Discount restaurant edition
Galactic Federation
Eyyy what's going on?
Ehhh somehow we're not all dead, the Noo are militarizing so if you want I'm sure you could make some weapons deals there,and we're currently voting on how to deal with the Court.
Oh and space battles everywhere. But that's about it.
Still terrible then.
I'm sure I can work out some kind of peace deal with the Noo but I'll stay neutral on this war.
>hmm I didn't see this oh well
Just keep this one we'll use that one if we get close to the bump limit.
Yep the Horde and Ploraxians did battle and the Hive and Rumar both murdered each other in space.
They should settle the dispute with a Popsi.
What about a Croak?
Anything would be good.
How about some Drairy Queeb?
Really. In ploraxia we actually have real cuisine, rather than your weird interspeciessex soylent green mashup. Even these restaurants actually serve FOOD in Ploraxia, so much better than UE franchise.
Well... I can sell about 200 corvettes towards the Noo. These are about half PD blockers, and half torpedo boats.
Murtan Dew is better.
Well not even you could resist a McNaldos Big Nald. And besides at least the UE didn't lose their flagship to a bunch of space slavs.
I'm more of a Drascon Drobbins guy for ice cream.
That was a standard line dreadnought. It is easily replaceable, and in fact, the replacement for that is almost done. Our flagship is about the size of a small city (in crew) and it would be hard to take, I'll say that. It has four tachyon lance arrays.
And another thing. You remember seeing that battle, right? Some of those ships were ploraxian. The federation fleet is 85% ploraxian ships. We started the entire federation, for that matter.
Oh my.
My favorite is Rot Bore.
A whole flagship?
f̕irs͟t͘ of̵ ͠all
̕re̵me͞mb͘er ̶yo͜u̸r na̢me ̸t̷ag
̀se̶c̶on͜d̨ ̨ǫf͘ ͟a͡ll
̡when̷ ͢yo͘ur͞ a͢re bȩi̛ng̷ m̨or̕e̶ ̀o̷f a̸ ̵arro̡g̡a̕n̸t p̢e͡d̢ant͜ th̶en͢ th͟e͡ p͜ǫin̸t̨y me͠at
th̀e̸n yo͟u͠ ͠ne̶e͡d͡ ̢to g̀et̡ o̧ve̛r y͢o̵ur̵seĺf
w̢e could̶ ta̢k͢e t͝he ̵e̴nti͠re fedér̨a̴t͘ion o̕n a̸t͡ once̢
b̶u̡t̡ you don̨t se̴e̴ ͡us strutti̶n̵g͟ ͞ar͝o̧und̀ li͡k̀è over ̛si͢z͟e͟d̶ ͝ṕeac͡oc̷ks͝ ͡a̛b̴o͘ut͜ it ̢d̛o y͞où?̴
̀th͝i̢ş ͟i͜s ̵a fe̶de̴r̶a̷tio͝ń n͘o͠t ͠ą bra̵g̶g͠ing̛ ̨c̡ont̀e͜st͠ ̕
As I remember I was the one who came up with the Federation fleet and it was UE ships that first made it up and comprise a majority of the fleet. And besides that while your flagship seems quite mighty the Horde have one of your dreadnoughts that they can reverse engineer and have taken one of your admirals prisoner.
But besides the pointless interstellar dick measuring contests we always seem to have we really should be focused on the Court and how to negotiate with them. Any ideas?
"͡ne͘g̵ot͞i̕a͞t̨e" wit̢h a v̛e͟r͟y larg͠é e͠x͟tra ͠di̢meǹs͘ional c͡r͡eatur͡ę ͟an͞ni̕h̶ilatin̵g͠ ̨w̨ea̷pón̶
and̷ ̕by̢ ̷neg̕oti̷at͠e I m͢eąn mu͡r̢der͞i̢z̵è
Rot Bore is pretty good too. I'm glad there is someone else here who knows about fine dining.
Well the threat of destruction could be our negotiating tactic. Much like Mutual Assured Destruction was a tactic to stop the nations of Earth from destroying each other with nuclear weapons. But since we all end up dead we'll have to find a different way. Maybe we can give the Court another universe to destroy.
