What linux distribution are you using for your crypto gainz?
What linux distribution are you using for your crypto gainz?
Fuck off nsa
unironically gentoo
c'mon guys
ubuntu, but i am looking to switch. any suggestions?
Windows 7
also looking for suggestions
ElementaryOS, it's ubuntu with pretty make up. Easily the most ready "out of the box" distro I've ever used.
Close your bitcoin longs. Looks like whoever put that sellwall at 14900 is trying to manipulate the price down.
Arch. A lot of updates, but rolling release means you're always running the latest upstream software.
Nocoiner here, do I really need to worry thismuch about being hacked for all my fake computer money if I get into crypto?
yes I think so, you don't want your magic internet money to magically dissapear
debian is a nice
Debian Stretch
I think that I'm going to download debian
but isn't linux mint based in debian?
Mint is debian with some hacked together fisherprice rice, literally the ugliest distro.