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>How to Jumpchain
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Can someone link me to way back when people first started waifuing ziz?
no bible jumpchain yet?
So if I took Bribed the Doctor in the Terraformars with a piece of Zion from Worm, and also managed to somehow make him a companion, could I start the cycle on the Johj?
There was a Genesis wip
What's your favorite season, /jc/?
Zion sufficiently advanced exotic matter space crystals and Thus not a candidate for Bribed the Doctor,also considering that he is bigger than many planets and mosaic organs scale in power to how much smaller the animal is from a human , you're probably not going to be in a position to do much of anything with a Zion Mosaic organ.
A nice gentle winter in which the snow envelopes the land in its frozen grace.
No particular reason.
Fall, since it's not as cold as Winter and not as hot as Summer. I like the falling leaves more, the decline of shit head blood sucking insects. Spring is okay too, rains a lot and I love it when it rains.
Has three my favorite days of the year. Thanksgiving & Halloween.
Comfy covers, warm fires, cuddling, and hot chocolate?
Things like that, yeah. The cold temperatures are pretty nice, too.
You little shit.
I don't really know how much I should wank the Force. Is it essentially useless in the face of a small military or is it the planet buster plot device wielded by Palpatine and Nihilus?
How far do you take the Force after centuries of practicing with it?
Season 3 was objectively the peak of Jumpchain, but I would argue that season 10 was the most entertaining.
Seeing that you can do pretty much with it, I would say that it depends on how much time, effort and 'sacrifice' are you willing to put on it.
You're basically going to get nothing because Scion's shards that each individually grant the powers he has, are super massive, and vastly larger than you. That's if his weird biology is in any way compatible, which it likely isn't.
Duck season.
Autumn. It's much cooler than the summertime, but not as cold as winter. The leaves all change into beautiful colours. And it's the time of Halloween, which is my favorite of all holidays.
I even took Autumn as my magic in Chronicles of Narnia.
Conversely, I hate the spring. Absolutely loathe it. Allergies show up, and there's no consistent temperature. It's just freezing in the morning and blazing hot in the afternoon. Fuck spring.
There's a Chick Tract jump, which is almost as good (and possibly crazier).
>Seeing that you can do pretty much with i
I assume you meant "pretty much everything"? Anyway, doesn't the force kinda suck? Iirc it's telekinesis, precog, shitty healing, and some esoteric stuff.
Rabbit season.
In the EU you have the top tier contenders ripping the life out of planets and tugging the cores out of stars. Some of the feats would be hard for an Alpha+ Psyker to match.
remember that Jack was a hard line biblical literalist it's exactly as crazy as the Bible,no more no less
Reminder that you're full of shit.
yes, but not about this
Huh. Does any Star Wars jump actually allow us to get EU style force?
You can reach the level of the top tier force wielders and accomplish their feats. Here's the supplement.
Nah, this too. Literalists who borrow from texts filled with metaphors are crazy.
Depending on how powerful in the force you are and how much you've studied it, it can do quite a few things. Nihilus could consume planets with the force, and since he was the Star Wars version of Galactus he needed to. Palpatine could, at least in Legends lore, create Force Storm wormholes that could destroy planets, the Sith Emperor could dominate the wills of thousands of sith masters and did so to perform some weird planet killing ritual. Naga Sadow could create galaxy wide illusions and created a supernova at some point. Top end Force abilities
The supplement explicitly says you can train to get to those levels, but if you want to be Abeloth you'll need to perform the same thing she did, which would essentially turn you into some HP Lovecraft Force monster
Winter I guess.
I didn't Say he wasn't full of shit I'm saying I'm not full of shit for saying he is exactly as crazy as the Bible it interpreted literally.
Ah, but the esoteric stuff is the fun part. Mindtricks are simple, but force senses and tutaminis stuff can get pretty fun too for example.
Yeah, you can go to the EU canon in a bunch of them, and train up to that level anyway according to the supplement.
Original questioner here, how do you rationalise those feats in line with the feats displayed in George Lucas' vision?
wait, wait what?
> create Force Storm wormholes that could destroy planets
Kinda defeats the point of the Death Star, doesn't it?
Early spring for me, just when the snow is thawing out
He only mastered the technique after his Resurrection, supposedly.
>George Lucas' vision
Is schlock.
Also, Aboleth and the Family ended up showing up in his cartoon that he had approved of, so he certainly had no complaints with them.
>implying anyone cares about what George Lucas thinks
Yeah, I don't get it either.
How anyone could find season 10 more entertaining than season 5 or even 7 is beyond me. It was kind of a slow one, so I started to lose interest halfway through.