And yes the fleet's flagship is taken. But hey at least the Horde's offensive has been dealt with for now.
>A weapon to surpass the Court and the universe itself
How many is everyone going to buy?
Ok I'm here, anything after the Horde occur in my absence?
Well right now I'm trying to get some ideas to combat or negotiate with the Court. I don't know about you but my government does not want to be wiped from reality anytime soon. Other than that not much has happened.
Same as you.
Mnn...true enough.
Currently we are working with Carter to see if we can turn the Avarian extra dimensional weapons to our advantage.
How are your people Jaxara? Any new conquests to tell us about?
And to the Baron as well as you: what kind of extradimensional weapons can you muster?
Old Avarian tech, used to kill a great beast from the void thousands of years ago. It's called the Gate of Light, but we are working with Carter to increase its power to potentially harm the court.
Sorry for bothering you Mr.Karl, but I am planning on spending my next vacation on your home world, since I have always wanted to visit it. Do you have any recommendations for places to see and visit?
Well the ruins of New York and the city of New New York are pretty interesting. A lot of the structures still standing there are over a thousand years old. And the ocean city of Pacificus on Earth is quite interesting as they offer submarine tours showing off the ocean life and the history of how it was repopulated and brought back to health following the Eternal War. And the orbital shipyards of Earth and it's many war memorials are quite a site as well.
I will add those suggestions to my "must see list", thank you for the advice Mr.Karl
What are some places to visit on your homeworld? If you don't mind me asking.
Sounds interesting, though I've personally never been a fan of urban areas.
I'm Here
so when i show up everyone leaves
Well i guess i'll keep the thread alive
Nah I'm still here
well thats good so what did i miss
Besides the Horde attack, I believe the Court is getting aggressive and is forcing people's hands.
Ooc was doing some shit but just got done with it. And was thinking of doing a group google doc of like Federation history and some of the thread highlights for days like today when not a lot of people are online so I'll post the link shortly.
I knew of the horde and now we are fighting the court,wait who the hell is the court
Some collection of extra dimensional devourers it seems.
oh,well lets kill them and get it over then
I wish it were as simple as that. They are not of this dimension, so weapons of great power are needed.
They blew up reality and then put it back. And in doing so one of their members got turned into a child who's powers are slightly weaker. Speaking of the Horde as well do you think they are behind the disappearance of the Eortans and the Dominion? The Conclave has been silent as well along with the Iron Blooms...
i have fought at least to gods and live to tell da tale, give me a few days
Just don't go getting devoured by this thing.
being devoured would just let me rip it apart from the inside
I feel that's it's not so much the conventional consumption here.
>Carter walks in
I agree with Rukaar,we could kick their ass if need be.The UE already can weaken them,and I'm helping Taxla weaponize those gates,along with my own weaponry.
But I'd rather negotiate with them.OMEGA is a good person to talk to,and it's rare that I find others who know so much of alternate realities.
I mean,I'm making my own weapon,anyways,and unlike yours,mine may actually be able to kill them outright soon.But we all need to work together.
Taxla,you only have one gate,correct?
Is OMEGA not insane though? Or is that just the standard of his world.
ha I'm right for once and i still have that ARK buried on Ru
And besides I don't think a Rumar Lord would be the healthiest thing to eat either even if it is a giant omniscient entity.
Well what is yours Carter? And even if it is able to kill one they might come back in the same way as Asmodeus and we don't know what it is currently capable of.
Are we going to ram them with the ARK or something? Or are we going to ram the ARK AND Ru at them?
Perhaps attempting to digest the immortal space shark king wouldn't be the most clever move.
do you know what an ARK is boy?
By that logic,I am insane as well.Sanity is not preserved in most other worlds,and may be entirely different from our definition.He is a product of his reality.And insanity does not equate to stupidity.
Also,don't make more of those gates.I have an idea.
What was the ARK,again?
ASMODEUS was not killed,he simply was changed.But trust me when I say that even if they cannot be killed,I will force them.
