>GM or Player
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Game Finder! Gamefinder!
Other urls found in this thread:
>GM or Player
AD&D (Oriental Adventures)
Tuesdays 8:30 EST
>Text or Voice
Voice (Skype), Roll20
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
Got a few slots left!
>GM or Player
Gm looking for 2
Blades in the dark on roll20
>Time availability
Sundays starting sometime in July
>Text or Voice
Unsure might use voice but I have no plans to be "voice acting" if you rather use text for RP thats fine but I will be using a mic to go over OOC stuff
>Contact Information
Throw your discord info here and I get in contact with you
>Additional Information
I'm looking for two and I don't plan for the game to start till early or mid July ( 2nd or 9th)
>using roll20
Why on earth would you also use Skype
What possible benefits does it have over roll20 alone
>GM or Player
Dnd 3.5, any 40k, shadowrun, pathfinder
>Time availability
Anytime after midnight est
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Chill Skeleton#8515
>Additional Information
Helpful n talkative
forgot to add the timezone would be EST and would most likely take place after 5pm.
Skype is a much better IM program and much better voice than Roll20. Roll20 doesn't do anything it does well, it just packages a bunch of shit together.
Hey guys I'm looking for a GM to run a low fantasy Pathfinder game inspired by Game of Thrones, with lots of political intrigue for my group and myself. We also came up with some homebrew house rules that youll have to use.
15 point buy and non-humanoid races only, we want to be focusing on the racism and struggle that Beastfolk face in their daily lives.
My GF wants to play a Catfolk Bard, so make sure they have a big role in the universe too.
We're really laid back and cool people and don't take our games super seriously, you know? Sometimes we'll just joke around and share memes and browse reddit together, and have fun, and hopefully the GM can join our group as a friend too.
I just find this stuff super cute now.
Isn't this technically roleplaying right now?
It still doesn't count as having found a game though
Nigga have you not heard about Discord? Ditch Skype already.
Why is Discord any better?
Discord is marginally better than Skype, but still a trash tier combination of better programs.
Skype's basically no longer supported by microshit, and has been seeing a growing number of issues as time passes.
Discord is well-supported, and even better, doesn't have huge, intrusive ads. It supports chat rooms, friend lists, and has great phone integration.
I'd say it's perfect, except that all discord servers are discord-hosted, so it's not robust like IRC is, it requires a much more robust connection than IRC as well, and the dealbreaker for me(and why I still use IRC as my primary meeting hub for gaming still), is that all logs are stored server-side, and can't be downloaded, and are regularly flushed down the toilet.
It still makes for a great way to meet up with people and organize games, even if roll20 and IRC are both better platforms for RUNNING them. It even has voice support and shit.
Discord sits around the middle because it does lots of things you want, different channels based on tags, bots for music or sound effects, pm's, text and voice, botsnfor rolling, logs etc.
What it doesnt have is an interactive board like roll20 or Tabletop simulator
>has been seeing a growing number of issues as time passes.
I don't really have any issues with it
>doesn't have huge, intrusive ads.
I just use adblock and edit my host files
>It supports chat rooms,
Skype has group chat
>friend lists,
Skype lets you add friends
>and has great phone integration.
I have Skype on my phone
Overall I really don't see a reason to force all my friends to sign up for a new service.
What houserules are you two considering?
we have a pdf document but the main one is that my GFs character is special and gets to reroll her dice whenever
Hey, if you wanna fiddle around with skype, more power to you.
All I know is that skype has given me and a lot of others issues, and I don't have the time to go and edit hostfiles and shit.
And skype chats are NOT as well-implemented as Discord chats.
Can you be specific?
Using discord also means you can bring in dicebots / bots in general for some interesting stuff
I remember when Skype used to support dicebots.
Those were good days.
By that I think you mean cancerous amounts of shitposting
Ok, sounds cool. I'll let you reroll her dice for better immersion.
Can I get the pdf?
There is a Gamefinder Discord! Just click the link and join!
