Is this legit Veeky Forums?

Is this legit Veeky Forums?

Someone is selling a private key for a wallet that holds 1.1 Bitcoin on Twitter

Do I risk it and buy it or what?

Other urls found in this thread:

drp and sonm might get listed on coinnest and moon pretty hard

Lmao no.
The guy is holding $16k and is deciding to sell it for less?
Only a brainlet would believe this.
If it's too good to be true, it 99.999999% of the time is..

I know that but stranger things have happened

Okay put yourself in that geezers shoes.
You have 16k worth of btc, would you sell it for less than its worth?

You sound like a dumbass

Ask yourself, would you sell $17,000 for $1500?

Why? I've seen stranger shit happen on Veeky Forums let alone within crypto

You know what, I am more disappointed in myself for believing there was no longer people stupid or gullible enough to fall for this shit.

God damn... gunna upload a few scams to Satoshibox myself, you interested? 2BTC for only 0.1, better than the one you're considering

obviously not but see this is crypto were talking about

Go for it my man place a 10.5 to 1 bet on the basis of "stranger things have happened" Don't see what can go wrong.

everyone knows the value of btc, I find it unlikely he is selling it to you for fear of being caught, he is scamming you.

i dont have the balls to do it

at worst: i lose 1.5k
at best: i gain 16k


just give me your 1.5k, better you get nothing for it from a quality guy like me and not a scammer like him. im looking out for you bro

Yeah 100% chance to lose 1.5K
0% chance to gain 16K

Just do it and KYS

>what could go wrong
try i lose 1.5k?

how are you so sure its a scammer though? there are some crazy fucks in crypto who i could see doing something like this

This is actually a legit Electum wallet, but it is encrypted has 2BTC in it

it could be an experiment or something
i'm actually considering it desu

>at worst: i lose 1.5k
>at best: i gain 16k
You are beyond retarded, your existence is an insult to the human specis

nice but obviously not

why? ive seen people on Veeky Forums give away 50btc for someone getting dubs in a thread
this is crazy too, but ive seen worse

Its probably legit just buy already

>Do I risk it and buy it or what?

Buy!! What could possibly go wrong?

>probably legit
wow you sure convinced me. i dont know tho i dont have the balls like i said

You're better off buying pajeet's porn collection:

My dick aches from jacking off too much to this

my sides

yeah but all jokes aside, imagine if it was legit. i just want to know if it is or not now

Funny thing is, you'd have more luck trying to crack this Electum wallet

depending how long the password is that could be done though

If I do it and lose the 1.5k will you fags help me out?

I'll give you 3BTC if you live stream your suicide

but id be dead user

It's for your parents, god knows they deserve it

Might be legit.

Same dude uploaded this just now -

Probably a rich fuck or something - shame I have no BTC left

>yfw i buy it and it turns out its legit

posted where?

This is worst than the tonydump scam
Fucking saged, kys

Buy it.

What are you waiting for?

It’s a great deal.

It's the same thing with the guy selling hundreds of credit cards for 50 bucks. Too good to be true and flat out non nonsensical.

I dont have the balls to risk 1.5k but i've honestly seen stranger shit happen though that is my point
it might be legit some sort of experiment etc

tony dump is a well known carder but pajeets took over it

ill match this

Damn bro you’re missing out on 14k gains.

Twitter group - whales being whales as usual

Some people just like the thrill of sticking $20k+ on SatoshiBox and watching nobody dare to even buy it. Leap of faith kind of thing, these guys are so rich they don't give a fuck... kind of a sick fantasy thing I guess

i saw a similar sale for private key of 2 trillion bitcoin for 5 BTC, guy is rich now

Fuck OP you’re missing out on s great opportunity.

What group?


It might be genuine. I remember a while ago something like happened on /mu/ and it turned out it was genuine

Its part of some puzzle possibly

Buy it.

What are you waiting for?

>selling hundreds of credit cards for 50 bucks.
That's about right for stolen credit cards.

It's easier to sell the lot 50-100 times, than try to card each of them yourself.

I don't have 0.1 btc
Maybe OP will buy it

Do it the guy probably selling instead of taking it to himself because he's scared

Reporting this thread now.

Scared of what?

Buy it bro

just do it you braindead fuckin retard lmao

Just report this thread.

It’s filled with pajeets trying to scam some retard here.

It might not be one

Reported pajeet.

wtf is this satoshi bucks
niggas sell even nudes there

Did OP buy it?

OP is the one who set up the offer/sale on satoshibox.

Do it. But a nice donation for supporting you in your risky endeavor would be appreciated once you gain. You make a good point so I support your risk.


I don't know I saw it as well

I think someone bought it

Or no they didn't. Page didn't load for a second



True tb h


they're everywhere now
biz is infested with them

I'm gonna buy if OP doesnt