I am afraid I can't reveal much more.They could be listening,after all.I can say one thing,though.
Inkito's mech gave me inspiration.
Well,Rumar can still be eaten.
Just that Rukaar may kill them before he's digested.
We have three, although the Gate of Heaven is a extracter, the Gate of Light might not be powerful enough and the Gate of Sorrow was never finished.
Please inform me Lord Rukaar what is it's capabilities?
Well Carter you live in the Wastes so to the outside world you might as well be crazy but that's beside the point. Is the weapon space borne at least?
Well perhaps you can salvage parts from the Gate of Sorrow to make the Gate of Light more powerful.
Well back when my kind were not idiots,we battled one race whose name we forgot.After many years of war we finally won,but at a price.The ARK was their greatest weapon,or at least one of them.If activated it can consume all forms of Mass,Matter,Reality,and even Anti-matter in an area.It erases anything from understanding.
The Avarians are quite insistent that we complete the Gate of Sorrow, that it is the answer to our problems as of late.
I can have a transport fleet full of raw materials and minerals to help aid you in your construction. Anything you need to help construct it just call on me.
Well perhaps we can put it on an AI piloted ship to take it to the center of the Court's domain and detonate it but it is up to you Rukaar.
Sure,you can do that.But the Gate of Light has potential.A lot of it,in fact.
Just need to finish my Void experiment.
Well,yeah,I kinda am,but I am also a genius.Of course it's spaceborne.This weapon is just one product of my work,but it is also the only one which will not decay outside the Wastes.
Perhaps it may work.However,the Court is made up of Oblivion,or unreality.I analyzed it after the Entity was borne into space and then defeated by ASMODEUS,and while it quickly emanated away due to its lack of a master,I got a quick look.It's the antithesis of reality.Not even antimatter,just a nothing-something.
I cannot harness it,but at least I have a general idea of why.It is practically nonexistent,and I mean that literally.
Again,it destroys reality.The Court is not made up of reality.
We could use it against the Legions?They may be weak enough to be affected.
What does the Gate of Sorrow do?
The help is much appreciated. The tonnage of metals needed is huge, and the fabrication costs too.
Where the Gate of Light burns, the Gate of Sorrow causes the being to collapse in on itself and implode rather spectacularly, or so it's intended to do.
Well they kind of our but it isn't our reality Carter so it should still be able to harm them.
And I have created this document that we may use to mark down all significant Federation events and notes from our meetings.
I'm sure the Emperor will understand that the salvation of all life is worth billions of tons of minerals.
Oh.I mean,maybe that'll work.I don't know.
I still need to finish making another Voidspeaker out of Void Heretics.
it erases understanding,thought,concept,existence itself,that is why we never use it
Noted Karl, your help is very much appreciated for this project.
Perhaps fire both at once and see what happens to it.
What do you mean,it isn't our reality?
If the Court is in another reality,we may not be able to harm them with it.
Salvete! Is this thing working?
I mean,thought is overrated,but if it erases existence,maybe it affects their existence as well.
It's worth a try,but not yet.We must deliberate on our course of action.
Holy shit,is that..
Hey,didn't you get me my Italian?
I vote we try negotiation.And by we,I mean me.I have a plan,anyways.
Personally I would rather avoid a fight for reality if it can be avoided, so inside with Carter on the matter. We will still build the Gate of Sorrow and upgrade the Gate of Light.
If you are the same strange thing that burst into the senate and stole a lunch then no.
That was my great great great great grandfather.
well to charge the machine we have to kill a star so
Damn then your enemy must have been a hell to beat. My respect grows for you Rukaar and your people.
They are from a different dimension or different realm of space. Honestly I don't know what the fuck they are but hopefully it feels pain.
I don't suppose you know any space lobsters?
I vote for war. We can hit them now before they can adapt to our weapons and if we wound them bad enough that might convince them to leave us alone. The UE will not be defenseless.
Ehhh stars are a dime a dozen. Feel free to.
Then it would be best to wait.Sacrificing a star is no biggy,but negotiation is smarter.
