What is your favorite non dnd fantasy game?
What is your favorite non dnd fantasy game?
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Pathfinder. :^)
Fantasy Craft
Why is it your favorite?
Probably Basic Fantasy.
13th Age.
Wakfu :^)
Really though, I liked Courage is Magic when I played it a couple years ago.
Spell Singer.
But I'm also a degenerate
its that a mlp game?
Ars Magica.
Shadow of the Demon Lord also has promise, but the mechanics kill every attempt at serious horror.
Does Deadlands count?
The cultures are exotic and have interesting quirks (eg, Xambrians get possessed by the spirits of their mass-murdered ancestors, Thralls are clones whose only differentiation is the tattoos on their bodies) and the magic system is very creative. Each culture has its own magical tradition and they're not interchangeable mechanically like in D&D.
The setting is weird fantasy partially based on the works of Clark Ashton Smith and Jack Vance's Planet of Adventure, which was great stuff. It doesn't have the stereotypical humans/elves/dwarves/orcs races, although some of them do look - emphasis on look - very similar.
Barbarians of Lemuria, thews-down.
Burning Wheel.
If retroclones count, Dungeon Crawl Classics is fairly high up as well.
If non-3.PF editions of D&D count as well (that's the edition people usually talk about), then 2nd edition AD&D.
My own homebrew stuff, rpg are costly and i live in the middle of nowhere. So my group just rip of hearsay and make it's own.
Barbarians of Lemuria. It does everything so well, and can EXCEEDINGLY easily be hacked into either higher or lower fantasy.
It'd have to be Burning Wheel
My comrade of Stygian descent
Isnt ars magica just about wizards and shit they do?
Why everyone recommends barbarians of lemuria, isnt it just like dungeon world with conan the barbarian? how high magic is it?
Cant you download pdfs?
what is harnamaster about?
>Non DnD
>Why everyone recommends barbarians of lemuria, isnt it just like dungeon world with conan the barbarian? how high magic is it?
It's not at all like DW; I have no idea how you got that, other than "someone suggested it as an alternative to D&D".
BoL is a d6-based system that uses your PC's former occupations to determine your abilities. For example, if your character was formerly a slave, a pirate, a thief, and a scholar, you would be able to use the Pirate-derived dice while rolling for fighting stuff. Another PC whose backstory was Warrior, Warrior, Warrior, and Warrior would obviously be better at fighting stuff, but not so much at other tasks.
Magic is really low in the game's "official" setting. Most wizard-type characters are NPCs, because magic isn't "spend ten minutes memorizing Fireball and then kill everyone in the room with it". Magic in BoL can be put into three rough tiers:
>parlor tricks (takes a little while to prepare)
>useful magic (opening a locked door, etc). Takes about a month to prepare
>big magic (summoning a demon, etc.). Could take years to prepare, plus a lot of prepwork to make sure everything is juuuuuuuust right. Because magic is so hard to use, its use is usually relegated to NPC villains.
The rules are more streamlined than D&D, but not anywhere near DW's "I rolled an 8, that means I win" rules.
A new edition was just released last(?) year, "Mythic Edition". You should give it a read.
BoL is far better than DW in every way.
The Fantasy Trip.
The setting it simple and inviting. I love that wizards are rare and both predictable and unpredictable because of the freedom they have with summoning, illusions, and images. I love how low level mages are just completely physically drained after casting just a few spells, and how a singularly powerful wizard must also be at peak physical health, and if you aren't gonna put in the exercise you goto work with a team of wizards to get any bleeding edge work done.
Give it a try, it birthed Gurps.
Maybe its stupid to ask, but what kind of games does BoL will emulate the best?
can a group of dnd players adapt well?
early/high middle ages !not england with magic and shit. it's gritty fantasy with amputation risk and chance of dying of wound infection
but you play mages mostly right?
>Maybe its stupid to ask, but what kind of games does BoL will emulate the best?
No stupid questions, only stupid questioners. BoL works best as an emulation of a Conan the Barbarian story. One neat part of the rules is how treasure is converted into XP. At the end of a session, the players are encouraged to (and mechanically rewarded by) squander their loot on revelry and whores, rather than stockpiling it.
>can a group of dnd players adapt well?
The biggest hurdle for modern D&D players might be the lack of magic items as boosters. I started with AD&D 2E, and I really love BoL.
Does Lone Wolf count? Both the old "multiplayer game books" and the newer one are really good. Cool setting in a pulpy way. The old d20 version sucked, though.
nice trips, also what is lone wolf?
how big can a character become? like just the tilte of barbarian king or something mechanically?
nope. you play peasants/craftsmen/men-at-arms. there are mages, called shek-pvar, though. what you are thinking of is ars magica. that is magical not! europe. harnmaster is low magic.
