG, made for and by for people with schizophrenia who cannot distinguish between imagination and reality?
Oh this game.
I've heard a lot of people enjoy it, but when we've played it, one person always ends up shafted.
This seems like a violation of rule #4
"All players must be able to related
to the setting. Unless all players
really can relate, it is not okay to set the
game in a prison and let the rape take
place in the showers. The prison is simply
too alien to most of us and an easy way
to “hide”."
Unless you and the other players truly are familiar with swedish culture I think you better set it in hamburgerstan but otherwise it seems like you are trying to meme too hard right off the bat and this will doom the experiment from the getgo to be a collection of forced memes rather than actual fresh OC
>Thinking the refugees that rape care at all about their host country beyond the free gibs
Are you a refugee who immigrated to sweden? No? Then you can't relate to the setting and are in violation of rule #4.
Seriously nigga I'm not gonna bother playing unless all interested parties are willing to play this as close to RAW and intended as possible. That's something no one else has ever done before and something fresh might come of it.
Spouting stale fucking memes from turn 1 is a waste of my time and there's plenty of other places to do it.
>Spouting stale fucking memes from turn 1 is a waste of my time
But this """"""game"""""" IS a stale fucking meme and a waste of time.
>about how rape is bad.
False advertising! 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape.
Alright, becuase reading this... "Game" is obviously a waste of time, can someone who has read the "rules" give us a tldr
just read the last page it's literally the tl;dr
How is it, system-wise? Is it well-designed, or is it as poorly put together as I'm assuming it is?
I guess I just have trouble believing that someone who would use a roleplaying game as a vehicle for serious social commentary would know enough about them to make a good one.
The rules specifically that playing it for fun isn't fucking allowed you imbecile
its basically just freeform roleplay but with very strict rules on who controls what parts of what characters and the setting and events
more of a writing exercise than a game tbqh
>Uses of fiat
> narrates to how her body reacts to the "sexual act"
>Examples of broken fiat
> tells the that she has an orgasm
I think purely physical stuff is fine 'she shakes, she bleeds, her uterus prolapses out of her vagina and flops wetly to the ground with a 'splut' but you aren't allowed to go 'her hearts turn into pupils as her brain melts from orgasm' because the rapee is the one who controls emotions and mental shit while the rapists are only controlling body shit
Discussing this dumb game is so far better than boardgame night was, 'victory points' are a blight upon boardgames i sware to good
So what if we combined it?
Gangrape the board game!
Gangrape the ccg!
Gangrape the flamethrower!
This game would be so much better if there was a weeb version set in Nanking.
You can't tell her she enjoys the rape, that's mental and is the woman's prerogative.
Needs a lot more detail. Most rapists do know the victim quite well, by rl statistics it's closests and dearests you know?
you gotta tell us more about her(male).
>Most rapists do know the victim quite well,
I hear in Sweden they are the first place where the opposite is true
Can we play with monstergirl rapists?
I'll play that.
Rule 4, for all non Swedes closest and dearest applies.
There's a lot of shock value in that too, anyway.
"Gang rape is a short, game master-less jeepform game"
Since it's Swedish maybe it's to train the local Muslims that rape is bad, since they apparently don't know that.
I worry less about whatever moral lesson it's trying to teach, and more about whether it's implying that GMs are inherently 'problematic'.
This actually sounds more retarded then FATAL. FATAL at least can be (vaguely) excused by some edgy as fuck kid trying to be funny(?) and edgier.
But this shit, this shit was made by an adult who actually thought this was a good idea.
... dude, have you ever read FATAL?
It was precisely a grown-ass adult who thought it was a good idea. He did actual research and thought it was accurate somehow.
The victim is the GM, the resolution is a bit unusual but it's quite obvious.
I mean, at the same time, the game wasn't designed to be enjoyed or be fun in any way, it's just a vehicle for their message.
>The GM is a rape victim
This feels way too accurate to most foreverGM's experience.
>I'll trick a player into acting like a GM with a flimsy excuse for a game, and then I'll be FREE!
That's how this thing was born.
Didn't the dev for FATAL write it at like 16?
>first they took our comics
>then they took our cartoons
>then they took our videogames
>now they are trying to take our roleplaying games
When will it stop, Veeky Forums? Who can fight them?
It wasn't even meant to be played. At the con it was first run, it was included in a collection of 4 short scenarios, of which each group was supposed to pick 3 to play. Gang Rape was the scenario you were supposed to read and go 'nope', and play the other 3.
Of course that didn't stop people from playing it
Jeepform is a word which was used a while ago, as an alternative to free-form; I guess the image they try to convey is that of a game and its mechanics (which is the jeep) and the players inside being the passengers - so instead of free-form which essentially has no rules, it is a game where there are certain rules that box the players in, but play within those limits are relatively free.