Well,I vote negotiation.
Oh.Sorry,then.I was rather hungry.
So,it must have took a while to travel the multiverse.How'd you do it?Magic?Tech?
A strange rabbit?
it was my great grand father that lead the war to end them
We took the glowing portal thing you left behind
No but I am fond of shellfish
Okay let's list the things we can negotiate with:
-Destruction of the Court
-A different universe to be sacrifice
We don't have a lot of options.
Well I am glad your people are victorious. It still amazes me some times how courage and grit can overwhelm superior technology.
W̮e̙ ̳̺̼͎̫̗̥t͇h͖̳̰̘i͙͙͔̦̠n̩k͚͕̠̪͖͇ ̟w̦͕̱͎̪̻e͎̠̘͚ ̤s̭̣̝̻h̗̱̹͕̱o̩u̮̙ͅl̠̞̹̭̠d͈ ̞̼͕n̳̤e̥̻̙̯͙̤g̤̮ot͓i̩̰̫a̺̹te͕̭̺̪̤̭ ̘̳̜̮v͖̪̼̤̣̪i̥̙̥ạ ̻͖̖̜v̜̟̯e͍̤̺̥ͅr̦̱̙y̯̦̝͕̞̰̠ ̟̯͚̘̺͎̖l̩̞̹̹ar̭̘̪̬͙̹g̮̰̺̯̠̦̺e͔̰̙̹̥̜̣ ͉̫͙̰̞ex͚͓p̬l̻͇̥̪͈os̳͉i̺o͈̬̭̳̪ṉ̳̦̝̬̺ͅs a͙͉̺̗n̗̰̹d̩̱͍̞͔̜̭ ̹͖̤̖̱a̖̞̜pp̫̙l̘̭͎̜̟i̩̱̟̪̜c͓͇̩̘͈̰a̦̺͉̝t̜̯i͙̤̞͖o͚͖̥n̰ ̫̮̪͍͎̮o̙̫͕͔f̣̹̤̞ͅ ̪̮͔̦̬̼v͙̗i̺̮o͎̰̮̟l͎͕̳͍e̪̞͇͙̝n͎c̹̙e̩͖͉ ͕̩̗
Oh.Shit,must have left it on for a minute too much.Still,must have taken a while to develop the shielding,if your dead ancestor is any evidence.
Well,we have quite a bit.I have an idea,myself,but I'd rather wait for ASMODEUS to arrive first.
Also,we could just kill them if it doesn't work out.
Well, we have many sites to see. We have the Asoo-Seeva Canyon, a beautiful natural wonder that goes on for miles. You can also visit one of the many small towns scattered around, you will find it cozy, and the last thing I can think of from the top of my head would be to take a tour in our senate building and visit the capital in general (OOC: I just now realized that I haven't written any fluff on the capital city on Jhool Prime)
That won't work.Explosives won't work.
Unless they can harm extradimensional entities,which I doubt.
