Bitcoin CASH

I'm a software engineer by trade, and got into Bitcoin in the beginning when people were still trading on forum threads. Those were the good old days. I've been really frustrated with the Bitcoin community lately. I never got involved out of some interest in hoarding BTC and just sitting on it. I fell in love with the idea of a transactable currency that takes the bank out of the equation. This is no longer the case.

I commented on a thread on /r/btc earlier in which I said that a big tell for me was the fact that while on /r/btc, Satoshi and the whitepaper are mentioned both in the header graphic and in the sidebar, while neither of which are mentioned on /r/bitcoin. I really think it speaks a lot to the community of both currencies and communities. I really enjoy the fact that the Bitcoin Cash community is focused around the same ideals that made me fall in love with the idea and the technology. I want this space to be at a crossroads of economics and philosophy again.

My first Trezor came in today and I was blown away when I moved my BCH onto it. It didn't cost me anything. It was done instantly. Say what you will about Bitcoin being the "original" Bitcoin or the fact that it has the most recognizable name in the space. BCH is what was outlined in the whitepaper, and BTC at the end of the day, is a broken and failing experiment.

I'm ready to get out of the memepool and join you guys on the light side. Cheers to this community and to BCH. I'm dumping all of my BTC for BCH

Other urls found in this thread:

And we are growing! Merchants are starting to adopt BCH while refusing BTC

fuck off shills. there are about 9000 altcoins that are faster than bch for transferring funds around.

three cheers for Bcash!!
Pip! Pip! Pip!

Some words from McAfee on BCH:

Enjoy getting fucked over down the road by Roger Vermin the male version of Hillary Clinton

Ive only ever transferred BCH once, but it took about an hour to confirm. Much slower than other coins I've used.
Perhaps one transaction wasn't representative, but still.

lel all I hear is corecucks screamin "DRUMPF LMAO" while cashies explain calmly that BTC is no longer adopted by merchants.

you probably sent to an exchange that waited for 6 confs.
Pretty much all BCH transactions are included in the next block

Like really? the only thing bch is focussed on is bashing btc core, and roger ver making money of all puppets.
Besides that, if you did research you would know its not even cheaper than ltc and will be just as slow and expensive as the original btc if it every reached that volume. 2 of rogers plans already failed, dont let him win. help the original btc get better slowly or pick an alt you like. fucking scam bch

Its focussed on being Bitcoin.

>will be just as slow and expensive as the original btc
Thats simply not true. They have 8 times BTCs capacity RIGHT NOW and when thats full they will raise the blocksize immediately.

lmao that design is no different from bitcoin, you can only assume that because hardly anyone uses bch. If bch ever got slammed like bitcoin does every day you couldn't assume that.

BCH has no point. Its slightly faster than bitcoin (and mostly just because very few people use it), but less secure, less people are able to run full nodes and keep the miner in check, its less trusted. And there are many different alt coins that do what BCH wants to do much better.

BCH is a p&d money grab, commandeering the bitcoin name and using a gimmick to shill people into buying in. Avoid it like the plague.

Oh look. A retarded shit tier wanna be 'dev'

Nigger the other chain has polymaths working on it. Stop being a Faggot.

Just bought some BCH, how mad are you right now?

I'm a software dev too and I'm disappointed with both the BTC and BCH communities.

BTC has fossil technology, BCH has fucking SHIT PR, don't even try to pretend big companies will want to adopt that shit and then have Twitter wars handed to them because they support pedophiles.

Welcome to the ETH LTC + alts era

Of course its the same design brainlet. BCH is bitcoin.
Difference: BCH will do as Satoshi intended and scale on-chain.

>ARK/ETH/VERT/anything moves super fast compared to bitcoin. Flippening is imminent.

actually BCH is the only coin that has big companies on its side.

All those Bitcoin centered companies that core fucked over by making BTC unusable in commerce?
Yep, going to use BCH.

Bitpay implementiing BCH is already confirmed. That means thousands of online shops will have BCH support while BTC gets removed from more and more shops every single day

Except if you knew how the blockchain actually worked you'd know its impossible to scale on chain because time is required by design to verify transactions. On chain transactions can never be verified instantly, its impossible.

BCH scales slightly better than bitcoin at huge disadvantages, including far more centralized mining, and making it almost impossible to run a full node on a normal computer.

Huge disadvantages to get a nominal increase, in the short term, in transaction speed. Bitcoin is doing ~5-7 tx/s and maxes out around 15-17, BCH does 1-2 currently. VISA can do 50,000+.

Keeping a decentralized block chain and offloading small transactions to off chain solutions, which there is plenty in development including the lightning network, is the solution. Not increasing one variable with disregard to the side effects.

