ITT we trigger Veeky Forums
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i steal people's 40k guys when they arn't looking
The Emperor did nothing/everything wrong.
I started a furry patreon to get enough money to pay Hiro to let quest threads back on Veeky Forums.
>alright guys time to make new characters for the new campaign
>"What's the setting, DM?"
>"Here's my character DM"
>most of this shit doesn't exist in this setting, redo it with x
dnd 5e is my favourite arr pee gee
I miss quest threads.
I painted my minis using paint straight from the pot.
Get out with your fucking nucanon.
Or if that didn't work:
Grognards only dislike fluff piece x because it's new. Grognards need to leave the hobby.
I have fun
>qt traps
>feminine penis
traps are fucking abominations, so i get the triggering
Furries are the best roleplayers.
*anything fun, creative but imperfect*
I want a table purely for the purpose of using it without coasters, to add as many water rings to it as possible.
I then want to cut the table up and use it to make coasters that I will use an epoxy coating to protect the water rings.
My RPG setting is explicitly a homoerotic kemobara sexventure.
What's a kemobara? Google's giving me a bunch of links I really don't want to click on.
Not that user, but judging by the name it is a burly, barrel-chested furry.
Hey guys I'm looking for a GM to run a low fantasy Pathfinder game inspired by Game of Thrones, with lots of political intrigue for my group and myself.
15 point buy and non-humanoid races only, we want to be focusing on the racism and struggle that Beastfolk face in their daily lives.
My GF wants to play a Catfolk Bard, so make sure they have a big role in the universe too.
We're really laid back and cool people and don't take our games super seriously, you know? Sometimes we'll just joke around and share memes from 9gag and have fun, and hopefully the GM can join our group as a friend too.
God that fucking hurt to write.
Not triggered, I would enjoy a group of irl friends.
critting skill checks
>Hey guys I'm looking for a GM
I'm triggered already.
>Raiden as a space marine
Can we also have Snake and Ocelot?
I would peg him more as AdMech since he's heavily cyberized.
>Do you want flock therapy?
No, but I would like some flock therapy lol XD
because I seem to always see my base under the grains of sand I put on for decoration. I also always manage to get coarse grains of sand on the hood and boots of my minis.
I forget to point out rule oversights or infractions that benefit me in a game
Would you guys like to hear my incredible and true greentext story where I rolled 40 natural 20s in a row and did some crazy and epic things?
such a premise defies probability
though I do enjoy creative fiction
Hey guys, we have a GM who's willing to run a campaign set in the stalker universe and we're looking for players.
The GM is slightly autistic but he's an okay guy. I met him browsing /k/.
There's a series of fanfics called the infinite loops.
Certain characters in various settings are trapped in a groundhog-day style time loop.
Sometimes things are different, sometimes they take over for a character in a different setting.
This includes pone.
Pinkie Pie took over for Slannesh one loop.
Oh, and Leman Russ is dating Nyx.
This was after Fluttershy woke up on Fenris one loop, raised Leman as her son, and beat the hell out of the Emperor for being a terrible dad.
>Offering a game in the most Cheeki Breeki setting with a GM that understands the true soul of the Slav.
>This is a bad thing
The /K/ube frowns upon your heresy, user.
got the trigger I needed, now I can build my AK-47 with .338 ammo feeder.
You win. Even ironically written this ruined my fucking day. Congrats and fuck you faggot
Whats wrong with the Blood Ravens?
>that fucking face
I agree. That thing is not human, so it couldn't possibly be a man.
My game contains heavy political themes.
It's basically a liberal paradise where all races live in harmony. Men and women are equal, guns are banned, and gay marriage is legal.
The players are allowed to play pretty much anything but a white human since they don't exist in the setting.
I honestly had to open the thumbnail to realise it was a girl, and not just the typical hairetic that the Blod Revuns typically employ.
What about albinism?
Discriminating against genetic defects is ableist as fuck.
What about transhumans tho
So what's left for the players to do if everyone's living in paradisaical harmony?
This... This isn't actually a bad idea.
The first sentence may be triggering, but the second just makes it autistically brilliant.
Sauce, user?
Thats actually kind of endearing really. Like you're keeping a memento of your gaming group by immortalising the drink rings.