W̳h̜̱̗̬͍̭̥y̤̟̦̜͉ ͙̰͖w̱̘o̞̼uld ͍̺y̟̪͓̖̤͔ͅo̳̰͓u͙͔̹̝ ̮͙̱̱̜͈̭ha͉͈͕v͔e̮͚̗͉ ͎̟͎̝̖̺̱e̻̣̬̘̩̩x̥̙̼̤̙ͅp̻̻̮̮l̼̠̪o̜̱si̙̮̝̻̬o̟͎̗̻̠n̳̖s̟͕͔͖ t̬̮h͚̬͖͙̦͎ͅa̦̟t̩ ̻̞̥̫̠̣d̳͖͍̖ͅon̙̙̠͙'̩̳̮ͅt̠͙͚̖͎̦͉ h͉̜ur̯͚̩̺̯͚t̝̼ ͉̖e̬͕̻̭̬̫x̳̭̮̮tr̫̗̪̬̬̦a̘̞̬ ̥̯ͅd͕̙i̟̗̞̮̯̣m̟͎̠̼̰e͕n͖̻̟͉͚͕̹sḭ̹̪o̬̥̘ͅnal̺̳ ̗e̱n͚̱̤͙͈͖i̹̯̬͔̥̗ț̹̗̫ys̙̫̯̠̯ͅ ̝̞͕ͅ
e̦͚x̼̮̮̱̞̱p̰̠͇l̞̻̗̜̦ͅo̜̪͖̥̮̮s̟̫͇͍͙͍i͓̬͙̯̪̬v͍ḛ̖͖̮ ͔̠͓̖̳̺͉s͚͎̬̺̹̼͚h̺̰o͉̮̦u͓̰͚̹̪̹ͅḽ͈d͍͕̻͕͙͙ͅ ̤̻̰̙͕̖̞b̳̖e̗̪̙͎͈ ̫ḁ̻͇b͙le̱̯̼̤̫̺̫ ̩̻t̳̩̜̠̰̗o͕̹̱̬͔͍̬ k̯̖͎̥̳͉i̘̻ͅl̩̯l̘̯͖ ̜͈͉̯a͎̭̥̺͈̞n͇̣̻͖̮͓̺y̠̠̮̥̝̣͈ ̺͔̞̗̪̻ͅt̩̞̻̥h̩͎̹̼̩̦i͍̪̠̱n͕͇ͅg̮̣̠
͇͚͔̟̫o̦͇̺̠̻̪ur͕̰s ̹c̘̭̰̜̫̜ạ̰̬͇n̬͈͖
Well,I do.But I doubt you do.01 did say you were batshit insane,so it makes sense that you think your explosives can harm anything.
Before we could take our empire Ad Astra we needed to take it all over terra firma. That took a while, we kept finding places we missed.
I will stand by what I have said, but in this time of crisis I feel that someone more aggressive is needed to lead the wartime diplomacy of the Dukedom.
Un̛i̧t O̡nè ̷j̴ųst says ͜ţhat ̴b̧e͡causè ̷he͢ ̶wa̶n͘t̛s ̵eve͢ry͟on̛e͡ ͞tó be̴ ̢f͜ŗie͜ńds͞
w̸ę u̵ndęr͝stan̛d͝/̨kno͟w̸ tha̛t ̷w̵a̢r is ͟in̴évi͝ta̸b͜le͘ an͞d th͘at͢ w̷e̷ s̢ho̶ul͘d͢ ̷b̛e ͟ready ̕t͘òp͠ tal̷e̡ o̢n̵ anyone̷
̢as o͜f̧ th͠is̡ m̨òmȩnt wè ̧h̸av͠e at̀ ̕l̡ea̸s̡t̕ f͟iv̀e͜ ̡co͟n̸tìng̴ency ̧p͢lans ̢f̛o͠r ̨fighting͜ a͘ny ̵one̸ of̨ t̕hȩ fe͡de̛r̵a͞t͝i͜òn͠ ͠s͜tat̕e͡s͝
w̨e'r̸e ̛n̡ot ́cr̡a͘z̸y ̸just͜ ̕c͝onsi͞dere̕d o͡verl͠ỳ aggrȩs̵sive ͢an͡d paŗano͡id̛.
̨but ͡w̛ę kn̷ow̶ ̀w̴ar
̴w̵e ͝lóve war
͜a͠nd̸ we͘ can̷ k͢i̢ll e̵xtra ḑim̀en̢sio̧nàl̴ ͘t̀h̕íngs
th̨ȩy̛ ͞tr̡y͟ ͘to h͡ij̕a͞c͜k thę h́i̕ve͝min͜d ̡al̵l th̢e͘ ti̸m̵e͟ we h͢ad̀ ̕to leąrn͝ ͠how̢ to ͠k̕i̧ll͠ ̶th̀e̛m͘
Well what about pincers? Even Court entities probably feel pain and the Prethoryns have a lot of claws...
Well we don't really know if we can kill them. It seems quite interesting Speaker maybe I'll have to visit your world as well.
Oh.Well,okay.Now you're here.
Want some of our food?
War isn't inevitable.It's just pretty easy.