Uh, well that's a bust.
On a related note, could get Panacea's biokynesis, touch someone with an M.O. operation then copy it over?
Or just make a ridiculously broken microscopic arthropod with it, and get an M.O. operation from that.
>created a supernova
Well, that's certainly a lot stronger than the guys in the Star Wars movies.
It's just a little difficult seeing Qi-Gon Jin do a mind trick or run at 70MPH and then, in the same universe, have the Sith Emperor potentially wipe life out from the galaxy.
that second thing seems reasonable At least,I'm not knowledgeable enough about worm to say if the first thing would be though.
Someone give me opinions on my Charmed build, I've got about 3, really general, routes I'm considering.
The first one is simple and self-explanatory, Witch with Conjuring the Elements for the flexibility and raw power. After that, either support it with perks or just dump everything into being a Witch/Warlock to really double down on power.
Second is Witch with Transformation, Transmutation, and Find Weakness, then fill it out with odds and ends. This is a thematic build, and Find Weakness with the 2 powers means it should be fairly easy to just make whatever I need to kill things, but it lacks immediate firepower and requires preptime. Being able to just snap my fingers and turn anyone way weaker than me into a water cooler is pretty neat though.
Third is a boring Whitelighter build. I like support builds, and they have a lot of neat tricks I like, but being a Whitelighter means I'd be reporting directly to the Elders. From what I remember of the show, they're assholes and I'm not sure how long I could put up with it.
I don't. This is all EU stuff, which he had little jurisdiction over as far as I'm aware. Lucas had a vision of what the Force should be and other authors went somewhere else with it.
EU stuff is leagues beyond what's shown in the movies. George Lucas probably didn't imagine the Force being capable of any of this, and just sort of let other people do what they wanted with it. There's a reason Canon and EU are distinct.
>There's a reason Canon and EU are distinct.
Which has not much to do with Lucas and everything to do with Disney. You're kinda misunderstanding the old canon system under Lucas.
EU stuff has always been out there in comparison to the movies, which were really the only thing that should ever have been considered canon in my opinion.
>Conjuring the Elements
A waste of points. The raw power stuff in Charmed is laughably weak. Going for utility would be your best bet.
Fucking hell, it took me a moment to understand why it didn't work.
Good job you utter twat.
Fuck it!
I'll have Obi-Wan tearing up Star Destroyers and Darth Vader choke every bitch within a five light year radius of him. Make it consistent
>in my opinion.
Which isn't how they were set up originally. There were tiers of canonicity, the EU wasn't non-canon. And frankly, I disagree, because any scheme that lauds the Prequels while shitting on things like the KOTOR series and the Thrawn trilogy isn't worthy of of being considered.
what did you do in RWBY /jc/?
fight Grimm save Penny, sell arms, usual jumper things
The prequels are god awful, I would rather take KOTOR as canon any day. They are some seriously shit films. It would be in everyone's best interest to pretend they didn't exist. Star Wars only had 3 movies before Disney bought it and started remaking them with different characters
I wonder when the current filler will end. The current shitposter-kun arc is pretty meh.
Don't bother buying Transformation and Transmutation, just buy Molecular Manipulation. You'll learn to do that stuff and more after a while anyway, so it's just a waste of points. As for the Whitelighters, if you just do good you should't have to interact with the Elders all that much. And not all of them are assholes either, so you might have some luck as to who you report to.
>Everyone replies with "muh waifu"
Most of the shit that stands out is supposed to be special, like Nihilus being the product of a force blackhole and being completely inhuman and consumed by it, rather than an actual person.
>shitting on things like the KOTOR series
Who is doing this? They must pay for bringing dishonor upon best SW.
I made a build, never jumped it.
I'd disagree on that too desu, the Disney movies suck.
Also, what says. Palpatine at some point was mind-controlling the entire galaxy and creating force tornados in space that ate fleets.
>Upon spending decades immersing himself in the many facets of the Force, it was believed that Sidious had a mastery over all known powers, previously unknown powers, and could create new abilities on a whim. By the time of his final death, he had become a nexus of the dark side capable of tearing apart the fabric of space.
Kill the hunters, waifu the Grimm.
Disney and Bioware. Bioware with that piece of shit TOR, Disney by declaring all of it non-canon.
I mean, we've only had the two so far. Rogue one was only good for the Vader scene at the end, the other one was a shitty remake of A New Hope. I mean, seriously, powerful force sensitive on a desert planet that needs to blow up a giant planet killing space station? I wonder where I saw that before. Fucking disney...
Can we at least agree that Clone Wars was pretty good?