Terminal cancer/10
Somebody run a shadowrun game
You guys are all weird creeps, and those games looks tasteless and vulgar.
As the user who wrote this on the "ITT we trigger Veeky Forums" thread. I'm not sure if I should feel honored or appalled that someone reposted it here. It still holds it's Veeky Forums triggering potential so I guess I did good.
>GM or Player
Pathfinder, Mutants preferred, can run with pretty much anything
>Time availability
Most weekdays except from 4am EST to 10am.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
What's wrong with them?
are you the guy we made fun of till he left?
You're still looking for players for this? How many people are you looking to get?
>>GM or Player
D&D 4e, 5e, or PF
>>Time availability
Thursday 5PM EST Area Code 44484
>>Text or Voice
IRL, or Text
>>Contact Information
[email protected]
>>Additional Information
Honestly looking for another game to get into IRL. currently have an AD&D 2e going on Tuesday and a 5e game on Wednesday that bores the hell out of me. So looking for something else now.
Player, available Mon, Wed, Thur any time after 6 PM Eastern. Voice preferred but not necessary. argentAegis#1547 on Discord.
There comes a point in every person's life where they are no longer amused by the mundane, the typical, and the things that appeal to the masses. I've grown jaded of the typical D&D, WoD, CoC or FATE. It's all so woefully trite and boring. In my state, I crave things that are more exotic. I am looking for a group of any of the following:
Houses of the Blooded
Eclipse Phase
Anything to break the monotony. And please, if you wish to offer me the plebeian fare that is one of the games that appeal to the unwashed masses, because you have a "oh-so-unique idea or setting," do me a favor, and don't. No doubt I have come up with, or have heard some variation of it, and when you're working with sub-standard tools, you can't expect to make something truly decent or memorable. Just move along until you learn a real system.
You'll get no (You)s from me, knave. You know what you did, and it's bad.
>GM or Player
Legend of the Five Rings
>Time availability
Game is Fridays in the evenings. Start 1800 EST usually go for around 5 hours.
>Text or Voice
Text. We use Skype for OOC and Maptools for IC.
>Contact Information
alpharius.omegon1 on Skype
>Additional Information
Familiar with the system is not strictly necessary, but a half-decent familiarity with the setting will mean you have a lot more fun. Game is set in the late stages of the empire, the premise being your character is an assistant to an Emerald Magistrate dispatched to deal with a sticky situation in Phoenix lands.
2 Slots open.
For sure. I was hoping to get 2-3, maybe 4?
Because it works for me.
>Any 40k system
>afternoons GMT except thursdays
>text and or voice
>Supertango on steam Tango#9271 on discord
>Player or GM?
D&D 5e
>Time Availability
Every Other Week, will be on vacation in 2 weeks so small break
>Text or Voice
Preferably Voice, but text will do
>Contact Information
my RPGCrossing username is Wara, my email is [email protected]
>Additional Information
I can only do RPGCrossing, Roll20, and possibly Google Hangouts.
>GM or Player
Exalted 3e
>Time availability
All days but Wednesday before 4 PM CST and after 11 PM CST, Tuesday and Thursday all day. Prefer late night or early morning games, would probably play nice with an EU group.
>Text or Voice
Either, voice preferred but text isn't bad
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
I have a few ideas on what character I'd like to play, but I'm willing to scrap it to fit the group dynamic/needs.
>Contact Information
That's discord if it wasn't obvious
also discord
That was a mistake, it's wednesdays that I can't make
I could do a 5E game, but my memory on some of the intricacies such as matrix actions is hazy.
The lackluster of 40krpg games nowadays here is sad
I would never blame someone for being a little rough on balancing real/matrix/astral shit
Fuck off with the shilling nigger. Go to reddit if you have a feel to rub your dicks together you faggot.
t. the person who visited gamefinder thread for the 1st time in this year
You're the kind of autist that gets booted out of games pretty quickly, aren't you
>t. the autist shilling his own discord
Sorry kid, I know it makes you feel better to assume that people who point out how pathetic you seem have a vested interest in doing so, but I don't even have a discord, I can't convince my friends to move away from skype.