You fags almost broke crypto

Its incredible how they literally are suggesting mt. gox era hack "solutions" for scaling bitcoin.


Dude I sent Bcash last night and it took just under a fucking hour. Your talking about instant? No. Also it didn't even let me change the fee I was willing to pay $1 to get my fucking money where it needed to go and it said no. Satoshi said he'd rather have layers added to bitcoin. Just like Ethernet if don't remember being a software engineer I'm sure you know how that scaled correct? Look there's honestly people spreading false ass shit. People need to do their own fucking research because yeah it was 1 cent but took an hour. So fuck that. Litecoin is way better and ripple is 10x better for transferring value. You know what's the best for storing my value? Fucking Bitcoin. Why? Because it's the longest blockchain and the way blockchain works is the longer it gets the safer it is. "Trust" roger ver if you please. Honesty like the guy. He's a fucking winner at life savage sun tzu type mentality but people need to understand what the true differences are.

>citation needed: the post

You do realize there are like 10+ companies working on crypto payment solutions that will probably scale hundreds of times more than BCH will?

> its impossible to scale on chain because time is required by design to verify transactions
This is not true. Its only true if you keep verifying with a single thread like BitcoinCore does (2017, lol). And yes it wont work on your arduino.
We dont need Rasperrypie nodes.

Check this talk if you want to see some actual research into Tps & blocksize that:

>making it almost impossible to run a full node on a normal computer.
Normal computers will be fine for years and years. RasperryPies wont work yes.
And in 2021 your average server will be a lot better than current.

Increasing blocks is neede as a stopgap until more scaling can be properly implemented.
BTC ignored this inevitable need for growth and will be replaced for that incompetence.

And nothing will stop BCH from implementing those (even LN if it works).
In the meantime on chain is the way, so the usable bitcain will replace the unusable one. Its that simple

you probably sent to an exchange that waited for 6 confs.
Pretty much all BCH transactions are included in the next block.

about fee, some clients dont let you change it since it 1 cent already and paying higher wont be needed since you will be in the next block every single time


>bcash shill, reddit
Daily reminder that Bcash is a fucking scam. Also pretty pathetic that Bcash only claim to existence is trying to trick normies who don't understand the difference between bitcoin and bcash to invest in this scam.

Not an argument

> Claims to be a SE
> Thinks Bcash is the next greatest thing after BTC

Is OP a brainlet or larper?

Are you this new to crypto? Go read about mt gox.

Hundreds of millions of bitcoins were stolen because a bunch of idiots thought they didn't need confirmations.

Stop listening to shills, do you own research about how blockchain technology works and the history.

how did I say confirmations arent needed newfriend?

You are saying 1 conf is enough. If BCH ever got slammed with traffic or spammed in an attack like bitcoin endures all the time you can't rely on 1 conf.

I was explaining to the newfriend why it took longer than expected. Made no assumtion about needed confs.

Have you bought your BCH already good sir? We are going to 10k

If you want to shill a fast coin, then please shill a better coin. Like LTC, Doge or Bean.

Daily reminder anyone who calls Bitcoin Cash bcash is a Blockstream paid shill

You said twice that BCH is only slow because exchanges are waiting for the typical 6 confs
You think all BCH transactions happen in the next block. Which btw can't be assumed at all if the network was every loaded anywhere near the level bitcoin is now.

The other problem is that BCH is less secure than bitcoin, as it has much more concentrated mining, and there are less people running full nodes. So arguable you need more confs, more than 6, not less. And again, you wouldn't be able to assume you'd even be in the next block if the network was being slammed.

1. BCH is much more secure than BTC
2. BCH is much more decentralized than BTC
3. Non-mining nodes are a burden on the network
4. You are a paid blockstream shill

>much more concentrated mining
What do you think all the current BTC miners will be mining once BCH is more profitable? top lel


All false, BCH is less secure and more centralized. Look at mining distribution, and the fact it will take a computer with many tens of terabytes of storage to run full nodes in the future, you are essentially blinding trusting the centralized miners if you can run your wallet on a dedicated server. While computer power is increasing, so is the trend for people to use more mobile, less powerful devices, with less storage due to more use of cloud based applications. For better or worse.

If BCH overtakes bitcoin it will only because both have completed failed, crypto dies out, or another altcoin takes over. It won't be BCH lol.

I usually dont screenshot things but this one I will have to smugpost in a month or so

Now that normiebase lets you buy/cash out BCH are we expecting the price to rise?

If so, why has it taken so long?

Its not fully launched yet. Full normiebase implementation is January 1.

Bcash, Meth, Btc, Schbeeteeshi

REQ will pwn them all, mark my words

With all this good news coming for BCH lately, I fully expect the price to tank soon.
I'll buy the dip though.

BTC is a store of value. You can't spam transactions to attack the network.