Accidently got a waifu, casually foiled Cinder's plot, then got Ozpin & co fired and replaced by people who are at least semi-competent. None of the good guys died. After that I tried to make permanent solution to the grimm, and met with mixed success.
>Bioware with that piece of shit TOR
>Giving Revan a face
They are the true monsters.
Ray or however her name is spelled is a less compelling protagonist than Rei would be.
The prequels were way better than the Disney movies. Full stop.
The one where Mace Windu crushes grevious' chest was better.
I hear that, but I never watched it. I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt based on other people's recommendations.
And making him pathetic too.
Batman: The Dark Knight Trilogy Jumpchain CYOA Version 1.3 By Batman user.*
Adam West Batman +0 necessary for now
Christian Bale Voice +100
Afraid of Bats +100
I’m Not Wearing Hockey Pads +100
rolling for location Roll(1d8)+0:4,+0 Total:4 The Bat Cave well this is awkward... But I'll just have him blindfold me on the way out . After telling them my incredible story
Rolling for age Roll(1d8)+20:7,+20Total:27 27 years old
Drop In stars god out of nowhere!
Trained by the League of Shadows free for drop in
unorthodox skills-100
research and development-200 discount for drop-in
a dark knight-300 discount for drop-in
Do I Look Like A Guy With A Plan?-200
Bat Car free for drop-in
Jumper Suit-100 and need me one of these
Clean Slate -400
*note inserting before Star Wars:KOTOR
the plan: you know Superman doesn't seem to exist in the Adam West Batman universe. So naturally, if Superman does not exist. We must create him, I put on the red, yellow and blue and be one of the most inaccurate portrayals of Superman ever. Well, not elseworlds inaccurate but you know what I mean basically fight crime in the big city and befriend Batman
>Rogue one
Why would they waste Best Actor on that role.
Not really. It had some pretty cool stuff, but it was pretty void aside from visuals. The only thing that was better was Grievous being menacing and competent all the time instead of just in some episodes.
Clone Wars was good. Rebels was also good in my opinion, but I agree with .
Don't know. He's a great actor, though I can only see him as Hannibal now, but to kill him off so quickly was a bad move. Fun fact, his brother is the voice of Thrawn in rebels
>waifu the Grimm
Using Abyssal to create hot grimm-waifus is the only correct way to do that jump.
To this day, I am still mad about how he went from an unstoppable killing machine to a cowardly loser who gets the shit kicked out of him most of the time.
>as Hannibal
Honestly, even with The Hunt being his best interpretation, But he has that 'uneasiness' aura that works much better when he is control of the situation.
>Bancho Superman
What could possibly go wrong?
RWBY (and Winter).
I also punched Cinder and her minions in the face during the ambush on the Fall Maiden. Then I punched Adam in the face. And then Salem and her crew when those showed up.
...Yet I somehow ended up employing Torchwick and Neo myself, and became a sort of a mob boss.
>Well, not elseworlds inaccurate
I specifically counterindicated that! also, I don't believe I would have the power to do that kind of thing. At that time in my jumping career
The worst part is that he was actually competent and good when not fighting any main character. He murdered a few Jedi in the series, although he still tied or lose to Master Jedi, while in the old comics, books and animated series he would still be a threat to all but a very few Jedi in the galaxy.
Maybe Grievous was too strong to be kept as a recurring villain without him start offing characters every time he appeared. So they needed either to create a new recurring villain that would sit well with the audience or simply use the old one and nerf him enough for the main characters to win the day without being utterly defeated in every single encounter.
Red Son was fun
Prevented HACKING NOISES. The whole plot falls apart without that virus, so things got weird.
Come on, Red Son Superman is nowhere near the kind of mess Bancho would be.
I loved that show
>I hear that, but I never watched it. I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt based on other people's recommendations.
I really must recommend it user, In the later seasons it gets even better and more crazy and everything starts to make more sense. Palpitine even gets some into some crazy fights showing how powerful he is
A better question would be 'who', the answer to which would be RWBY.
Anyone know this?
>I specifically counterindicated that!
Sorry, skipped over that. Still I feel like you would at least show shades of Red Son or Injustice Superman.
no affendi
Did Commie Supes make Soviet Union into a paradise? While Lex ran US into the ground because of the evils of Captialism?
I wonder what would happen if he had landed in Nazi Germany. Seeing we now have a Nazi Cap, Nazi Supes would be hilarious. Especially considering his creators were Jewish. Ironically Stalin sent more people to the gulags than Hitler ever did with concentration camps.
>Nazi Supes
He exists.
Wasnt supes wrong in the end, and it was Lex who created a Utopia?
Pic related wouldn't hurt Supes if everyone was happy in his communist utopia