>t. some cunt you cant realize that some people can have fun with other people.
Go back on le robot autists :^)
You typed that with tears streaming down your face, didn't you?
Wasted trips on a faggot. :^)
>GM or Player
Eclipse Phase or anything scifi really
>Time availability
3 to Midnight EDT
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Discord: Rando#9507
Roll20: Rando
>Additional Information
Looking for a cool scifi game. I enjoyed EP last time I played it so anything in that vein would rule.
>GM or Player
Warhammer Fantasy RPG 2E)
>Time availability
Fridays at 7:00PM EST
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
j4m#5256 on Discord
>Additional Information
On roll20, time can be moved forwards a bit.
I don't know if this is the right thread but anyone know where I can play some 40k in the Hampton Roads area?
handwave that shit with an npc
Anyone starting any playtests for the 5th ed kit of Vampire the Masquerade?
>GM or Player
Age of Rebellion/Edge of the Empire
>Time availability
730 pm Central Saturday
>Text or Voice
Voice via Discord. Tiles and character sheets via Roll20
>Contact Information
Discord: Sheev Palpatune#2574
Email: [email protected]
>Additional Information
Game will start around the Battle of Yavin and will go through the Rebel campaign against the Empire. Players will be Rebel Soldiers or Mercenaries fighting against Imperial, Consortium, and other criminal forces. Expect some space combat and lots of ground combat.
>GM or Player
Custom built d20/d100 combo system
>Time availability
Fridays 7:30est
>Text or Voice
Voice (Discord) roll20
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
i'm in the process of custom designing a brand new fantasy RPG but i need reliable players to play it, and i need people to give me feedback as i create this massive project step by step
>GM or Player
Any system, willing to learn
>Time availability
Preferably between 8 am and 5 pm EST, but I've a very flexible schedule
>Text or Voice
Text only.
>Contact Information
Discord: lalaria#8467
>Additional Information
I'm looking for a Heavy RP campaign, preferably one set in 1920's-1950's, the wild west, fallout, or noire detective settings. Willing to try scifi too. I have no interest in murder hobo groups or hack and slash.
Yeah matrix stuff is kind of iffy for a lot of people.
Run it anyway user.
so did you actually get to play one?
I've just had a deathwatch GM flake on session 1 and disappear
>GM or Player
NWOD (1e) Core Only w/ Moderate House Rules
>Time availability
Every Sunday Noon EST / GMT -5
For PBP All Week
>Text or Voice
PBP, Text and/or Voice during Sessions
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
A Series of one-off missions centered around the International Task Force 'Blessed 21' and the perils they face defending a society set upon by insurrection, terrorism and self-destructive cults.
>2 players
>dnd 5e
>monday 7pm est
>text and voice, discord/roll20
>discord billy#6679
>buddy and i want to join a game together, monday evenings are the only day where our schedules work. He is still learning so i would do my best to help him along, add me on discord
Now take these ideas and next time make it seem more legitimate.
Just remembered fridays at the same time work for us as well
>GM or Player
D&D 3.5 or 5e, but looking to branch out.
>Time availability
Thursday and Friday evenings
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
First time in a game finder thread. No idea what I'm doing, just looking for some more gaming in my life.
>GM or Player
Willing to pick up anything. Only ever played D&D 4e before.
>Time Availability
Australian Eastern Time, but have a pretty loose schedule.
>Contact Information
knl_metzger on skype
themanwiththebluespoon@gmail for emails
Bump because I need players
> GM or Player
Eclipse Phase
Thursday 830 to 1130 EST
>Text or Voice
>Contact information
Discord: shin#1916
>Additional information
Currently dicking around with a couple friends to try out the game. Currently running a 3/4 session mission then stopping. Have done 1 session and are heading into the 2nd this week.
Sent you a friend request on Discord.
>GM or Player
D&D 5e. Call of Cthulhu, just about anything
>Time availability
Most times
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Skype: Trollinuallnight
>Additional Information