It's needlessly complicated, and technically can apply to all games that aren't freeform. I don't know of anyone who seriously use it anymore, except as parody
This is actually pretty cute, apart from the nignogs, I like the artstyle.
If the artist could bring himself to draw proper humans it'd be a keeper.
yuni draws women really well too. Honestly would be one of my favorite artists if half of their drawings weren't of people with their spines tied in a knot, or with waists the size of a beer can, or full holocaust starvation mode
I honestly don't know how old they were when they wrote it, but I do know they claimed real research went into it and unironically touted it as the most historically accurate RPG ever made.
if he/they were 16 at the time, then that goes a long way to explaining it. But it doesn't make the whole thing any less retarded
The only way out is a click away and it sucks
I feel like FATAL is a lifelong passion project.
i do not care to enter your magical realm, sorry
They already did. Rules are so bad, you won't play it anyway. Checkmate, cis white males.
Can the rape victim be a 12 year old boy? If so I'm down to play.
>Rapists control the woman's body and behavior
>Rules say only the woman can kill her character
>But say nothing about other forms of violence or harm
One of the rapists could immediately declare the woman goes into shock and passes out for two days, completely ending the game.
>Woman has control over the rapists' feelings and behavior
>"The rapist has sudden regrets and calls 911, alerting them to the location and the rape.
But user, only women can be raped! What next, are you gonna tell us that adult women raped the boy?
that's a larp game, not a tabletop one, just saying
>Hey Veeky Forums! Who here wants to play a fun game of Gangrape, the Swedish RPG about how rape is bad.
the vast majority of people involved in gangrape report enjoying it, actually
>Jeepform is a word which was used a while ago, as an alternative to free-form
no you fuckwit, it's not an alternative, it's a specific kind of freeform
>Jeepform is a label used for contained, experimental and sometimes controversial roleplaying games in the freeform tradition, as designed by the larpwright group Vi åker jeep. Many jeepform games are documented by manuals, allowing them to be re-run at the convenience of the reader.
There's basically a rule that the player isn't allowed to try to end the game early through that sort of behavior. It's still a super shaky rule but those are directly addressed issues.
is that game actually supposed to be played?
what most people in this thread doesn't realize that it is a larp, a nordic larp to be specific and a jeepform to be way more specific.
As with most nordic larps it's not meant to be fun, and it's not meant to be enjoyed.
It's an artistic/educational tool. (although it's questionable if this one example is good for that or not)
The thing is, it's try to show people what the victim goes through in these situation, basically it's a form of sensitivity training.
BUT here is the problem: as you can see it's not well written. I mean in some communities it's hailed as the best hing ever, mostly among SJWs but most of the nordic larps that tries to do this sensitivity training stuff is horribly misses the point and sometimes even backfire. (there are more out there like, fat man down where the main subject is fatness, or ones that deal with racism, corruption, etc) So most of the time what you "learn" is that this situation sucks, you don't want to be in this situation. As others summed up: "rape is bad if you are raped"
So, where does this person post their work?
Gang rape the children's doll?
I dunno, kind of already understand that rape is bad.
>Every rapist will have his own musical theme
describing his assault
Choose your themes boys we gonna rape
Buncha limp-dicked faggots around here
You're terrible.
If only. Byron Hall, the main contributor, began roleplaying in 1980. F.A.T.A.L was published in 2004.
this is depression simulator all over again
Muh theme as a rapist. The bitch/cuck had it coming.
>fun is literally not allowed
Hang on, why isn't this Veeky Forums'a favourite game?
>instead of solving the migrant rape issue I'll make a shitty game about it, and not mention the migrants!
This might be a bit of a broad stroke to paint all of nordic larp as, but then again, noone really has a good definition of what nordic larp is, beyond Knutepunkt being its axis mundi
What I do know is that Fastaval, where Gang Rape was "run", has a lot of variety in their scenarios, most of them you're definitely supposed to enjoy.
>roll to see if you throw up and if so, how hard
>roll for mind break
>roll for spirit break
>roll for internal bleeding
Sounds like my fetish fun.
My biggest gripe is how he dedicates an entire page to each page number, making me scroll through 10 extra pages of faux-emotional hipster selfies.
Aside from that, like, whatever.
well, we can go into specifics but I presume this already exceeded the attention span of this thread...
But yeah,you CAN enjoy it but that's not the first priority
Viddy well little brother
You guys why would you play a LARP roleplaying a rapist in the first place.
Isn't that insanely awkward unless you're some kind of psychopath
Well this actually works really well
It's mostly just the LA part.
you mean me personally or why would anyone do that?
I was beginning to lose faith in Veeky Forums but good job, guy.
Is rape bad tho?
A lot of dad-music in general, really.
Rape, is for deh dahds!
So I've gone and read the whole thing, and at a couple points I thought this could be kinda hot if the rapists were futanaris
I find it hilarious how the author keeps on going like "dude this game is way too fucking harsh bruh like wow I'm so brave for tackling rape"