Theres better ways I guess, but then you're getting into the kind of realm of plastercast hand prints and photo collages.
Heartwarming but kinda creepy by current standards.
Albinos don't have to be caucasian.
Playing as an albino African American is actually encouraged.
Those are allowed.
Fighting villains and later befriending them after they teach them the error of their ways.
We all do.
It made Veeky Forums a lot easier to deal with than the state of the board today.
Great scott user what?
Please, please give Sauce.
Trying too hard. Premise was good, but you rushed to get it posted as fast as possible.
Where are the villains coming from if everything is so harmonious and paradisical?
This is my new legion, Veeky Forums. What do you think?
Can I be a rich nigga who transhuman'd himself white skin and caucasian features to look like roman emperor?
GW won't care, so long as you buy the models.
Good luck playing in a legitimate setting with chinaman models, regardless of how pone you make them
Thanks user, Have some more.
D&D 5e is better than Pathfinder not because it's more streamlined, but because players will get bored of it faster and move on to better systems, while Pathfinder seems to instill a level of idiotic fanaticism.
Also, hi, I'm Wayne.
Chaotic neutral is the best alignment.
>Body has stocky, cartoony proportions
>Head has lean, realistic proportions
Why would you do this?
Marines Malevolent actually get shit done, unlike the Sillymanders.
>Also, hi, I'm Wayne.
Would you turn off your fuckin... oh.. well..
Seems you've won.
Fuck you Wayne :^(
Quests should never have been banned.
So that with a helmet on, she'd have the same proportion as her mini, of course.
Did I mention they even have their own primarch, Persephone, so they can be fielded in 30k?
I hope everyone likes this new character I rolled up.
Your job has a GM is to run a game for the players. If they want to do something, it's up to you to figure out how to make it happen.
Honestly, I don't mind that at all. Like, there's a difference between being simply indignant, and saying "I thought [blank] would be cool, so I made my own group catering to that," while participating in the hobby normally.
Why isn't that ork green and really ugly?
I'm mostly just wondering how the Emperor would end up with a female clone of himself.
Sounds like one of the few contexts where being a That Guy who seeks to ideologically subvert the setting is actually justified.
We don't talk about 2 and 11 for a reason, user.
Why would a Primarch use Ork armour? Why use a weapon you'd have to go and retrieve after every use?
beautiful piece of art, but then I noticed that the boobs were comically big
>ctrlF elf, slave and paladin
>0 results
>Atheist hyenaman Chaotic Paladin with his elf slavegirl gf
The Emperor wanted to know if a female version of him would just be an emps with tits or an actual good looking primarch,
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
At least
is fun. I could imagine people having fun with this concept.
Fucking this
Is the polar opposite of fun. Boring colour scheme, no interesting heraldry, their only gimmick is "I'm a wimmin"
If they actually went with that tribal theme persepherone's pic kind of looks to have that could be really interesting, there's some aztec SOB art that's fucking 10/10, but nope. Teal featureless armour and lesbian tumblrite warriors. Their battle cry is probably "Humongous what?"
A political statement is not a theme.
Thank you mate.
I'm pretty sure the head on that spear is a bolter shell. Probably supposed to be some sort of desperate insurgency sort of thing, so they have to improvise rocket-spears and make do with scrounged armor.
wtf I love trees now
All right, here's my character concept, a gay filipina who got involved in an illegal libertarian weapons smuggling operation because she wanted to obtain a handgun for her disabled girlfriend who's in a wheelchair and needed a way to defend herself. It turned out she (the filipina) actually sympathized a lot with the underground libertarian group's ideology, became radicalized, started smoking weed, and now she works in the dead of night to pull off top-secret black-market weapons smuggling runs to deliver guns to anyone who needs to exercise and defend their rights to bear arms.
Anyone else feel like the furry races in D&D are way underpowered?
Think about it, they're anthropomorphic animals so they have a major advantage over humanoid races. They would be stronger, faster, and smarter than humans and yet they only get +2 in certain ability scores.
I'm currently working on a homebrew that gives furry races +4 in one stat and +2 in another with no negatives, and a special ability based on their race. Is there anything else I should add?