Lone Wolf was an old series of gamebooks written by Joe Dever, the kind where you "go to page 137 if you wish to take the left path". They were later made into several different RPGs as well as a "multiplayer" gamebook version. Really neat!
With actual rules and a "dice rolling" mechanic, yes.
i dont know if i am confusing games but isnt harnmaster the one with a huge hit location table or was it reign?
All dnd related
what is spell singer about? isnt it just a setting?
Song of Swords
>how big can a character become? like just the tilte of barbarian king or something mechanically?
Here's what the Mythic rules say. This is the rough draft copy so the final version might be a little different.
You get Advancement Points (AP) from the way you describe squandering your treasure after the end of the adventure. AP can be spent to increase different things about your character (continued on next post)
Here are the things you can spend AP on
>King of Dragon Pass
tantum video plebios
Here's all the Lone Wolf Books in handy electronic format, with the blessing of the author, RIP in Peace.
Earthdawn - Fantasy Fallout with the best magic item system I have seen in any game ever.
which edition?
What is this?
Honestly I've only extensively played 1e, as I have nearly all the books in for it, but have heard good things about the current edition, 4e.
Yep. Rolled up a griffon (Element of Courage - tank/berserker), made friends with a changeling (Shadows - essentially rogue) over ponies not trusting us to not eat them.
Aside from a That Guy (who was occasionally the GM and whose PC was a stereotypical DMPC even as a player), it was pretty fun! Got to cook and eat a wolf, would play again.
well if it wasn't for the fandom or the fact that it is a show for little girls, i wouldn't find this so strange
World of Darkness is urban fantasy. Does that count?
Shadow of the Demon Lord. The game kind of fails as a serious horrer game, but its a blass for some fast and frantic action. And as a plus the class system lets you come out very differently than others!
not that guy, but as an ex-horse fag I think the show had some really interesting lore.
Dungeon World
It's pretty much objectively one of the best currently out there.
It has fast easy to use mechanics and is perfect for beginners, it's a lot cheaper than most of these other rules bloated systems that cost fifty dollars.
There is no reason for extra rules when it is he role playing that matters. Dungeon World is fast and innovative and still feels exactly like the spirit of ADND before DnD 3.5 destroyed the hobby and ruined a generation of role players.
You want fast, intuitive combat? Dungeon World does that.
You want real, deep roleplaying mechanics? Dungeon World does that.
You want great mechanics that reward diversity of play? Dungeon World does that as well.
My last session of Dungeon World my human fighter wrapped a vampire in a bear hug and wrestled him out a window. This is real roleplaying we are talking about here, not babby 3.5 shit.
Honestly, the show didn't have too much bearing on the campaign, aside from most of the NPCs being equine and the plot hook being hired by Princess Luna for mercenary jobs rather than tavern rumors or whatever.
The noncombat was pretty fun, too - I wasn't used to being able to fly, or emote with wings, or that magic is so casual and commonplace yet still only for unicorns. Plus, having a shapeshifter as a PC race inevitably lead to "yeah, she probably won't mind you taking her form for a bit. What could go wrong?"
Haven't watched in a couple seasons myself (not too find of what they did with changelings either), but Eris or an Eris-inspired creature keeps finding her way into my settings. They really did a Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony well.
How is it for new GMs and small groups of 3 or so people?
> bearhugs a vampire
>dis muh real role play
What is Burning Wheel and why is it your favorite??
A lot of niggers in this thread cannot read, apparently.
>my human fighter wrapped a vampire in a bear hug and wrestled him out a window.
>This is real roleplaying
I agree, Burning Wheel
Burning Wheel is a Tolkien-esque fantasy rpg with it's main focus being on the goals, motivations and changes of the PCs. Personally I like it because in most conflicts there's a few different levels of mechanical complexity you could apply to it meaning you can decide how much time is worth spending on any given conflict. The main point that's usually brought up for Burning Wheel is the character focus though. Essentially every character has:
>Three beliefs
These are a statement about the world that your character holds to be true. You get rewarded for following your character's beliefs. These can change at any time between sessions.
>Three instincts
These are actions your character takes automatically. You get rewarded when these cause a problem for your character
A list of descriptors which apply to the character. Some have mechanical effects of their own but most are just there because you get rewards when they make your character's life more interesting. These can only be changed in a trait vote that takes place very 6-12 sessions where a trait that doesn't apply is removed and a new one is added.
I like choose your own adventure rp games so I'm making my own on youtube for GOT