Let's make a setting, Veeky Forums
> the only sentient species on the planet is aquatic.
Let's make a setting, Veeky Forums
>there are no oceans or other bodies of water
I love aquatic settings.
Okay, what kind of society are we talking about? A medieval kind of low-tech society with reef homes?
How do aquatic species deal with technology? You'd have to come up with something to replace fire... which is kind of essential to everything we do.
The undersea vore dimension.
You could work around it.
Or you make underwater forges. Not as farfetched as it seems. Volcanoes are a thing, even more so on the ocean floor, and it is definitely possible to harness that heat well enough to forge lower quality materials.
You wont be making quality steel, but that's not the goal here, anyway.
Alternatively, the aquatic races can be on land, and creates landbased forges, and has a few "Landdwellers" who has a workshop above the sea level.
Hmm, what if the species was amphibious, with a heavy preference for water?
Maybe instead of focusing on the fire-to-tools-to-more tools path, they're going the animal domestication-to-breeding-to-advanced biotechnology path. Add magic to taste. An aquatic race in a friend's homebrew setting seems to be on that.
I like the idea of there being a land/water dichotomy.
Another interesting thought is whether or not they are mammals.
Most fish lay eggs. Some fish, especially the bigger ones, are mammals.
Mammals tend to require air anyway, and would fit in.
Another thing about it, is that it would create a gap between the potential species - You'd imagine society would split in two if both were present, considering the vast differences between the two different types.
Then again, turtles can be on land or in water with no problem. So... turtlesmiths?
Damn, All Tomorrows has really affected this board
I like the idea of a high-tech aquatic civilization living in the dry desert wastelands of their once-pristine waterworld.
I have not read that, couldn't tell you if he has.
Salt Water people versus Fresh Water People.
In the coldest reaches of the world, there exist penguins. They are eldritch abominations.
>The species has four arms
It's a book about an alien species that turns humanity into a series of horrible biological monstrosities, and follows what happens to each of the eldritch abomination species left behind after millions of years.
>> the only sentient species on the planet is aquatic.
Sapient right?
How do we advance past the stone age?
Oops, meant to respond to you as well.
>Or you make underwater forges. Not as farfetched as it seems. Volcanoes are a thing, even more so on the ocean floor, and it is definitely possible to harness that heat well enough to forge lower quality materials.
Would you even start when it is so tough to get going?
It's one thing to use an underwater volcano to try to forge low quality materials when you know that fire and forging is a thing.
it's another when that hasn't happened ever
inverse scuba to walk out on land and do things with fire
filter out metal from seawater straight in specific shape
>inverse scuba to walk out on land and do things with fire
how would they craft the scuba gear and why?
>to get on land
but why would they think to do that?
To do things with fire is not an explanation when the species wouldn't have a concept of fire.
>humans arrive and kill them all
Cool, now we can get started.
>There is only one other "intelligent" lifeform on land. They are highly intelligent yet they lack any sapience and are the main antagonist. The fact that they are basically meat robots means their motives are unknown for attacking you or that they even exist.
fuck off
Inverse Morgawr? Sounds like fun
The main theme of the setting is colonialism and money making.
Boring since that means an aquatic civilisation can't use fire and therefore can't make tools or buildings. They exist at an extremely primitive hunting society and never achieve anything of note before the inevitable extinction
Its fantasy, we'll make up whatever bullshit we need to fill the gaps.
Magic (systems) could always be the answer.
That or some form of bioengineering technology.
>Magic (systems) could always be the answer.
Could be an idea
Alternatively I wonder how much smarter than us a being would have to become to go past the stone age under water.
Many limbed like an octopus so it starts by needing more processing power
At least familiar enough that players can project themselves into the race. Also it depends on nutrition, the amount of things to do and the culture. All which are pretty poor underwater.
Maybe the aquatic/amphibian species were former land dwellers that went underwater to escape some kind of cataclysm, thus justifying a psychology/culture familiar enough for humans to play?
>only sentient species on the planet is aquatic
>OP's image is a sailing ship
Well it would help, vast forge caves deep underwater. Also it would provide housing and safety.
It would also explain this.
what really sets of civilization and society is farming or more specifically abundance of food which can only be accessed by planning, patience, intelligence, essentially sapience. sure fire helped a lot but I think one could skip it. Say you have octopuses farming cyanobacteria at the surface on underwater mountain ranges, with perhaps occasional islands. These octopuses would develop societies and maybe even rivalry between mountain peeks.
A good reason to develop sailing is the wind and the ease of movement it provides. such ships would likely not be similar to our ships as they would not need have a deck above water. The ships would likely be like surfaced submarines with sails and the insides filled with water.
I don't see anything wrong with a stone age setting.
I want bronze
Why not magic?
I wish it was 2007 again so we didn't have all these damn teenagers on the board.
>2007 wasn't filled with teenagers
Are you feeling alright?
At least they were not fun hating teenagers.
Back then, teenagers on internet actually did things even if it was often bad while now they think doing anything is cringy.
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