Either way,your contingency plans don't scare me,considering I am in the Wastes,and extra dimensional possesion is different from fighting a being that eats universes.
I mean,not that different.But a moderate amount of difference.
Your bombs may not work.
Maybe not in their form,but we can kill normal reality beings,can we not?
The Duke has decreed a General sit for the Dukedom for this crisis, so I must take way for that time.
Ooc be back in 20 minutes or so gotta do something
w̜͖͔̝̩̣̥e̱̼̟̯̠ ̗̥t̹h̞̺̰̮̭̜in̺͉̺͙͓̠ͅk̥̺ ̞j͈u̼̺̣͙s̱͓̼̩ͅt̖̻ ̬̳s͎hoo̟̭͓͎͓̤t͍̫͇̩̙i͎̹͈͎̭̹ng̣ t̯̖h̖̜͖em̟̮̮̹ ̤̪͉̳w̩͙̣̜i̯̩̺̘̦̺t̜̳̱h̺̭̼ ̹̦l͉͇̭̪ḁ̗̮̮̘r͚̜̟̥̭͈̻g̠̱e̩͍̰̞̯ ̦̘̫̩͉͚̬a͓̥̺̱̘̜͍mo̟u̮̪̞̭̩nt̙s o̗f̙̘̟ ̟̹ͅp͉l̳͎̞a̩̼͓̫̳̣ͅsm̘̖͕a͕̦̹ ͈̳̟w͕͉̮͎͔̜i̞l̮͎͓̙̥ͅl b̪͕͕e̤ͅ m̯̫̣̳̗͎ọ̗̟r͍̜͔e̠̺͍͕͍ ̭͉e̮͚f͓͎̳̯͈̮̖f̙̖͇͔̘ͅi͈͈̦̣c̞͙͚i̬̥̖͙en͖̯̹̳t̳̩̮̩ͅ ͅ
Why not pinch them with a plasma claw?
And Baron in case of war as well 1000 of our Sons of Mar assault troops have pledged themselves to the defense of the Dukedom. Feel free to use them in any way you see fit.
So we bring them into reality and then we shoot them? Not the most elegant plan but I like it.
s͖̞̤͙h̙̥̘o͈̣̪̼o̟̠͓ṱ̠͉̣̝̦̱i̪̝͚ͅng ͎̻͙̤̱̪a̼l̖w̦͉ay̮̰s͙̪̱͓ ̞͚̻͚w͇̦̥̙o̹͔̘̝̹r̭̰̣̱̤k͖̬s̥.
̹̫̻i̩̺̮̼̜ṯ͉͖͎̘̖̹s ̖̯̪̠͇̪j͇̠̙u̺̰̺̩͕͔͓s̙͍̜̺͇t̤͈̳ ̙̥̮͚̙͖̳a ̥̘̦q̬̥̻̱u̠es̜͓͔̜̻̟t͚̬̝̮͉͙i̻͍̪o̭͈͉̯̙n̩̺̪̩ ͍̟̥͎̗͖o͉f̫͇̫ ̫h̪͔̘̺͚̳o͔̣̩͖w mụ̰̤͚̩̦c͚h̰̰͕̝̹̺̱ ̞͈̮ḭ͈̫̦̗̹͓t͓̺̫̠͉ͅ ̱t͕̰̦͓̹a̱̖̪͍̮ͅke̮̦̯̘̬̬s̯͓͈
̗͙̪̺̫w̠̤̻̼e͍̹̟̗ ̟̜̠̠̪̬̠t͍͓̯̯̤͖hi̪n͓̪̮̟k͔̳͕̱̮͓ ̞͔͈̱̬̟̜we̺̙̟̰̤ͅ ̗li̠k̼̟e͕̰̗͉ ͕y̥̠̗o̝̦u͖̜̤̬̞ ͚͇ḫ̰e̤̬̳͎̦̪r̠̭r̫̫̣ ̝̙̜̣͈̫̖a̞̼̼̝d̥̫͖ͅm͔̥i̪̙͔r̩͓al ͔̜͙̱̝